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348 lines (269 loc) · 9.63 KB

zlog Go Reference Vulnerability scan Unit test Security Scan


zlog has been serving two key roles in Go language: structured logging and the removal of confidential values. However, with Go 1.21, slog, the official structured logging mechanism, has been formally incorporated. In addition, slog is equipped with a feature called ReplaceAttr, which enables the removal of confidential values as well. Moving forward, we recommend using slog for structured logging and a newly created package called masq for the removal of confidential values. We have decided to gradually stop maintaining zlog, believing that it has fulfilled its role, and will soon archive the repository. Thank you for your patronage.

A main distinct feature of zlog is secure logging that avoid to output secret/sensitive values to log. The feature reduce risk to store secret values (API token, password and such things) and sensitive data like PII (Personal Identifiable Information) such as address, phone number, email address and etc into logging storage.

zlog also has major logger features: contextual logging, leveled logging, structured message, show stacktrace of error. See following usage for mote detail.

For example, adding zlog:"secret" tag to Email field in structure.

type myRecord struct {
	ID    string
	EMail string `zlog:"secret"`
record := myRecord{
	ID:    "m-mizutani",
	EMail: "",

logger := newExampleLogger(zlog.WithFilters(filter.Tag()))
logger.With("record", record).Info("Got record")

Then, output following log with filtered Email field.

 [info] Got record
 "record" => zlog_test.myRecord{
   ID:    "m-mizutani",
   EMail: "[filtered]",


Basic example

import ""

type myRecord struct {
	Name  string
	EMail string

func main() {
	record := myRecord{
		Name:  "mizutani",
		EMail: "",

	logger := zlog.New()
	logger.With("record", record).Info("hello my logger")

zlog.New() creates a new logger with default settings (console formatter).


Contextual logging

Logger.With(key string, value interface{}) method allows contextual logging that output not only message but also related variables. The method saves a pair of key and value and output it by pretty printing (powered by k0kubun/pp).

Filter sensitive data

By specified value

This function is designed to hide limited and predetermined secret values, such as API tokens that the application itself uses to call external services.

const issuedToken = "abcd1234"
authHeader := "Authorization: Bearer " + issuedToken

logger := newExampleLogger(zlog.WithFilters(

logger.With("auth", authHeader).Info("send header")
// Output:  [info] send header
// "auth" => "Authorization: Bearer [filtered]"

By field name

This filter hides the secret value if it matches the field name of the specified structure.

type myRecord struct {
	ID    string
	Phone string
record := myRecord{
	ID:    "m-mizutani",
	Phone: "090-0000-0000",

logger := newExampleLogger(
logger.With("record", record).Info("Got record")
// Output:  [info] Got record
// "record" => zlog_test.myRecord{
//   ID:    "m-mizutani",
//   Phone: "[filtered]",
// }

By custom type

You can define a type that you want to keep secret, and then specify it in a Filter to prevent it from being displayed. The advantage of this method is that copying a value from a custom type to the original type requires a cast, making it easier for the developer to notice unintentional copying. (Of course, this is not a perfect solution because you can still copy by casting.)

This method may be useful for use cases where you need to use secret values between multiple structures.

type password string
type myRecord struct {
	ID    string
	EMail password
record := myRecord{
	ID:    "m-mizutani",
	EMail: "abcd1234",

logger := newExampleLogger(
logger.With("record", record).Info("Got record")
// Output:  [info] Got record
// "record" => zlog_test.myRecord{
//   ID:    "m-mizutani",
//   EMail: "[filtered]",
// }

By struct tag

type myRecord struct {
	ID    string
	EMail string `zlog:"secret"`
record := myRecord{
	ID:    "m-mizutani",
	EMail: "",

logger := newExampleLogger(zlog.WithFilters(filter.Tag()))
logger.With("record", record).Info("Got record")
// Output:  [info] Got record
// "record" => zlog_test.myRecord{
//   ID:    "m-mizutani",
//   EMail: "[filtered]",
// }

By data pattern (e.g. personal information)

This is an experimental effort and not a very reliable method, but it may have some value. It is a way to detect and hide personal information that should not be output based on a predefined pattern, like many DLP (Data Leakage Protection) solutions.

In the following example, we use a filter that we wrote to detect Japanese phone numbers. The content is just a regular expression. Currently zlog does not have as many patterns as the existing DLP solutions, and the patterns are not accurate enough. However we hope to expand it in the future if necessary.

type myRecord struct {
	ID    string
	Phone string
record := myRecord{
	ID:    "m-mizutani",
	Phone: "090-0000-0000",

logger := newExampleLogger(zlog.WithFilters(filter.PhoneNumber()))
logger.With("record", record).Info("Got record")
// Output:  [info] Got record
// "record" => zlog_test.myRecord{
//   ID:    "m-mizutani",
//   Phone: "[filtered]",
// }

Customize Log output format

zlog has Emitter that is interface to output log event. A default emitter is Writer that has Formatter to format log message, values and error information and io.Writer to output formatted log data.

Change io.Writer

For example, change output to standard error.

logger := logger := zlog.New(
		zlog.NewWriterWith(zlog.NewConsoleFormatter(), os.Stderr),
logger.Info("output to stderr")

Change formatter

For example, use JsonFormatter to output structured json.

logger := zlog.New(
		zlog.NewWriterWith(zlog.NewJsonFormatter(), os.Stdout),

logger.Info("output as json format")
// Output: {"timestamp":"2021-10-02T14:58:11.791258","level":"info","msg":"output as json format","values":null}

Use original emitter

You can use your original Emitter that has Emit(*zlog.Log) error method.

type myEmitter struct {
	seq int

func (x *myEmitter) Emit(ev *zlog.Log) error {
	prefix := []string{"\(^o^)/", "(´・ω・`)", "(・∀・)"}
	fmt.Println(prefix[x.seq%3], ev.Msg)
	return nil

func ExampleEmitter() {
	logger := zlog.New(

	// Output:
	// \(^o^)/ waiwai
	// (´・ω・`) heyhey

Leveled Logging

zlog allows for logging at the following levels.

  • trace (zlog.LevelTrace)
  • debug (zlog.LevelDebug)
  • info (zlog.LevelInfo)
  • warn (zlog.LevelWarn)
  • error (zlog.LevelError)

Log level can be changed by modifying Logger.Level or calling Logger.SetLogLevel() method.

Modifying Logger.Level directly:

	logger = zlog.New(zlog.WithLogLevel("info"))
	// Output: [info] information

Using SetLogLevel() method. Log level is case insensitive.


	// Output: [info] information

Error handling

Logger.Err(err error) outputs not only error message but also stack trace and error related values.

Output stack trace

Support below error packages.

func crash() error {
	return errors.New("oops")

func main() {
	logger := zlog.New()
	if err := crash(); err != nil {

// Output:
// [error] failed
// ------------------
// *errors.fundamental: oops
// [StackTrace]
// 	/Users/mizutani/.ghq/
// 	/Users/mizutani/.ghq/
// runtime.main
//	/usr/local/Cellar/go/1.17/libexec/src/runtime/proc.go:255
// runtime.goexit
//	/usr/local/Cellar/go/1.17/libexec/src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1581
// ------------------

Output error related values

func crash(args string) error {
	return goerr.New("oops").With("args", args)

func main() {
	logger := zlog.New()
	if err := crash("hello"); err != nil {

// Output:
// [error] failed
// ------------------
// *goerr.Error: oops
// (snip)
// [Values]
// args => "hello"
// ------------------
