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Test in openspdm

Besides SpdmEmu and UnitTest introduced in readme, openspdm also supports some other tests.


Build Tool

  1. cmake for Windows and Linux.

Run Test

Test other ARCH (ARM, AArch64, RiscV32, RiscV64, ARC)

Linux support only.

  1. Install compiler:
sudo apt-get install gcc-arm-linux-gnueabi
sudo apt-get install gcc-aarch64-linux-gnu
sudo apt-get install gcc-riscv64-linux-gnu
Build RiscV32 compiler:
sudo apt-get install autoconf automake autotools-dev curl python3 libmpc-dev libmpfr-dev libgmp-dev gawk build-essential bison flex texinfo gperf libtool patchutils bc zlib1g-dev libexpat-dev
git clone --recursive
cd riscv-gnu-toolchain
./configure --prefix=/opt/riscv32 --with-arch=rv32gc --with-abi=ilp32d
sudo make linux
sudo ln -s /opt/riscv32/bin/* /usr/bin

Build ARC compiler:

sudo apt-get install -y texinfo byacc flex libncurses5-dev zlib1g-dev libexpat1-dev texlive build-essential git wget gawk bison xz-utils make python3 rsync locales
mkdir arc_gnu
cd arc_gnu
git clone
git clone binutils
git clone
git clone --reference binutils gdb
git clone
git clone # For For Linux uClibc toolchain
git clone # For Linux glibc toolchain
git clone linux

cd toolchain
./ --no-elf32 --cpu hs38 --install-dir $INSTALL_ROOT 
# This command will build toolchain for ARC HS Linux development, for other ARC cores please refer to

sudo ln -s /<work_dir>/arc_gnu/toolchain/bin/* /usr/bin
  1. Install qemu.
sudo apt-get install build-essential pkg-config zlib1g-dev libglib2.0-0 libglib2.0-dev  libsdl2-dev libpixman-1-dev libfdt-dev autoconf automake libtool librbd-dev libaio-dev flex bison -y
tar xvf qemu-4.2.0.tar.xz
cd qemu-4.2.0
./configure --prefix=/usr/local/qemu --audio-drv-list=
sudo make -j 8 && sudo make install
sudo ln -s /usr/local/qemu/bin/* /usr/local/bin
  1. Run test

For ARM: qemu-arm -L /usr/arm-linux-gnueabi <TestBinary>

For AArch64: qemu-aarch64 -L /usr/aarch64-linux-gnu <TestBinary>

For RiscV32: qemu-riscv32 -L /opt/riscv32/sysroot <TestBinary>

For RiscV64: qemu-riscv64 -L /usr/riscv64-linux-gnu <TestBinary>

Collect Code Coverage

  1. Code Coverage in Windows with DynamoRIO

    Download and install DynamoRIO 8.0.0. Then set DRIO_PATH=<DynameRIO_PATH>

    Install Perl ActivePerl 5.26.

    Build cases. Goto openspdm/Build/<TARGET>_<TOOLCHAIN>/<ARCH>. mkdir log and cd log.

    Run all tests and generate log file : %DRIO_PATH%\<bin64|bin32>\drrun.exe -c %DRIO_PATH%\tools\<lib64|lib32>\release\drcov.dll -- <test_app>

    Generate coverage data with filter : %DRIO_PATH%\tools\<bin64|bin32>\drcov2lcov.exe -dir . -src_filter openspdm

    Generate coverage report : perl %DRIO_PATH%\tools\<bin64|bin32>\genhtml

    The final report is index.html.

  2. Code Coverage in Linux with GCC and lcov.

    Install lcov sudo apt-get install lcov.

    Build cases. Goto openspdm/Build/<TARGET>_<TOOLCHAIN>/<ARCH>. mkdir log and cd log.

    Run all tests.

    Collect coverage data : lcov --capture --directory <openspdm_root_dir> --output-file

    Collect coverage report : genhtml --output-directory .

    The final report is index.html.

