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Releases: lptstr/winfetch


06 Apr 14:47
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This release fixes an output-related issue on Cmder/ConEmu, as well as adding a few new information fields and merging the package manager/packages installed fields. This version also adds some cool new feaatures, as well as some more minor ones.


  • [*] Fixed issue #2: color bar color does not reset in Cmder/ConEmu
  • [+] Added field for current terminal emulator
  • [+] Added ability to enable/disable title and dashes in config
  • [!] Normalized order of information fields (like Neofetch)
  • [+] Added support for custom ASCII image in the terminal! Yay!
  • [+] Added -noimage flag to not display any image or logo
  • [+] Added -help flag to Winfetch that displays a help message
  • [!] Merged package managers/packages installed fields into one field

Custom images

Winfetch now has the ability to print ASCII images in the terminal! yay!

All you need to do is add the -image flag when you call Winfetch via the terminal:

$ winfetch -image /path/to/image.png

If you want Winfetch to grap your wallpaper instead of a custom image path, just specify wallpaper as the image.

$ winfetch -image wallpaper

You can also specify a default image via the configuration by adding the following line to your config file:

$image = "/path/to/image.png"


(Note: this image may be slightly outdated.)

-noimage flag

Winfetch also provided a -noimage flag, which forces Winfetch to output only information - no images, no ASCII logos, etc.

This option will override the -image flag.

Issues fixed

In v1.0.0, the color bar would not reset the color, leading to one of the lines of the Windows logo having a white background:

This issue only appears in ConEmu and Cmder, however. (See #2)

Terminal emulator field

Now, you can also see which terminal you are using:

Terminal: Alacritty v0.2.9

This feature works by retrieving the parent process of the current PowerShell instance.

Disable/enable dashes and title

In Winfetch, the title/dashes are the first two fields:


These two can now be enabled/disabled via the configuration with the $show_title and the $show_dashes variables.

Merged package manager/packages installed fields

Instead of appearing as two separate fields like so:

Package Managers: Scoop & Chocolatey
Packages: 128 packages installed

They now appear as only one field:

Packages: 1024 (scoop), 34 (choco)

Other changes

In this version, the order of the fields has been changed to better reflect the default order of Neofetch info.

Also, a -help option has been added to Winfetch, which briefly list available options and their uses.


04 Apr 13:11
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This release fixes different miscellaneous bugs, as well as adding support for different information fields; most importantly, however, v1.0.0 adds support for a custom WinFetch configuration.


  • [*] Fixed issue #1: uptime does not display properly
  • [+] Add support for custom configuration
  • [+] Add field for package manager
  • [+] Add field for packages installed count

Changes in uptime field (minor)

Previously, WinFetch would retrieve the number of seconds from the Get-Uptime cmdlet and manually calculate the number of days, hours, or minutes. This resulted in garbled/incorrect output:

Uptime: 0 day hours 56 minute

This bug is now fixed, and WinFetch now shows correct output:

Uptime: 3 hours 56 minutes

Package manager / package count field

WinFetch now has the ability to detect what package manager you are using (e.g. Scoop or Chocolatey) and how many packages you have installed:

Package Managers: Scoop & Chocolatey
Packages: 97 packages installed


WinFetch now has a custom configuration feature. You can generate a default configuration by running:

./winfetch -genconf

WinFetch will download a default configuration from this repository to $env:XDG_CONFIG_HOME/winfetch (or ~/.config/winfetch/).

The default configuration looks like this:


# Add a '#' to any of the lines in 
# this file to enable their output.

# $show_os                  = $false
# $show_computer            = $false
# $show_uptime              = $false
# $show_cpu                 = $false
# $show_gpu                 = $false
# $show_memory              = $false
# $show_disk                = $false
# $show_pkgs                = $false

$show_pwsh                = $false
$show_pkgmngr             = $false

To disable an information field, just remove the # from that line:

$show_os = $false			# DISABLED
# $show_os = $false			# ENABLED!

Beta v0.1.1

02 Apr 22:27
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Beta v0.1.1 Pre-release

Beta release. Download the .zip file, extract and run ./src/winfetch.ps1.


  • [+] Add support for disk usage
  • [+] Add support for PowerShell version

Beta v0.1.0

02 Apr 21:06
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Beta v0.1.0 Pre-release

Beta release. Download the .zip file, extract and run ./src/winfetch.ps1.