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Coxeter Groups

JuLie provides an [abstract interface](@ref abstract-interface) for working with Coxeter group and Coxeter group elements, and then various concrete implementations of Coxeter groups:

  • The Matrix representation represents elements as pairs of matrices (a group element and its inverse) acting on the basis of simple roots. It is a baseline implementation, slow but simple, and used to double-check the other implementations.


A Coxeter system $(W, S)$ is a group $W$ together with a set of generating involutions $S$, such that the group has presentation

$W = \langle S \mid s^2 = 1, (st)^{m_{st}} = 1 \text{ for all } s, t \in S \text{ with } m_{st} \neq 0 \rangle,$

for some integers $m_{st} = m_{ts} \in {0, 2, 3, 4, \ldots}$. (In the literature it is standard to use $m_{st} = \infty$ to mean no relation between $s$ and $t$, wheras in JuLie we use $m_{st} = 0$). In JuLie a Coxeter group will always be represented by a Coxeter system, with the generators numbered ${1, \ldots, r}$ where $r$ is the rank of the Coxeter system.

A Coxeter matrix $[m_{st}]{s, t \in S}$ is a square symmetric matrix such that $m{ss} = 1$ for all $s \in S$, and $m_{st} \in {0, 2, 3, 4, \ldots}$ for all $s \neq t$. Each Coxeter matrix determines a unique Coxeter system. A Coxeter matrix or Coxeter group is called crystallographic if $m_{st} \in {0, 2, 3, 4, 6}$ for all $s \neq t$.

A Cartan matrix is a square matrix $A = [a_{st}]{s, t \in S}$ with real entries such that $a{ss} = 2$ for all $s \in S$, $a_{st} \leq 0$ for all $s \neq t$, $a_{st} = 0 \iff a_{ts} = 0$, and if $a_{st}a_{ts} < 4$ for $s \neq t$, then $a_{st}a_{ts} = 4 \cos^2(\pi/m_{st})$ for some integers $m_{st} \geq 2$. A Cartan matrix determines a Coxeter matrix via the rules $m_{st} = 0$ if $a_{st}a_{ts} \geq 4$, and otherwise $4 \cos^2(\pi/m_{st}) = a_{st} a_{ts}$. Note that $a_{st}a_{ts} = 0, 1, 2, 3$ implies $m_{st} = 2, 3, 4, 6$ respectively. A Cartan matrix is called crystallographic if it has integer entries, and in this case the resulting Coxeter system is also crystallographic, but a crystallographic Coxeter group may admit non-crystallographic Cartan matrices.

A Cartan matrix records some essential information about a faithful reflection representation of a Coxeter group. Let $V$ be a finite-dimensional real vector space and suppose there exist sets ${\alpha_s}{s \in S} \subseteq V$ and ${\alpha_s^\vee}{s \in S} \subseteq V^*$ such that $\langle \alpha_s^\vee, \alpha_t \rangle = a_{st}$. The reflections $r_s \colon V \to V$ defined by $r_s(v) = v - \langle \alpha_s^\vee, v \rangle \alpha_s$ then form a representation of $W$ inside $\operatorname{GL}(V)$, and provided that either the simple roots ${\alpha_s}$ or the simple coroots ${\alpha_t}$ are linearly independent, this representation is faithful.

Taking $V$ to be the vector space with basis ${\alpha_s}{s \in S}$ always yields such a faithful representation, for any Cartan matrix. Finally, given any Coxeter matrix $[m{st}]{s, t \in S}$, a compatible Cartan matrix is made by setting $a{st} = -2 \cos(\pi / m_{st})$ for all $m_{st} \geq 1$, and $a_{st} = 2$ if $m_{st} = 0$: this resulting representation $V$ is called the geometric representation of the Coxeter system.

[Abstract interface](@id abstract-interface)

There are two abstract supertypes, one to represent Coxeter groups (i.e. Coxeter systems), and another to represent group elements:


A minimal implementation of a Coxeter group is a group object subtyping CoxGrp and an element object subtyping CoxElt, implementing at least the following interfaces:

Required methods Brief description
rank(W::CoxGrp) The rank of the Coxeter group, a nonnegative integer.
gens(W::CoxGrp) A list of length rank(grp), the standard generators.
one(W::CoxGrp) The identity element.
parent(x::CoxElt) Return the group object.
left_descent_set(x::CoxElt) A sub-BitSet of 1:rank(grp)
right_descent_set(x::CoxElt) A sub-BitSet of 1:rank(grp)
mult_gen(s::Integer, x::CoxElt) Left multiplication by the generator with index s
mult_gen(x::CoxElt, s::Integer) Right multiplication by the generator with index s

In addition, the element object should provide implementations for isequal, ==, and hash. The following methods have default implementations based on the table above:

*(::CoxElt, ::CoxElt)
^(::CoxElt, ::Integer)

Coxeter and Cartan matrices

A Coxeter system $(W, S)$ is determined by its Coxeter matrix $[m_{st}]{s, t \in S}$, a symmetric matrix with entries in $\mathbb{N}$, and $m{ss} = 1$ for all $s \in S$. If there is no relation between the generators $s, t$, then we use the convention $m_{st} = 0$ rather than $m_{st} = \infty$.

A Cartan matrix is also determines a Coxeter system, however there is strictly more information in a Cartan matrix than a Coxeter matrix (many Cartan matrices determine the same Coxeter matrix). In this context, a Cartan matrix $A = [a_{st}]_{s, t \in S}$ is a matrix with real entries such that

  1. Diagonal entries are $2$, and off-diagonal entries are zero or negative.
  2. Off-diagonal entries satisfy $a_{st} = 0 \iff a_{ts} = 0$.
  3. If $0 \leq n_{st} = a_{st} a_{ts} < 4$, then $n_{st} = 4 \cos^2(\pi / m_{st})$ for some integer $m_{st} \geq 2$.

A Cartan matrix encodes the pairings $a_{st} = \langle \alpha_s^\vee, \alpha_t \rangle$ between the simple roots and coroots in a realisation $(V^*, V)$ of the Coxeter group.

Matrix representation

Given a Cartan matrix $A = [a_{st}]_{s, t \in S}$, let $V$ be the real vector space
