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🦠 Flu Vaccine Prediction Project 🌡️

Problem Description

The goal of this project is to predict the likelihood of individuals receiving two types of flu vaccines: xyz and seasonal. The predictions should output probabilities (float values between 0.0 and 1.0) for each respondent's probability of receiving each vaccine.

Dataset Description 📊

  • Features: There are 36 columns including respondent_id and 35 features:

    • Various behavioral, opinion-based, demographic, and socio-economic factors.
    • Features include xyz_concern, xyz_knowledge, behavioral patterns, doctor recommendations, health conditions, opinions on vaccine effectiveness and risks, demographics (age, education, race, sex), income, marital status, housing situation, employment details, and geographic region.
  • Labels:

    • xyz_vaccine: Binary (0 = No, 1 = Yes) indicating if the respondent received the xyz flu vaccine.
    • seasonal_vaccine: Binary (0 = No, 1 = Yes) indicating if the respondent received the seasonal flu vaccine.

Evaluation Metric 📏

The model performance will be evaluated using the area under the Receiver Operating Characteristic curve (ROC AUC) for each target variable (xyz_vaccine and seasonal_vaccine). The final score will be the mean ROC AUC across both targets.

Approach 📝

  • Data Exploration and Preprocessing:

    • Explore data distributions, handle missing values, and preprocess categorical variables (encoding, scaling, etc.).
  • Feature Engineering:

    • Extract useful features from all variables/features.
  • Model Selection:

    • Experiment with various machine learning models suitable for binary classification (e.g., Logistic Regression, Random Forest, SVM, Naive Bayes, K-Nearest Neighbors).
    • Utilize techniques like cross-validation for model selection and hyperparameter tuning.
  • Training and Validation:

    • Train models on the training dataset, validate on a separate validation set (or using cross-validation).
    • Optimize models to maximize ROC AUC score.
  • Prediction and Submission:

    • Generate predictions on the test set.
    • Prepare submission files with respondent_id, predicted probabilities for xyz_vaccine, and seasonal_vaccine.

Tools and Libraries 🛠️

  • Python Libraries: Pandas, NumPy, scikit-learn for data manipulation, modeling, and evaluation.
  • Visualization: Matplotlib, Seaborn for data exploration and result visualization.
  • Model Evaluation: sklearn.metrics.roc_auc_score for evaluating ROC AUC.

Files Included 📄

  • training_set_features.csv: Training dataset containing respondent information.
  • training_set_labels.csv: Contains vaccine uptake labels.
  • test_set_features.csv: Test dataset for making predictions.
  • predictions_vacc.csv: Template for submitting predictions in the required format.

Results and Conclusion 📈

  • Evaluate model performance based on ROC AUC scores.
  • Consider additional techniques and exploratory data analysis (EDA) to further improve model performance.