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A library to execute database command in transactions without having to use annotations based on Spring libraries.

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A library to execute database commands in transactions without having to use annotations based on Spring libraries.
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  • Is essentially what makes the our the core of several of's public releases and contains a bunch of Java utility.

  • Contains a bunch of functional interfaces similar to Runnable, Supplier, Function, BiFunction, Consumer ... and so forth all packed in a easily accessed and understood intuitive pattern that are used plenty in our libraries. Lambda.V1E, Lambda.V2E, Lambda.R1E, Lambda.R2E, ...

  • Intuitive library that makes it easier for you to return multiple well defined objects on the fly from any method, any time rather than being limited to the default maximum of one.

  • Allows for nanosecond time resolution when asking for time from Java Runtime in contrast with System.currentTimeMillis().

  • A library to execute database commands in transactions without having to use annotations based on Hibernate libraries. No Spring!

  • A library to execute database commands in transactions without having to use annotations based on Spring libraries.


What makes this possible or even a reality is the existence of which we've now had in our posession for over 10 years. There is nothing magical about it, yet something similar is lacking in presence in the Java world.

Similar libraries might have recently made the scene but not quite as powerful nor as intuitive, we think.

We finally released to actually be able to release and is the most used and important library internally and is the essence and most important factor of what this library does.

Sure we could have switched our lambdas to Supplier, Consumer and so forth, whatever those names mean, but to destroy our code just to make our code 100% Java organic? Not a great idea.

It is just a bunch of interface classes after all contained in one file, and nothing expensive for you to add on.

On Spring

Most of the industry today relies on the use of Spring @Transactional(propagation = Propagation.REQUIRES_NEW), @Transactional(propagation = Propagation.REQUIRES) and @Transactional(propagation = Propagation.SUPPORTS).

We did too and frequently run into several very common issues.

To get the transactional features using Spring annotations the code needs to be:

  1. Placed into a method of its own. So code has to be extracted and pollute the outer class scope.
    Further, the method will have to declare a bunch of parametnanoers for you to pass whatever you needed in the previous scope.
    Parameter and method pollution. Not great.

  2. The method has to be public and so can not be protected or private when that might be the appropiate choice.
    A protected and private method tells your class, subclasses something and outer world something else. They are important as communicators.

  3. The method has to be invoked using Springs injected beans, so a class or 'service' can not even invoke its own method directly.
    This is risky since someone might do the wrong thing, invoke the method, expect a certain behaviour and not get it.

  4. You need a spring managed bean or use them. You need to inject it whereever you need to get transactional. Spring will hijack and show you stacktraces that are a frequent time waster to parse. Nothing is clear about them. Your exception stacktraces look like a labyrinth and you spend time finding the tiny bug you have which is the most costly part of using Spring hands down since it hijacks your entire Java platform.

Now this to us, introduces a bunch of issues as code is difficult enough to organize well using the standard restrictions the Java language has alone and is now affecting the way you can code further by forcing code that lives perfectly well within a method to be extracted and then somehow find itself to a Spring bean rather than stay where it is most relevant, where it was, just because you needed some code run in a transaction. The extraction can not be private but also has to be made public, and not only that, they can not be invoked directly unless invoked from an injected proxying bean, so forget static, and forget creating the instances yourself, separating logic into several classes.

Repeat this enough times, and your code starts to look like Chernobyl all because you need to code the Spring way. Spring allows you to only use a subset of Java to work well, rather than add to Java. It is therefore by definition, a lesser, and more limited version of Java. Start using Spring and all your code now has to use Spring to invoke anything.

But Spring is not all that bad, there is plenty of material on how to setup things using Spring, which makes it easy to setup most of the time but it is not the dream of any hardcore Java developer. You give up a lot of your Java powers to be on that ecosystem and once you start injecting or annotating, they got you hooked and they work hard to lock you into their eco system. So does Hibernate / RedHat / JBoss. They will eventually all sell you support.

Spring is a bit kinder in their code though where Hibernate by default has private access on almost all of their code. That makes it hard to extend and/ord modify behaiviour, so Spring is not all that bad, but once you start injecting, good luck breaking loose! It took us years to do so and there is no good reason to be injecting stuff in the first place and the amount of restrictions that this entails is far too many to accept.

Our code, including the building of the SessionFactory and/or EntityManager as well as being able to run code in transactions can all be run from a static void main.

