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22 lines (21 loc) · 1.64 KB
Workload Tests Arm64 Comments
SPECJBB2015 o* Performance difference observed on a TX2 running Linux
SPECJBB2005 o* Performance difference observed on a TX2 running Linux
SPECJVM2008 crypto, xml, derby, compress, etc o* startup doesn't work on JDK8+ (we are at JDK16/current tip)
SPEC SERT CPU/LU/SORT/SSJ/Flood3/Capacity/compress/Sha256 o* Benchmark changes made to accomodate the new platform combo, upstream to SPEC, benchmark needs fixing with removal of Nashorn
DaCapo Benchmark avrora fop h2 jython luindex lusearch lusearch-fix pmd sunflow tomcat xalan o* one benchmark utilizes an x86-64 dll. A few others don't work on JDK8+. Lower priority
Scimark2 o
Java MicroBenchmark Harness (JMH) many microbenchmarks used for performance and implementation testing o* we ran the 'jmh-jdk-microbenchmarks' suite on our test platforms and found no significant issues
Java Regression Testing Framework (JTREG) o* part of our CI
JFC applications and applets (demo/jfc) o VEH and SEH bug identified and fixed
The Computer Benchmarks Game 10 Java sub-benchmarks x Enablement and characterization work
Renaissance Suite x Enablement work has started
VSCode o
Minecraft Server o

Key to Status:

Legend Status
o Complete
o* Almost there, see notes
x Incomplete