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Roderick van Domburg edited this page Apr 10, 2021 · 54 revisions
Type Short Long Description Hint
Option c cache Path to a directory where files will be cached. CACHE
Option system-cache Path to a directory where system files (credentials, volume) will be cached. Can be different from cache option value. SYSTEM_CACHE
Flag disable-audio-cache Disable caching of the audio data.
Required n name Device name NAME
Option device-type The displayed device type in Spotify clients. Can be unknown, computer, tablet, smartphone, speaker, tv, avr (Audio/Video Receiver), stb (Set-Top Box), and audiodongle. Defaults to speaker DEVICE_TYPE
Option b bitrate Bitrate (96, 160 or 320). Defaults to 160 BITRATE
Option onevent The path to a script that gets run when one of librespot's events is triggered. PROGRAM
Flag v verbose Enable verbose output PROGRAM
Option u username Username to sign in with USERNAME
Option p password Password PASSWORD
Flag disable-discovery Disable discovery mode
Option backend Audio backend to use. Use '?' to list options BACKEND
Option device Audio device to use. Use '?' to list options (Only with the rodio/portaudio/alsa backends) DEVICE
Option format Output format (F32, S32, S24, S24_3 or S16). Defaults to S16 FORMAT
Option mixer Mixer to use (softvol/alsa) MIXER
Option mixer-name alsa mixer name e.g PCM or Master. Defaults to PCM MIXER_NAME
Option mixer-card alsa mixer card, e.g hw:0 or similar from aplay -l. Defaults to default MIXER_CARD
Option mixer-index alsa mixer index, Index of the cards mixer. Defaults to 0 MIXER_INDEX
Option initial-volume Initial volume in %, once connected [0-100] VOLUME
Flag enable-volume-normalisation Enables volume normalisation for librespot
Option normalisation-method Specify the normalisation method to use - [basic, dynamic]. Default is dynamic. NORMALISATION_METHOD
Option normalisation-gain-type Specify the normalisation gain type to use - [track, album]. Default is album. GAIN_TYPE
Option normalisation-pregain A numeric value for pregain (dB). Only used when normalisation active. PREGAIN
Option normalisation-threshold Threshold (dBFS) to prevent clipping. Default is -1.0. THRESHOLD
Option normalisation-attack Attack time (ms) in which the dynamic limiter is reducing gain. Default is 5. ATTACK
Option normalisation-release Release or decay time (ms) in which the dynamic limiter is restoring gain. Default is 100. RELEASE
Option normalisation-knee Knee steepness of the dynamic limiter. Default is 1.0. KNEE
Option volume-ctrl [linear, log, fixed] Choose between a logarithmic (default), linear, or fixed volume scaling.
Flag disable-gapless Disables gapless playback by forcing the sink to close b/w tracks
Flag autoplay Autoplay similar songs when your music ends
Option zeroconf-port The port that the HTTP server advertised on zeroconf will use [1-65535]. Ports <= 1024 may require root priviledges.
Option proxy Use a proxy for resolving the access point. Proxy should be an HTTP proxy in the form http://ip:port, and can also be passed using the all-lowercase http_proxy environment variable.
Option passthrough output raw Ogg data to stdout (needs pipe backend)
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