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Attack of the Tails: Yes, You Really Can Backdoor Federated Learning


Due to its decentralized nature, Federated Learning (FL) lends itself to adversarial attacks in the form of backdoors during training. The goal of a backdoor is to corrupt the performance of the trained model on specific sub-tasks (e.g., by classifying green cars as frogs). A range of FL backdoor attacks have been introduced in the literature, but also methods to defend against them, and it is currently an open question whether FL systems can be tailored to be robust against backdoors. In this work, we propose a new family of backdoor attacks, which we refer to as edge-case backdoors. An edge-case backdoor forces a model to misclasify on seemingly easy inputs that are however unlikely to be part of the training, or test data, i.e., they live on the tail of the input distribution. We explain how these edge-case backdoors can lead to unsavory failures and may have serious repercussions on fairness, and exhibit that with careful tuning at the side of the adversary, one can insert them across a range of machine learning tasks.

Depdendencies (tentative)

Tested stable depdencises:

  • python 3.6.5 (Anaconda)
  • PyTorch 1.1.0
  • torchvision 0.2.2
  • CUDA 10.0.130
  • cuDNN 7.5.1

Data Preparation

  1. For Southwest Airline (for CIFAR-10) and traditional Cretan costumes (for ImageNet) edge-case example, most of the collected edge-case datasets are available in ./saved_datasets.
  2. To get the Ardis dataset, the edge-case datasets can be generated via running and then

Running Experients:

The main script is ./, to launch the jobs, we provide a script ./ And we provide a detailed description on the arguments.

Argument Description
fraction Only used for EMNIST, varying the fraction of poisioned data points in attacker's poisoned dataset.
lr Inital learning rate that will be used for local training process.
batch-size Batch size for the optimizers e.g. SGD or Adam.
dataset Dataset to use.
model Model to use.
gamma the factor of learning rate decay, i.e. the effective learning rate is lr*gamma^t.
batch-size Batch size for the optimizers e.g. SGD or Adam.
num_nets The total number of available users e.g. 3383 for EMNIST and 200 for CIFAR-10.
fl_round maximum number of FL rounds for the code to run.
part_nets_per_round Number of active users that are sampled per FL round to participate.
local_train_period Number of local training epochs that the honest users can run.
adversarial_local_training_period Number of local training epochs that the attacker(s) can run.
fl_mode fixed-freq or fixed-pool for fixed frequency and fixed pool attacking settings.
attacker_pool_size Number of attackers in the total number of available users, used only when fl_mode=fixed-pool.
defense_method Defense method over the data center end.
stddev Standard deviation of the noise added for weak DP defense.
norm_bound Norm bound for the norm difference clipping defense.
attack_method Attacking schemes used for attacker and either be blackbox or PGD.
attack_case Wether or not to conduct edge-case attack, can be edge-case, normal-case or almost-edge-case.
model_replacement Used when attack_method=PGD to control if the attack is PGD with replacement or without replacement.
project_frequency How frequent (in how many iterations) to project to the l2 norm ball in PGD attack.
eps Radius the l2 norm ball in PGD attack.
adv_lr Learning rate of the attacker when conducting PGD attack.
poison_type Specify the backdoor for each dataset using southwest for CIFAR-10 and ardis for EMNIST.
device Specify the hardware to run the experiment.

Sample command

Blackbox attack on Southwest Airline exmaple over CIFAR-19 dataset where there is no defense on the data center. The attacker participate in the fixed-frequency manner.

python \
--lr 0.02 \
--gamma 0.998 \
--num_nets 200 \
--fl_round 1500 \
--part_nets_per_round 10 \
--local_train_period 2 \
--adversarial_local_training_period 2 \
--dataset cifar10 \
--model vgg9 \
--fl_mode fixed-freq \
--attacker_pool_size 100 \
--defense_method no-defense \
--attack_method blackbox \
--attack_case edge-case \
--model_replacement False \
--project_frequency 10 \
--stddev 0.025 \
--eps 2 \
--adv_lr 0.02 \
--prox_attack False \
--poison_type southwest \
--norm_bound 2 \