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Writing to Kinesis Data Firehose Using Kinesis Agent

Sending Data to an Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose Delivery Stream

Kinesis Agent for Microsoft Windows

  • Case 1: Linux agent
  • Case 2: Windows agent

Case 1: Linux agent


  1. Prepare your system follow the prerequisites guide. Here I use the EC2 running Amazon Linux as example

  2. Credentials, follow up the guide to set the AWS Credentials

aws sts get-caller-identity
  1. Create the S3 bucket and Kiensis Firehose deliver stream kinsis-firehose-s3
  • S3 bucket prefix
  • S3 bucket error prefix
  • buffer 5MB size or interval 60 seconds

Install and configure the Agent

  1. Download and Install the Agent
sudo yum install –y aws-kinesis-agent
  1. Configure and Start the Agent
  • Create or Edit /etc/aws-kinesis/agent.json, I use the Ningxia region cn-northwest-1 as example
  "cloudwatch.emitMetrics": true,
  "cloudwatch.endpoint": "",
  "firehose.endpoint": "",

  "flows": [
      "filePattern": "/tmp/iot-app.log*",
      "deliveryStream": "iot-data-collector"
  • Start the agent manually
sudo service aws-kinesis-agent start

Agent activity is logged in /var/log/aws-kinesis-agent/aws-kinesis-agent.log.

tail -f /var/log/aws-kinesis-agent/aws-kinesis-agent.log

2021-01-29 03:04:21.538+0000  (Agent STARTING) [INFO] Agent: Starting tailer for file fh:iot-data-collector:/tmp/iot-app.log*
2021-01-29 03:04:21.561+0000  (FileTailer[fh:iot-data-collector:/tmp/iot-app.log*]) [INFO] FirehoseParser[fh:iot-data-collector:/tmp/iot-app.log*]: Opening /tmp/iot-app.log for parsing.
2021-01-29 03:04:21.570+0000  (Agent STARTING) [INFO] Agent: Startup completed in 37 ms.
2021-01-29 03:04:51.573+0000  (Agent.MetricsEmitter RUNNING) [INFO] Agent: Progress: 30 records parsed (43790 bytes), and 0 records sent successfully to destinations. Uptime: 30041ms
2021-01-29 03:05:51.574+0000  (cw-metrics-publisher) [INFO] Successfully published 5 datums.
2021-01-29 03:05:51.574+0000  (FileTailer[fh:iot-data-collector:/tmp/iot-app.log*].MetricsEmitter RUNNING) [INFO] FileTailer[fh:iot-data-collector:/tmp/iot-app.log*]: Tailer Progress: Tailer has parsed 150 records (64840 bytes), transformed 0 records, skipped 0 records, and has successfully sent 122 records to destination.
2021-01-29 03:05:51.576+0000  (Agent.MetricsEmitter RUNNING) [INFO] Agent: Progress: 150 records parsed (64840 bytes), and 122 records sent successfully to destinations. Uptime: 90040ms

(Optional) Configure the agent to start on system startup:

sudo chkconfig aws-kinesis-agent on

Send test logs

Here use python3 generate the dummy logs

python scripts/

Check the Firehose monitoring and S3 bucket



Case 2: Windows agent

Stream JSON Log Files to Amazon S3 Using Kinesis Agent for Windows


  1. Prepare your system follow the prerequisites guide. Here I use the EC2 running Windows Server 2019 as example

Check the Microsoft .NET Framework >= 4.6

     (Get-ChildItem 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP' -recurse `
     | Get-ItemProperty -Name Version -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue `
     | Where-Object { ($_.PSChildName -match 'Full') } `
     | Select-Object Version | Sort-Object -Property Version -Descending)[0]).Version
  1. Configure AWS Services. For China region, please change the arn:aws to arn:aws-cn
  • Configure IAM Policies and Roles
  • Create the Amazon S3 Bucket
  • Create the Kinesis Data Firehose Delivery Stream
    • S3 bucket prefix
    • S3 bucket error prefix
    • buffer 5MB size or interval 60 seconds

Install, Configure, and Run Kinesis Agent for Windows

  1. On the instance, use Windows Server Manager to disable Microsoft Internet Explorer Enhanced Security Configuration for users and administrators. For more information, see How To Turn Off Internet Explorer Enhanced Security Configuration on the Microsoft TechNet website.