Can your Spring code do that? static void main only and run? 1 sec launch? A static void main can startup in less than a half a second within your editor, while the injected stuff Spring pulls requires a lot of orchestration, an initiator, scanning and what not before allowing you do anything.

On Hibernate

Now, using Hibernate as is, is better according to us. However, not much flavour gets added. Spring actually adds a some neccessary functionality, and their better transaction / session manager.
Hibernates transaction manager / sessionfactory is not great. Their thread implementation severely lacking. But we fixed its shortcomings.

But most people do not even know how to setup Hibernate without Spring and without XML. It is not an easy topic to find info about actually. But we did the implementation in our $ It is not all that easy as you can see, nor is it easy to google anything on Hibernate and not get a Spring answer today.

Remember the Javascript answers on not long ago? They used to be all jQuery related.

Creating transactions using Hibernate is possible but requires programmatic insight and is prone to repetition and redundancy which leads to more potential errors and mistakes.

Futher, we repeat the Hibernate option thread or actually org.hibernate.context.internal.ThreadLocalSessionContext implementation is very simplictic in nature and severely limited in terms of capacity and we have provided our own tweaked implementations, with long and suggestive names:

On this library

It is an easy to use, annotation free, Transactional API, that offers a vast amount of methods to create, or reuse transactions by either delegating to existing implementations in the case of Spring or add a bit of additional flavour in the case of Hibernate only version to match Spring's transaction capabilities.

It is a fully customizable, flexible, overridable, optionable and all the other able thing the world has to offer. Simply put, it is very capable.

What we've done is written a base which is then currently implemented with two flavors

  1. For those currently stuck or happy with Spring.
    It makes use of Springs PlatformTransactionManager as the tool to perform your transactions using our API which basically setups the transaction and then delegates it to Spring to make the transaction work as you intended.  
    This works great and have been tested extensively as this library came before we switched to our now Hibernate only library to get off the injection, beans and annotation trail.

    Our camp and our recommendation to all new adopters, and for those that do not want to use Spring.

    We broke loose from Spring setting up our EntityManagerFactory which in reality just wraps a Hibernate SessionFactory as well as broke loose from relying on SpringPlatformTransactionManager by basically writing our own transaction manager (not that difficult) using Hibernate Session transaction mechanisms.

  3. Coming soon and already in a somewhat acceptable condition is the JDBC only transactional API. It already provides similar mechanisms, but is not fully developed as the other two.
    See$DatabaseTransactional for the current state of the JDBC version.
    It is not a tit for tat implementation, but gives us a limited transactional API, that is similar.

What we get is a unified Transactional API that can be setup and invoked from anyplace, and you could one day even switch from Spring to Hibernate and retain your functionality.

Is that all?

Not at all. We also provide a bunch of other things, such as the simplicy of setting up your hibernate SessionFactory, as well as Migrations (think liquibase, flyway), as well as a bunch of session related utility related to entities, persisting, finding, saving, building and more.

All of this can execute from a static void main. Zero xml. Zero complexity.

Getting started

The best way we can showcase things, is simply to show you the code that is fully functional and which you can download, navigate and/or run immediately yourself from our example application by visiting our which details almost all of it, and can be checked out and includes a fully working and executable static void main where we setup database entities as well as demonstrate other parts of our database related libraries and their usage.

The entire thing is really much much simpler to understand and navigate if you just check out the entire repository, navigate and/or run the examples. But we will try to guide you here as well.

We've decided to develop a Crypto related application!

Start by looking at

  • Contains code for setting up the postgresql database and the Hibernate SessionFactory as well as provides a CryptoTransactional and CryptoRepository which will be used in our examples later and is the implementation used in our running examples.

    Objects are created and separated intentionally to show you the different areas of responsibility.

  • is very similar to Crypto but is densed downed to show you what the minimal working configuration would actually look like.

  • is very similar to Crypto but contains more examples and comments on some things we can modify when setting up our database and the SessionFactory.

// This is all code required to get started!

