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Monorepo Control

Monorepo Control is a command-line tool that simplifies the process of managing monorepos by automating tasks, such as running pre-commit hooks for modified packages. It's designed to work with Husky and other Git hooks tools.

Table of Contents


  • Automatically detects modified packages and runs pre-commit hooks.
  • Customizable configuration to specify workspaces, extensions, and commands.
  • Easy to integrate with existing Git hooks management tools.
  • Supports passing a custom configuration file path.
  • Can be used in "standalone" mode without adding it to the PATH.


To install Monorepo Control, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
  2. Change to the repository directory:

    cd monorepo-ctrl
  3. Build the project:

    go build -o monorepo-ctrl ./cmd

Add Monorepo Control to your PATH

To use Monorepo Control globally, add the compiled binary to your PATH:

export PATH=$PATH:/path/to/monorepo-ctrl

Standalone usage

For standalone usage, you can place the compiled binary and the configuration file in the .husky directory and use it without adding it to the PATH.


  1. Create a mnk-config.json file in the root of your monorepo with the following structure:

      "monorepo-ctrl": {
        "global": {
          "workspaces": ["workspaces", "packages"],
          "extensions": [".js", ".ts", ".tsx"]
        "configs": [
            "name": "scopeName",
            "commands": ["npm run lint", "npm run test"]
    • Replace scopeName with the desired name for your scope.
    • Customize the workspaces, extensions, and commands as needed.
  2. Run Monorepo Control with the desired scope:

    monorepo-ctrl scopeName

    Replace scopeName with the name you defined in the mnk-config.json file. A good example for a scope name is the type of hook you want to run, such as commit or push.

    If you want to use a custom configuration file path, use the --config or -c option:

    monorepo-ctrl scopeName --config path/to/config/file.json

    If Monorepo Control is not in your PATH and you have to add the binary and the mnk-config.json file to the .husky directory, you can run it in standalone mode without adding it to the PATH.

Integration with pre-commit hook

Global installation (added to PATH)

To use Monorepo Control in your pre-commit hook when it is installed globally, create a .husky/pre-commit file with the following content:


# Execute the monorepo-ctrl with the "commit" argument and custom configuration file
monorepo-ctrl scopeName

This will ensure that Monorepo Control is executed with the specified scope and configuration file during the pre-commit process.

Standalone installation

To use Monorepo Control in your pre-commit hook in standalone mode, create a .husky/pre-commit file with the following content:

SCRIPT_DIR="$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd)"

# Give execute permission to the monorepo-ctrl file
chmod +x $SCRIPT_DIR/monorepo-ctrl

# Execute the monorepo-ctrl file with the "commit" argument and custom configuration file
$SCRIPT_DIR/monorepo-ctrl scopeName -c "$SCRIPT_DIR/mnk-config.json"

This will ensure that Monorepo Control is executed with the specified scope and configuration file during the pre-commit process when used in standalone mode, without adding it to the PATH.


Contributions are welcome! If you find a bug, have a feature request, or want to improve the documentation, please create an issue or submit a pull request.


Monorepo Control is released under the MIT License.