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Minimal Mistakes Jekyll

License: MIT

Ready to use Jekyll template with Minimal Mistakes theme. Instant blog without knowing git and command line. Just fork it to use for your GitHub Pages.

Demo:   |

Table of Content

Getting Started

I am writing this README for non-technical people who intended to blog using Jekyll on GitHub Pages too. Hence, some part might be too trivial for those who know GitHub well, feel free to skip those.

Installation for Your GitHub Pages

Fork this repo (minimal-mistakes-jekyll) to your own Repository.

Publish the site with GitHub Pages on:

After the sites had been published continue to Personalization section to personalize your site and Usage section section to add content to your site.

Installation for Local Development (optional)

This section is for those who wish to develop their site locally and use git to commit changes for the site. It assumes the knowledge of command line. You may skip this section if you don't know git or don't want to touch the command line.



Make sure all prerequisites are installed and you had forked the repository.

Run the following command in your terminal:

# Clone your forked repository
git clone

# Change directory
cd minimal-mistakes-jekyll

# Build the site using Jekyll and serve the site
bundle exec jekyll serve

Your site should be available at http://localhost:4000.

Develop your site, commit new changes and push to GitHub master branch, any new changes will be reflected on GitHub Pages in a few seconds after you push the commits.

File Structure

This section explains the file structure in a Jekyll site. It is optional but recommended to understand Jekyll.

Jekyll is a static site generator, it generates a static website based on the given content. Hence, the following files tell Jekyll how to generate your site and determine how your site will look like.

Generally the files and directories in a Jekyll sites can be classify into 4 types.

  1. Theme files and directories. These files specify how your sites looks like. In this repo, these files are copied directly from Miminal Mistakes repository. They are:

    • _includes
    • _layouts (HTML templates)
    • _sass (CSS styles)
    • assets
  2. Jekyll files and directories. These files are essential for Jekyll to generate your sites. They are:

    • _config.yml the global configuration of your site, see Usage section
    • index.html the 'home' pages, and yes it is blank
  3. Content files and directories. These files determines the content of your site. You should focus and mainly make changes on these files. They are:

    • _posts/ (contains your blog post)
    • _pages/ (contains the static page)
    • _drafts/ (contains unpublished draft)
    • _data/navigation.yml (your site navigation)
    • assets/images (your site images or other files)
  4. Others. Such as:

    • .gitignore (Git stuff)
    • Gemfile (Ruby stuff)
    • Gemfile.lock (Ruby stuff)
    • LICENSE (License)
    • (This readme)


Site Configuration

First you will need to configure your site settings. This can be done by editing the _config.yml file. Following are those lines that you should changes and those lines that you can change.

Settings that you should change:

Line number Setting Explanation
12 title Your site title
14 name Your name
15 description A short description about your site
85 - 115 author Your details (name, picture, email, social media links)

Settings that you can change:

Line number Setting Explanation
8 minimal_mistakes_skin Change your skin, refer to minimal mistakes skin
54 search Set it to true to add search function
182 permalink Change your permalink, refer to Jekyll documentation
186 sticky_sidebar Set it to false to make the left sidebar (author profile) non-sticky

Repository Cleanup and Personalization

I have included some demo posts for the demo, you can remove them after you had forked this repo for your personal site.

Files Action
_data/nagivation.yml Remove 7th and 8th line to remove the "Source Code" link in the site nagivation
_posts/* Delete all files in _posts/ folder as they are demo posts
_drafts/* Delete all files in _drafts/ folder as they are demo posts
_pages/ Edit this, write something about yourself Remove this file or update the demo link at 6th line (optional)

Use Custom Domain

First, register your domain name, say at any DNS provider.

Before we start to setup, do note that there are several ways to setup an custom domain. We will setup our custom domain with apex domain and www subdomain, which mean visitor will be able to visit your site on either or

Go to your repository settings, under Custom domain, type in your custom domain, and click save. Refer to here for more detail steps.

Then, at your DNS provider, create 3 DNS record for your domain:

  • A record for @ pointing to (mind the extra period!)
  • CNAME record for www pointing to (mind the extra period!)

Refer to here and here as well as GitHub official help (www and apex) for more information.

Further Customization

You change further customize and style your blog by changing the theme files. Refer here to understand how is this version different from the original Minimal Mistakes theme.


Write Blog Posts

Navigate to the _posts directory in, for example

Click on create new file and follow the naming convention.

You will need a YAML front matter for every beginning of your post. Basically the following:

title:  "Welcome to Minimal Mistakes Jekyll"
date:   2017-12-21
categories: update
tags: jekyll

Change the title and date, categories and tags are optional. Note that the 3 dashes above and 3 dashes below are important.

After the YAML front matter (after the 3 dashes) you may start writing your own post in markdown. You may find this cheatsheet handy.

Then, click on preview to check if your markdown is correct and the rendered content is what you want (you may ignore the first table, it will disappear in your published site).

After everything is okay, commit this file and wait around 10 seconds for GitHub Pages to reflect your changes.

Note: you may refer to the source code of the example blog post and its rendered result to understand more about how to write a blog post

Add Pages

A page contain content that usually permanent, like about page. You may add other pages, for example, experience, resume or CV. You may also remove pages like the Source Code on the top right corner.

Adding a page is similar to adding a blog post, just a little more work to do.

First, navigate to _pages directory, then add new file.

As for the front matter, you will need permalink and title, refer to the following:

permalink: /about/
title: "About"

Then, similar to blog post, write the content in markdown, check using preview and commit this file.

Next, for you pages to appear in the navigation bar, you will need to edit _data/navigation.yml. Refer to existing about, you will know that you need to add in title and url. You may remove the Source Code from the navigation bar too by simply deleting the 2 lines related to it.

Write Drafts

Dealing with drafts is a little inconvenient with GitHub interface but it is still possible.

Similar to adding blog post, go to _drafts directory and add a file for your draft.

To publish your draft, click on raw then copy the content, create new file in _posts then paste the draft content. Don't forgot about YAML front matter and naming convention.

For local development

Use the following command to view your drafts

bundle exec jekyll serve --drafts

Add Images

To add an image to your blog post, for example awesomeimage.jpg.

First, upload the images to assets/images directory.

Then in your blog post, use the following syntax to include your image

![alt_text]({{ "assets/images/awesomeimage.jpg" | absolute_url }})

alt_text is the text to be displayed when your there is an error in rendering your images.

It is also possible to insert an images with link, refer to here for more detail.

Add Math Equation

To add math equation into your post, you need to enable math support through use_math: true in the YAML front matter. For example,

title:  "Add Math Support"
use_math: true

Then, you can type your equation using LaTeX like syntax. Refer here for more imformation.


You can make changes to Theme files or the _config.yml files to customize your site styles and look. I have made the following customization based on the Minimal Mistakes theme.

Reduce font size - here . You may change the font size to suit your needs.

Slight reduce author profile font size - here.

Reposition of left sidebar, content, and right sidebar - here and here.

Add math support - here and here.

Optional sticky left sidebar feature - here and here.

Enhance table styles - here

Add date for post meta - here and here

All others are left unchanged.

You can even change the theme to be any Jekyll theme by replacing related Theme files to be your destination theme. However, do note that different theme has different layout options. This template is setup to use single layout from the Minimal Mistakes theme as a default layout. In the case that your destination theme does not support single layout or you wish to change the default layout, change the default layout at line 248 and line 255 of _config.yml file. Sometimes, there is also a need to make changes on _config.yml to resolve the incompatibility between different themes.

Read the official Jekyll documentation to further customize the site for your own need.


Theme by Minimal Mistakes release 4.8.0