@Configuration public class CryptoMinimal {
    public static CryptoTransactionalRepository repository = CONTEXT.getBean(CryptoTransactionalRepository.class);
    public static final class CryptoDatabase implements $DatabasePostgres {
        @Override public String name() {
            return "crypto_database_name_based_on_spring_libraries";  // This database will be created in postgres if it does not exist already
        @Override public String password() {
            return "postgres";
    @Configuration public static class CryptoSessionConfig extends $SessionConfig<CryptoDatabase> {
        public CryptoSessionConfig() {
            super(new CryptoDatabase());
        @Override protected String[] packages() {
            return new String[]{"momomo/com/example/app/entities"}; // The package to scan for entities
        @Bean(name = "Crypto.persistence.unit")
        public SessionFactory create() {
            return super.create();                                 // We delegate to super in order for the @Bean annotation to exist 
        @Bean(name = "Crypto.transaction.unit")
        public JpaTransactionManager platformTransactionManager() {
            return new JpaTransactionManager(create());
     * Note, both a repository and a transactional instance class in one! 
    @Component public static final class CryptoTransactionalRepository implements $EntityManagerRepository, $TransactionalSpring {
        @PersistenceContext(name = "Crypto.persistence.unit")
        EntityManager entityManager; @Override public EntityManager entityManager() { 
            return entityManager; 
        @Resource(name = "Crypto.transaction.unit")
        PlatformTransactionManager platformTransactionManager; @Override public PlatformTransactionManager platformTransactionManager() { 
            return platformTransactionManager; 

Now that you've seen it, glanced it, consumed it, as well as having glanced Crypto which is the one we actually use, you may proceed.

Demonstration of the Transactional API

Link to $TransactionalSpring and for the lazy, here are the method signatures in $Transactional:

Transactional API signatures

Part 1 -

We start by looking at our first entity Bitcoin

@Entity ... public ... final class Bitcoin implements $Entity {
    private UUID      id;
    private Timestamp time;
    private double    usd; // Represents the price in usd                  


public static final Service S = new Service(); public static final class Service {    
    * Insert method that creates a bitcoin, then requires a transaction, and then saves it within the transaction, which then commits if it was the one to start it.  
    public Bitcoin insert(Timestamp time, double usd) {
        // This "very very expensive" creation need not to run inside the transaction 
        Bitcoin entity = new Bitcoin().setId(UUID.randomUUID()).setTime(time).setUsd(usd);

        // Now, require the transaction and execute save within, also return the saved entity. 
        return Crypto.repository().requireTransaction(() -> {
            return Crypto.repository().save(entity);

In method insert() we have

// We create the entity

Bitcoin entity = new Bitcoin()
// Then we require a write capable 'transaction' which means create a 'new transaction' 
// if there is not already an ongoing one for this thread 

return Crypto.repository().requireTransaction((tx) -> {
    return Crypto.repository().save(entity);

The save(entity) call will execute within a transaction and when it terminates it will commit transaction if it was the one who started it.

The save() call could really be your own normal logic. If you use Spring you would use whatever you where you using before, likely using an EntityManager and calling, and if Hibernate likey session.saveOrUpdate(entity).

Here we used our already created and capable repository which will eventually call session.saveOrUpdate(entity) and to ensure that it was saved properly, it checks it was assigned an id as it should which is not always the case.

When using our save() we will also check to see if the entity has implemented $Entity.Events where your entity may implement beforeSave() and/or afterSave() logic which will be triggered before and/or after a save(). We use this sometimes to set default values* on some fields or generate values based on other fields to set a third.


To be able to use our repository we currently require that your entities implement our empty $Entity interface.

We can see that this is no longer really required as the interface is indeed empty but this was a safety mechanism for our internal code once to ensure control as means of declaration but we will eventually remove this requirement from our Repository implementation to support any entity.

The Transactional API does not have that requirement, but the, repository.find(...) currently do.

We can now invoke

Bitcoin.S.insert(Time.stamp(), 10000.1)

from anyplace, even from a plain static void main.

So given the following in Bitcoin.Service:

public Bitcoin insert(Timestamp time, double usd) {
    Bitcoin entity = new Bitcoin().setId(Randoms.UUID()).setTime(time).setUsd(usd);

    return Crypto.repository().requireTransaction((tx)-> {
        return save(entity);

public void populate(int multiply) {
    // Multiple transactions each started inside the insert method
    insert(Time.stamp(), multiply * 1);
    insert(Time.stamp(), multiply * 2);
    // Two at once, insert call will just continue using this created transaction
    Crypto.repository().requireTransaction(() -> {
        insert(Time.stamp(), multiply * 3);
        insert(Time.stamp(), multiply * 4);

we can execute

public static void main(String[] args) {

which will trigger the database generation, scan for entity classes in the configured packages, setup the SessionFactory and get you a transaction to eventually create and save entities to the database.

