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Personal Website & Blog in 11ty

Kumar Abhishek's personal website & blog built with Eleventy.

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🌟 Features

  1. Built with Eleventy! (docs)
  2. Netlify CMS: easy blog & website configuration management.
  3. Simple stack. Minification/bundling using internal 11ty plugins.

🔗 Table Of Contents

  1. Project Structure

🗃 Project Structure

  • 📄🔧 .eleventy.js All project technical configurations go here
  • 📂 src/ Main source directory. Top-level/custom webpages are created right here
    • 📄 index.njk The home page
    • 📂✍ blog/ Create blog posts here
    • 📂🔧 _data All the website configuration and data go here
      • 📄🔧 website.yaml Top configurations, like, domain, logo, title, SEO, etc
      • 📑🔧 skills.yaml List your skills here
      • 📑🔧 work.yaml List your professional experiences here
      • 📄🔧 env.yaml Secret configurations as environment variables
    • 📂👩‍💻 _layouts Reusable templates for various page types
      • 📄⭐ base.njk Main template with outermost common code used by all pages
      • 📄 blog_post.njk Template for blog post pages ideally written in markdown
      • 📄 page.njk Template for generic pages ideally written in markdown
    • 📂🧩 _includes All build-time reusable components go here
      • 📄 header.njk Top navigation bar in every page
      • 📄 footer.njk Footer section at the bottom of every page
      • 📄 blogslist.njk List of all blog posts with pagination
      • 📂🎨 css CSS files - inlined into HTML during build
        • 📄 base.css Common CSS rules used in every page
        • 📄 blog.css CSS rules for pages using the 'blog' or 'page' template
        • 📄 header.css CSS rules for top navigation menu
        • 📄 footer.css CSS rules for footer section
        • 📄 flex.css Helper classes for CSS Flexbox
      • 📁 js Javascript files - inlined into HTML during build
    • 📁🖼 assets Static assets like images, icons, etc
  • 📂 utils/ 11ty build-time custom utilities...


  1. Theme inspired from Hylia Starter Kit
  2. Notes section inspired from gatsby-theme-code-notes
  3. Name pronunciation inspired from LinkedIn's similar feature and @heyatif's post on his Vocalizer script. Though, I wrote a static implementation for efficiency.