  2. Installing Kinesis Agent for Windows

  • Install from AWS Systems Manager - Global region

  • Run a PowerShell script - China region as below

  • Get InstallKinesisAgent.ps1

  • Install, you can choice one of installation type

# Install using MSI (Recommended)
Download from
msiexec /i AWSKinesisTap. /q

# Install using PowerShell
Invoke-Expression ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))

# Install locally
PowerShell.exe -File ".\InstallKinesisAgent.ps1"
PowerShell.exe -File ".\InstallKinesisAgent.ps1" -version "version"
  • Configure %PROGRAMFILES%\Amazon\AWSKinesisTap\appsettings.json
  "Sources": [
      "Id": "JsonLogSource",
      "SourceType": "DirectorySource",
      "RecordParser": "SingleLineJson",
      "Directory": "C:\\LogSource\\",
      "FileNameFilter": "*.log",
      "InitialPosition": 0
  "Sinks": [
      "Id": "FirehoseLogStream",
      "SinkType": "KinesisFirehose",
      "StreamName": "iot-data-collector",
      "Region": "cn-northwest-1",
      "Format": "json",
      "ObjectDecoration": "ComputerName={ComputerName};DT={timestamp:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss}"
  "Pipes": [
      "Id": "JsonLogSourceToFirehoseLogStream",
      "SourceRef": "JsonLogSource",
      "SinkRef": "FirehoseLogStream"
  1. Update the AWSKinesisTap.exe.config file in the %PROGRAMFILES%\Amazon\AWSKinesisTap directory to specify the name of the AWS profile. More details, please refer: Sink Security Configuration
    <add key="AWSProfileName" value="development"/>
    <add key="AWSProfilesLocation" value="C:\Users\USERNAME\.aws\credentials"/>
  1. Use the proxy
  port="3128" />
    <add key="AWSProfileName" value="development"/>
    <add key="AWSProfilesLocation" value="C:\Users\USERNAME\.aws\credentials"/>

Send test logs

  • Create directory: C:\LogSource and create c:\LogSource\windows-iot-app.log
python scripts/
  • Start Agent
# To start the agent:
Start-Service -Name AWSKinesisTap

# You can make sure the agent is running:
Get-Service -Name AWSKinesisTap

Status   Name               DisplayName
------   ----               -----------
Running  AWSKinesisTap      Amazon Kinesis Agent for Microsoft ...

# To stop the agent:
Stop-Service -Name AWSKinesisTap
  • Viewing the Amazon Kinesis Agent for Windows log file

The agent writes its logs to C:\ProgramData\Amazon\AWSKinesisTap\logs\KinesisTap.log.

Check the Firehose monitoring and S3 bucket



Step 3: Query the Log Data in Amazon S3 by using Athena

  Critical int,
  AlertMessage string,
  AlertCount int,
  Device string,
  EventTime timestamp,
  ComputerName string,
  DT timestamp
PARTITIONED BY(year string, month string, day string)
LOCATION 's3://ray-datalake-lab/rawdata/iot_firehose/'

SELECT * FROM "blogdb"."iotlogs" limit 10;
SELECT * FROM "blogdb"."iotlogs" WHERE Critical = 1

Configure agent with proxy


Kinesis Agent right now do not support the gz,zip compression file. Here is tracking issue. awslabs/amazon-kinesis-agent#37 From the source code, these files have been ignored

  • Using the rar as package format and Kinesis Agent setting as below. However the Kinesis Agent will use the base64 encoding the stream. So you need decode the file on S3 bucket before use it.
  "Sources": [
      "Id": "JsonLogSource",
      "SourceType": "DirectorySource",
      "RecordParser": "SingleLine",
      "Directory": "C:\\LogSource\\",
      "InitialPosition": 0
  "Sinks": [
      "Id": "FirehoseLogStream",
      "SinkType": "KinesisFirehose",
      "StreamName": "iot-data-collector",
      "Region": "cn-northwest-1",
      "ObjectDecoration": "ComputerName={ComputerName};DT={timestamp:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss}"
  "Pipes": [
      "Id": "JsonLogSourceToFirehoseLogStream",
      "SourceRef": "JsonLogSource",
      "SinkRef": "FirehoseLogStream"
  "SelfUpdate": 0 //minutes