Run Fuzzing

  1. Fuzzing in Linux with AFL

    Download and install AFL. Unzip and follow docs\QuickStartGuide.txt. Build it with make. Ensure AFL binary is in PATH environment variable.

    export AFL_PATH=<AFL_PATH>
    export PATH=$PATH:$AFL_PATH

    Then run commands as root (every time reboot the OS):

    sudo bash -c 'echo core >/proc/sys/kernel/core_pattern'
    cd /sys/devices/system/cpu/
    sudo bash -c 'echo performance | tee cpu*/cpufreq/scaling_governor'

    Known issue: Above command cannot run in Windows Linux Subsystem.

    Build cases with AFL toolchain: make Fuzzing -f GNUmakefile ARCH=<X64|Ia32> TARGET=<DEBUG|RELEASE> TOOLCHAIN=AFL CRYPTO=<MbedTls|Openssl> -e WORKSPACE=<openspdm_root_dir>

    Run cases:

    mkdir testcase_dir
    mkdir /dev/shm/findings_dir
    cp <seed> testcase_dir
    afl-fuzz -i testcase_dir -o /dev/shm/findings_dir <test_app> @@

    Note: /dev/shm is tmpfs.

  2. Fuzzing in Windows with winafl

    Clone winafl. Download DynamoRIO.

    Set path set AFL_PATH=<AFL_PATH> and set DRIO_PATH=<DynameRIO_PATH>.

    NOTE: as known issue googleprojectzero/winafl#145 that cause compatibility issues in recent Windows versions, the author has disabled Drsyms in recent WinAFL builds, if you want you use the newest version, please according to Method.2 to rebuild winafl yourself.

    Build winafl:

    mkdir [build32|build64]
    cd [build32|build64]
    cmake -G"Visual Studio 16 2019" -A [Win32|x64] .. -DDynamoRIO_DIR=%DRIO_PATH%\cmake -DUSE_DRSYMS=1
    cmake --build . --config Release

    NOTE: If you get errors where the linker couldn't find certain .lib files. please refer to googleprojectzero/winafl#145 and delete the nonexistent files from "Additional Dependencies".

    Copy all binary under [build32|build64]/bin/Release to [bin32|bin64]. robocopy /E /is /it [build32|build64]/bin/Release [bin32|bin64].

    Build cases with VS2019 toolchain. (non AFL toolchain in Windows): nmake Fuzzing ARCH=<X64|Ia32> TARGET=<DEBUG|RELEASE> TOOLCHAIN=VS2019 CRYPTO=<MbedTls|Openssl> -e WORKSPACE=<openspdm_root_dir>

    Run cases:

    cp <test_app> winafl\<bin64|bin32>
    cp <test_app_pdb> winafl\<bin64|bin32>
    cd winafl\<bin64|bin32>
    afl-fuzz.exe -i in -o out -D %DRIO_PATH%\<bin64|bin32> -t 20000 -- -coverage_module <test_app> -fuzz_iterations 1000 -target_module <test_app> -target_method main -nargs 2 -- <test_app> @@
  3. Fuzzing in Linux with LLVM LibFuzzer

    Ensure LLVM binary in in PATH environment variable.

    export CLANG_PATH=<LLVM_PATH>/bin
    export ASAN_SYMBOLIZER_PATH=$CLANG_PATH/llvm-symbolizer

    Build cases with LIBFUZZER toolchain: make Fuzzing -f GNUmakefile ARCH=<X64|Ia32> TARGET=<DEBUG|RELEASE> TOOLCHAIN=LIBFUZZER CRYPTO=<MbedTls|Openssl> -e WORKSPACE=<openspdm_root_dir>

    Run cases:

    mkdir NEW_CORPUS_DIR // Copy test seeds to the folder before run test
    <test_app> NEW_CORPUS_DIR -rss_limit_mb=0 -artifact_prefix=<OUTPUT_PATH>
  4. Fuzzing in Windows with LLVM LibFuzzer

    Note: Please install 64bit exe for X64 build (IA32 build is not supported with LLVM9)

    Ensure LLVM binary in in PATH environment variable.

    set PATH=%PATH%;%LLVM_PATH%\bin

    Build cases with LIBFUZZER toolchain: nmake Fuzzing ARCH=X64 TARGET=<DEBUG|RELEASE> TOOLCHAIN=LIBFUZZER CRYPTO=<MbedTls|Openssl> -e WORKSPACE=<openspdm_root_dir>

    Run cases:

    mkdir NEW_CORPUS_DIR // Copy test seeds to the folder before run test
    <test_app> NEW_CORPUS_DIR -rss_limit_mb=0 -artifact_prefix=<OUTPUT_PATH>

Run Symbolic Execution

  1. KLEE

    Download and install KLEE with LLVM9. Please follow all 12 steps including optional ones.

