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This Act establishes the Federal Road Safety Commission with responsibility for preventing and minimising accidents on the highways and clearing obstructions on any part of the highways and for educating drivers, motorists and other members of the public generally on the proper use of highways, and to provide for other matters connected therewith



  1. Establishment and composition of the Federal Road Safety Commission, etc.

  2. Tenure of office of members.

  3. Control of policy by the Commission.

  4. Delegation of powers.

  5. Power to make regulations.

  6. Directives of the President.

  7. Director of Road Safety Corps.

  8. Education centre for drivers.

  9. Funds and resources of the Commission.

  10. Accountsand audit.

PART II - Establishment, functions and ranks of members of the Road Safety Corps

  1. Establishmentand function of the Road Safety Corps.

  2. Ranksof members of the Road Safety Corps.

  3. Route commander.

  4. Declarationof interest by members of the Corps.

  5. Provisionof equipment.

  6. Jurisdictionand operational zones.

  7. Immunityand protection of members.

  8. Members to be regarded as person in the public service of the Federation, etc.

  9. Allocationof service members.

  10. Specialpower of the member of the corps.

PART III - Miscellaneous

  1. Interpretation.

  2. Shorttitle and commencement.


First Schedule Proceedings of the Commission

Second Schedule


An Act to establish the Federal Road Safety Commission with responsibility for preventing and minimising accidents on the highways and clearing obstructions on any part of the highways and for educating drivers, motorists and other members of the public generally on the proper use of highways, and to provide for other matters connected therewith.

[Commencement.]     (See section 22)


Establishment, functions and power of the Federal Road Safety Commission

  1. Establishment and composition of the Federal Road Safety Commission, etc.

(1) There is hereby established for Nigeria a Federal Road Safety Commission (hereinafter in this Act referred to as “the Commission”) which under that name shall be a body corporate with perpetual succession and a common seal, and may sue and be sued in its corporate name and whose members shall exercise the functions specified in this Act.

(2) TheCommission shall consist of—

(a) a Chairman and ten other persons to be appointed by the President; and

(b) theDirector of the Corps.

(3) The provisions of the First Schedule to this Act shall apply with respect to the proceedings of the Commission and the other matters provided therein.

  1. Tenure of office of members

(1) Subject to subsection (2) of this section, a member of the Commission other than an ex-officio member shall hold office for such period (not exceeding three years) as may be specified in his letter of appointment.

(2) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the letter by which he is appointed, a member of the Commission other than an ex-officio member, may at any time resign his appointment by writing under his hand, a letter addressed to the President and the membership of the person concerned shall terminate on the date of receipt of the letter of resignation.

(3) The President may at any time remove any member from office if in his opinion it is in the interest of the Commission or of the nation for such member to be removed from the Commission.

  1. Control of policy by the Commission

(1) TheCommission shall be charged with the responsibility for—

(a) thepolicy making;

(b) theorganisation; and

(c) the administration, of the Federal Road Safety Corps established by and under section 1 of this Act.

(2) Inparticular, it shall be the duty of the Commission to—

(a) draw up (progressive) programmes of training for members of the Federal Road Safety Corps designed for securing their effectiveness and efficiency in the performance of its functions under this Act; and

(b) appoint suitable persons as corps marshals, deputy corps marshals, route commanders, road marshals, vehicle inspection marshals and other servants or agents as would in the opinion of the Commission enable it to achieve the objectives of this Act and exercise disciplinary control over persons so appointed.

  1. Delegation of powers

The Commission may, subject to such conditions as it may think fit, delegate any of its powers under this Act to any of its members or to the Director.

  1. Power to make regulations Subject to the provisions of sections 7 and 8 of this Act the Commission may make regulations generally for the carrying out of the objectives of this Act and, in particular, may make regulations relating to—

(a) ranks,pay and allowances of members of the Corps;

(b) hoursof duty and leave of the members of the Corps;

(c) theprocedure and terms of appointment of members of the Corps;

(d) subject to the provision of this Act, the qualification for appointment of members of the Corps or any ranks and the procedure for promotion to any such rank;

(e) themaintenance of discipline among members of the Corps;

(f) the establishment, investigation and certification of driving schools other than those established by the Commission under this Act; and

(g) implementation of highway regulations made by the States and the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja in respect of the proof of ownership of a vehicle, the registration and licensing of vehicles, the roadworthiness of vehicles and such other matters pertaining to making the highways safe.

  1. Directives of the President

(1) The President may give directives of a general or a special character to the Commission relating to the performance by the Commission of any or all of its functions under this Act or the policy to be followed by the Commission in the exercise of its functions and it shall be the duty of the Commission to comply with and give effect to any such directives.

(2) The Commission shall furnish the President with such information and returns relating to its current and proposed activities as the President, may, from time to time, require and the Commission shall give the President all facilities for verifying the information or returns so furnished.

  1. Director of the Road Safety Corps

(1) There shall be a Director of the Corps who shall be appointed by the President and who shall be a person possessing sound knowledge of and ability in the organisation and administration of road traffic and road safety matters.

(2) The Director shall be the chief executive of the Corps and shall be exclusively responsible for the execution of the policies and decision of the Commission and for carrying into effect the day-to-day activities of the Corps.

(3) Without prejudice to the provisions of subsection (2) of this section, the Director shall—

(a) exercise general supervision and control over members of the Corps and the other staff of the Commission;

(b) direct the activities of members of the Corps and of the officer and servants of the Commission;

(c) managethe Commission’s financial affairs; and

(d) deploy the human and material resources of the Commission in such manner as will best ensure the attainment of the aims and objectives of this Act.

  1. Education centre for drivers

(1) The Commission shall, as soon as may be after the commencement of this Act, establish, in each State or operational zone, a model driving school as a standard for driving schools in each State or operational zone and for the testing and retraining of drivers.

(2) Thedriving schools shall—

(a) provide training in driving and in road traffic regulations to potential drivers; and

(b) organise seminars and provide education in road traffic regulations and improved driving techniques to persons who are already holding permits or licences to drive and handle motor vehicles on the highways.

(3) The driving school shall award certificates to students or trainee drivers who successfully complete the courses prescribed by the school.

(4) The Commission shall provide such facilities for the driving schools as may enable them to achieve its objectives under this section.

  1. Funds and resources of the Commission The funds of the Commission shall consist of—

(a) such funds as may, from time to time, be provided by the Federal Government;

(b) any other sum or property which may in any way become payable to or vest in the Commission.

  1. Accountsand audit

The Commission shall keep proper accounts, in a form which conforms with accepted commercial standards, of its receipts, payments, assets and liabilities and shall submit the accounts annually, for auditing by a qualified auditor from the list of auditors supplied by the Auditor-General of the Federation.


Establishment, functions and ranks of members of the Road Safety Corps

  1. Establishmentand functions of the Road Safety Corps

(1) There is hereby established for the Commission, a body to be known as the Federal Road Safety Corps (in this Act referred to as “the Corps”) which shall consist of such number of uniformed and non-uniformed members as may be determined, from time to time, by the Commission with the approval of the President.

(2) TheCorps shall discharge functions relating generally to—

(a) makingthe highways safe for motorists and other road users;

(b) recommending works and devices designed to eliminate or minimise accidents on the highways and advising the Federal Ministry of Works and Housing on the localities where such works and devices are required;

(c) educating motorists and members of the public on the importance of discipline on the highways; and

(d) designing the driver’s licence to be used by various categories of vehicle operators;

(e) determining, from time to time, the requirements to be satisfied by an applicant for a driver’s licence;

(f) designing vehicle plate identification numbers and controlling the use of speed limiting devices; and

(g) thestandardisation of highway traffic codes.

(3) In particular, but without prejudice to the generality of the provision of subsection

(2) of this section, members of the Corps shall, subject to the provisions of this Act, be charged with responsibility for—

(a) preventingor minimising accidents on the highways;

(b) clearingobstructions on any part of the highways;

(c) educating drivers, motorists and other members of the public generally on the proper use of the highways;

(d) givingprompt attention and care to victims of accidents;

(e) conducting researches into causes of motor accidents and methods of preventing them and putting into use the result of such researches;

(f) determining and enforcing speed limits for all categories of roads and vehicles;

(g) co-operating with bodies or agencies or groups engaged in road safety activities or in the prevention of accidents on the highways;

(h) making regulations in pursuance of any of the functions assigned to the Corps by or under this Act;

(i) regulating the use of sirens, flashers and beacon lights on vehicles other than Ambulances and vehicles belonging to the Armed Forces, Nigeria Police, Fire Service and other para-military Agencies;

(j) performing such other functions as may, from time to time, be assigned to the Corps by the Commission.

(4) In the exercise of the functions conferred by this section, members of the Corps shall have power to arrest and prosecute offenders reasonably suspected of having committed any of the following offences and serve same with a court summons or notice of offence sheet, that is—

(a) obstructinghighway with a vehicle or any other object;

(b) driving or riding any vehicle on the highway in excess of the prescribed speed;

(c) wrongfulovertaking of another vehicle;

(d) failingto obey traffic lights, road signs or pavement markings;

(e) driving or riding a vehicle without carrying breakdown transparent warning cones or triangles, or in the case of a breakdown, without reporting within reasonable time of the breakdown to members of the Corps so that necessary measures may be taken to effect the removal of the breakdown vehicle from the highway;

(f) being on a road without lights, signs or reflectors as required by law;

(g) contravention of the provisions of any order, bye-laws, regulations or rules relating to—

(i) the route to be followed by vehicles generally or by vehicles of the class to which the vehicle belongs; or

(ii) theroads which are to be used for traffic by such vehicles;

(h) being on a road without a valid vehicle licence or identification mark being displayed;

(i) being on a road without the driver thereof being in possession of a valid driving licence or any other licence or permit required by law;

(j) driving a motor vehicle on a highway recklessly or negligently or at a speed or in a manner which is dangerous to the public;

(k) driving or attempting to drive a motor vehicle on a highway under the influence of drugs or alcohol;

(l) operating a vehicle with forged driving or insurance papers;

(m) unauthorisedremoval of, or tampering with, road warning signs;

(n) creatinga road hazard without adequate warning signs;

(o) removing a vehicle on which the sign DO NOT MOVE has been pasted by members of the Corps or other duly authorised body;

(p) failureto observe speed limit erected at road construction areas;

(q) in the case of slow vehicles failure to move to the extreme shoulder of the road where up to four vehicles are held up, unable to overtake;

(r) in the case of a vehicle carrying a load of gravel or other unstable material, failure to cover such material with tarpaulin or strong plastic;

(s) failureto display number plates on vehicles;

(t) carrying passengers or loads in excess of the number a particular vehicle is licensed to carry;

(v) in the case of road construction companies, failure to provide adequate warning signs at construction areas day or night;

(w) driving a vehicle without a spare tyre or with tyres whose threadings are worn out;

(x) drivinga vehicle without a windscreen;

(y) driving a vehicle with a projecting load and without a red flag warning attached to the end of the projecting load; and

(z) operating a commercial vehicle without a hackney permit.

(5) In the discharge of the functions of the Corps by or under this Act and notwithstanding the provision of section 17 (1) of this Act, a member of the Corps shall have power to—

(a) arrest any person suspected of committing or having committed an offence under this Act;

(b) remove and detain for a reasonable length of time any vehicle which has been parked in a manner that causes an obstruction on a highway:

Provided that no vehicle shall be removed or detained where there is reasonable cause to believe that such action would cause damage to the vehicle, but the owner or driver of the vehicle shall pay a sum of twenty naira for every day or part thereof of such obstruction in addition to any other penalty which may have been prescribed under this Act;

(c) endorse, after conviction, any driving licence indicating the offence committed by its holder;

(d) seize, when necessary, the driver’s licence of any person suspected to have committed an offence under this Act and the documents or particulars in respect of the vehicle by which the offence is suspected to have been committed;

(e) impound a vehicle suspected to have been stolen where the driver of the vehicle fails to produce on demand and to the satisfaction of the member of the Corps the particulars of such vehicle;

(f) tow away and park such impounded vehicle in the premises of the Corps and promptly notify the police of the matter for further investigation;

(g) declare an offender as wanted when he fails to report to answer charges against him under this Act;

(h) impound any vehicle by which an offence under this Act is reasonably suspected to have been committed;

(i) arrest and prosecute an offender offering bribe to a member of the Corps or attempting to corrupt a marshal on duty.

(6) The driver or owner of a vehicle shall be liable to pay a sum of ten naira for every day or part thereof during which the vehicle is detained:

Provided that if the driver or owner of the vehicle fails to reclaim such vehicle within six months of the date of its detention the Corps may apply to the High Court for an order forfeiting the vehicle to the Corps which may thereafter dispose of the vehicle by public auction and deposit the proceeds of sale in the Government Treasury.

(7) Any person who contravenes any of the provisions of subsection (4) of this section or commits any offence under this Act shall be liable on summary conviction to penalty as specified in the relevant section of the enactment concerned with the offence or, as the case may be, in respect of offences specified in column 1 of the Second Schedule to this Act, as prescribed in the second column of the Second Schedule to this Act.

(8) A person suspected of having committed an offence under this Act may be prosecuted in any magistrate’s court or area court in the ’’Federal’ ’’Capital’ ’’Territory’, ’’’’Abuja’’ or the State within which the offence is committed.

(9) For the purpose of a speedy trial of traffic offenders under this Act, the Chief Judge of a State or the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja shall have power to establish special or mobile courts.

(10) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (7) of this section, the court convicting an offender under this Act may impose a term of imprisonment not exceeding six months in lieu of any of the penalties provided for in the Second Schedule to this Act.

(11) For the purposes of enforcing or prosecuting offences under this Act, the Road Traffic Laws of a State, the Federal Highways Act and any regulations made under these Acts shall apply to this Act.

  1. Ranksof members of Road Safety Corps

(1) Members of the Corps shall bear such ranks and designations as may be assigned to them by the Commission within the following grades, that is—

(a) route commander;

(b) vehicleinspection marshal; and

(c) road marshal.

(2) The qualification for the appointment of members of the Corps shall be in accordance with the rules made by the Commission for that purpose.

  1. Route commander

Route commanders shall perform such functions as may, from time to time, be assigned to them by the Commission.

  1. Declarationof interest by members of the Corps

(1) A person shall, before he is appointed as a member of the Corps, be required to declare his interest, if any, in any transport or other business organisation undertaking transportation of passengers, of goods or engaged in the manufacturing or sale of any equipment used by the Corps.

(2) A member of the Corps who acquires any financial interest in any organization undertaking transportation of passengers or goods or in the production or sale of any equipment used by the Corps, shall, within one month of such acquisition, give notice thereof in writing to the Commission specifying the interest so acquired and the Commission may, after taking into consideration all the circumstances of the case, decide whether—

(a) toretain him as a member of the Corps; or

(b) toremove him from such membership; or

(c) attachany condition to his membership.

  1. Provisionof equipment

The Commission shall provide for the service of members of the Corps such

equipment as the Commission may consider necessary for the effective and efficient discharge of the functions conferred by and under this Act; including the provision of uniforms, identification cards, light reflecting night garments, raincoats, high-powered motor-cycles, motor cars, ambulances, recovery vehicles, two-way mobile radio, telephone sets and powerful torches.

  1. Jurisdictionand operational zones

(1) The operation of the Corps shall cover all public highways, and for the administration of this Act the Commission shall create operational zones, each of which shall be under the control of an officer appointed by the Commission.

(2) The Commission may deploy to each operational zone such numbers of route commanders, vehicle inspection marshals and road marshals as it may deem sufficient for enforcing the provisions of this Act within the operational zone.

  1. Immunityand protection of members
  1. A member of the Corps and a non-uniformed regular or special marshal shall not, when on duty, be liable for any act validly done by him in the exercise of his duties and within the limit of the powers conferred on him by this Act or any rules or regulations made thereunder.

(2) Any person who obstructs or assaults a member of the Corps in the performance of his duties shall be liable on conviction to a fine of one hundred naira or to imprisonment for six months or to both such fine and imprisonment.

  1. Members to be regarded as persons in the public service of the Federation, etc.

(1) Services by members of the Corps under this Act shall be deemed to be public service of the Federation within the provisions of section 318 (1) of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, 1999.

(2) The Commission may require any person employed as a member of the Corps to undergo such courses of training related to the functions of the Corps under this Act and at such institutions or organisations, as the Commission may, from time to time, decide.

  1. Allocationof service numbers

(1) Every member of the Corps shall have allocated to him a service number, which shall be prefixed against his name in the register of members to be kept by the Commission.

(2) The service number shall be the identity number of the member and shall be affixed in the case of a uniformed marshal on the shoulder flap or such other conspicuous part of his uniform as the Commission may decide.

(3) A uniformed member of the Corps shall be in his uniform whenever he is on duty in his office or on the highway.

  1. Specialpower of the members of the Corps

For the purpose of carrying out or enforcing the provisions of this Act, such members of the Corps, as may be determined by the Commission, exposed to high risk in the enforcement of the provisions of this Act, shall have the same powers, authorities and privileges (including power to bear arms) as are given by law to members of the Nigeria Police.



  1. Interpretation

In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires—

“Commission” means the Federal Road Safety Commission established under section 1 (1) of this Act;

“Corps” means the Federal Road Safety Corps established under section 11 of the Act;

“member” means a member of the Corps or, as the case may require, of the Commission and includes the Chairman of the Commission.

  1. Shorttitle and commencement

This Act may be cited as the Federal Road Safety Commission Act and shall be deemed, except in respect of those sections creating offence and awarding punishment, to have come into force on 18 February 1988.


First Schedule

[Section 1 (3).]

Proceedings of the Commission

  1. The Commission may make standing orders regulating the proceedings of the Commission or of any committee thereof.

  2. The quorum of the Commission shall be five and the quorum of any committee of the Commission shall be determined by the Commission.

  3. At any time while the office of the chairman is vacant or the chairman is, in the opinion of the Commission, temporarily or permanently unable to perform the functions of his office, a member of the Commission duly appointed by the Commission shall perform those functions and references in this Schedule to the chairman shall be construed accordingly.

  4. (1) Subject to the provisions of any applicable standing orders, the Commission shall meet whenever summoned by the chairman; and if the chairman is required so to do by notice given to him by not less than three other members, he shall summon a meeting of the Commission to be held within 21 days from the date on which the notice is given.

(2) At any meeting of the Commission, the chairman or, in his absence, any member duly appointed by the Commission, shall preside at that meeting.

