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CS 474 - Object Oriented Languages and Environments

Homework 3 - Type-safe Linux Command Execution Framework


The objective of this homework was to design a type-safe, functional, external command processing framework in Scala.

This framework allows you to build and execute Linux commands from Scala programs in a type-safe way.

Here is how you say "Hello, World" with this framework:

Echo().text("Hello, World!")

Here is an example of how you can check whether a file exists in a directory using this framework:

  .map(_.filter( == "anInterestingFile"))

Here is how you can find all text files in a directory and concatenate them in the order they were last modified, only if you have read permissions for them:

import com.mayankrastogi.cs474.hw3.commands.{Cat, Grep}
import{Ls, PermissionFlag}
import com.mayankrastogi.cs474.hw3.framework.Command
import com.mayankrastogi.cs474.hw3.framework.CommandResultParser.DefaultParsers._

  .flatMap(username =>
      .map(_.filter(_.ownerName == username))
  .flatMap(filePaths =>
    e => println("Operation failed!", e),
    _ => println("Operation successful.")


  • Functional, type-safe interface for running Linux commands through Scala programs
  • Type-safe builders for supported commands using Scala phantom types
  • Chaining and conditional execution of multiple commands, provided previous commands in the chain succeeded
  • Piping of output of one command to the input of another
  • Output redirection for writing or appending the standard output of commands to files
  • Automatic parsing of command execution results
  • Extensible framework design for supporting more type-safe commands
  • Ability to execute arbitrary commands so that the user is not restricted to the supported commands
  • Exhaustive test suite of over 70 test cases to avoid unexpected errors

The following commands are currently supported:

# Command Description Type
1 Echo Prints the specified text to standard output. Command[String]
2 MkDir Creates a directory. Command[Unit]
3 Cd Switches the working directory. Command[Unit]
4 Ls Lists files and directories inside the specified directory. Command[LsResult]
5 Cat Concatenates specified files. Command[String]
6 Grep Finds lines matching the specified patterns in the given files. Command[String] / Command[PipeReceiver]
7 Sort Sorts lines in the specified files. Command[String] / Command[PipeReceiver]

Running Built-In Commands

Type-safe builders are provided for all the commands in com.mayankrastogi.cs474.hw3.commands package. The builder instance can be obtained using the apply method of the object of the corresponding command, namely: Echo(), MkDir(), Cd(), Ls(), Cat(), Grep(), and Sort().

There are 3 types of commands:

  1. Commands that don't produce an output. These commands are MkDir() and Cd() and are of type Command[Unit].
  2. Commands that produce an output. All the commands except MkDir() and Cd() produce an output. All these commands produce an output of type String, with an exception of the Ls() command, which produces an output of type LsResult (type alias for List[LsResultItem])
  3. Commands that can receive input from pipe. The Grep() and Sort() commands are two such commands which can either work stand-alone by reading from files and also as a pipe receiver. In the latter mode, they operate on the standard output produced by some other command and are of type Command[PipeReceiver].

Commands belonging to the first two categories are built by invoking the build method once the builder has been configured. Commands of the third category are built using the buildForPipe method for piped mode and by the build method for normal mode.

1. The Echo Command

This command returns the same text that was provided to it. Useful for writing to files by invoking the writeTo/appendTo methods on the built command.

See Echo.scala for supported options.

Example 1: Writing a file using Echo command

      |Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut 
      | labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco
      | laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in
      | voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat
      | cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
  .writeTo("de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum.txt")
    e => logger.error("Command failed!", e),
    _ =>"File written successfully")

2. The MkDir Command

This command can be used to create directories at a specified path.

See MkDir.scala for more details.

Example 2: Creating a directory using MkDir() command

val success = 

3. The Cd Command

This command can be used to change the working directory of the subsequent commands.

See Cd.scala for more details and supported options.

Example 3: Switch to home directory

val success =

4. The Ls Command

This command can be used to list files and directories at the supplied path. The output is parsed into a list of LsResultItem, which can be used to extract the desired information from the listing.

See Ls.scala for more details and supported options.

