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How you become a owner and operator of the Joystream network.

🧙 Founding Member Program

:flag_us: US persons are not eligible for $JOY :flag_us:


While Jsgenesis is the team currently building the technology behind the Joystream project, we will not be around forever, and we are instead entrusting the future operation of the Joystream DAO to our community members.

The Founding Member Program (FMP) formally allocates JOY tokens among some of our highest quality community members in recognition of their contributions to the project and ensures that a sufficiently large, effective and motivated community of users is ready to occupy all the different roles required to run, evolve and grow the platform on mainnet.

The program is intended to run atleast until the platform is ready to go live on mainnet, possibly even after. However, some changes in structure along the way must be expected.

Why Become A Founding Member?

  • $JOY: A share of the native token powering the mainnet blockchain.
  • Membership Status: A special marker in the membership registry of the genesis block of the mainnet blockchain, forever distinguishing you as an eleete OG-contributor with high social standing. This is very valuable in a governance system which critically uses reputation and standing as a way to give people access to opportunitites, such as serving on a council, or get projects funded through proposals or bounties or to have senior leadership roles in working groups.
  • Handcrafted Avatar: A unique profile picture, hand crafted in the Joystream brand identity style, making you immediately recognizable on all social media channels and inside Joystream products. Here are some examples

Handcrafted Founding Member avatars


There three stages of participation in the FMP

  1. Unverified: This is the initial status of any newcomer, you can immediately start earning $tJOY and $JOY, however, the moment you reach a certain number of $JOY tokens, you are going to lose all additional $JOY earned until you are verified. If you re unable to become a FM when mainnet comes around, your $JOY allocation will be lost.
  2. Verified: This means you can continue to earn $JOY tokens, increasing your allocation over time, and you also will lose your allocation if you are not a FM by mainnet.
  3. Founding Member: You have become a FM, and any $JOY you have allocated will be accessible to you when the mainnet is launched. You can keep earning $JOY even after this you have reached this status.

💀 Bribery

Offering or accepting value, including but not limited to

  • cash
  • cryptocurrency
  • NFTs
  • reciprocation of favor in the future
  • promotion
  • personal favors
  • any form of consideration

for access to opportunities, specifically

  • A council seat
  • A working group lead position
  • A worker position
  • A bounty

Is not only strictly prohibited, but Jsgenesis will be conducting continuous bribery tests, including recruiting existing members and founding members to help, to ensure bribery does not occur. Anyone found to be involved in bribery will lose their $JOY allocations and be permanently banned.


Verification is the process by which Jsgenesis approves you for further participation in the founding member program, so you can keep earning $JOY tokens and eventually reach founding member status. You have to have a minimum number of $JOY tokens before you can get verified: <add link to dashboard which shares this value>. To get verified make a thread in the Verification category of the forum, using the membership you wish to get verified for, and add a short bullet-point list of things for which you have earned $JOY in past council periods. Here is an example of such a thread. Then finally write an email where you reference this thread, and send it to

Refer A Friend

When creating a membership on-chain, or when interacting with the onboarding process of the HR group (#onboarding), they can select what other member has referred them. This cannot be updated at a later time, and if there is a conflict between what was told to the HR representative, and the blockchain, then the latter is considered authoritative. When the new member is verified, the member and whomever referred the member receives REFERREE_JOY and REFERRER_JOY amount of $JOY, respectively, where these are #council-period-parameters from the period in which the invitation was registered. Hence both actors receive a reward.


There is a dynamic dashboard which holds up to date information on the state of the program and each participant, found here.


<Tomato has mentioned the need to explain the history of the program, prior rules, causes for change, as such transparency and public information is key to legitimacy in the future>


How many founding members will there be?

There is no explicit target, but one can attempt to work out what a sensible minimum number of highly committed and competent people are required to operate the DAO on mainnet launch usia simple toy model, as follows:

RoleEstimated #
Council Member8
Marketing Lead1
Human Resources Lead1
Human Resources Representativ36
Builders Lead1
Storage Providers Lead1
Storage Providers20
Distributor Lead1
Distributor Lead30
Content Curator Lead1
Content Curator4
Membership Lead1
Membership Evangelist4
Forum Moderator Lead1
Forum Moderator3
Gateway Lead1

Assuming each actor would only occupy a single role, which may not be true - certainly in the infrastructure working groups (storage & distribution), and further assuming we would want to have some redundancy - say 3x , in founding members to the absolute needed number of actors, as not everyone, this yields an estimate of the number of founding members to be


However, this is just an estimate to give some insight into our thinking, we could do well with more or less than this.

How long will this program last?

Our goal is to keep it going as long as possible until mainnet launch, possible even going beyond mainnet. The only reason to stop it before this time would be to make substantial changes due to some identified problem, or because we have severely exceeded what seems like a feasible total number for the purposes of the program.

Can I sell my membership?

No, this is strictly against the rules. If it was ever discovered that a membership has been sold at any point, before or after becoming a Founding Member, then this membership would be disabled and kicked out from the program. We will do a final verification before genesis launch where we confirm initial verifications done.

How much $JOY makes me a Founding Member?

There is no direct relationship between $JOY earned and FM status, howeve the more the better in terms of your prospects. If you are unsure about why you have not yet earned the status, despite a high $JOY allocation, please write

Can I get kicked out?

Very much so, yes, please read the full ruleset below. Jsgenesis reserved the right to evict anyone from the founding member program, or to deduct or remove their $JOY allocation, including permanently banning them from future participation. Actions such as attempting to attack the integrity of the program, for example by subverting the verification, or by attempting to sell shares of $JOY allocations, will lead to the most severe and immediate sanctions.

We will be conducting blind tests to ensure that there is no abuse.


⚠️ These rules will change at our discretion ⚠️

<Ben: add updated rules>