(3) Where the Commission wishes to obtain the advice of any person on a particular matter, the Commission may co-opt him as a member for such period as it thinks fit, but a person who is a member by virtue of this sub-paragraph shall not be entitled to vote at any meeting of the Commission and shall not count towards a quorum.

  1. (1) The Commission may appoint one or more committees to carry out, on behalf of the Commission, such of its function as the Commission may determine.

(2) A committee appointed under this paragraph shall consist of the number of persons determined by the Commission and not more than one third of those persons may be persons who are not members of the Commission; and a person other than a member of the Commission shall hold office on the committee in accordance with the terms of the instrument by which he is appointed.

(3) A decision of a committee of the Commission shall be of no effect until it is confirmed by the Commission.


  1. The fixing of the seal of the Commission shall be authenticated by the signature of the chairman or of some other member authorised generally or specially by the Commission to act for that purpose.


Section 11 (7)





(a) being on the road without lights, signs or reflectors as required bylaw



(b) obstructing a road or waiting or parked or being loaded or unloaded otherwise than as required by law.



(c) contravention of the provisions of any order, bye-laws, regulations or rules relating to –

(i) the route to be followed by vehicles generally or by vehicles of the class to which the vehicle belongs, or



(ii) the roads which are to be used for traffic by such vehicles



(d) exceeding the prescribed speed limit

(e) being on a road without a valid vehicle or identification mark being




(f) being on road without the driver thereof being in possession of valid driving licence or permit required by law



(g) wrongful overtaking of other vehicles



(h) failure to obey traffic lights or signs



(i) disregard of road signs, markings and pavement



(j) failure to carry break-down transparent warning cones or




(k) driving a motor vehicle on the highway recklessly or negligently, or at a speed or in a manner which is dangerous to the public



(l) driving or attempting to drive a motor vehicle on a highway under the influence of drugs or alcohol



(m) operating a vehicle with forged driving insurance papers



(n) unauthorised removal of or tampering with road warning signs



(o) creating a road hazard without adequate warning signs



(p) removing a vehicle on which the sign DO NOT MOVE has been pasted by members of the Corps or other duly authorised body



(q) failure to observe speed limit erected at road construction areas



(r) in the case of a vehicle, failure to remove to the extreme shoulder of the road where up to four vehicles are held up, unable to overtake

(s) in the case of a vehicle carrying a load of gravel or other unstable material, failure to cover such material with tarpaulin or strong plastic



(t) failure to display number-plates are required by law



(u) loading a vehicle above the weight it is licensed to carry



(v) failure by a road construction company to provide adequate warning signs



(w) driving a vehicle without a spare tyre or with tyres whose threadings are worn out



(x) driving a vehicle without a windscreen



(y) driving a vehicle with a projecting load and without a red flag warning attached to the end of the projecting load



















































































































































































N200 per day after 24 hours
















































NOTE: Custody fee on impounded Motor vehicle and Motorcycle/Tricycle is N200.00 per day payable after initial 24 hours of grace


List of Subsidiary Legislation

National Road Traffic Regulations.

  1. Establishment of State Directorates of Motor Vehicle Administration.

  2. Application for Registration RS Form NMV A/93/l.

  3. Registration and assignment of identification mark.

  4. Registration Categories

  5. Verification of weights.

  6. Registration book.

  7. Change of ownership.

  8. Change of colour of a vehicle.

  9. Supplying particulars.

  10. Unauthorisedentry, etc., in registration book.

  11. Appeal

  12. Issueof licence.

  13. Powerto refuse licence in certain cases.

  14. Appeal

  15. Refund of portion of fee paid.

17,    Specialtrade licence.

  1. Productionof licence.

19,    Replacementof lost or defaced licence.

  1. Changeof licence.

  2. Licenceon change of classification of vehicle.

  3. Formof identification mark, etc.

  4. Classesof licence.

  5. Photographof the applicant.

  6. Driving test.

  7. Formof driving licence, etc.

  8. Conductof driving test.

  9. Learner's permit.

  10. Certificateas to group of licence.

  11. Learner's sign.

  12. Replacementof defaced or illegible licence.

  13. Replacementof lost or stolen licence.

  14. Convictionsto be reported to Central Motor Registry.

  15. Conditions for licensing.

  16. Useand construction of taxis.

  17. Useand construction of multi-purpose vehicle.

  18. Useand construction of omnibuses.

  19. Useand construction of multi-purpose vehicle.

  20. Privateuse of stage carriage or omnibus.

  21. Route restriction.

  22. Powerof State Motor Vehicle Administration to fix fares.

  23. Tableof fares and timetable to be carried and exhibited.

  24. Badges.

  25. Conductor's badges.

  26. Wearingof badges. IV 11

  27. Surrenderingof driver's and conductor's badges. (1£1

  28. Personin charge of stage carriage of omnibus.

  29. Prohibitionof noise, etc.

  30. Nosmoking while driving. '

  31. Firsttwo taxi drivers to stay by.

  32. Taxidrivers not to stop longer than necessary.

  33. Taxidriver refusing to be hired without reasonable excuS4

  34. Procedureregarding property left in vehicle.

  35. Persontravelling in stage carriage or omnibus.

  36. Maintenanceof passenger manifest by commercial vehicles

  37. Useand construction of motor vehicles and trailers

  38. Tyres, etc.

  39. Brakes.

  40. Silencersand exhaust.

  41. Lighted lamp.

  42. Approved guidelines.

  43. Driving mirrors.

  44. Wheel alignment.

  45. Steering apparatus.

  46. Springs.

  47. Laminatedwindscreen and safety glass.

  48. Windscreen wipers.

  49. Mudguards.

  50. Speedometers.

  51. Spirit tankers.

  52. General.

  53. Leg guards.

  54. Exemptionand issue of permits.

  55. Conditionsfor use of trailer.

  56. Motorvehicle with right hand driver.

  57. Illuminatedindicators, etc.

  58. Examinationof commercial and private vehicle.

  59. Vehiclesnot to exceed 32 tonnes.

  60. Motorvehicles to have reflex reflectors.

  61. Trailersto be equipped with reflectors.

  62. Assertingof weight.

  63. Breachof Regulations.

  64. Drivingspeed limit, etc.

  65. Ruleof ti:1e road.

  66. Ruleof the road and commercial vehicle, etc.

  67. Provisionrelation to motorcycle driver and passenger.

  68. Molestingor obstruction of the driver.

  69. Stoppageof machinery of stationary motor vehicle, etc.

  70. Punishmentfor contravening Part VII.

  71. Removalof vehicles from highways.

  72. Provisionrelating to removed vehicles park, etc.

  73. Procedurefor reclaiming removed vehicle.

  74. Failureto reclaim vehicle.

  75. Maximumperiod of driving commercial vehicles.

  76. Prohibitionof animals on expressway.

  77. Prohibitionof motorcyclists, etc.

  78. Agricultural machine.

  79. Loading.

  80. Boarding,etc., of vehicles.

  81. Provisionsas to weight, etc.

  82. Provisionsas to length.

  83. Loads.

  84. Speed.

  85. Stoppage on the expressway.

  86. U-turns, etc.

  87. Parking.

  88. Marks on vehicles to be renewed as often as necessary.

  89. Power to inspect vehicle.

  90. Report of road accident.

  91. Disposal of fees.

  92. Provisionsrelating to exempted bodies.

  93. Provisionsrelating to vehicles other than motor vehicles.

  94. Bicycle, pedestrians, animals, etc.

  95. Competent authority.

  96. Examinationof vehicles for international certificate.

  97. Applicationfor international certificate.

  98. International certificate.

  99. Applicationfor fiscal permit.

  100. Internationalcirculation permit.

  101. Exemption from local taxation.

  102. Issue of international permit.

  103. Period which permit is valid.

  104. Productionof documents.

  105. Informationgiven on transfer.

  106. Surrender of permit on expiration.

  107. Duplicate.

  108. Visibilityof permit.

  109. Record of vehicles.

  110. Internationalsign of vehicles.

  111. Lighting provision applicable to international signs.

  112. Applicationfor international driving permit.

  113. Issued only to residents in Nigeria.

  114. Fee and duration.

  115. Permit not transferable.

  116. Exemption in Nigeria to holder of permit issued elsewhere.

  117. Register of permit.

  118. Power of court in relations to permits.

  119. Exemption of vehicles and plant used in construction and fire engines, etc.

  120. Exemption in respect of registered military vehicles.

  121. Revision of Highway Code.

  122. Offences in relation to licence, etc.

  123. Offences against these Regulations.

  124. Power to issue notice of offence.

  125. Delegationof powers to make other regulations.

  126. Amendments, etc.

  127. Interpretation.

  128. Citation.



[S.I. 3 of 1997.]

[7th April, 1997]                                  [Commencement.]

  1. Establishment of State Directorates of Motor Vehicle Administration

There is hereby established, for the purposes of these Regulations, in each State of the Federation and the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja, a State Directorate of Motor Vehicle Administration.


Registration of vehicles

  1. Application for Registration RS Form NMVA/93/1

(1) Any person applying to register a vehicle shall submit to a licensing authority an application for registration duly completed as in RS Form NMVA/93/l as specified in Schedule 1 of these Regulations and pay to the licencing authority the fees prescribed in Schedule 2 of these Regulations.

(2) An application to register a vehicle shall be accompanied by a certificate of payment or exemption from payment of import duty issued by or under the authority of the Board of Customs and Excise, where the vehicle is an imported vehicle.

(3) Anapplication to register -

(a) a trailer; or

(b) a commercial vehicle, with the axle weight or any of its axles exceeding 10 tonnes or tandem axles exceeding 16 tonnes gross weight, shall be accompanied by a consent required to be given in writing given under the provisions of regulation 78 of these Regulations.

  1. Registration and assignment of identification mark

(1) Subject to paragraphs (3) and (4) of this regulation, a licensing authority shall on receipt of a proper application and fee, if any, register the particulars of the vehicle and if the vehicle was not previously registered in Nigeria, or if the vehicle was previously owned by an exempted body within the meaning of regulation 139 (2) of these Regulations, assign to it an identification mark with the local government code.

(2) If any person applies for a special identification mark in respect of a vehicle used by an exempted body, the licensing authority may, with the approval of the principal licensing officer and on payment to the licensing authority of the prescribed fee, assign to the vehicle the specific identification mark for which the application has been made:

Provided that the identification mark shall be in the series controlled by the licens-ing authority or specially permitted by the Director, Motor Vehicle Administration.

(3) An application for a special identification mark shall be as prescribed in RS Form NVL 48 specified in Schedule 1 to these Regulations.

(4) TheDirector of the Commission and the State Director of Motor Vehicle

Administration may, by notice in the Federal or State Gazette or, in the case of a particular vehicle, by an instruction given to a licensing authority, prohibit the registration of any vehicle or any category of vehicles which may be considered to be unsuitable for registration.

(5) A licensing authority may refuse an application for registration of a vehicle if it is or not satisfied that the applicant has attained the age of eighteen years or because there is a valid court order so to do.

  1. (1) A vehicle may be registered in one of the following categories -

(a) motorcyclesmay be registered as -

(i) private;

(ii) commercial;

(b) privatemotor vehicle;

(c) trailer;

(d) taxi/hackney carriage (carry not more than seven persons including the driver);

(e) privatehire car driven by the hirer or the owner’s driver;

(f) commercial vehicle liable to carry goods and persons who are servants of the owner whilst in the employment of the other;

(g) stagecarriage for not more than fifteen persons including the driver;

(h) stagecarriage for over fifteen persons including the driver;

(i) omnibus;

(j) private omnibus used for the free conveyance of employees;

(k) agricultural vehicle;

(l) tractor;

(m) vehicle exclusively designed for use, or plant or machinery used for construction;

(n) fireengines or trailer pump.

(2) A vehicle may be registered in categories (d), (e), (f), (g), (h) and (i) of paragraph

(1) ofthis regulation if -

(a) the vehicle is operated primarily for hire or reward (excluding) category (j); or

(b) a certificate of road-worthiness issued by the road traffic officer under regulation 77 of these Regulations is produced at the time of the application to license the vehicle; or

(c) the vehicle conforms with the provisions of regulation 78 of these Regulations; or

(d) the condition of the vehicle is, in the opinion of a road traffic officer, safe and suitable for the conveyance of passengers or goods, and conforms with the provisions of Part V and VI of these Regulations.

(3) A vehicle may be registered as a trailer under this Part of these Regulations if -

(a) it is a vehicle designed to be drawn by a motor vehicle;

(b) a certificate of road-worthiness issued under regulation 77 of these Regulations is produced at the time of application for registration; and

(c) the trailer conforms with the provisions of regulation 74 of these Regulations.

(4) A vehicle shall be used on a highway only in passing part if -

(a) the vehicle is intended to be used on a highway only in passing from land in private occupation to other land in such occupation; or

(b) it is registered in the name of a person engaged in agriculture, timber trade or mining; or

(c) it is not used on a highway for hauling any objects except from agricultural produce, timber, mineral, agriculture land.

(5) For the purpose of this regulation, “mineral” includes mineral oils and the word “mine” and “mining” shall be construed accordingly.

(6) A vehicle may be registered as a tractor under this Part of these Regulations if the vehicle is used on a highway solely for the purpose of haulage, and not for the purpose of carrying, or having super-imposed upon it, any load except such as is necessary for its propulsion or equipment.

  1. Verification of weights

(1) Before a vehicle is registered, a road traffic officer may, if facilities for weighing the vehicle are not available, require the net weight of the vehicle to be ascertained by a competent authority who shall certify the weight of the vehicle and make any necessary correction in the statement of weight declared by the owner.

(2) The fee prescribed in Schedule 2 to these Regulations shall be payable by the owner in respect of any ascertainment of weight required to be effected under paragraph (1) of this regulation.

(3) Where facilities for weighing a vehicle are not available, the road traffic officer may require the owner of the vehicle to produce a certificate of the weight thereof issued by the manufacturer or a competent authority.

(4) A road traffic officer or a route commander may, at any reasonable time, require a vehicle to be re-weighed free of charge.

(5) The owner of a vehicle shall cause the vehicle to be driven or brought to an appropriate place which the road traffic officer or a route commander may direct for the purpose of weighing.

  1. Registration book

(1) A registration book as specified in RS Form NVL 40 of Schedule 1 to these Regulations shall be provided by the State Director, Motor Vehicle Administration and shall be issued to the owner of a vehicle upon the payment of the prescribed registration fee to the licensing authority and shall constitute the permanent record of the vehicle.

(2) The registration book shall be required to be in the vehicle and liable to be produced on demand by a police officer, road traffic officer or a route commander in uniform or a licensing authority.

(3) Any driver who fails to comply with the provisions of paragraph (2) of this regulation is guilty of an offence and liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding N500 or to imprisonment for a term of six months:

Provided that the provisions of this paragraph shall not apply to a person who has -

(a) lostthe registration book and applied for a replacement; or

(b) deposited the registration book with the licensing authority, a police officer, a route commander or a road traffic officer.

(4) If the owner of a vehicle shows to the satisfaction of the State Director, Motor Vehicle Administration that -

(a) heis unable to obtain the registration book from a previous owner; or

(b) the registration book has been lost, stolen or defaced and that a replacement of the registration book shall be -issued through a licensing authority to the owner upon payment by him of the prescribed fee; or

(c) that he has a certificate in lieu of custom papers or any other good cause that his dealer has not given him any letter of custom clearance, the licensing authority may register the vehicle.

(5) The owner of the vehicle shall be required to inform the licensing authority within a period of four weeks of any change of his address as shown in the registration book.

(6) Subject to the provisions of regulation 3 of these Regulations, where any change occurs in relation to any vehicle which affects the particulars of a vehicle entered in a registration book, the owner of such vehicle shall immediately inform the nearest licensing authority of the book change as in RS Form NVL 44 specified in Schedule 1 to these Regulations and the State Directorate of Motor Vehicle Administration shall thereupon, without payment of any fee, amend the registration book provided that the change or amendment is genuine.

  1. Change of ownership

(1) If the ownership of a vehicle is changed, the former owner of the vehicle shall give a notice of the change to the licensing authority as in RS Form NVL 46 as specified in Schedule 1 to these Regulations and the new owner shall pay to the licensing authority the fee prescribed in Schedule 2 to these Regulations.

(2) The former owner of the vehicle referred to in paragraph (1) of this regulation shall present the registration book to the licensing authority who shall record details of the change of ownership and hand over the registration book to the new owner.

(3) The notice referred to in paragraph (1) of this regulation shall be given by the former owner to the new owner not later than 30 days after the date of the actual change of ownership and where the notice relates to a vehicle which was imported into Nigeria free of import duty the notice shall be accompanied by a certificate of payment of import duty, or exemption therefrom issued to the new owner by the Board of Customs and Excise.

(4) The Directorate of Motor Vehicle Administration shall effect every change of ownership in its register under this regulation.

  1. Change of colour of a vehicle

(1) If the colour of a vehicle is to be changed, the owner shall apply for approval from the Director, Motor Vehicle Administration or any person authorised by him in RS Form ML 42 specified in Schedule 1 to these Regulations and unless such an application is approved, the owner of the vehicle shall be restrained from changing the colour of the vehicle.

(2) A new vehicle licence shall be issued after payment of the fees prescribed to reflect the new colour of the vehicle and the old vehicle licence shall be withdrawn from the owner.

(3) Thechange of all the particulars of the vehicle shall be reflected in the

registration book by the Directorate of Motor Vehicle Administration.

(4) Where the colour of a vehicle is changed without due approval, the licence of such a vehicle shall become invalid and the owner of the vehicle is guilty of an offence under this regulation and liable on conviction to a fine of N5,000 or to imprisonment for a term of one year and the confiscation of the vehicle by the licensing authority.

  1. Supplying particulars

(1) Every Directorate of Motor Vehicle Administration shall supply, on request by any other Directorate of Motor Vehicle Administration, a road traffic officer, road marshal or a police officer not below the rank of a sergeant, copies of any records, documents or particulars in respect of a vehicle and the Directorate of Motor Vehicle Administration, when satisfied that it is reasonable so to do, supply to the person a copy of any entries kept by such Directorate of Motor Vehicle Administration relating to such specified vehicle on payment of the fee prescribed in Schedule 2 to these Regulations.

(2) The State Director, Motor Vehicle Administration shall file and keep all copies of licences and other documents furnished in pursuance of these Regulations at the Central Motor Registry and shall on request by any Director, Motor Vehicle Administration, Road Traffic Superintendent, road marshal II, police officer not below the rank of sergeant or public officer in his official capacity supply such particulars in relation thereto as may be required of him from time to time.