Example 4: Get the full paths to all hidden files in the home directory for which the user has write permissions


5. The Cat Command

This command can be used to display (and concatenate) the contents of a single or multiple files. A file path must be specified by using addFile and/or addFiles methods.

See Cat.scala for more details and supported options.

Example 5: Concatenate 3 log files from 3 different locations and append to the master log file

val success =
      .addAllFiles(Seq("/logs/location2/log2.txt", "/logs/location3/log3.txt"))

6. The Grep Command

This command can be used to filter lines of text in a single or multiple files that match the supplied pattern. This command can also be a candidate for the Command.pipeTo() method when built using the buildForPipe() method.

See Grep.scala for more details and supported options.

Example 6.1: Read 3 log files and search for any errors using Grep() in stand-alone mode

  .addAllFiles(Seq("/logs/location2/log2.txt", "/logs/location3/log3.txt"))

Example 6.2: Read 3 log files and search for any errors using a combination of Cat and Grep() commands

    .addAllFiles(Seq("/logs/location2/log2.txt", "/logs/location3/log3.txt"))

7. The Sort Command

This command can be used to sort lines of text in a single or multiple files. This command can also be a candidate for the Command.pipeTo() method when built using the buildForPipe() method.

See Sort.scala for more details and supported options.

Example 7.1: Read 3 log files and sort them using Sort() in stand-alone mode

  .addAllFiles(Seq("/logs/location2/log2.txt", "/logs/location3/log3.txt"))

Example 7.2: Read 3 log files and sort them using a combination of Cat and Sort() commands

    .addAllFiles(Seq("/logs/location2/log2.txt", "/logs/location3/log3.txt"))

Running Arbitrary Commands

Arbitrary commands can be run using the Command framework directly.

First, you will need to import the default implicit parsers

import com.mayankrastogi.cs474.hw3.framework.CommandResultParser.DefaultParsers._
  • Use Command[Unit]("your_command").execute for executing a command that produces no output, or the output is of no interest.
  • Use Command[String]("your_command").execute for executing a command that writes to the standard output.
  • Use Command[PipeReceiver]("your_command") for a command that accepts input from a pipe.

Example 1: Print the current working directory


Example 2: Print details of a running process

Do(Command[String]("ps -aux"))
    .pipeTo(Command[PipeReceiver]("grep interesting_process_name"))

Build Instructions


Building the framework

  1. Clone or download this repository onto your system

  2. Open the Command Prompt (if using Windows) or the Terminal (if using Linux/Mac) and browse to the project directory

  3. Build the project using SBT

    sbt clean compile
  4. Run the test cases

    sbt test

Framework Design

The Command Class

Provides a functional interface for executing Unix commands using the Bourne-again shell or bash.

It supports conditional execution of multiple commands using the exit code for the previous command in the chain. A functional interface for the && conditional is provided using the andThen() method. When adding a command using andThen(), any output to the standard output, produced by the commands prior to the last command, will be suppressed. The framework design assumes that the user will always be interested in the output of the last command executed, and that all the previous commands do the job of setting up the environment required for the last command to work, e.g. creating necessary files and directories using the MkDir command, changing the working directory using the Cd, etc.

Likewise, piping is supported using the pipeTo method. The framework design assumes that the piped receiver (the command to which the output of the previous command is piped), will perform some operations on its input and produce an output that leaves the structure of the input command intact, e.g. Grep() and Sort() either filter or re-order the output of the input command while leaving the format of individual lines intact. This allows us to filter the output of Ls() command using Grep() and obtain a list of LsResultItems so that the user may extract the desired information from the output in a type-safe way.

The framework also supports redirection of standard output to files using the writeTo and appendTo methods. This allows creation of files using the Echo() command.

The final execution is triggered by the execute() method which prepares the final command for execution, executes it using bash, and returns Either an error if the command execution fails, or an output of type specified in the type parameter of the Command. The actual command string that will be executed under the hood can be obtained using the toString method.

If a command executes successfully, everything written to the standard output during the execution, will be sent to a CommandResultParser to parse the String output to the type specified in the type parameter of the Command. Default implicit parsers for Unit, String, and PipeReceiver are provided in CommandResultParser.DefaultParsers object.

