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An Ethersphere Bee node monitor written in JavaScript for node.js

Installing packages

To get started the following commands, or their equivalents, should work if you don't already have node and/or npm

sudo apt-get install nodejs

sudo apt-get install npm

Or for Windows or macOS,

You'll also need git to clone this repository:

Installing dependencies

Then the following command should install the needed dependencies when executed in the cloned directory.

npm i

monBee uses blessed for drawing its TUI (Text User Interface)

monBee uses axios to communicate to bee's Debug API (to be converted to bee-js)

monBee will eventually use @ethersphere/bee-js instead of axios


Finally, to run monBee, use the following command in a shell or command prompt window:

node monBee.js

This will default to monitoring the bee node whose Debug API is at http://localhost:1635

To monitor other, or even multiple, bee nodes, use:

node monBee.js http://localhost:1635 http://localhost:1638

If you want monBee to cashout any discovered cashable checks, add --cashout anywhere on the command line.

If you add --debug and 2>monBee.err to the command line, any errors or debug logs will be written to monBee.err to subsequently provide to the developer.


I've included several short JavaScript programs to help diagnose installation issues.

node monRequires.js - Will verify that the necessary dependencies are available

node monBox.js - Will verify that blessed TUI is working properly

node monJSTest.js - Will verify bee-js minimum operation

Manual Dependencies

If "node monRequires.js" shows errors even after "npm i" was executed, try these:

npm install axios

npm install blessed

npm install @ethersphere/bee-js


Note: This is my first-ever github repository and public release of an open-source project. I am NOT a JavaScript programmer, but ported my lua/moai code to node.js so that it can be more easily used (and hopefully expanded) by others.


Just don't run monBee for a long time if you use's free account as your swap-endpoint because monBee refreshes every minute and will eat up your 100,000 API hits in short order. No gETH, but every query is counted at