  1. Unauthorisedentry, etc., in registration book Any person who -

(a) makes an unauthorised entry or alteration in the registration book relating to a vehicle; or

(b) wilfully destroys or defaces any entry in the registration book, is guilty of an offence under these Regulations and liable on conviction to a fine of N500 or imprisonment for a term of six months or to both such fine and imprisonment.

  1. Appeal

Any person who has been refused registration of a vehicle in accordance with these Regulations may appeal to a magistrate’s court which may give such directions as it may deem fit under the circumstances.


Licences for vehicles

  1. Issueof licence

Subject to the provisions of these Regulations, a State Directorate of Motor Vehicle Administration may on payment of the fees prescribed in Schedule 2 to these Regulations issue a vehicle licence for a period of twelve or six months as in RS Form ML 6 specified in Schedule 1 to these Regulations upon production to it of a registration book and a current certificate of third party insurance and, in the case of commercial vehicle, motorcycle for hire, trailer, taxi, stage carriage or omnibus, a valid certificate of roadworthiness issued under regulation 77 of these Regulations.

  1. Powerto refuse licence in certain cases

(1) The Director of the Commission may, on the advice of the Technical Committee on Motor Vehicles prohibit by notice published in the Federal Gazette and forwarded to the State Director of Motor Vehicle Administration prohibiting the registration of or further licensing of a class or type of vehicles considered to be unsuitable for any particular mode of usage and the State Director, Motor Vehicle Administration shall thereupon refuse to issue a licence in respect of the class or type of vehicles affected by such prohibition.

(2) The State Director of Motor Vehicle Administration may, in the case of a particular vehicle and subject to confirmation of a magistrate in chambers, give direct instruction to the Director, Motor Vehicle Administration and the Director so informed shall thereupon refuse to issue a licence in respect of the vehicle affected by such prohibition.

(3) A Directorate of Motor Vehicle Administration shall not issue a licence for any vehicle -

(a) which does not comply in all respects with every condition applicable to its particular type of class under these Regulations; or

(b) thecondition of which, in the opinion of a road traffic officer or a route

commander is such as to render its use on a highway a contravention of these Regulations; or

(c) so constructed or in such condition, mechanically or otherwise, as in the opinion of a road traffic officer or route commander is likely to be dangerous to persons or animals using the highway or injuries to the highways or bridges; or

(d) in respect of which a valid certificate of road-worthiness issued under regulation 77 of these Regulations is not produced; or

(e) inrespect of which a current certificate of insurance is not produced.

(4) No vehicle shall be licensed for a gross weight other than that registered in respect of such vehicle in accordance with these Regulations.

(5) For the purpose of paragraphs (2) and (3) of this regulation, a licensing authority, road traffic officer or a route commander may, at any time, require any vehicle to be produced by such person and at such time and place as he may appoint.

(6) Inthis regulation, “Technical Committee on Motor Vehicles” means the

Committee consisting of a member each of the Standards Organisation of Nigeria, the Nigerian Society of Engineers, the Council of Registered Engineers of Nigeria, the National Automotive Council, the Commission, road traffic officers and a police officer.

  1. Appeal

A person to whom a licence has been refused in accordance with this Part of these Regulations may appeal to the magistrate’s court which may give such directions as it thinks fit under the circumstances.

  1. Refundof portion of fee paid

(1) If any person to whom a licence has been issued in accordance with regulation 13 of these Regulations satisfies the Directorate of Motor Vehicle Administration in the State within which the original licence was issued that the vehicle in respect of which the licence has been issued shall not be used in Nigeria during the unexpired portion of the period of the licence, the licensing authority may refund to that person a portion of the fee paid for the licence and that portion shall be equivalent to one twelfth of the annual licence fee payable multiplied by the remaining number of complete months for which the licence may be deemed current.

(2) Before a refund is made under this regulation, the licence and the counterfoil thereof shall be surrendered to the Directorate of Motor Vehicle Administration which shall thereafter -

(a) causethe licence to be cancelled;

(b) cause the appropriate entry in the registration book of the vehicle to be cancelled; and

(c) informthe Central Motor Registry of the cancellation.

(3) When a refund is made under this regulation, the vehicle in respect of which the licence was issued shall for the purpose of these Regulations be deemed to be unlicensed during the period in respect of which the refund is made unless a new licence is taken out in respect thereof.

  1. Specialtrade licence

(1) A special trade licence specified in RS Form ML 6 Schedule 1 to these

Regulations, may be issued by a licensing authority to a dealer on payment of the fee prescribed in Schedule 2 to these Regulations and the licence shall be so stamped indicating the type of trade licence.

(2) A dealer may obtain any number of trade licences so however that no trade licence shall be issued for use in respect of any vehicle except in the following circumstances, that is -

(a) when a vehicle having been off-loaded from a ship, lighter, train or other road vehicle is being driven to their dealer’s place of business; or

(b) when a vehicle is being tested after having been received, assembled or repaired at the dealer’s place of business; or

(c) when a vehicle is being tested by or on behalf of an intending purchaser or of the owner in the case of a vehicle under repairs; or

(d) when a new vehicle or one under repairs is being transferred by a dealer in the normal course of business; or

(e) when a new vehicle or one which has been repaired is in process of delivery to the purchaser.

(3) A trade licence shall be issued with a trade identification number plate as shown in fig. 10 in Schedule 3 to these Regulations consisting of the National flag symbol, name of authorised dealer, dealer’s code, State code, dealer’s number (alpha-numeric), individual vehicle code (alpha-numeric) and words “Federal Republic of Nigeria” and the particulars of each trade licence shall be entered in a special register kept for that purpose by the State Motor Vehicle Administration.

(4) A person to whom a trade licence has been refused may appeal to a magistrate’s court which may give such directions as it deems is just and proper.

(5) A trade licence shall not -

(a) authorise -

(i) the carrying of passengers or goods for hire or reward any passengers or goods for hire or reward; or

(ii) any person not engaged in testing the vehicle or inspecting the vehicle with a view to purchase the same; or

(b) be used on Sundays and public holidays and between the hours of 6 p.m. to 6 a.m.

(6) Any person using a trade licence, except for the purpose authorised by these Regulations, is guilty of an offence and liable on conviction to a fine of N10,000 or to imprisonment for a term of six months.

(7) A dealer shall be required to keep a record of journeys made by vehicles operating under a trade licence and the records shall be open to inspection by the Director, Motor Vehicle Administration, road traffic officer, a route commander or police officer not below the rank of sergeant.

(8) Subject to the provisions of paragraph (2) of this regulation, a trade licence issued in any State shall be valid in any other State until the date of expiry indicated on such licence.

(9) A trade licence in this regulation includes -

(a) licences for spare parts dealers to engage in the sales and distribution of spare parts;

(b) licences for mechanic workshops to engage in the business of motor vehicle repairs and servicing.

(10) The procedure for obtaining a trade licence and registration -

(a) as a spare parts dealer is as specified in Schedule 11 to these Regulations;

(b) as a motor mechanic is as specified in the Schedule 12 to these Regulations.

  1. Productionof licence

(1) The owner, driver or person in charge of a vehicle shall at all times when the vehicle is being used on a highway keep the current licence for the vehicle displayed in the manner hereinafter provided, and shall, on demand, permit any route commander, police officer, licensing authority or any person authorised in that behalf by the Director, Motor Vehicle Administration to examine the licence.

(2) Licences, other than trade licences, shall be displayed in a weather-proof holder with a transparent cover and carried on the vehicle and in the case of -

(a) motorcycles or trailers, in a conspicuous position on the near side of the vehicle not more than 76.20 centimeters from the front of the vehicle;

(b) motorcycles with sidecar, on the near side of the handlebar of the cycle or the near side of the sidecar; and

(c) all other vehicles (except when placed on or adjacent to the windscreen as hereinafter provided) on the near side of the vehicle facing toward the near side of the road and not less than one metre nor more than two metres from the ground level and placed as near to the front seat as is practicable:

Provided that in the case of a vehicle fitted with a front glass windscreen extending across the vehicle, to the near lower corner or the glass of such windscreen or in such other manner so as to be clearly visible from the front at all time by daylight whether such vehicle is moving or stationary; and in the event of the licence being carried actually upon a glass portion of the vehicle and otherwise complying with these Regulations the obligation that the licence shall be carried in a weather-proof holder with a transparent cover shall not apply.

(3) The licence shall be placed and carried (except when placed on or adjacent to the windscreen as hereinbefore provided) so as to be clearly visible at all times by daylight to a person standing at the near side of the vehicle, whether such vehicle is moving or stationary.

(4) In the case of vehicle issued with a trade licence, such licence shall be displayed on the front plate bearing the trade identification mark issued in respect of such licence.

  1. Replacementof lost or defaced licence

(1) Subject to paragraph (2) of this regulation, a licensing authority shall issue a new licence to the holder of a current licence under this Part of these Regulations, if the holder of the licence satisfies the licensing authority that -

(a) thelicence has been defaced or mutilated; or

(b) thefigures and particulars thereon have become illegible; or

(c) the licence has been lost or stolen, and the new licence shall have the same effect as the original licence.

(2) Before issuing a licence under paragraph (1) of this regulation, the licensing authority shall demand the production of the holder’s registration book as proof of issue of the original licence.

(3) In the case of a lost or stolen licence, the owner shall be required to produce the police extract (report) and a duly sworn affidavit stating clearly the particulars and facts of loss before a new licence may be issued after payment of fees prescribed in Schedule 2 to these Regulations.

  1. Changeof licence

(1) When the ownership of a vehicle is transferred in accordance with regulation 8 of these Regulations and the new owner does not intend to use the vehicle for any purpose other than that for which it is classified and registered, the existing licence shall be valid until the date of expiry indicated on it but in all other cases a refund may be made to the former owner of the vehicle for the unexpired portion of the licence and the vehicle shall be re-licensed upon payment of the fee prescribed in these Regulations.

(2) If the new owner fails to comply with this regulation, the existing licence shall cease to be valid.

  1. Licenceon change of classification of vehicle

(1) When a registration book has been amended in accordance with regulation 7 of these Regulations, the existing licence shall remain valid until the date of expiry indicated on the licence, unless the registration category or character of the vehicle has been so changed as to render payable a licence fee at a higher or lower rate than that paid on the issuance of the existing licence.

(2) Where a higher or lower licence fee becomes payable a refund may be made to the former owner of the vehicle for the unexpired portion of the licence and the vehicle shall be re-licensed upon payment of the fee prescribed in these Regulations.


Identification mark

  1. Formof identification mark, etc.

(1) The identification mark to be carried by a motor vehicle or trailer in pursuance of the provisions of these Regulations shall be displayed on two plates for a motor vehicle, and three plates for a trailer, which shall conform, as to lettering, numbering and otherwise with the provisions set out in figures 1-11 of Schedule 3 to these Regulations.

(2) The plates displaying the identification mark shall in respect of -

(a) a motor vehicle be fixed, one on the front of the vehicle and the other at the centre or on the off-side of the back of the vehicle;

(b) a trailer, be fixed at the centre or on the off-side of the back of the trailer in an upright position;

(c) a motorcycle, one plate shall be fixed at the rear centre with the plate having white background but blue lettering for private, green lettering for the Federal, State or local government, black lettering for the armed forces and red lettering for commercial, so that every letter or figure on the plate is upright and easily distinguishable in the case of the front plate from the front, and in case of the back plate from behind.

(3) In the case of the recovery of a semi-trailer, the operation of the prime mover shall be required to ensure that the entire articulated vehicle carries the same identification number in respect of the prime mover and the semi-trailer.

(4) No part of the plate bearing the identification mark of a trailer or a motor vehicle other than a motorcycle shall be in any manner obscured and the plate shall at all times be kept in such condition that the letters and figures thereof are clearly distinguishable in daylight by a person of normal vision at a distance of 46 metres and in the case of motor-cycles at a distance of 28 metres.

(5) A vehicle shall carry a vehicle identification tag which shall be issued along with the Vehicle Identification Plate and shall carry the same number with the plate on the rear windscreen.

(6) Except as otherwise provided under these Regulations, no identification mark shall be transferred from one vehicle or trailer to another and it shall be an offence under these Regulations for any person to make any transfer except in accordance with these Regulations.

(7) A person convicted of an offence under paragraph (6) of this regulation is liable to a fine of N10,000 or imprisonment for a term of six months or to both such fine and imprisonment.

(8) The form of identification number plates referred to in paragraph (1) of this regulation shall be rectangular with dimensions of 308 mm by 139.7 mm for private vehicles and 228 mm by 177.8 mm for motorcycles both with white background as shown in figures 1 and 2 in Schedule 3 to these Regulations.

(9) Theidentification for private vehicles’ number plate shall -

(a) have the name of the State in black, the licensing office code number, the vehicle registration number and the local government code number in blue;

(b) for commercial vehicles, have the name of the State in black, the licensing office code number, the vehicle registration number and local government code number in red;

(c) for Federal and State Government vehicles, have the name of the Ministry or Parastatal code number in green;

(d) for local governments and area councils, have the name of the State in black, the local government area council identification code, the vehicle registration number and the name of the local government code in green;

(e) for the military and para-military vehicles, have the name and the code of the armed forces, the vehicle group code, issuing office code.

(10) Notwithstandingthe provisions of paragraph (9) of this regulation, the

identification number plate of vehicles referred to in -

(a) sub-paragraphs (a) and (b) shall have the symbol of the National flag on the top left corner and the Federal Republic of Nigeria in black as specified in figure 3 in Schedule 3 to these Regulations;

(b) sub-paragraph (c) shall have the National Coat of Arms in the top left corner and the Federal Republic of Nigeria in black as specified in figure 5 in Schedule 3 to these Regulations;

(c) sub-paragraph (d) shall have the National Coat of Arms in the top left corner black and the Federal Republic of Nigeria all in black as specified in figure 4 in Schedule 3 to these Regulations.

(11) All vehicle identification marks shall have -

(a) a local government code for private and commercial vehicles as set out in figure 6 of Schedule 3 to these Regulations;

(b) Federal, State or local government codes for government vehicles as set out in figure 6 of Schedule 3 to these Regulations;

(c) codes for military, para-military and all other government agencies as set out in figure 7 of Schedule 3 to these Regulations; and

(d) codes for diplomatic vehicles as set out in figure 11 of Schedule 3 to these Regulations.

(12) The Director of Commission shall determine, from time to time, the appropriate number codes for all categories of vehicles.

(13) In the case of a loss or damage to a vehicle identification mark or a vehicle identification tag, the owner of the vehicle or the driver shall -

(a) report the loss of the particulars immediately to the nearest police station or the office of the State Director of Motor Vehicle Administration;

(b) prove ownership of the lost plate by swearing to an affidavit stating the proof of ownership;

(c) pay the prescribed fee to the appropriate authority for a replacement of the lost number plate.

(14) The owner of the vehicle or the driver may, where the necessary particulars of loss have been reported, construct a temporary number plate in the form of wood which shall conform to colouring, lettering, codes, etc., as outlined in the provisions of this regulation.

(15) A temporary number plate shall be sufficient as the number plate until a new one shall be issued by the licensing authority.

(16) All vehicles, private or commercial, shall as from the commencement of these Regulations, have on them the vehicle identification mark referred to in this regulation and it shall be an offence for any vehicle not to have the said identification mark.

(17) A person who commits an offence under paragraph (16) of this regulation is guilty of an offence and liable on conviction to a fine of N500 for every day the offence is being committed.

(18) There shall be a requirement of proof of ownership certificate for all registered vehicles the format of which shall be determined by the Director of the Commission from time to time.


Driver’s licence

  1. Classesof licence

(1) Licences or learners’ permits to drive a motor vehicle shall be in one of the following groups -

(a) a motorcycle;

(b) a motor vehicle of less than three tonnes gross weight other than motorcycle commercial, taxi, stage carriage or omnibus;

(c) a motor vehicle of less than three tonnes gross weight, other than motorcycles;

(d) a motor vehicle, other than motorcycle, taxi, stage carriage or omnibus but excluding an articulated vehicle or vehicle drawing a trailer;

(e) a motor vehicle other than motorcycle or articulated vehicle;

(f) agricultural machines and tractors;

(g) articulated vehicles;

(h) anearth-moving vehicle;

(i) special, for physically handicapped persons.

(2) A person not below the age of 18 years who desires to obtain the grant of a driver’s permit shall lodge with the State Directorate of Motor Vehicle Administration the appropriate application form duly completed and approved by a road traffic officer as in RS Form NDL 18N specified in Schedule 1 to these Regulation as the case may require.

(3) The holder of a valid licence may apply for and obtain a renewal of the licence referred to in paragraph (2) of these Regulations at any time within a period of one month before the date of expiry of the licence and such renewal shall have effect on the expiration of the current licence.

(4) An application for the renewal of licence shall be in RS Form NDL 15R in the Schedule 1 to these Regulations.

(5) Subject to the provisions of paragraph (3) of this regulation, the grant or renewal of a driver’s licence shall take effect from the date of the receipt by the licensing authority of the application form duly completed.

(6) A State Directorate of Motor Vehicle Administration shall require a person to undergo a driving test in accordance with regulation 27 of these Regulations if two or more years have elapsed since the person last held a valid driver’s licence.

  1. Photographof the applicant

(1) An application for the issue or re-issue of a driver’s licence shall be accompanied by one copy of a recent passport photograph (which shall be printed from the same negative) of the head, full face, and shoulders of the applicant approximately but not longer than 25 mm by 30 mm and where a driving test is required in pursuance of regulation 25 (1) of these Regulations, the copy shall have endorsed on the back thereof a certificate issued by the road traffic officer that it is a true resemblance of the applicant.

(2) An application for the grant of a learner’s permit shall be accompanied by an unmounted photograph of the head, full face and shoulders of the applicant approximately but not larger than 25 mm by 30 mm.

  1. Driving test

(1) A Directorate of Motor Vehicle Administration shall, before issuing a licence, require the applicant to pass a driving test to show that he is capable of fully controlling a motor vehicle of the type and group for which he has applied for a licence to drive:

Provided that a driving test shall not be required if documentary evidence is produced to the satisfaction of the road traffic officer that the applicant has, within a period of two years preceding the application, held a licence to drive a vehicle of the group specified in the application and was issued by either the Federal, State or local government.

(2) In any case where the holder of a licence authorising the driving of a motor vehicle or one group subsequently passes a test in respect of a vehicle of another group, the applicant shall complete an application for a driver’s licence and submit same with the certificate of a road traffic officer, the original licence and the fee prescribed under these Regulations.