Part 2 -

You saw requireTransaction(()->{ ... }) in Bitcoin but let us see what else we can do.

First however, we rewrite Bitcoin class by making it prettier by utilitizing the already created inner class Crypto.CryptoService at the bottom of Crypto.

The implementation is minimal, simple and straightforward to declare and use.

public static abstract class CryptoService<T extends $EntityId> extends $Service<T> implements $TransactionalSpring {
    @Override public CryptoRepository repository() {
        return Crypto.REPOSITORY();
    @Override public PlatformTransactionManager platformTransactionManager() {
        return Crypto.TRANSACTIONAL().platformTransactionManager();

We make use of this class in a another class Polkadot that now contains a minimal version of the logic found in Bitcoin with the following changes listed:

  1. The entity class now extends $EntityIdUUID which will generate an UUID identifier for us, so need to manually set that part.
  2. Polkadot.Service now extends Crypto.CryptoService<Polkadot> which will gives access to a bunch of methods, such as save(..), list(), validate(), findByField(...), findByEntity(...), reqireTransaction(...), newTransaction(...), supportTransaction(...) and many more without the need for external reference for access like in Bitcoin where we did Crypto.repository().requireTransaction(...), now we can simply do requireTransaction(...).
// This you saw in

Crypto.repository().requireTransaction(() -> {
    return Crypto.repository().save(entity);
// This is what we now do through inheritance now
requireTransaction(() -> {
    return save(entity);

Part 3 -

Let us now take a look at sample code found in our dummy class Etherum.Service which extends Crypto.CryptoService<Etherum> containing just example code that is really never invoked.

// Given 

Etherum entity = new Etherum()
// We can demand a new transaction regardless of an existing one using        

requireTransaction(() -> {
    return save(entity);
// A read only transaction

List<Polkadot> = supportTransaction(() -> {
    return list(); // super.list() available from the super class $Service 
// We can disable auto commit

requireTransaction(($TransactionSpring transaction) -> {
    // Disable autocommit, so we commit when we want or not at all


// Another way to disable automatic commit
requireTransaction((tx) -> {
}, false /** commit false**/ );
// We can hook in to do something once the commit is succesful

requireTransaction((tx) -> {
    tx.afterCommit(() -> {
        // Send email perhaps when we exit the transaction after succesfully committing!
        // We have now inserted the value in our database successfully!

        // We do not want to send the email unless we actually have 100% inserted the stuff so this is a handy method to use for that 

// Rolling back inside a lambda possible             

newTransaction((tx) -> {


    // note, now, the autocommit won't occur, as we have rolled back and basically discarded the entire transaction.  
// We can return something from inside the transaction, like an entity

Etherum e = requireTransaction(() -> {
    return save(entity); // We repeat the return demo but by returning an entity
// Return again, showcasing that you can return anything really
String returns = requireTransaction(() -> {

    return "we can return anything from the lambda";
// A lambda less example, if we do not want to execute things inside a lambda but desire more freedom?
$TransactionSpring tx = requireTransaction();
tx.afterCommit  (()-> {});
tx.afterRollback(()-> { /* A crime has been committed! Report error to the FBI! */ });
// We show that exceptions will bubble up to the caller
try {
    requireTransaction(() -> { throw new IOException(); });
} catch (IOException exception) {
    // Will bubble the exception to the caller (due to Lambda.VE, Lambda.V1E) after rolling back. 
    // If there is a rollback exception, a $DatabaseRollbackException will be thrown instead. 
    // Will not commit.  
// We can return and throw exceptions
try {
    File file = requireTransaction(() -> {
        if ( true ) { return new File(""); }   

        throw new IOException();                       
} catch (IOException exception) {
    // Will bubble the exception to the caller (due to Lambda.VE, Lambda.V1E) after rolling back. 
    // If there is a rollback exception, a $DatabaseRollbackException will be thrown instead.
    // Will not commit.
// We can build the transaction properties and set various things ourselves

    .execute((tx)-> {
        tx.afterCommit(()-> {});
        tx.afterRollback(()-> {});

        // ... 
// Similar to previous example but without chaining  
$TransactionOptionsSpring options = requireOptions();
// ... options.propagation(...)
// ... options.create()
// Getting a transaction that we can execute

$TransactionSpring tx = requireOptions()
tx.execute(()-> {

tx.execute(()-> {

}, false /** don't commit **/ );

Part 4 -

While in Bitcoin, Etherum, Polkadot services, we required the transaction inside the insert method, in Stellar, we no longer make use of requireTransaction() there because we figured it was better design to place that burden on the caller to know the call needs a transaction to reduce boiler plate further.

