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File metadata and controls

126 lines (102 loc) · 6.59 KB

Amazon S3 Inventory is one of the tools to help manage your storage. You can use it to

  • audit and report on the replication and encryption status of your objects for business, compliance, and regulatory needs.
  • simplify and speed up business workflows and big data jobs using S3 Inventory, which provides a scheduled alternative to the Amazon S3 synchronous List API operation.
  • Work with

You can query Amazon S3 Inventory using standard SQL by using Amazon Athena, Amazon Redshift Spectrum, and other tools such as Presto, Apache Hive, and Apache Spark.

  1. Configuring Amazon S3 Inventory
  • ORC and Parquet formats provide faster query performance and lower query costs.
  • CSV-formatted inventory can be used by S3 Batch Operation
  • If the S3 URI of Destination include the prefix, please not ending by /. Correct Format: s3://bucket/prefix
  1. Setting up Amazon S3 Event Notifications for inventory completion

You can enable the S3 events to an Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) topic, an Amazon Simple Queue Service (Amazon SQS) queue, or an AWS Lambda function. Note the permission setting

  1. Understand your inventory list
  • destination-prefix/source-bucket/config-ID/YYYY-MM-DDTHH-MMZ/manifest.json tracks the location of the files in the report for that date.
  • destination-prefix/source-bucket/config-ID/YYYY-MM-DDTHH-MMZ/manifest.checksum indicate the inventory complete status
  • destination-prefix/source-bucket/config-ID/data/YYYY-MM-DD-HH-MM/contain a gz of the inventory file you can download and unzip to manipulate manually. Note these files can be quite large.
  • destination-prefix/source-bucket/config-ID/hive/dt=YYYY-MM-DD-HH-MM/symlink.txt contains a symlink to the gz file that you use for Athena. Athena can import the file directly into Athena for analysis.
  1. Querying S3 Inventory with Amazon Athena
  • Create external table for CSV format
# If you select all information of Inventroy
CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE ray_glue_streaming_inventory(
         bucket string,
         key string,
         version_id string,
         is_latest boolean,
         is_delete_marker boolean,
         size string,
         last_modified_date string,
         e_tag string,
         storage_class string,
         is_multipart_uploaded boolean,
         replication_status string,
         encryption_status string,
         object_lock_retain_until_date string,
         object_lock_mode string,
         object_lock_legal_hold_status string,
         intelligent_tiering_access_tier string,
         bucket_key_status string,
         checksum_algorithm string
        dt string
ROW FORMAT SERDE 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.OpenCSVSerde'
  LOCATION 's3://ray-nlb-accesslogs-bjs/s3_inventory/ray-glue-streaming/ray-glue-streaming-inventory/hive/';

# If you only selected partial information of Inventory, for example: 
Size, Last modified, Storage class, ETag, Encryption, Intelligent-Tiering: Access tier

CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE ray_glue_streaming_inventory(
         bucket string,
         key string,
         size string,
         last_modified_date string,
         e_tag string,
         storage_class string,
         encryption_status string,
         intelligent_tiering_access_tier string
        dt string
ROW FORMAT SERDE 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.OpenCSVSerde'
  LOCATION 's3://ray-nlb-accesslogs-bjs/s3_inventory/ray-glue-streaming/ray-glue-streaming-inventory/hive/';
  • Add new inventory lists to your table by add the partition
MSCK REPAIR TABLE ray_glue_streaming_inventory

# Output
Partitions not in metastore:	ray_glue_streaming_inventory:dt=2022-02-26-01-00
Repair: Added partition to metastore ray_glue_streaming_inventory:dt=2022-02-26-01-00
  • Sample query
# Get list of latest inventory report dates available
SELECT DISTINCT dt FROM ray_glue_streaming_inventory ORDER BY 1 DESC limit 10;

# Get encryption status for a provided report date.
SELECT encryption_status, count(*) FROM ray_glue_streaming_inventory WHERE dt = '2022-02-26-01-00' GROUP BY encryption_status;

# Get encryption status for report dates in the provided range.
SELECT dt, encryption_status, count(*) FROM your_table_name 
WHERE dt > 'YYYY-MM-DD-HH-MM' AND dt < 'YYYY-MM-DD-HH-MM' GROUP BY dt, encryption_status;

# Preview the data
SELECT * FROM "ray_glue_streaming_inventory" limit 10;

# Sort your objects by size and report
SELECT DISTINCT size FROM ray_glue_streaming_inventory ORDER BY 1 DESC limit 10;
SELECT size, count(*) FROM ray_glue_streaming_inventory GROUP BY size;

# Check for encryption status to identify security exposure to enable encryption
SELECT encryption_status, count(*) FROM ray_glue_streaming_inventory GROUP BY encryption_status;

# Count by last modified date to see how active the data is
SELECT last_modified_date, count(*) FROM ray_glue_streaming_inventory GROUP BY last_modified_date;

# Count or list objects smaller than 128 K from a specific inventory date
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ray_glue_streaming_inventory WHERE cast("size" as bigint) < 128000; 
SELECT bucket,key,size FROM ray_glue_streaming_inventory WHERE cast("size" as bigint) < 128000; 

# Count or list objects greater than or equal to 5 GB from a specific inventory date
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ray_glue_streaming_inventory WHERE cast("size" as bigint) >= 5000000000;
SELECT bucket,key,size FROM ray_glue_streaming_inventory WHERE cast("size" as bigint) >5000000000;

# Report infrequently accessed by tier if for data spread
SELECT intelligent_tiering_tier,count (*) FROM ray_glue_streaming_inventory GROUP BY intelligent_tiering_tier;


Manage and analyze your data at scale using Amazon S3 Inventory and Amazon Athena