(3) A new driving licence shall be endorsed with the number and date of issue of the original licence and with any conviction or order which relates to any offence within the immediately preceding two years which is endorsed on the original licence.

(4) On the issuance of a new driving licence, the original licence shall be cancelled by the Directorate of Motor Vehicle Administration and forwarded to the central motor registry with the appropriate application form.

(5) Where a driving test is required by the State Directorate of Motor Vehicle Administration, no licence shall be issued unless the application is accompanied by a certificate stating the group of licence issued under regulation 29 of these Regulations and the learner’s permit.

(6) It shall be the duty and responsibility of a road traffic officer to test an applicant, carry out the vision test on the applicant and sign the column provided on RS Form 18N specified in Schedule 1 to these Regulations and issue a tester’s certificate thereof.

  1. Formof driving licence, etc.

(1) A driving license shall be as specified in RS Form F3/90 specified in Schedule 1 to these Regulations and shall be renewable after two years from the date of issue -

(a) before the applicant shall be entitled to receive a valid licence, the fee prescribed in these Regulations shall be paid; and

(b) on the issuance of a learner’s permit, a licensing authority shall affix a passport photograph to the top right hand corner and when placing the official stamp on the permit, part of the stamp shall be on the photograph and part on the permit.

(2) The holder of a driver’s licence shall append his signature and thumbprint in the space provided in the driver’s licence application Forms RS NDL 15R and Form RS NDL 18N specified in Schedule 1 to these Regulations.

  1. Conductof driving test

(1) A driving test shall be conducted by a road traffic officer, driver testing officer or a person appointed for that purpose by the State Director of Motor Vehicle Administration.

(2) The test, which shall be held at such a time and place as the road traffic officer, the driver testing officer or a person so appointed may specify, shall be directed to ascertain the competence of the applicant to -

(a) controlthe motor vehicle in the traffic;

(b) bringthe motor vehicle to a standstill from normal speed;

(c) turncorners, cross main roads and turn from side to main roads;

(d) passother vehicles on the roads;

(e) drive a motor vehicle except a motorcycle, backwards along a straight road and around corners;

(f) turn round in a road;

(g) understand the indication of speeds and figures shown on the speedometer of the motor vehicles;

(h) demonstrate his knowledge of the rules of the road, the hand signals set out in Schedule 4 to these Regulations and signs illustrated in Schedule 5 to these Regulations and the principal offences set out under the Act and these Regulations;

(i) read at a distance of 23 metres in good daylight (with the aid of glasses, if worn), a motor vehicle identification mark;

(j) generally drive competently a motor vehicle or in the case of a person suffering from disability, a motor vehicle of the particular class to which the application relates, without danger to and with due consideration for other road users.

(3) An applicant who passes a driving test on a vehicle fitted with automatic transmission or adopted vehicle shall have his driver’s licence so endorsed and shall only be permitted to drive such a vehicle.

  1. Learner’s permit

(1) Subject to regulation 23 (2) of these Regulations, an application for a learner’s permit shall be accompanied by the fees prescribed in these Regulations and the grant of a learner’s permit upon any such application shall entitle the holder, when accompanied for the purpose of instruction by a licensed driver sitting beside him, to drive a vehicle of the group or type stated therein for a period not exceeding three months from the date of issuance of the learner’s permit within the area on the highways specified in the learner’s permit and to be tested after the said period of three months.

(2) An application for a learner’s permit shall be in the prescribed RS Form ML. 16 specified in Schedule 1 to these Regulations.

(3) Where in pursuance of paragraph (1) of this regulation the holder of a learner’s permit -

(a) failsto take a driving test before the expiration of his third permit; or

(b) takes a test and fails it, he shall, upon obtaining another learner’s permit in like manner be entitled to be tested, but not before one calendar month has expired since the date of the previous test.

  1. Certificateas to group of licence

When a person has passed a driving test to the satisfaction of the road traffic officer or such other officer authorised so to do, he shall be issued with a certificate stating the group of licence he is qualified to receive.

  1. Learner’s sign

Whenever an applicant for a driving licence is -

(a) drivinga vehicle for the purpose of being tested; or

(b) theholder of a learner’s permit,

there shall be securely affixed to the vehicle so as to be easily visible on two plates, one of which shall be on the front and one on the back displaying the letter L, and which shall conform with the provisions set out in Schedule 3 to these Regulations and the plate shall have a white background and the letter “L” painted in red colour.

  1. Replacementof defaced or illegible licence

(1) Subject to these Regulations, where the holder of a driver’s licence issued under this Part of these Regulations satisfies a licensing authority that -

(a) thelicence is dilapidated, mutilated, or illegible; or

(b) the photograph on such licence has become defaced so as to impair the identification of the holder thereof, the road traffic officer shall upon the approval of the State Director of Motor Vehicle Administration issue a replacement licence in exchange for the original licence to the applicant and upon the payment of the prescribed fees in these Regulations.

(2) On the issuance of the replacement of a licence the licensing authority shall endorse therein the particulars of any conviction or order endorsed on the original licence which relates to any driving offence committed by the owner of the licence within the preceding two years.

(3) The original licence shall be cancelled by the licensing authority and shall be forwarded with the licence application and photograph to the Central Motor Registry which shall cause the original licence to be destroyed.

(4) The procedure for replacing a lost, damaged or defaced licence shall be as follows-

(a) theholder or owner shall -

(i) report to the nearest police station and obtain a police extract stating the particulars of loss;

(ii) prove ownership by swearing to an affidavit stating the facts of the loss;

(iii) paythe fees prescribed in these Regulations;

(b) theState Director of Motor Vehicle Administration on production of the

documents specified in this regulation by the holder or owner shall process a new licence in accordance with the provisions of regulation 33 of these Regulations.

  1. Replacementof lost or stolen licence

(1) If the holder of a driver’s licence issued under this Part of these Regulations satisfies a licensing authority in the State in which the original licence was issued that the licence has been lost or stolen he may apply to that licensing authority for a replacement licence in the same manner as specified in regulation 31 (1) of these Regulations.

(2) If the road traffic officer is satisfied from its records or has received confirmation from the State Directorate of Motor Vehicle Administration that the applicant previously held a valid driver’s licence during the previous two years in Nigeria he shall be issued a replacement licence and have endorsed thereon the particulars of any conviction order supplied by the State Central Motor Registry which relates to any driving offence committed within the preceding two years and the replacement licence shall be valid for the remaining period from the date of issue of the original licence.

(3) The fee payable under this regulation shall be as prescribed in these Regulations.

(4) The provisions of regulation 24 of these Regulations shall apply to any such replacement licence.

(5) The State Directorate of Motor Vehicle Administration shall notify the National Director of Motor Vehicle Administration whenever a replacement licence is issued.

  1. Convictionsto be reported to Central Motor Registry

If the holder of a driving licence is convicted by a court of any offence under the Act or these Regulations details of such convictions shall be forwarded to the State Central Motor Registry by the Divisional police officer or Sector Commander of the Commission.


Taxis, stage carriages, omnibuses and motorcycles for hire

  1. Conditionsfor licensing

Subject to these Regulations, a licensing authority may licence a motor vehicle as a taxi, stage carriage, omnibus or motorcycle on the payment of the fees specified in these Regulations, if the licensing authority is satisfied that -

(a) the vehicle is registered as a taxi, stage carriage, omnibus or motorcycle for hire in accordance with the provisions of Part 1 of these Regulations; and

(b) thevehicle conforms to the other conditions contained in these Regulations.

  1. Useand construction of taxis

No person shall cause or permit a taxi to be used on any highway, or shall drive or take charge of a taxi, unless the following conditions are satisfied, that is -

(a) the maximum number of persons approved by the State Director of Motor Vehicle Administration to be carried at any one time shall be painted on the taxi in letters and figures not less than 25 millimetres in height and of such shape and colour as to be clearly distinguishable from the colour of the ground and the number shall be so painted at the registration or re-registration of the vehicle;

(b) the word “Taxi” shall be painted in white letters 64 millimetres in height on the top corner of the windscreen on the near side;

(c) the taxi shall be of such distinctive colour as may be approved by the National Director, Motor Vehicle Administration and have painted on each of the two front doors of the taxi a local identification mark allocated by the licensing authority for which the fee prescribed in Schedule 2 to these Regulations shall be paid;

(d) each passenger shall be provided with seating accommodation of a width of at least 0.406 metres;

(e) thetaxi shall have two or more entrances on each side;

(f) the taxi shall not be used for the conveyance of any marketable livestock;

(g) the taxi shall not be used as a stage carriage by carrying passengers at separate and distinct fares or at the rate separate and distinct fares for their respective destinations;

(h) the number of persons carried in the taxi shall at no time exceed the number authorised by the road traffic officer and recorded in the registration book of the vehicle;

(i) the taxi shall at all times be kept in a clean and sanitary condition;

(j) the taxi shall not stand or ply for hire if it is in such a condition as to be unsafe or unsuitable for the conveyance of passengers or does not conform to the requirements of these Regulations.

(2) In pursuance of this regulation, the Technical Committee set up under regulation 14 of these Regulations shall have power to prescribe colour for taxis.

  1. Useand construction of multi-purpose vehicle

(1) No person shall cause or permit a stage carriage to be used on any highway, or shall drive or have charge of a stage carriage, unless the following conditions are satisfied, that is -

(a) each passenger is provided with seating accommodation, the supports of which are firmly fixed in position of a width of 0.356 metres, a depth of at least 0.356 metres and a maximum height of 0.457 metres from the floor of the stage carriage shall be allowed for the seating accommodation of each passenger;

(b) in the case of seats facing in the same direction a clear space of at least 0.254 metres is allowed between the foremost part of one seat and the rear part of the seat in front and in the case of seats arranged facing each other a clear space of at least 0.4482 metres is allowed between the front edge of one seat and the front edge of the seat facing it;

(c) the driver’s seat in stage carriage carrying passengers, or in a motor vehicle carrying goods and passengers is not less than 0.610 metres wide and is so constructed as to be centered on the steering column and the seat is completely divided off from any seating accommodation provided for any person sitting in the driver’s compartment by a fixed partition approved by the road traffic officer and no person except the driver shall occupy the driver’s seat;

(d) in any case where the driver’s seat is so partitioned off, one person only shall sit in the remaining portion of the driving compartment if the seat provided exceeds 0.356 metres but less than 0.711 metres in width and if the seat exceeds 0.711 metres in width then not more than two persons may sit thereon;

(e) the motor vehicle shall carry a conductor registered in accordance with these Regulations;

(f) the driver of a stage carriage shall abide by any specified route or other conditions imposed by the State Director, Motor Vehicle Administration;

(g) the number of persons carried in the stage carriage shall at no time exceed the number authorised by the Director, Motor Vehicle Administration and recorded in the registration book of the vehicle;

(h) the stage carriage shall at all times be kept in a clean and sanitary condition.

(2) For the purpose of paragraph (1) (h) of this regulation, the number of persons shall be calculated as follows, that is -

(a) each person shall be taken as weighing 76.204 kilograms with an allowance of 12.700 kilograms, hand luggage;

(b) two children under the age of twelve years shall be taken as one person; and in no case shall the number of persons to be carried at any one time exceed the number determined by dividing the registered freight or load which the vehicle is authorized to carry, expressed in kilograms, less the actual weight of any goods being carried in addition to the passenger, by 168.

  1. Useand construction of omnibuses

No person shall cause or permit an omnibus to be used on the highway, or take charge of an omnibus, unless the following conditions are satisfied, that is -

(a) the maximum number of persons allowed by the State Director, Motor Vehicle Administration to be carried at any one time is painted on the omnibus in letters and figures and provided that in calculating the number of persons that an omnibus may be allowed to carry by the State Director, Motor Vehicle Administration may take into consideration the standing room available for passengers in addition to the actual available seating accommodation while the omnibus is operating within city limits only;

(b) theoverall length shall not exceed 12 metres;

(c) the overhang shall not exceed one third of the overall length: so however that in the case of an omnibus body constructed in Nigeria, the over-hang shall not exceed seven twenty-fourths of the over-all length;

(d) the body shall be soundly constructed and designed for the sole purpose of carrying passengers and hand luggage;

(e) all seating accommodation shall allow a space of at least 0.356 metres in length for every passenger;

(f) the width of the seats from front to back shall be at least 0.356 metres;

(g) in the case of seats facing the same direction there shall be provided space of at least 0.660 metres between the front of the back of one seat and the back of the seat immediately in front, of which space 0.254 metres at least shall be clear of obstruction to the floor;

(h) in the case of seats arranged facing each other there shall be a space of at least 0.457 metres clear of obstruction between the front edge of one seat and the front edge of the seat facing it;

(i) the gangway shall be at least 40 cm wide;

(j) at least two entrances or exits shall be provided for passengers (one of which may be an emergency exit) and all entrances or exits not being emergency exits shall not be less than 0.609 metres wide and shall not be less than 1.676 metres in height;

(k) every entry or exit (other than an emergency exit) shall be on the near side of the omnibus;

(l) every emergency exit shall be fitted with a door which shall be kept closed except in an emergency and every entrance or exit door shall be capable of being opened by one operation of the locking mechanism and shall be so designed as to be readily opened in case of need from both the inside and the outside of the omnibus;

(m) the risers of all steps at the entrance and exits shall be closed and the maximum height from the ground of the lowest step shall be 0.457 metres;

(n) the driver’s seat shall be divided off from the passengers’ accommodation by a portion approved by the Director, Motor Vehicle Administration;

(o) the minimum internal height of the vehicle from the floor to the centre of the roof shall not be less than 1.7 metres;

(p) there shall be provided a bell or other device electrically or manually operated which allows the conductor to transmit signals to the driver from any part of the interior of the omnibus;

(q) the number of persons carried in an omnibus shall at no time exceed the number authorised by the Director, Motor Vehicle Administration and recorded in the registration book of the vehicle;

(r) the omnibus shall at all times be kept in a clean and sanitary condition;

(s) the omnibus shall not carry any load or luggage on its canopy.

  1. Useand construction of multi-purpose vehicle

(1) No person shall cause or permit a multi-purpose vehicle to be used on any highway, or shall drive or have charge of a multi-purpose vehicle, unless the following conditions are satisfied, that is -

(a) themaximum gross weight of the vehicle shall not exceed 32 tonnes;

(b) the maximum load allowed by the State Director, Motor Vehicle Administration to be carried at any one time shall be painted on the vehicle in letters and figures not less than 25 millimetres in height;

(c) and of such shape and colour as shall be clearly distinguishable from the colour of the ground whereon the letters and figures are painted;

(d) the body shall be soundly constructed of a minimum of twenty gauge sheet metal and fitted with a permanent rigid roof, with or without, a sliding panel; and

(e) any freight or load carried on the vehicle shall be secured in such a manner as to render it impossible for such freight or load or any part thereof to fall or move.

(2) The number of persons carried shall for the purpose of this regulation be determined in the same manner as provided for in regulation 37 (2) of these Regulations.

  1. Privateuse of stage carriage or omnibus

Where any stage carriage or omnibus in respect of which a licence has been issued to ply for hire is hired by any person to be used exclusively for any particular purpose such stage carriage or omnibus shall carry in a conspicuous place on the front and rear thereof a sign marked “PRIVATE” in large and legible letters.

  1. Route restriction

No stage carriage or omnibus licensed to operate between specified points shall stand or ply for hire on any route other than that laid down pursuant to subsection (5) of section 1 of the Federal Highways Act or specified in the registration book issued in respect of the vehicle.

  1. Powerof State Motor Vehicle Administration to fix fares

(1) TheDirector, State Motor Vehicle Administration may -

(a) fix maximum, and where necessary, minimum fares for taxis, stage carriages and omnibuses;

(b) require taxis plying for hire to be fitted with a metre or other device approved by him for the purpose of indicating the correct authorised fare for any journey;

(c) fix timetables for and determine stopping places in relation to stage carriages and omnibuses plying for hire on any specified routes;

(d) determine the days and hours of operation during which stage carriages and omnibuses may ply for hire.

(2) The meters specified in paragraph (1) (b) of this regulation, shall be regulated by public notice and any person aggrieved thereby may appeal to a magistrate’s court.

  1. Tableof fares and timetable to be carried and exhibited

(1) Every taxi, stage carriage or omnibus shall be required to carry and exhibit a copy of the table of fares and the timetable (if any) applicable to it, printed in large and legible type and placed in such a position on the vehicle as the Director, State Motor Vehicle Administration may direct and every meter or other device for indicating authorised fares with which a taxi may be required to be fitted shall be maintained in good working order.

(2) Any person who demands or receives more than the maximum or accepts less than the minimum of the fares imposed as aforesaid is guilty of an offence under this regulation and liable on conviction to a fine of N2,000.

  1. Badges

(1) No person shall drive a taxi, stage carriage or omnibus without having obtained from the licensing authority a taxi, stage carriage or, as the case may be, omnibus driver’s badge as prescribed in Schedule 3 to these Regulations.

(2) A badge shall only be issued to a person who holds a valid driver’s licence in either group “C” or “E” in accordance with regulation 34 of these Regulations and shall not be transferable to any other person; and the issuance of the badge shall be endorsed on the driver’s licence.

(3) The Directorate, Motor Vehicle Administration shall issue a badge on payment of the fee prescribed in these Regulations and on being satisfied that in addition to the applicant holding the appropriate driving licence he is a fit and proper person to drive a taxi, stage carriage, or as the case may be, an omnibus.

(4) A road traffic officer may require an applicant for a taxi driver’s badge to pass a test designed to demonstrate his knowledge of streets and the shortest and best routes within the area in which it is reasonable to suppose that he will ply for hire, and if the road traffic officer requires him to pass such a test and he fails to do so, the licensing authority shall not issue the badge.

(5) Any person aggrieved by the decision of a licensing authority under this regulation may appeal to a magistrate’s court within fourteen days of such decision.

  1. Conductor’s badges

(1) The owner of a stage carriage or omnibus shall submit to a licensing authority for registration the names and addresses of all persons who he intends to employ as conductors, and such persons shall have attained the age of eighteen years.

(2) The Director, Motor Vehicle Administration, on being satisfied that such persons are fit and proper persons to be registered shall upon the payment of the fee for each registration having been made, issue to the owner a conductor’s badge as prescribed in Schedule 3 to these Regulations, for each person so registered.

(3) Upon any person ceasing to act as a conductor in the employ of the owner, the owner shall so notify the State Directorate of Motor Vehicle Administration and cause the badge issued in respect of that person to be returned whereupon the licensing authority shall cancel the registration.