Apart from the in-built commands provided in the com.mayankrastogi.cs474.hw3.commands package, a user can run arbitrary commands using Command[Unit]("a_command"), if the command is expected to produce no output (or the output is not interesting), or by using Command[String]("a_command") for a command that produces string output. The parsers for these commands can be provided implicitly by adding import com.mayankrastogi.cs474.hw3.framework.CommandResultParser.DefaultParsers._.

Note: If the JVM is running on Microsoft Windows, command execution is delegated to Bash via the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL). The framework will not work if WSL is not installed on Windows.

The CommandResultParser Trait

The CommandResultParser trait defines the contract for implementing command output parsers for parsing the output received by executing a Command.

Parsers must implement the parseFrom() method to to define how the String output obtained from the command execution should be converted to the desired type.

To make it easier for users and developers of the framework to work with the most common output formats, three implicit parsers are provided in the CommandResultParser.DefaultParsers object:

  • unitParser: Parses string output to nothing by doing nothing.
  • stringParser: Parses string output to the same string.
  • pipeReceiverParser: Parses string output to a dummy pipe receiver that does nothing.

Test Case Execution Report

These tests were run on Windows 10 running Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS under Windows Subsystem for Linux.

[info] Loading global plugins from C:\Users\send2\.sbt\1.0\plugins
[info] Loading project definition from D:\Projects\cs474\mayank_k_rastogi_cs474_hw3\project
[info] Loading settings for project mayank_k_rastogi_cs474_hw3 from build.sbt ...
[info] Set current project to mayank_k_rastogi_cs474_hw3 (in build file:/D:/Projects/cs474/mayank_k_rastogi_cs474_hw3/)
[info] Compiling 12 Scala sources to D:\Projects\cs474\mayank_k_rastogi_cs474_hw3\target\scala-2.13\test-classes ...
[warn] there were two feature warnings; re-run with -feature for details
[warn] one warning found
[info] Done compiling.
[info] MkDirTest:
[info] MkDir Command with `createMissingDirectoriesInPath` = `false`
[info] - must be able to create a new directory when parent exists
[info] - must fail to create a new directory when any parents in the path don't exist
[info] - must fail if the directory already exists
[info] MkDir Command with `createMissingDirectoriesInPath` = `true`
[info] - must be able to create a new directory when parent exists
[info] - must be able to create the new directory while creating any missing directories in the parent path
[info] - must succeed even if the directory already exists
[info] LsTest:
[info] Ls Command
[info] - must contain the test directory when listing the current directory
[info] - must list only non-hidden files and directories with default options
[info] - must list only non-hidden files and directories when `excludeHidden` is switched on
[info] SortTest:
[info] - must list non-hidden files and directories when `showFilesAndDirectories is switched on
[info] Sort Command in normal mode
[info] - must list all files and directories when `includeHidden` is switched on
[info] - must sort the lines in a single file
[info] - must list only directories when `showDirectoriesOnly` is switched on
[info] - must sort the lines in multiple files
[info] - must list only files when `showFilesOnly` is switched on
[info] - must sort the lines ignoring case when `ignoreCase` is switched on
[info] LsResultParser
[info] - must sort the lines in reverse order when `reverse` option is switched on
[info] - must parse an output line denoting a directory listing correctly
[info] - must sort the lines in reverse order while ignoring case when both `reverse` and `ignoreCase` are switched on
[info] - must parse an output line correctly for a directory having spaces in its name
[info] Sort Command in piped mode
[info] - must parse an output line correctly for a symbolic link listing
[info] - must sort the lines without ignoring case
[info] - must parse an output line correctly for a file listing
[info] - must sort the lines ignoring case when `ignoreCase` is switched on
[info] - must parse the permission as `Execute` when sticky bit 't' is present
[info] - must sort the lines in reverse order when `reverse` option is switched on
[info] CommandTest:
[info] - must sort the lines in reverse order while ignoring case when both `reverse` and `ignoreCase` are switched on
[info] A Command
[info] - must use Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) if running on Windows