Using Spring, the caller would have had to extract those parts to fit neatly into a method while the caller for us would simply wrap them inside a lambda.

So rather than doing:

public Stellar insert(Timestamp time, double usd) {
    return requireTrasaction( () -> save( create().setTime(time).setUsd(usd) ) ); 

in Stellar.Service we simply do:

public Stellar insert(Timestamp time, double usd) {
    return save( create().setTime(time).setUsd(usd) ); 

Doing this we expect the caller to do the requireTransaction() call for us.

In Stellar.Service we can also find more complex working example:

 * Bunch of complex and nested transactions. 
 * Take a look at the comments within!
public void populate(int multiplier) {
    newTransaction((tx1) -> {
        insert(Time.stamp(), 11);
        insert(Time.stamp(), 12);
        // Start a new transaction within
        newTransaction(tx2 -> {
            insert(Time.stamp(), -21);
            insert(Time.stamp(), -22);
            // Another one
            newTransaction(tx3 -> {
                insert(Time.stamp(), 31);
                insert(Time.stamp(), 32);
            // Continue on the previous last active one (same as tx2) 
            requireTransaction(tx4 -> {
                insert(Time.stamp(), -41);
                insert(Time.stamp(), -42);
            // Neither -21 ... or -41 ... will get into db since that tx rolledback
            // The same as tx1, no issues there. Should be in.   
            requireTransaction(tx5 -> {
                insert(Time.stamp(), 51);
                insert(Time.stamp(), 52);
                // The same as tx1 and tx5, no issues there. Should enter db.    
                requireTransaction(($TransactionSpring tx6) -> {
                    insert(Time.stamp(), 61);
                    insert(Time.stamp(), 62);
                    // New transaction, will be in    
                    newTransaction(($TransactionSpring tx7) -> {
                        insert(Time.stamp(), 71);
                        insert(Time.stamp(), 72);
                    // New transaction, won't be in since it is rolled back    
                    newTransaction(($TransactionSpring tx8) -> {
                        insert(Time.stamp(), -81);
                        insert(Time.stamp(), -82);

We also added a couple more methods, just as examples on what else we can do, although never invoked:

// Return all the historic data within polkadot table

public List<Stellar> historic() {
    return supportTransaction(()-> {
        return super.list();
// Return the data within time range

public List<Stellar> range(Timestamp from, Timestamp to) {
    return supportTransaction(()-> {
        return list(criteria()
            .add(, from) )
            .add( Restrictions.le(Cons.time, to  ) )

Part 5 - public static void main

If we now look at PUBLIC_STATIC_VOID_MAIN we can find a static void main and some code ready to run the entire thing.

    // Spring hijacking our entire Java platform and now we have to jump hoops from this moment forward just because we are forced to inject, and let Spring auto configure for us. Everything basically now has to rely on Spring and our Java environment is reduced to ****, literally. Our entire code is now affected, and we have to adjust our code to fit into Spring.   
    public static final AnnotationConfigApplicationContext CONTEXT = new AnnotationConfigApplicationContext("");
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // We disable autocommit using false, and commit manually 
            Crypto.repository().requireTransaction(tx-> {
            }, false /** disable autocommit **/);
        // We rollback from inside the lambda
            Crypto.repository().requireTransaction(tx -> {
        // We rollback from 'free' mode
            $Transaction tx = Crypto.repository().requireTransaction();

When we run this static void main we will eventually find the following in our database:

Generated tables

  • bitcoin table
    Bitcoin table

  • polkadot table
    Polkadot table

  • stellar table
    Stellar table


Send an email to opensource{at} if you would like to contribute in any way, make changes or otherwise have thoughts and/or ideas on things to improve.


A library to execute database command in transactions without having to use annotations based on Spring libraries.







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