(4) A conductor’s badge issued in accordance with these Regulations shall not be transferable to any other person.

(5) The Director of the Commission may, by notification in writing to all States Directors of Motor Vehicle Administration, exempt certain classes of omnibuses from the provisions of paragraph (1) of this regulation.

  1. Wearingof badges

A badge issued in accordance with these Regulations shall be worn in a conspicuous manner by the driver or conductor to whom it is issued and whenever, in the case of -

(a) the driver, he is driving or in charge of a taxi, stage carriages or omnibus on a highway; and

(b) the conductor, he is acting as conductor of a stage carriage or an omnibus.

  1. Surrenderingof driver’s and conductor’s badges

If the driver of a taxi, stage carriage or omnibus, or conductor of a stage carriage or omnibus to whom or in respect of whom a badge has been issued is convicted of an offence under the Act or these Regulations or is considered by the State Director, Motor Vehicle Administration to be unsuitable to drive or to be in charge of such a vehicle, the State Director, Motor Vehicle Administration may by notice in writing demand the surrender of such badge, even if in the case of a driver, the licence to drive a motor vehicle has not been suspended or revoked by the magistrate’s court in

accordance with the provisions of these Regulations and the driver or conductor shall be required to surrender the badge to the State Director, Motor Vehicle Administration:

Provided that the driver or conductor if aggrieved may, within eight days of the notice from the licensing authority to surrender the badge, appeal against the notice to a magistrate’s court.

  1. Personin charge of stage carriage of omnibus

For the purposes of this Part of these Regulations, the conductor of a stage carriage or omnibus shall be deemed to be in charge of the vehicle except insofar as the driving thereof is concerned.

  1. Prohibitionof noise, etc.

The owner, driver or conductor or any person acting on behalf of the owner, driver or conductor of a taxi, stage carriage or omnibus standing or plying for hire shall not -

(a) speak, make any noise or sound any instrument in order to attract the attention of the public or of a possible passenger; or

(b) act in any way so as to make himself objectionable or a nuisance to any person or so as to cause any annoyance or inconvenience to any person.

  1. Nosmoking while driving

The driver of a taxi, stage carriage or omnibus shall not smoke while driving the vehicle for hire.

  1. Firsttwo taxi drivers to stay by

(1) The drivers of the first two taxis on a stand shall stay beside their vehicles and shall be ready to be hired at once by any person.

(2) If any person wishes to engage a taxi of a particular seating capacity or type and if such a taxi is not the first one on the stand, the driver of the first taxi of the required seating capacity or type on the stand shall accept the hire.

(3) Alltaxis on the stand shall move up as vacancies occur.

  1. Taxidrivers not to stop longer than necessary

The driver of a taxi when hired shall not, unless requested to do so by the hirer, stop his vehicle for a longer time than is reasonably necessary and, if he is not hired, he shall not stop his vehicle except on a public stand, and he shall not loiter when driving his vehicle on a highway.

  1. Taxidriver refusing to be hired without reasonable excuse

The driver of taxi shall not without reasonable excuse refuse to -

(a) behired when the vehicle is not on the stand; or

(b) drive the vehicle to any place indicated by the hirer if the whole journey, including the return journey, does not exceed forty kilometres; or

(c) carry such number of passengers, not exceeding the number specified in the registration book for the vehicle, as he may be required to carry by the hirer.

  1. Procedureregarding property left in vehicle

If the driver of a taxi or the conductor or driver of a stage carriage or omnibus finds any property left in the vehicle after the completion of a journey he shall without undue delay take it to the nearest police station or the Drivers Union office in the motor park.

  1. Person travelling in stage carriage or omnibus

No person shall, while travelling in or upon a stage carriage or omnibus -

(a) use any obscene, indecent, offensive or quarrelsome language or gesture, or behave in any manner likely to annoy or insult any other person; or

(b) wilfullyinterfere with the comfort of any other passenger; or

(c) spitupon or out of, or wilfully soil any part of the vehicle; or

(d) wilfully damage or deface the vehicle or any part thereof or any part of its equipment; or

(e) wilfully do or cause to be done with respect to any part of the vehicle or its equipment anything which is calculated to interfere with the working of the stage carriage or omnibus or so as to cause injury or discomfort to any other passenger; or

(f) wilfully obstruct or impede the driver or conductor in the exercise of their duty; or

(g) enter into conversation with the driver of the vehicle whilst it is in motion; or

(h) smoke or carry a lighted pipe, cigar or cigarette in any part of the vehicle whether or not a notice prohibiting smoking is exhibited in the vehicle; or

(i) sell or offer for sale or distribute any goods or any printed matter of any description; or

(j) throw any article from any part of the vehicle; or

(k) refuseto pay his fare when lawfully demanded; or

(l) cause an obstruction to the entrances or exits thereof or to the passenger way used to obtain access to the seats in the vehicle.

  1. (1)All passenger carrying commercial vehicles shall, before commencing any intercity journey, keep and maintain a passenger manifest carrying the names of its passengers, their addresses and either their point of departure or destination or both.

(2) Where the journey is disjointed by reason of some passenger alighting before the pre-determined destination, another passenger may be admitted on board, and the terminal point of the former shall be recorded and the particulars of the latter entered in the manner prescribed in paragraph (1) of this regulation.

(3) A person taking charge of a motor vehicle shall not admit or cause to be admitted on board the vehicle, any passenger who fails or refuses to furnish his particulars in accordance with the provisions of this regulation.

(4) The driver or person taking charge of a passenger commercial vehicle shall, when requested by a Road Marshal, Police Officer or Road Traffic Officer in uniform, present the manifest for scrutiny.

(5) The passenger manifest shall be bound in the form of a booklet and kept in triplicate such that one copy shall be deposited with the office at the point of departure, another kept at the office of the final destination and a copy kept as a permanent record for future reference in the vehicle and shall be in the form prescribed in RS Form 50 specified in Schedule 3 of these Regulations.

(6) A driver or a person taking charge of a passenger commercial vehicle who fails to comply with this provision is guilty of an offence and liable on conviction to a fine of N2,000 or to imprisonment for a term of six months.

(7) A person shall not -

(a) cause or permit any vehicle to stand or ply for hire which is not licensed under these Regulations; or

(b) cause or permit any vehicle to stand or ply for hire which does not carry an identification plate as required by these Regulations; or

(c) cause or permit any vehicle to ply for hire without exhibiting the table of fares and timetable (if any) and the number of persons the vehicle is licensed to carry; or

(d) cause or permit any taxi which under these Regulations is required to be fitted with a meter or other device for indicating authorised fares to stand or ply for hire without such a meter or device in proper working order, or, while hired, fails to bring such meter or device into operation, or alters, damages or interferes in any way with the proper operation of such meter or device; or

(e) cause or permit any taxi, stage carriage or omnibus to stand for passengers at any place except at a stand appointed by the State Director, Motor Vehicle Administration or otherwise any person authorised under any written law; or

(f) while in charge of a stage carriage or omnibus pick up or let passengers alight except at the stopping place prescribed by the State Director, Motor Vehicle Administration or otherwise authorised under any written law; or

(g) on a highway drive or be in charge of any motor vehicle standing or plying for hire without wearing the prescribed driver’s badge; or

(h) act as a conductor of a stage carriage or omnibus without being registered by the Directorate of Motor Vehicle Administration; or

(i) act as a conductor of a stage carriage or omnibus without wearing the prescribed conductor’s badge; or

(j) employ as a conductor of a stage carriage or omnibus as person who is not registered by the Directorate of Motor Vehicle Administration; or

(k) while in charge of a taxi, stage carriage or omnibus contravenes or permit any  contraventionof these Regulations.

(8) Any person who contravenes regulation 54 or 55 of these Regulations is guilty of an offence and liable on conviction to a fine of N2,000 or to imprisonment for a term of 6 months.


Useand construction

  1. No person shall cause or permit a motor vehicle or trailer to be used on any highway or shall drive or take charge of a motor vehicle or trailer, unless all the conditions set out in this Part of these Regulations are complied with, that is—

(a) a motor vehicle, if its net height exceeds 254 kilograms shall be capable of being so worked that it may travel either forward or backwards;

(b) no motor vehicle or trailer inclusive of the load thereon shall exceed 2.5 metres in width, and no motor vehicle or trailer shall exceed 12 metres overall length;

(c) the overhang of any motor vehicle or trailer shall not exceed seven twenty-fourth of the overall length of the chassis:

Providedthat the provisions of this paragraph shall not apply to an omnibus;

(d) no load may protrude more than 0.914 metres beyond the front elevation of a motor vehicle or trailer or more than 1.829 metres beyond the rear elevation of the vehicle or more than 0.76 metres beyond either side of the vehicle, and where the load projects more than 1.219 metres behind the rear elevation of such vehicle, a red flag shall be fixed by day to the extreme end of the load and a red lamp by night in a similar position and the flag or lamp shall be clearly visible from the rear;

(e) the height from the ground level of any vehicle or trailer with any freight or load placed thereon at any point exceed 3.353 metres:

Providedthat where the freight or load is entirely composed of seed cotton or cotton lint the height of the highest point of such freight or load from the ground level may be increased to 3.810 metres;

(f) the freight or load on the motor vehicle carried in such manner as to render it possible for such secured freight or load or any part thereof to fall or be jolted off that motor vehicle or trailer when in motion or to come into contact with the road while the motor vehicle or trailer is in motion;

(g) no freight, load or other article whatsoever to be carried on the top or outside of the hood, canopy or roofing of any motor vehicle other than spare wheels or spare tyres for such vehicle unless the vehicle is in possession of a certificate issued to that effect by a road traffic officer;

(h) freight of load of a greater weight than that which the vehicle is constructed to carry, as registered and stated in the registration book, shall not be placed on any commercial vehicle or trailer and the owner shall cause the net weight of the vehicle, the weight of such freight or load and, where required by the road traffic officer the axle weights to be painted on some conspicuous part of the near-side of the vehicle in letters and figures not less than 25 millimetres in height, and of such shape and colour as to be legible and clearly distinguishable from the colour of the ground whereon the letters and figures are painted or marked;

(i) subject to paragraph (a) of this regulation, no person shall be carried within or upon a trailer other than a guard; and no person shall be carried within or upon a commercial vehicle not being a stage carriage or taxi or hearse or commercial vehicle used as a hearse, other than the owner or hirer of the vehicle or the owner of the goods carried on the vehicle or trailer, or the servants or agents of the owner or hirer:

Sohowever that in the case of a vehicle without sides fitted to the body or the sides of which are less than 0.305 metres in height no person, other than a guard, shall be carried except in the cab;

(j) no person shall stand in or on a motor vehicle or trailer which is not covered while such vehicle or trailer is in motion.

  1. Tyres, etc.

(1) A motor vehicle and trailer shall be fitted with pneumatic tyres on all its wheels and at no point of the circumference of such pneumatic tyres shall the depth of the tread be less than one millimetre.

(2) No person shall use or cause or permit to be used on a road any motor vehicle or trailer any wheel of which is fitted with a re-cut pneumatic tyre the fabric of which has been out or exposed by the re-cutting process.

(3) Tyres of vehicles shall carry on the side walls full specifications and safety regarding the load capacity, maximum standard speed permitted, pressure at full load, in and codes for date of production.

(4) All commercial motor vehicles carrying ten persons or more passengers shall have emergency exits.

(5) The front and rear bumpers shall be made of collapsible materials 50 cm × 12 cm in an area above the surface of the road and be spaced at least 12 cm from the main frame of the vehicle.

(6) All motor vehicles plying the highways shall be in possession of a good electric or air horn, jack, wheel spanner, tools, fire extinguisher, inflated spare tyre, first aid box and emergency warning triangles or cones.

(7) The fire extinguisher shall be carried for different categories of vehicles as follows -

(a) articulated vehicles/trailers 2 Nos. 9 kg;

(b) lorries 2 Nos. 6 kg;

(c) luxury buses 2 Nos. 6 kg;

(d) buses 1 No. 2 kg;

(e) pick-up vans 1 No. 2 kg;

(f) taxi cab/private cars 1 No. 1 kg,

andconform with specifications set out in Schedule 13 to these Regulations.

[Schedule 13.]

  1. Brakes

(1) A motor vehicle shall be equipped with two entirely independent and efficient braking systems, or with one efficient braking system having two independent means of operation, in either case so designed or constructed or maintained that the failure of any single portion of any braking system shall not, even under the most adverse conditions, prevent the brakes on two wheels or, in the case of a vehicle having less than four wheels, on one wheel, from operating effectively so as either to hold such wheels from revolving or to have the same effect in stopping the motor vehicle as if such wheels were so held:

Providedthat in case of a single braking system the two means of operation shall not be deemed to be otherwise than independent solely by reason of the fact that they are connected either directly or indirectly with the same cross-shaft.

(2) In the case of a motor vehicle having more than three wheels and equipped with two independent braking systems each such system shall be so constructed, designed and maintained that if it acts (either directly or indirectly) on two wheels only it shall act on two wheels on the same axle.

(3) Where in the case of a single braking system, the means of operation are connected either directly or indirectly with the same cross-shaft, the brakes applied by one of such means shall act on all the wheels of the motor vehicle directly and not through the transmission gear.

(4) In all cases the brakes operated by one of the means of operation shall be applied by direct mechanical action without the intervention of any hydraulic, electric or pneumatic device.

(5) In all cases the brakes operated by one of the means of operation shall act directly upon the wheels and not through the transmission gear.

(6) Except in the case of a motorcycle, with or without a sidecar attached, the braking systems shall be so designed, constructed and maintained that it may be set so effectually to prevent two at least, or in the case of a motor vehicle having only three wheels, one of the wheels, from revolving when the vehicle is left unattended.

  1. Silencers and exhaust

(1) All engines of a vehicle shall be efficiently silence and no cut-outs or open exhausts shall be used.

(2) Exhaust pipes for heavy duty diesel-operated trucks shall be positioned to the kerb or near side.

(3) The exhaust pipes of any motor vehicle shall not emit any smoke whatsoever.

  1. Lighted lamp

(1) All motor vehicles shall have complete headlights, parking lights and trafficating lights in good working condition.

(2) All motor vehicles and trailers between sunset and sunrise shall be required to carry lighted lamps which shall be electric or other kind of light approved for the purpose by either the Director of the Commission, or the State Director, Motor Vehicle Administration and no other light of any colour other than those which are laid down in these Regulations shall be exhibited on any vehicle without the express permission in writing of the Director of the Commission:

Providedthat all illuminated mascots, if fitted as a standard fitting, may be retained and illuminated direction indicators may be used.

(3) The lamps referred to in paragraph (2) of this regulation shall be placed as follows-

(a) motor vehicles, except motorcycles without sidecars, shall carry at least two lamps in front, one on each side of the vehicle, so constructed or placed as to exhibit a white light which shall illuminate visible within a reasonable distance in the direction towards which the vehicle is facing and clearly indicate the width of the vehicle;

(b) in the case of commercial vehicles when either of the lamps referred to in subparagraph

(a) of this paragraph is placed in such a position that the distance of the

centre of the lamp from the extreme outside point of the vehicle on its appropriate side exceeds 0.305 metres, two additional lamps shall be fitted at the front side of the vehicle, one on each side so that its centre shall not exceed the aforesaid distance of 0.305 metres and so clearly as to indicate the width of the vehicle to approaching traffic and the lamps shall be focused below the horizontal and exhibit a light of sufficient power only to indicate the width of the vehicle;

(c) all motor vehicles shall carry at least two motor tail-lamps with reflectors which when illuminated shall be visible within a reasonable distance and shall be placed one on either side of the rear of the vehicle so clearly to indicate its width; one of such lamps shall be so constructed as to illuminate and render easily distinguishable every letter and figure on the identification plate fixed on the back of the motor vehicle, unless a separate lamp is carried which adequately fulfils this purpose;

(d) a motorcycle without a sidecar shall carry one lamp in front so constructed or placed as to reveal a white light visible within a reasonable distance in the direction towards which the motorcycle is facing;

(e) a motorcycle without a sidecar, shall have one red tail-lamp with a reflector and when illuminated shall be visible within a reasonable distance and shall be placed in an unobstructed position on the rear of the motorcycle and be so constructed as to check or render easily distinguishable every letter and figure on the identification plate fixed on the back of the motorcycle;

(f) a motorcycle with a sidecar shall in addition have a red lamp which when illuminated shall be visible within a reasonable distance when viewed facing the rear of the sidecar and shall be placed in an unobstructed position on the extreme near side of the sidecar;

(g) motor vehicles shall carry two yellow stop-lights which shall become illuminated whenever the foot brake of a vehicle is engaged and shall be placed on either side of the back of the vehicle:

Providedthat a motorcycle with or without a sidecar shall carry only one such stoplight;

(h) when a trailer is attached to a motor vehicle sub-paragraphs (b), (e) or (g) of this paragraph shall also apply to the trailer;

(i) trailers shall be fitted with reflectors on both sides of the back of the trailer showing the letter “T” in amber written on a white reflective background of the tailboard which shall be of minimum height of 0.152 metres;

(j) any headlamp shall be placed so as not to project above the bottom of the frame of the windscreen and shall not be placed more than 1.069 metres or less than 0.610 metres from the ground;

(k) no side, parking or rear lamp shall exceed six watts;

(l) no headlamp shall be used unless such lamp is so constructed, fitted or maintained that the beam of light emitted therefrom -

(i) is permanently deflected downwards to such an extent that it is at all times incapable of dazzling any person, standing on the same horizontal plane as the vehicle at a greater distance than 6.100 metres from the lamp, whose eye level is not less than 1.070 metres above the plane;

(ii) can be deflected downwards or both downwards and to the right at the will of the driver in such a manner as to render it incapable of dazzling any person in the circumstances aforesaid; or

(iii) can be extinguished by the operation of a device at the same time causing a beam of light to be emitted from the lamp which complies with sub-paragraph (i) of this paragraph;

(m) all motor vehicles shall be fitted with a device for deflecting or extinguishing lights;

(n) no light, other than a yellow light or light of such other colour as may be prescribed, shall be affixed to the front of any vehicle;

(o) no light other than a red light shall be affixed to the rear of any vehicle except that a white light, may be exhibited when the vehicle is actually in the process of being reversed.

  1. Approved guidelines

(1) A motor vehicle shall be fitted with an efficient electric horn sounding not more than a single note and the use by motor vehicles of any form of warning appliances other than of a type approved by the Director of the Commission and the State Director, Motor Vehicle Administration is prohibited.