    In step 3, constrint solver STP is recommended here. Set size of the stack to a very large value: $ ulimit -s unlimited.

    In step 8, below example can be use:

    $ cmake \
       -DKLEE_UCLIBC_PATH=/home/tiano/env/klee-uclibc \
       -DGTEST_SRC_DIR=/home/tiano/env/googletest-release-1.7.0 \
       -DLLVM_CONFIG_BINARY=/usr/bin/llvm-config \
       -DLLVMCC=/usr/bin/clang \

    Ensure KLEE binary is in PATH environment variable.


    Build cases in Linux with KLEE toolchain. (KLEE does not support Windows) make -f GNUmakefile ARCH=<X64|Ia32> TARGET=<DEBUG|RELEASE> TOOLCHAIN=KLEE CRYPTO=<MbedTls|Openssl> -e WORKSPACE=<openspdm_root_dir>

    Use KLEE to generate ktest: klee --only-output-states-covering-new <test_app>

    Transfer .ktest to seed file, which can be used for AFL-fuzzer. python UnitTest/Fuzzing/Tools/ <Arguments>

    Arguments: the path of .ktest file. ... the paths of .ktest files. the path of folder contains .ktest file. ... the paths of folders contain .ktest file.

Run Model Checker

  1. CBMC

    Install CBMC tool. For Windows, unzip cbmc-5-10-win. For Linux, unzip cbmc-5-11-linux-64. Ensure CBMC executable directory is in PATH environment variable.

    Build cases with CBMC toolchain:

    For Windowns, open visual studio 2019 command prompt at openspdm dir and type nmake ARCH=Ia32 TOOLCHAIN=CBMC TARGET=<DEBUG|RELEASE> CRYPTO=MbedTls -e WORKSPACE=<openspdm_root_dir>. (Use x86 command prompt for ARCH=Ia32 only)

    For Linux, open command prompt at openspdm dir and type make -f GNUmakefile ARCH=X64 TOOLCHAIN=CBMC TARGET=<DEBUG|RELEASE> CRYPTO=MbedTls -e WORKSPACE=<openspdm_root_dir>. (ARCH=X64 only)

    The output binary is created by the goto-cc.

    For more infomration on how to use CBMC, please refer to CBMC Manual, such as properties, modeling-nondeterminism, api. Example below:

    Using goto-instrument static analyzer operates on goto-binaries and generate a modified binary: goto-instrument SpdmRequester.exe <instrumentation-options>

    Using CBMC on the modified binary: cbmc --show-properties

Run Static Analysis

  1. Use Klocwork in windows as an example.

    Install Klocwork and set environment.

    set KW_HOME=C:\Klocwork
    set KW_ROOT=%KW_HOME%\<version>\projects_root
    set KW_TABLE_ROOT=%KW_HOME%\Tables
    set KW_CONFIG=%KW_ROOT%\projects\workspace\rules\analysis_profile.pconf
    set KW_PROJECT_NAME=openspdm

    Build openspdm with Klocwork :

    kwinject --output %KW_ROOT%\%KW_PROJECT_NAME%.out nmake ARCH=<X64|Ia32> TARGET=<DEBUG|RELEASE> CRYPTO=<MbedTls|Openssl> -e WORKSPACE=<openspdm_root_dir>

    Collect analysis data :

    kwservice start
    kwadmin create-project %KW_PROJECT_NAME%
    kwadmin import-config %KW_PROJECT_NAME% %KW_CONFIG%
    kwbuildproject --project %KW_PROJECT_NAME% --tables-directory %KW_TABLE_ROOT%\%KW_PROJECT_NAME% %KW_ROOT%\%KW_PROJECT_NAME%.out --force

    View report at http://localhost:8080/.