[info] - must have no fragments if it's the only command in chain
[info] - must put the result of execution in `Right` if executed successfully
[info] - must put the exception details in `Left` if execution fails
[info] A Command, when combined using `andThen`
[info] - must contain the last command in `cmd` and all prior commands in `fragments`
[info] - must have at least (n - 1) `&&` operators for n commands
[info] - must be in the same order as they were combined
[info] - must suppress output from all commands but the last, unless it redirects its output
[info] A Command, when combined using `pipeTo`
[info] - must keep all `fragments` from the lhs command and discard all `fragments` from the rhs command
[info] - must have the `cmd` of the first command piped with the `cmd` of the second command
[info] A Command, when combined using `writeTo`
[info] - must set the `redirectsOutput` flag to `true`
[info] - must preserve the `fragments` of the original command
[info] - must add a `>` operator to the `cmd` of the command followed by the file path in single-quotes
[info] A Command, when combined using `appendTo`
[info] - must set the `redirectsOutput` flag to `true`
[info] - must preserve the `fragments` of the original command
[info] - must add a `>>` operator to the `cmd` of the command followed by the file path in single-quotes
[info] CommandResultParserTest:
[info] - `unitParser` must do nothing for any input
[info] - `stringParser` must return the same string unchanged
[info] - `pipeReceiverParser` must always return the same dummy receiver instance, irrespective of the input
[info] GrepTest:
[info] Grep Command in normal mode
[info] - must fail if no match is found
[info] - must return the lines that match the pattern in a single file without ignoring case
[info] - must return the lines that match the pattern in multiple files without ignoring case
[info] - must return the lines that match the pattern ignoring case when `ignoreCase` is switched on
[info] - must return the lines that do not match the pattern when `invertMatch` is switched on
[info] Grep Command in piped mode
[info] - must fail if no match is found
[info] - must return the lines that match the pattern without ignoring case
[info] - must return the lines that match the pattern ignoring case when `ignoreCase` is switched on
[info] - must return the lines that do not match the pattern when `invertMatch` is switched on
[info] CatTest:
[info] Cat Command with default options
[info] - must return an empty string when reading an empty file
[info] - must return the file contents when reading an individual file
[info] - must return concatenated file contents when multiple files are specified, in the same order
[info] Cat Command with `showEnds`
[info] - must return the file contents with all 'LF' characters prepended with '$'
[info] Cat Command with `showTabs`
[info] - must return the file contents with all 'TAB' characters replaced with '^I'
[info] Cat Command with `showAll`
[info] - must return the file contents with all 'LF' and 'TAB' characters replaced with '$' and '^I' respectively
[info] DoTest:
[info] - A Do() must return the same command that was passed to it
[info] EchoTest:
[info] Echo Command with default parameters (trailingNewLine=true, backslashInterpretation=false)
[info] - must output the same string terminated with a new-line
[info] - must output the same string without escaping backslashes
[info] Echo Command with `addTrailingNewLine` = false
[info] - must output the same string without a terminal new-line !!! IGNORED !!!
[info] Echo Command with `interpretBackslashEscapes` = true
[info] - must output the same string after escaping backslashes
[info] CdTest:
[info] Cd Command
[info] - must switch to home directory when home option is specified in builder
[info] - must switch to home directory when `path` is empty
[info] - must switch to home directory when `path` is '~'
[info] - must stay at present directory when `path` is '.'
[info] - must switch to root directory when `path` is '/'
[info] Run completed in 1 second, 766 milliseconds.
[info] Total number of tests run: 70
[info] Suites: completed 10, aborted 0
[info] Tests: succeeded 70, failed 0, canceled 0, ignored 1, pending 0
[info] All tests passed.
[success] Total time: 9 s, completed Nov 29, 2019, 6:49:30 PM

Known Issues

  • Passing an empty list of files to addAllFiles() method of Cat(), Grep() and Sort() commands makes them wait for standard input during execution and the framework hangs.
  • Ls() might fail on Mac OSX. A possible fix has been pushed but remains untested.
  • MkDir command fails on Mac OSX in certain scenarios.