(2) No motor vehicle shall be fitted with excessively loud horns so that when such horns are sounded it would constitute a nuisance to other road users.

  1. Driving mirrors

(1) All commercial vehicles shall be equipped with at least three mirrors which shall be fitted externally, one on the offside and the other on the nearside of the vehicle, and the mirrors shall be so constructed or fitted to the motor vehicle as to assist the driver to be aware of traffic to the rear and on both sides rearward.

(2) A motor vehicle shall carry a driving mirror which shall be so fixed on the vehicle as to enable the driver when driving to -have a clear view reflected in the mirror of any following traffic.

(3) A motor vehicle shall have fitted in the front and rear seats, seat belts which shall be utilised by any occupant of such a vehicle while it is in motion.

  1. Wheel alignment

A motor vehicle or trailer when moving on any highway shall have its wheels properly aligned to the chassis so that the true rolling motion of the wheels or trailer shall be conveyed to the road and no motor vehicle or trailer with defective wheel, wheel hub, or axle tree, shall be used on any highway.

  1. Steering apparatus

(1) A motor vehicle shall be provided with a strong and reliable steering gear which shall be provided in such a state of repair and adjustment as to allow the vehicle to be turned readily and with certainty and the steering apparatus or driving gear of a motor vehicle shall be so arranged that the driver can manipulate the controls with certainty and at the same time have a clear view of the road.

(2) A motor vehicle for use on Nigerian highways, shall be equipped with steering air bag installed to prevent head injury to the driver in case of an accident.

(3) The Director of the Commission shall, in pursuance of the powers conferred upon him by these Regulations, determine the commencement date for the use of the steering air bag under these Regulations.

  1. Springs

(1) A motor vehicle, including a motorcycle and semi-trailer, shall be equipped with suitable free-acting or efficient springs, and these springs shall be kept at all times in proper alignment or properly secured to the axle or to the frame of the vehicle so that no undue lateral movement is allowed.

(2) In this regulation, “motor vehicle” includes vehicles with air or hydraulic suspensions.

  1. Laminated windscreen and safety glass

(1) All glass fitted to a motor vehicle shall be laminated or safety glass approved by the Director of the Commission or the State Director, Motor Vehicle Administration and shall be maintained in such condition as not to obscure the vision of the driver while the vehicle is being driven on the highway, and no ornaments or impediments of any descrip-tion shall be placed on or near such glass which are likely to obscure the vision of the driver to both the front or the rear of the vehicle.

(2) All glass fitted to a vehicle shall be clear and transparent to enable persons outside the vehicle to see whoever is inside the vehicle and the glasses shall in no way be tinted except as may be approved by the Inspector-General of Police for security reasons.

  1. Windscreen wipers

A motor vehicle shall be fitted with an electrically or mechanically operated

windscreenwiper on the windscreen immediately in front of the driver’s seat and such wiper shall be maintained in proper working order.

  1. Mudguards

A motor vehicle or trailer shall be provided with wings or similar means to catch as far as practicable mud or water thrown up by the rotation of the wheels, unless adequate protection is afforded by the body of the vehicle.

  1. Speedometers

A motor vehicle shall be fitted with an efficient speedometer which shall be plus or minus ten per cent accurate at 50 kilometers per hour and which shall be maintained in proper working order.

  1. Spirit tankers

(1) Spirit, explosives, petrol and gas tankers shall -

(a) be fitted with double-pole armoured wiring with insulated-return electrical units and a battery-insulation master switch;

(b) carry warning danger labels to be displayed conspicuously at the front and rear of the vehicle as specified in Schedule 10 to these Regulations;

(c) under no circumstance carry additional freight and load on top of the tanker; and

(d) park away from populated areas.

  1. General

A motor vehicle or trailer and all parts and accessories of such vehicle or trailer shall be in such condition as not to cause or be likely to cause danger to any person therein or any person using the highway or any property lying on or adjoining the highway.

  1. Leg guards

A motorcycle shall be fitted with two leg guards placed in such a position and of a type approved by the State Director, Motor Vehicle Administration.

  1. Exemption and issue of permits

(1) Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraphs (d) and (c) of regulation 74 of these Regulations, the Director of the Commission, the National Director of Motor Vehicle Administration and the State Director, Motor Vehicle Administration, may grant in writing for a particular occasion or particular occasions, a permit for the carriage by a motor vehicle or trailer of any specified freight or load which by reason of the nature of the freight or load is incapable of being so placed on the vehicle as to conform to this provision of these Regulations.

(2) The permit referred to in paragraph (1) of this regulation shall be carried by the driver of the motor vehicle on such occasion or occasions and shall be produced by him on demand by a road traffic officer, a route commander or a police officer.

(3) Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (b) of regulation 56 of these Regulations, the National Director of Motor Vehicle Administration or the State Director, Motor Vehicle Administration may grant in writing for a particular occasion or particular occasions a permit for the use of a motor vehicle or trailer which does not conform with the requirement of the said sub-paragraph and such permit shall be subject to any conditions endorsed thereon and such permit shall be carried by the driver of the motor vehicle on such occasion or occasions and shall be produced by him on such occasion or occasions on demand by a road traffic officer, a route commander, or police officer.

(4) Notwithstanding the provisions of regulations 65 of these Regulations, the National Director of Motor Vehicle Administration and the State Director, Motor Vehicle Administration may grant in writing a permit exempting a specified type of motor vehicle or trailer from the requirements of the said sub-paragraph.

(5) The permit referred to in this regulation shall state concisely and precisely the conditions which have necessitated the issuance of the permit.

  1. Conditions for use of trailer

A semi-trailer shall not be used on any highway unless the following special

conditionsare observed -

(a) the coupling provided for attaching the trailer to a prime mover shall be efficient for the purpose;

(b) the three or four wheeled semi-trailer exceeding 0.508 tonnes net weight or two wheeled trailer exceeding 0.254 tonnes net weight shall have a brake in good working order which shall be operated from the cab of the motor vehicle and which when applied shall cause two of the wheels of the trailer on the same axle to be so held that the wheels shall be effectually prevented from revolving, or shall have the same effect in stopping the trailer as if such wheels were so held:

Providedthat this paragraph shall not apply where a trailer is drawn only by a tractor;

(c) the gross weight of a two- or three-wheeled trailer shall not exceed four tonnes and the gross weight of a four-wheeled trailer shall not exceed ten tonnes on each single axle;

(d)not more than ten tonnes shall be carried on any single axle or sixteen tonnes on a tandem axle of a trailer:

Providedthat the State Director, Motor Vehicle Administration may by consent in writing, and subject to any condition which he may impose, exempt a particular trailer from these provisions and may authorise the road traffic officer to give such consent in writing on his behalf subject to any such condition;

(e) the wheel base of any trailer having an axle weight of six tonnes or over shall not be less than 3.048 metres between axle centres;

(f) not more than one person may be carried or be permitted to be carried in a trailer:

Providedthat the road traffic officer may by consent in writing, and subject to any conditions which he may impose, exempt a particular trailer from this provision.

  1. Motor vehicle with right hand driver

Nomotor vehicle shall be driven on any public road if the steering apparatus of the motor vehicle is fitted on the right-hand side of the vehicle.

  1. Illuminated indicators, etc.

(1) A motor vehicle (including motorcycle) shall be fitted with efficient direction indicators and shall conform to any of the following -

(a) two direction indicators which shall, when in operation, be in the form of an illuminated sign of amber colour of a minimum illuminated length of 0.203 metres and of a maximum illuminated breadth of one fourth of the length, and the illumination surface shall be visible from both the front and the rear of the vehicle;

(b) four direction indicators two of which shall be fitted at the front of the vehicle and two at the rear of the vehicle, which shall, when in operation, be in the form of a flashing sign clearly visible within a reasonable distance when facing the front of the vehicle shall be of an amber or white colour and those fitted at the rear of the vehicle shall be of an amber or red colour and they shall be fitted to the front and the rear of the vehicle in such a position as to indicate clearly, when in operation, that the vehicle is turning either left or right; or

(c) two direction indicators one of which shall be fitted to the near side of the vehicle and one to the far side of the vehicle which shall, when in operation, be in the form of a flashing sign clearly visible within a reasonable distance when facing both the front and rear of the vehicle and front part of each indicator shall be of an amber or white colour and the rear part shall be of an amber or red colour and they shall be fitted in such a manner as to indicate clearly, when in operation, that the vehicle is turning either left or right.

(2) In the case of a motor vehicle not fitted with electric lighting equipment or where it is impracticable to obtain an illuminated indicator conforming to the requirements of paragraph (1) of this regulation, every motor vehicle including a motorcycle with or with-out sidecar shall be fitted with at least two efficient direction indicators which shall be in the form of a pointer not less than 0.305 metres in length and 51 millimetres in breadth presenting, when in operation, a white surface visible from both the front and the rear of the vehicle.

(3) Direction indicators intended to indicate a right-hand turn shall be fitted only on the near side and direction indicators intended to intimate a left-hand turn shall be fitted only on the off side or left side of the vehicle and the driver of the vehicle, when in his driving seat, shall be readily aware that such indicators are operating correctly.

(4) A direction indicator shall be so fitted that, when not in operation, it shall not be likely to mislead any other road user or any person controlling traffic.

(5) A light shown by a direction indicator shall be diffused by means of frosted glass or other adequate means.

  1. Examination of commercial and private vehicle

(1) A commercial vehicle trailer, taxi stage carriage, omnibus or motorcycle for hire shall before being registered or licensed and every six months thereafter be examined by a road traffic officer.

(2) A private vehicle or motorcycle shall be examined four years after the date of manufacture and every twelve months thereafter.

(3) Where at an examination a vehicle is found to be roadworthy, the road traffic officer shall issue a certificate to that effect as in RS Form ML. 9 specified in Schedule 3 to these Regulations which shall remain valid in the case of private vehicles and motorcycles for twelve months and in every other case for six months and a sticker, the form and colour to be determined by the Director, Motor Vehicle Administration, shall be displayed on a conspicuous part of the vehicle and the certificate shall be produced when required by a route commander or a police officer.

(4) Notwithstanding, the provisions of paragraph (3) of this regulation the issuance of roadworthiness certificate of any particular vehicle, be it private or commercial, as in RS Form ML 9 specified in Schedule 3 to these Regulations shall be accompanied by a roadworthiness validity tag and shall be conspicuously displayed on the windscreen of such vehicle.

(5) A duplicate certificate shall be issued upon application to the road traffic officer and upon the payment of the fees prescribed in these Regulations but where the registration book has been lost the State Director, Motor Vehicle Administration shall authorise the issuance of a replacement of the current certificate if any, contained in the registered book after he has been so satisfied himself.

(6) Where a vehicle has been examined and is found not to be roadworthy in any respect whatsoever, the owner of the vehicle shall be served with a notice in writing as specified in RS Form ML. 41 set out in Schedule 3 to these Regulations by the inspecting officer or route commander setting out the defects to be remedied, and a red sticker pasted on the windscreen of the vehicle and the owner shall not after receipt of such notice permit the vehicle to be used or submit the vehicle for licence to any licensing authority until such time as the defects have been remedied to the satisfaction of the road traffic officer.

[RSForm ML 41. Schedule 3.]

(7) The form of the red sticker may be determined by the Director of the Commission and the Director, Motor Vehicle Administration, from time to time.

(8) Any vehicle examined and found to be un-roadworthy, a notice “DO NOT MOVE” shall be affixed on the windscreen by the road traffic officer.

(9)No fee shall be payable by the owner for the first examination of his vehicle under this regulation but the fee prescribed in these Regulations shall be required to be paid in respect of every subsequent examination of the vehicle.

  1. Vehicles not to exceed 32 tonnes gross weight

(1) No motor vehicle shall be used on a highway if the axle weight of any of its axles exceeds ten tonnes, or if the gross weight of the vehicle exceeds 32 tonnes:

Providedthat the Director, Motor Vehicle Administration may, by consent in writing and subject to such conditions, if any, as he may impose, exempt a motor vehicle exceeding such weights from this regulation and may authorise the road traffic officer to give such consent in writing on his behalf subject to such condition.

(2) The Director, Motor Vehicle Administration may, by consent in writing and subject to any conditions he may impose, exempt any vehicle, trailer, or plant used for the construction or maintenance of roads or bridges from complying with the provisions of this regulation.

(3) A consent given under the provisions of this regulation shall be carried at all times on the vehicle until its revocation or expiration.

  1. Motor vehicle to have reflex reflectors

A motor vehicle other than a two-wheeled motorcycle without a sidecar shall be equipped at the rear with at least two red reflex reflectors other than the triangular form and -

(a) on either side, the outer edge of the illuminating surface farthest from the vehicle’s median longitudinal plane shall not be more than 0.40 metre from the extreme outer edge of the vehicle;

(b) the reflex reflectors shall be visible to the driver of an approaching vehicle from the rear at night in clear weather, at a distance of at least 150 metres when illuminated by the driving lights of that vehicle.

  1. Trailers to be equipped with reflectors

(1) A trailer shall be equipped with at least two red reflex reflectors and -

(a) each reflector shall have the shape of an equilateral triangle with one vertex uppermost and one side horizontal, and with side not less than 0.15 metre or more than 0.20 metre long;

(b) on either side, the outer edge of the illuminating surface farthest from the trailer’s median longitudinal plane shall not be more than 0.40 metre from the extreme outer edge of the trailer; so however that, any trailer with an overall width not exceeding 0.80 metre may be equipped with only one reflector if it is coupled to a two-wheeled motorcycle without sidecar; and the reflectors shall meet the requirements for visibility specified in regulation 79 of these Regulations.

(2) A trailer shall be equipped at the front with two white reflex reflectors of other than triangular form and the reflectors shall meet the positioning and visibility requirements specified in regulation 79 of these Regulations.

  1. Asserting of weight

A road traffic officer, route commander or police officer may, at any time and for reasonable cause, require a commercial vehicle or trailer to be driven to any reasonably convenient place to have its net or gross weight or any axle weight ascertained, and the person driving or in charge of such vehicle or trailer shall be required to comply with any such requirement.

  1. Breach of Regulations

Noperson shall cause or permit to be used on any highway or shall on any highway drive or take charge of a motor vehicle or a trailer when it does not comply with the provisions of these Regulations, or which is so used or driven as to contravene the provisions of these Regulations.



  1. Driving speed limit, etc.

A person driving or in charge of a motor vehicle when used on any highway shall -

(a) not in any town, village, residential or industrial area, drive at a speed exceeding that shown on a speed sign as illustrated in Schedule 5 of these Regulations if any such sign is exhibited, or if no such sign is exhibited, at a speed exceed-ing 50 kilometres an hour;

(b) if the vehicle is a commercial vehicle, exceed the speed limit prescribed in the Schedule 6 to these Regulations;

(c) cause the vehicle to travel backwards further than may be necessary for turning or other reasonable purpose;

(d) let the vehicle be in such position that he cannot control the same, or that he cannot obtain a full view of the road and traffic ahead of the vehicle;

(e) whenever necessary and provided it is not in contravention of any law, by sounding his horn or other appliances giving audible sufficient warning of the approach or position of the vehicle use any appliance which has not been approved by the Director, Motor Vehicle Administration or State Director Motor Vehicle Administration, or make any unnecessary noise with his horn or other appliance;

(f) on the request of any route commander, police officer or road traffic officer in uniform or of any person having charge of a horse, mule or donkey or other beast of draught or burden or any cattle, sheep, goats, or pigs, or if any such officer or person put up his hand or blow his whistle as a signal for that purpose, cause the vehicle to stop and remain stationary or proceed at not more than 6.5 kilometres an hour if so desired and for so long as may be reasonably necessary;

(g) before rounding any curve or corner, or entering or crossing a road or approaching a fork, reduce speed and in rounding any curve or corner, keep as close as possible to the right hand side of the road and when rounding any corner or any curve at which the road ahead is not visible for a greater distance than 92 metres or entering or crossing or attempting to pass any traffic travelling in the same direction and shall not otherwise than by reason of an enforced stoppage or owing to the necessities of traffic, stop his vehicle within 8 metres from any corner;

(h) not be asleep while in charge of the vehicle on a highway;

(i) draw up his vehicle close to the side of and where provided, on the shoulders of the road, so as to allow a clear roadway for passing traffic and obey the direction of any route commander, a road traffic officer in uniform as to where he is to place his vehicle while waiting on the road, and not leave the vehicle unattended on any highway while the engine is running or quit the vehicle without having applied the handbrake and without having taken due precautions against it being started in his absence, or allow the vehicle to stand on the highway as to cause any unnecessary obstruction thereto;

(j) except in the case of a motorcycle, carry on the vehicle at least one spare wheel with an inflated tyre capable of being fitted to an axle, a jack or other appliance sufficiently strong to lift the vehicle for the purposes of changing a wheel, and the necessary tools for effecting such charge;

(k) obey all directions, whether verbal or by signal given by a route commander, a road traffic officer, police officer in uniform to stop the vehicle, or to make it slow down or pass on any indicated side of such officer and keep to any indicated line of traffic;

(l) make use of the hand signals specified in Schedule 4 to these Regulations and pay regard to such signals when used by other persons; but where mechanically or electrically operated direction indicators are fitted to a vehicle they may be used instead of or in addition to hand signals;

[Schedule 4.]

(m)comply with the signs illustrated in Schedule 5 to these Regulations and all other traffic signs placed on or near any highway in accordance with the provisions of these Regulations or by an authority responsible for the highway;

(n) obey all notices, on, near or visible from, any highway where such notices are erected or exhibited in accordance with the provisions of these Regulations or by an authority responsible for the construction or maintenance of the highway for the purpose of prohibiting, restricting, or regulating traffic over bridges, or sections of the road;

(o) on approaching any road marshal or a police officer on duty at any road junction give the appropriate signal to him, and on no account make a turn or proceed to cross the road until the road marshal or a police officer has signalled permission for him to do so;

(p) permit any person to be in the vehicle in such a position as to interfere with the driver’s control of the vehicle or his full view of the road and traffic ahead or his ability to make the hand-signals prescribed in Schedule 4 to these Regulations and in a left-hand steering controlled vehicle permit any person to sit or stand on the left side of the driver, nor more than two persons on the right-hand side of the driver;

(q) on demand being made by a route commander, a superior police officer or road traffic officer in uniform produce his licence to drive such a vehicle for the inspection of such officer;

(r) not permit any person to ride on the wings, running boards, fenders or bonnet or sides of the vehicle except for the purpose of testing the vehicle during repairs;

(s) not permit, in the case of a commercial vehicle, any person to ride on the steps, tail-board or roofing of the vehicle, nor on any load or freight on the vehicle or on any trailer drawn thereby, if any part of the person on such load or freight is at a greater height than 3.353 metres from the ground level;

(t) not permit any person other than the person in charge thereof to be carried on a motor vehicle which is being drawn by another motor vehicle;

(u) not leave the vehicle if disabled on any highway except at the right or nearside or shoulder of the road and in such case, cause such vehicle to bear lighted lamps at the front and rear thereof between sunset and sunrise as specified in regulation 60 (3) (a) of these Regulations.

  1. Rule of the road

(1) When two or more motor vehicles approach each other on a highway, the driver of each vehicle shall, where by reason of the width and condition of such highway it is necessary or desirable so to do, cause his vehicle to slow down for the purpose of allowing safe passage to the other vehicle or any other traffic on the highway.

(2) A driver of a motor vehicle shall, when approaching and passing another vehicle coming from the opposite direction, drive his vehicle on the right or near-side of the highway.

(3) A driver of a motor vehicle when overtaking another motor vehicle proceeding in the same direction shall pass such vehicle on the left or off-side thereof; except when the driver in front has signalled his intention to turn left or when traffic is moving slowly in queues and vehicles in the left lane are slower than he is.

(4) When a motor vehicle is being overtaken by another, the front vehicle shall slow down to allow the overtaking vehicle to pass safely.

  1. Rule of the road and commercial vehicle, etc.

Thedriver of a commercial vehicle shall, whenever it is necessary or desirable by reason of the width or condition of the highway so to do, stop his vehicle in order to allow lighter motor traffic approaching or overtaking him to pass.

  1. Provision relation to motorcycle driver and passenger

(1) The driver of a motorcycle shall not carry any person in front of him on the motorcycle but, if the motorcycle is fitted with a seat properly constructed for that purpose and firmly affixed to the frame, may carry not more than one person sitting astride at the ear of the motorcycle; and where a side car is firmly attached to the motorcycle he may carry not more than the number of persons for which seating capacity in such sidecar is provided by the manufacturers.

(2) If the driver of a motorcycle is the holder of a learner’s permit no person shall be carried at the rear of the motorcycle unless that person is licensed to drive a motorcycle.

(3) Where a motorcycle is registered in the commercial category, it shall conform with the provisions of this regulation and shall be painted with the approved taxi colour of the State.

(4) In the case of a motorcycle having three wheels and is registered for hire, the road traffic officer shall ascertain the number of persons to be carried, licensed on gross vehicle weight and it shall be painted on the motorcycle with the approved taxi colour.

  1. Molesting or obstruction of the driver

Anyperson on a motor vehicle who in any way obstructs or molests the driver of such motor vehicle whilst the motor vehicle is in motion is guilty of an offence and liable on conviction to a fine of N1,000.

  1. Stoppage of machinery of stationary motor vehicle, etc.

(1) The driver of a motor vehicle shall avoid unnecessary noise when the motor vehicle is stationary and for that purpose every motor vehicle shall be so constructed as to enable the driver, when the motor vehicle is stationary, to stop the action of any machinery attached to or forming part of the vehicle in so far as may be necessary for the prevention of noise.

(2) Proper precautions shall be taken by the owner or by the person in charge of any motor vehicle to prevent the unnecessary discharge of the products of combustion, steam or lubricating oil on any highway.

(3) A driver or person in charge of a motor vehicle shall not cause or permit the motor vehicle or trailer drawn thereby to remain at rest on a road in such a position or in such a condition or in such circumstances as to be likely to cause danger to other persons using the road.

(4) The driver of a motor vehicle shall not when the vehicle is in motion engage in such activities such as smoking or eating any type of food items so as to make it impossible for him to hold the steering with both hands.

  1. Punishment for contravening Part VII

(1) Any person who drives or causes or permits a motor vehicle to be driven on the highway thereby contravening any provision of Part VII of these Regulations, is guilty of an offence and liable on conviction to a fine of N500 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months or to both such fine and imprisonment.

(2) The driver of a vehicle shall take precautions when approaching a pedestrian or zebra crossing.

(3) The driver or person in charge of a vehicle driving negligently or dangerously on approaching a pedestrian or zebra crossing is guilty of an offence and liable on conviction to a fine of N1,000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years or to both such fine and imprisonment.


Removalof vehicles

  1. Removal of vehicles from highways

(1) Where a motor vehicle is stationary on a highway any road marshal, a police officer not below the rank of inspector or any road traffic officer in uniform may, subject to paragraph (3) of this regulation, cause the vehicle to be removed to a removed vehicles park if he -

(a) has reasonable cause to believe that the presence of the vehicle on the highway is in contravention of any appropriate law; or

(b) is of opinion that the vehicle is in such a position, condition or circumstance as to cause obstruction to other persons using the highway or as to be likely to cause danger to such persons; or

(c) is of opinion that the vehicle is in such a position as to have been abandoned or to have broken down.

(2) A person acting in pursuance of paragraph (1) of this regulation in respect of any vehicle may use such force as may be reasonably necessary for the purpose of removing the vehicle or of gaining access to any part of it in order to facilitate the removal of the vehicle.

(3) Where a vehicle is removed pursuant to this regulation, the owner or driver of the vehicle shall pay a sum of N50 for every day or part thereof of such obstruction in addition to any other penalty which may be prescribed under this regulation or any other law otherwise than by the provisions of regulation 92 of these Regulations.

(4) Where a road marshal, a police officer or road traffic officer has given instruction for the removal of a vehicle in pursuance of paragraph (1) of this regulation but -

(a) the vehicle has not been moved from its position in pursuance of the instruction; and

(b) the person claiming to be entitled to the custody of the vehicle gives to any person proposing to carry out the instructions an undertaking to remove the vehicle forthwith, the instruction shall cease to have effect if the undertaking is fulfilled; except as provided by the foregoing provisions of this paragraph.

(5) A person claiming to be entitled to the custody of a vehicle in respect of which instructions under this regulation have been given shall not be entitled to recover the vehicle otherwise than in accordance with the provisions of this regulation.

  1. Provision relating to removed vehicles park, etc.

(1) It shall be the duty of the Director of the Commission and the State Director, Motor Vehicle Administration to -

(a) provide and maintain places to which vehicles may be removed in pursuance of regulation 90 of these Regulations and ensure that an official in charge of each removed vehicles park is at all times present in the park when removed vehicles are in it;

(b) provide suitable facilities (including equipment and persons to operate it) for the removal of vehicles in pursuance of regulation 90 of these Regulations;

(c) make reasonable arrangements for the safe custody of removed vehicles while they are in a removed vehicles park;

(d) provide and maintain at its principal office, a record containing particulars of each removed vehicle and its contents, specifying -

(i) the date of its removal;

(ii) the park in which it is situated; and whether an application in respect of the vehicle has been made to the magistrate’s court in pursuance of paragraph (2) of regulation 93 of these Regulations; and normal office hours for inspection free of charge by members of the public.

(2) A State Director, Motor Vehicle Administration shall not be under any duty toprotect removed vehicles otherwise than as mentioned in paragraph (1) (c) of this regulation, and in particular shall not be under a duty to protect removed vehicles from damage attributed to sun, rain, wind or other physical conditions or any other cause.

  1. Procedure for reclaiming removed vehicle

(1) Any person claiming to be entitled to reclaim a removed vehicle shall tender to the official in charge of the removed vehicles park satisfactory evidence to the following effect, that -

(a) he is the owner of the removed vehicle or the person registered as the owner of a vehicle in accordance with the provisions of the appropriate law; or

(b) he is entitled to the benefit of charge, or lien on the removed vehicle; or

(c) he is an accredited dealer of the removed vehicle; or

(d) while not being the owner of the removed vehicle, he is in possession and control thereof with the consent of the owner or other person entitled to possession thereof.

(2) Nothing in this regulation shall be construed as precluding the official in charge of a removed vehicles park from asking for proof of the identity of any claimant.

(3) Notwithstanding the provision of regulation 90 (2) of these Regulations, the claimant shall tender to the officer in charge of the removed vehicles park the appropriate charge in respect of the removed vehicle which shall be -

(a) in the case of a vehicle which is not a commercial vehicle, a sum of N100; or

(b) in the case of a commercial vehicle, a sum of N500, and in all cases a towing fee of N500 may be paid, or an amount to be determined by the Zonal/Sector or Unit Commander, road traffic officer or police officer depending on the distance the vehicle was towed and depending on the category of vehicle towed.

(4) Subject to the provisions of regulation 93 of these Regulations, the official in charge of the removed vehicles park shall, upon receipt of evidence of entitlement to custody of a removed vehicle, the appropriate charge therefore and a receipt specified in the RS Form ML 11 set out in Schedule 7 to these Regulations, deliver the said vehicle to the claimant.

  1. Failure to reclaim vehicle

(1) If the driver or owner of a vehicle fails to reclaim the vehicle within six months of the date of its detention the Commission may apply to the High Court for an order forfeiting the vehicle to the Commission which shall thereafter have power to dispose of the vehicle by public auction and deposit the proceeds of the sale thereof into the Consolidated Revenue Fund.

(2) A person claiming to be entitled to -

(a) the benefit of a charge or lien on a removed vehicle apart from its contents; or

(b) the benefit of a charge or lien on any contents of a removed vehicle,

may at any time before the making of an application in respect of the vehicle in pursuance of paragraph (3) of this regulation apply to the court for an order protecting his interest in the vehicle or the contents, as the case may be, and on any such application the court may make such order vesting the vehicle or its contents in any person on such terms as it deems fit.

(3) If, on an application in respect of a removed vehicle is made by the Commission, the State Director, Motor Vehicle Administration after the expiration of the period of six months mentioned in paragraph (1) of this regulation, the court is satisfied that -

(a) immediately before the removal of the vehicle in pursuance of regulation 90 of these Regulations its presence on the highway from which it is removed is in contravention of the appropriate law; or

(b) no person claiming to be entitled to the custody of the vehicle or to any of its contents has taken the steps required by rules of the court for the purpose of enabling him to oppose the application; or

(c) the person who has taken those steps has failed to establish his claim,

the court may order the forfeiture of the vehicle to the Commission, or the State Director, Motor Vehicle Administration and where an order is so made; the vehicle (including its contents where applicable) shall, subject to any order made in pursuance of paragraph (2) of this regulation, vest in the Commission free of any encumbrances, and the Commission may retain it or dispose of it as it may deem fit.

(4) Any application to the court under this regulation shall be made in accordance with rules of court.

(5) In this Part -

(a) “court” means the High Court having jurisdiction in the area in which the Commission or the Directorate of Motor Vehicle Administration making an application in pursuance of regulation 93 of these Regulations is situated;

“removed vehicle” means a vehicle removed in pursuance of regulation 90 of these Regulations;

“removed vehicles, park” has the meaning assigned to it by regulation 91 of these Regulations;

(b) reference to a “vehicle” includes references to any trailer or other thing attached to the vehicle and, except in regulation 92 (1) (a) of these Regulations or where the contrary intention appears, references to the contents of the vehicle.

(6) Nothing in this Part of these Regulations shall be construed as affecting the liability of any person to be convicted of or punished for any offence committed under these Regulations.


Specialprovisions relating to the driving of commercial vehicles

94.Maximum period of driving commercial vehicles

(1) In the case of a commercial vehicle, taxi stage carriage or omnibus, no person may drive, or cause or permit any person employed by him to drive -

(a) subject to the provisions of paragraph (2) of this regulation, for any continuous period of more than five and one-half hours; or

(b) for periods amounting in the aggregate to more than ten and one-half hours in any period of 24 hours commencing two hours after midnight, except that where it is necessary for a driver to conclude a long-distance journey the period may be extended to twelve and one-half hours in all; or

(c) where the driver has not at least eight consecutive hours for rest in any period of 24 hours calculated from the commencement of any period of driving.

(2) Where in any such period of 24 hours one period of duty only is worked not exceeding eight hours in length then such period may, subject to the provisions of sub-paragraph (c) of paragraph (1) of this regulation, be worked instead of the period specified in sub-paragraph (a) of paragraph (1) thereof:

Providedthat the driver shall be allowed intervals of rest and time for refreshment of not less than forty minutes in the aggregate and one of such intervals shall be of not less than twenty minutes to be taken earlier than two hours after the beginning nor later than five hours after the beginning of the eight-hours period of duty.

(3) For the purposes of this regulation -

(a) any two or more periods of driving time shall be deemed to be a continuous period unless separated by interval of not less than thirty minutes for the purpose of enabling the driver to obtain rest and refreshment; and

(b) any time spent by a driver on other work in connection with a commercial vehicle or the load carried thereby shall be reckoned as time spent in driving.

(4) Any person who acts in contravention of this regulation is guilty of an offence and liable on conviction to a fine of N2,000, but a person shall not be liable to be convicted under this regulation if he proves to the court that the contravention was due to unavoidable delay in the completion of any journey arising out of circumstances which he could not reasonably have foreseen.


Specialprovisions relating to expressway

  1. Prohibition of animals on expressway

Noperson shall on any expressway -

(a) permit the movement of cattle or live stock, other than that being carried in a motor vehicle, on or immediately adjacent to such expressway; or

(b) permit or be concerned with the buying or selling of livestock; or

(c) permit the grazing of livestock, on or immediately adjacent to such expressway.

  1. Prohibition of motorcyclists, etc.

Auto-cycles,motorcycles under 50cc, invalid carriages, hand-pushed trucks, pedalcyclists and pedestrians with or without parambulators shall not be permitted on any expressway, except on trucks and paths which have been provided for such use, and may not cross any expressway except at designated locations.

97.Agricultural machine

Agriculturalmachines shall not be permitted on any expressway.

  1. Loading

Noperson shall, on any expressway, permit the loading or off-loading of any

passengeror goods from any motor vehicle except at designated locations.

  1. Boarding, etc., of vehicles

Noperson shall, on any expressway, board or alight from any motor vehicle except at designated locations.

  1. Provisions as to weight, etc.

Thefollowing dimensions and weights shall be the maximum permitted for motor vehicles using any expressway - length 18.288 metres;

width2.591 metres;

height3.115 metres;

singleaxle load 10 tonnes;

tandemaxle load 16 tonnes:

Providedthat the Director of Federal Highways or an officer duly authorised by him, may, when appropriate, grant a permit in writing for the carriage by a motor vehicle or trailer of any specified freight or load which by reason of the nature of the freight or load is incapable of being so placed on the vehicle as to conform to these provisions.

  1. Provisions as to length

Motorvehicles exceeding 9.144 metres in length shall be required to carry the following additional lights -

(a) two white lights, not exceeding six watts, which shall be placed on the front, at the extreme off-side and near-side, and at the highest point of the vehicle, so as to indicate to approaching drivers the width and height of the vehicle;

(b) two red lights, not exceeding six watts, which shall be placed on the rear at the extreme off-side and near-side, and at the highest practicable point of the vehicle so as to indicate to approaching drivers from the rear the width and height of the vehicle.

  1. Loads

(1) No motor vehicle shall have protruding or tailing loads and all loads shall be contained within the permissible overall dimensions of the vehicle in accordance with regulation 100 of these regulations.

(2) No motor vehicle shall have its load spilling such that it causes danger to other road users or litters the highway and all such load shall be adequately covered.

  1. Speed

Theminimum speed of any motor vehicle shall be 45 kilometres an hour and the maximum speed 100 kilometres an hour, except where otherwise indicated by a sign as prescribed in Schedule 6 to these Regulations.

[Schedule 6.]

  1. Stoppage on the expressway

Nomotor vehicle shall stop on any expressway except in the case of an emergency or when signalled to stop by a road marshal, police officer or road traffic officer in uniform and no repairs or servicing of vehicles shall be carried out on the main carriageway of any expressway.

  1. U-turns, etc.

Nomotor vehicle may enter or leave an expressway, cross the central reserve or perform a U-turn except at locations designated for that purpose.

  1. Parking

Nomotor vehicle shall be parked on the central reserve of any expressway except in the case of an emergency, a vehicle may be parked on the hard shoulders.


Miscellaneousmotor traffic regulations

  1. Marks on vehicles to be renewed as often as necessary

Whereunder these Regulations it is required that a motor vehicle or trailer shall have painted or marked thereon any words, letters, figures or symbols to be re-painted or otherwise marked, from time to time, the owner of the motor vehicle or trailer shall as often as may be necessary keep the said words, letters, figures or symbols legibly and clearly distinguishable at all times.

  1. Power to inspect vehicle

(1) A road marshal, police officer or road traffic officer in uniform may inspect any motor vehicle or trailer with a view to ascertaining whether the provisions of the Act, these Regulations, or of any permit or notice issued hereunder are being complied with.

(2) Where a road marshal, police or road traffic officer in uniform is satisfied that there is proof of non-compliance with any of the provisions of this regulation, the road marshal, police officer or road traffic officer may by order in writing prohibit the further use of the motor vehicle or trailer until the provisions have been complied with to his satisfaction; and any person using or permitting to be used a motor vehicle or trailer in contravention of any order issued pursuant to this regulation is guilty of an offence and liable on conviction to a fine of N2,000.

(3) Without prejudice to the provisions of Part VII, a road marshal, police officer or a road traffic officer in uniform may stop any motor vehicle with a view to ascertaining whether the motor vehicle or any trailer drawn thereby is being used in contravention of the Act or these Regulations and the road marshal, police officer or road traffic officer may take the motor vehicle or trailer or cause them to be taken to any police station or place of safety to be detained until the motor vehicle or trailer and driver can be identified.

(4) Any road marshal, a police officer or a road traffic officer may require a commercial vehicle to be brought for weighing or re-weighing to such place as the road marshal, the police officer or the road traffic officer may direct.

(5) The owner or driver of any motor vehicle shall, on demand being made by a road marshal, road traffic officer or police officer not below the rank of inspector, produce the vehicle or any trailer drawn thereby at such time and place as the road marshal, a road traffic officer or a police officer may appoint and submit it for such inspection and test as may be required with a view to ascertaining whether the provisions of the Act or these Regulations or of any permit or licence issued thereunder are being complied with.

  1. Report of road accident

(1) A road traffic accident shall be reported to the nearest police station, the State Director of Motor Vehicle Administration office or the road safety office nearest to the scene of the accident.

(2) A road traffic accident shall be reported as follows -

(a) a minor accident where minor damage is caused to the highway and the vehicle and there is no injury to any person or persons;

(b) a serious accident of which there is extensive damage to the highway and injury to persons on the highway; and

(c) a fatal accident regardless of damage to property where the death of a person occurs.

(3) It shall be the duty of the road marshal, road traffic officer or a police officer to take all necessary measurements at the scene of an accident, record, analyse and investigate and make a written report as specified in RS Form ML. 23 set out in Schedule 3 to these Regulations provided that where the information required to be written down is detailed, the officer carrying out the investigation may attach written details to the RS Form ML. 23 which shall be duly signed by him.

(4) Where death occurs, a duly certified medical officer shall examine the body so as to determine the actual cause of death.

(5) Any such officer to whom an accident has been reported before commencing his investigation on arrival at the scene of the accident shall determine the seriousness of the accident and where necessary -

(a) if there is an injured person, ensure that the person receives immediate medical attention;

(b) remove the dead, if any, from the highway and try as much as possible to clear any obstruction from the highway, so however that while clearing the obstruction material evidence shall not be tampered with; and

(c) place warning signs at a distance of 200 metres before and after the accident scene and ensure traffic is controlled adequately.

  1. Disposal of fees

Feespaid under Parts I to XII of these Regulations shall form part of the Consolidated Revenue Fund of the State in which they are paid:

Providedthat where a vehicle is removed by a road marshal the revenue shall form part of the Consolidated Fund of the Federation.

  1. Provisions relating to exempted bodies

(1) Subject as herein prescribed, no fees shall be charged -

(a) for the registration, examination and weighing in respect of a motor vehicle or trailer owned by an exempted body;

(b) for a driver’s licence or learner’s permit issued to a student at a driving school recognised for that purpose by the Director, Motor Vehicle Administration or to a servant so employed to drive a motor vehicle belonging solely to an exempted body, so however that a licence or permit issued -

(i) in pursuance of this paragraph shall not authorise the person named therein to drive any vehicle other than one belonging to the exempted body and shall be so endorsed by the licensing authority issuing it; and

(ii) shall be surrendered to the licensing authority by the exempted body when the person named therein is no longer employed to drive the vehicle; or

(c) for change of ownership of a vehicle when the new owner is an exempted body and an application for a licence or permit under this regulation shall be accompanied by a certificate signed by a person designated in that behalf by the Director, Motor Vehicle Administration.

(2) Inthis regulation, the expression “exempted body” includes -

(a) the Federal Government of Nigeria;

(b) theGovernment of any State of the Federation;

(c) anylocal government; and

(d) any person provided with diplomatic privileges and immunities under the Diplomatic Immunities and Privileges Act and such other persons as may be exempted under the provisions of any other written law.


Provisionsrelating to pedestrians and to traffic other than motor traffic

112.Provisions relating to vehicles other than motor vehicles

Thedriver, rider or person having control of any vehicle on any highway shall -

(a) make use of the hand signals prescribed for drivers of motor vehicles specified in Schedule 4 to these Regulations;

(b) between sunset and sunrise, show a white light to the front sufficient to warn persons on the highway and a red reflex glass to the rear;

(c) except when overtaking traffic proceeding in the same direction, pass such traffic only on the left or far side thereof;

(d) whenever necessary, give audible and sufficient warning of approach by sounding the bell, horn or other appliance with which such vehicle is required by these Regulations to be fitted; and

(e) comply with the signs illustrated in Schedule 5 to these Regulations and all traffic signs placed on or near any highway by order of the authority responsible for the maintenance of the highway for the guidance of drivers of vehicles.

  1. Bicycles, pedestrians, animals, etc.

Noperson shall on any highway -

(a) ride a bicycle not fitted with two efficient brakes and an efficient bell, horn or other appliance for giving audible warning of approach; or

(b) ride a bicycle of which at least 0.228 metres of the lowest part of the rear mudguard is not painted white on the outside; or

(c) ride a bicycle beside another except for the purpose of overtaking; or

(d) fasten an animal to a vehicle so as to obstruct, endanger or annoy any person lawfully using such highway; or

(e) leave any vehicle standing without having a proper person to hold the animal which may be attached to the same; or

(f) propel a go-cart, barrow, truck, hand-cart, or similar vehicle otherwise than by holding the pole or shaft; or

(g) ride or drive furiously any vehicle or drive at a speed of more than 12.875 kilometres an hour any vehicle carrying a load which projects 0.914 metres or more beyond either end of such vehicles; or

(h) wilfully or by negligence prevent, hinder or interrupt the free passage of any person or vehicle or animal; or

(i) draw up any vehicle so as to obstruct free passage along a street; or

(j) drive, ride, propel or park any vehicle or drive, ride or leave any animal or display trade wares on any footway or pavement provided for the use of pedestrians; or

(k) whilst riding a bicycle hold on to any motor vehicle or other vehicle while it is moving; or

(l) ride a bicycle in a negligent or dangerous manner; or

(m) cross such highway within 91.44 metres of any type of pedestrian crossing except on such crossing; or

(n) loiter on any type of pedestrian crossing.

(2) In this Part, “vehicle” includes carriage, wagons, carts, bicycles, handcarts, sledges and trucks, barrows and all other similar machines for the carriage of goods or persons.


Internationalconvention provisions

  1. Competent authority

(1) The principal licensing officer or an officer appointed by him to act on his behalf shall be the competent authority referred to in Articles 3 and 6 of the International Convention relative to Motor Traffic concluded at Paris on 24 April, 1926, hereinafter referred to as the Convention on the Taxation of Foreign Motor Vehicles concluded at Geneva on 30 March 1931 and set out in Schedule 8 to these Regulations.

(2) The principal licensing officer shall, with regard to this regulation, be the Director of the Commission or any officer authorised by him in that capacity.

  1. Examination of vehicles for international certificate

A road traffic officer is hereby empowered to carry out in accordance with this Part of these Regulations the following duties, that is -

(a) examine any motor vehicle registered in any part of Nigeria under the provisions of these Regulations which is submitted for examination and if satisfied after such examination that the motor vehicle is suitable for use on a highway in a foreign country and that it fulfils the conditions specified in Article 3 of the Convention, issue a certificate to that effect addressed to the principal licensing officer and such certificate shall be as specified in Form International 1 specified in Schedule 8 to these Regulations; and

(b) examine any person submitting himself for examination and if upon examination he is found to be competent to drive a motor vehicle issue a certificate to that effect addressed to the principal licensing officer as in Form International 2 in the said Schedule.

116.Application for international certificate

(1) Any person may apply to the principal licensing officer for an international certificate for a vehicle authorising the use of such vehicle in foreign states or territories which are signatories or have acceded to the International Convention relative to Motor Traffic:

Providedthat no international certificate shall be issued unless the application is accompanied by the certificate referred to in paragraph 1 (a) of regulation 114 of these


(2) An application shall be as set out in Form International 3 in Schedule 8 to these Regulations and shall be accompanied by the certificate referred to in regulation 114 of these Regulations.

  1. International certificate

(1) On due application being made and on payment of a fee to be prescribed the principal licensing officer may issue an international certificate for the motor vehicle specified in the application.

(2) A certificate issued pursuant to paragraph (1) of this regulation shall not authorize the use of any vehicle other than that for which it is issued.

(3) A certificate shall, subject to the provisions of the Convention, be valid for one year from the date of issue thereof and in form shall follow the model set forth in the Convention.

(4) No international certificate shall be issued by the principal licensing officer in respect of any motor vehicle unless the vehicle is validly licensed in accordance with the provisions of these Regulations.

  1. Application for fiscal permit

(1) Any person may apply to the principal licensing officer for a fiscal permit in respect of any motor vehicle for which an international certificate has been issued.

(2) An application shall be as set out in Form International 4 specified in Schedule 8 to these Regulations.

(3) On due application being made and on payment of the prescribed fees the principal licensing officer may issue a fiscal permit within the meaning of the Convention.

(4) No fiscal permit shall be issued by the principal licensing officer in respect of any motor vehicle unless the vehicle is validly licensed in accordance with the provisions of these Regulations.

  1. International circulation permit

Anyperson making a temporary stay in Nigeria who brings a motor vehicle into Nigeria, may if in possession of -

(a) an international certificate for motor vehicles issued in respect of such motor vehicle in accordance with Articles 3 and 4 of the Convention;

(b) a fiscal permit issued in respect of such motor vehicle in accordance with Article 3 of the Convention and not otherwise obtained an international circulation permit, so however that he may apply to the principal licensing officer or any officer appointed by him to act on his behalf for that purpose as specified in Form International 5 set out in Schedule 8 to these Regulations and forward to the principal licensing officer or any officer appointed by him to act on his behalf with such application his international certificate and fiscal permit.

  1. Exemption from local taxation

(1) Any person who obtains an international circulation permit under these

Regulations shall be exempted during the period for which the permit is required to hold a licence in Nigeria for the motor vehicle in respect of which the permit has been obtained.

(2) A person to whom an international circulation permit has been issued in respect of a motor vehicle shall, before using such motor vehicle on public roads in Nigeria, at any time after such permit has ceased to be valid, apply for and obtain a licence for such motor vehicle in accordance with the provisions of these Regulations.

  1. Issue of international permit

Uponthe receipt by the principal licensing officer of an application duly made in accordance with the provision of regulation 73 of these Regulations for an

internationalcirculation permit the principal licensing officer shall, if satisfied that the applicant is making only a temporary stay in Nigeria and that the vehicle in respect of which the application is made has been brought by the applicant into Nigeria -

(a) issue to the applicant an international circulation permit as in Form International 6;

(b) enter thereon before issue thereof -

(i) the identification mark of the vehicle;

(ii) the date for which the permit is valid; and

(iii) a stamp indicating the date of issue.

  1. Period which permit is valid

Aninternational circulation permit issued in accordance with these Regulations shall be valid for one year and this period shall be reckoned from the day of issue of the fiscal permit.

123.Production of documents

Whenany person desires to take from Nigeria to a country outside the Federation a vehicle in respect of which an international circulation permit has been issued under these Regulations, he shall produce the fiscal permit to the principal licensing officer or any other officer appointed by him to act in that behalf who shall thereupon stamp the same with an exit visa, and any fiscal permit not so stamped shall have no further validity.

  1. Information given on transfer

(1) If a motor vehicle in respect of which an international circulation permit has been issued is -

(a) broken up or destroyed; or

(b) is sold or is otherwise transferred to some person other than the person to whom such permit was issued during the period for which such permit was issued is valid, the person to whom such permit was issued shall forthwith inform the principal licensing officer of such breaking up, destruction, sale or other transfer and in the case of a sale or other transfer, of the name and address of the person to whom the vehicle has been so sold or transferred, and shall at the same time surrender to the principal licensing officer the said permit.

  1. Surrender of permit on expiration

Onthe expiration of an international circulation permit the person to whom the permit was issued shall forthwith surrender the same to the principal licensing officer.

  1. Duplicate

Ifan international circulation permit issued under these Regulations has been lost, destroyed or accidentally defaced, the owner of the vehicle shall apply to the principal licensing officer and upon being satisfied as to such loss, destruction or defacement and upon the surrender of such permit in cases where it has been so defaced he shall cause to be issued a duplicate so marked, and a duplicate so issued shall have the

sameeffect as the original permit.

  1. Visibility of permit

Theinternational circulation permit shall be required to be carried on the vehicle in like manner as if it were a vehicle licence issued under these Regulations.

128.Record of vehicles

Theprincipal licensing officer shall establish and maintain records of all vehicles in respect of which he has issued -

(a) an international certificate;

(b) a fiscal permit;

(c) an international circulation permit;

(d) an international cover letter for transporting goods; and

(e) a transport card in respect of transport vehicles in two languages.

  1. International sign of vehicles

(1) The owner or driver of any motor vehicle for which an international certificate or fiscal permit was issued in Nigeria by any competent authority in force shall carry an international sign in a visible position in the rear of the vehicle and such sign shall contain the international distinguishing mark for Nigeria consisting of the letters “NGR” which shall be written on a plate or on the vehicle itself.

(2) In dimension and colour the international sign shall be an oval plate thirty centimeters wide by eighteen centimeters high bearing the letters “NGR” painted in black on a white background and the letters shall be formed of capital letters in characters of a height of at least ten centimeters and their strokes a width of at least fifteen millimetres as shown in figure 12 set out in Schedule 8 to these Regulations:

[Figure12. Schedule 8.]

Providedthat in the case of a motorcycle the sign shall be eighteen centimeters wide and twelve centimeters high and the letters “NGR” shall measure at least eight centimeters high and their strokes a width of at least ten millimetres.

(3) If a motor vehicle for which an international certificate or fiscal permit is in force is being driven with a trailer attached, the international sign shall be repeated in a visible position on the back of the trailer or if more than one trailer is attached on the back of the rear trailer.

(4) The owner or driver of a motor vehicle for which an international certificate or fiscal permit was issued elsewhere than in Nigeria is in force shall carry the national identification marks allotted to the vehicle in the country of issue and in addition shall carry the international sign containing the international distinguishing marks for the country of issue and the position, dimensions or colour of the international sign on the vehicle and on any trailer attached shall be as herein before specified in this regulation.

(5) Immediately an international certificate or fiscal permit for a motor vehicle ceases to be valid, the international sign on the motor vehicle to which the certificate relates shall be removed or painted over.

  1. Lighting provision applicable to international signs

Allrequirements of these Regulations in connection with the illumination and

visibilityof the identification marks of motor vehicles and trailers shall apply in all respects to the illumination and visibility of the international signs issued elsewhere than in Nigeria during such time as the motor vehicle is in use in Nigeria.

  1. Application for international driving permit

(1) Any person may apply to the principal licensing officer for an international driving permit authorising him to drive a motor vehicle in a foreign state or territory which is a signatory or has acceded to the Convention referred to in Schedule 8 to these Regulations.

(2) An application made under this regulation shall be accompanied by a duly filed Form International 2 and two copies of a recent photograph of the applicant.

  1. Issued only to residents in Nigeria

Aninternational driving permit for use outside Nigeria shall only be issued to a person who is ordinarily resident in Nigeria and who holds a valid driving licence issued in Nigeria which shall be required to be produced to the principal licensing officer when an application is being made for the permit.

  1. Fee and duration

(1) On due application being made and on payment of a fee to be prescribed, the principal licensing officer may issue an international driving permit for the category or categories of motor vehicles described in the application.

(2) A permit issued pursuant to paragraph (1) of this regulation shall, subject to the provisions of the Convention or unless it is cancelled by the court, be valid for one year from the date of issue thereof.

  1. Permit not transferable

Aninternational driving permit shall not be transferable.

135.Exemption in Nigeria to holder of permit issued elsewhere

(1) The holder of an international driving permit issued elsewhere other than in Nigeria under the Convention shall, subject to the conditions of the Convention, be exempted from any requirement to hold a valid driving licence under these Regulations during such time as the international driving permit remains in force:

Providedthat the holder of such permit shall only be entitled to drive in Nigeria a motor vehicle of the category or categories in respect of which his international driving permit was issued.

(2) The holder of an international driving permit issued elsewhere other than in Nigeria shall produce such permit on arrival in Nigeria to the nearest licensing authority and on demand permit the road marshal, a police officer, road traffic officer or person authorised by the principal licensing officer to examine the permit.

  1. Register of permit

Theprincipal licensing officer shall keep a register of all international driving permits issued by him and of all international driving permits being used in Nigeria which have been issued in a foreign state or territory.

  1. Power of court in relations to permits

(1) If a court makes an order under the provisions of these Regulations disqualifying a person who is convicted before it from holding a valid driving licence issued under these Regulations, the court may, if the person holds a valid international driving permit issued in Nigeria by the principal licensing officer, order the permit to be cancelled and delivered up to the principal licensing officer.

(2) If a person holding a valid international driving permit issued in a foreign state or territory is convicted before a court for an offence in connection with the driving of a motor vehicle, the court may, in addition to any other penalty to which the person may be liable, make an order depriving the person of his right to drive in any part of Nigeria and shall cause to be endorsed on his permit the particulars of the order.



  1. Exemption of vehicles and plant used in construction and fire engines, etc.

(1) The provisions of these Regulations in so far as they relate to the licensing of a motor vehicle or trailer shall not apply to motor vehicles exclusively designed for use, or to plants used for the maintenance of roads or bridges, or to fire engines or trailer pumps.

(2) The provisions of regulations 56 (f), 57, 62, 83 (c), (e), (g), (i), (j) and (n), 84 and 89 of these Regulations shall not apply to a motor vehicle referred to in paragraph (1) of this regulation during the time it may be engaged in the construction or maintenance of roads or bridges.

  1. Exemption in respect of registered military vehicles

(1) The provisions of these Regulations shall not apply to a registered military vehicle.

(2) Save as aforesaid, the provisions of these Regulations shall apply to registered military vehicles as they do with respect to other motor vehicles or trailers owned by the Federal Government.

(3) In these Regulations “registered military vehicle” means any motor vehicle or trailer owned by the Federal Government and registered as a military vehicle under the provisions of the Road Traffic Registration of Military Vehicle Regulations, 1958.

  1. Revision of Highway Code

(1) The Director of the Commission may cause the Highway Code and every revised edition thereof to be printed and copies thereof to be sold to the public at such price as he may determine from time to time.

(2) The Director of the Commission may, from time to time, revise the Highway Code by revoking, varying, amending or adding to the provisions thereof in such manner as he may be advised by the Director, Motor Vehicle Administration or any other relevant authority.

(3) It shall be the duty of the Director of Federal Highways, and the Director, Motor Vehicle Administration, the Commission or any officer duly authorised so to do to post or display road signs and effect markings on the highway and pavements.

(4) In the case of a State, it shall be the duty of the Director, Civil Engineering and State Director, Motor Vehicle Administration or any officers authorised so to do to post or display road signs and effect markings on roads and pavements.

(5) Failure on the part of any person to observe any provision of the Highway Code shall not of itself render that person liable to criminal proceedings, of any kind, but any such failure may, in any proceedings (whether civil or criminal and including proceedings for an offence under the Act or these Regulations), be relied upon by the party to the proceedings as tending to establish or to remove any liability which is in question in those proceedings.

(6) In this regulation “the Highway Code” means a code comprising directions for the guidance of persons using roads issued and revised hereunder.

  1. Offences in relation to licence, etc.

Anyperson who fails to comply with or acts in contravention of any condition

attachedto any licence or permit issued under these Regulations is guilty of an offence.

  1. Offences against these Regulations

(1) Any person who commits -

(a) a breach of or fails to comply with any of the provisions of these Regulations; or

(b) an offence against these Regulations is, where no special penalty is provided in the Act or in these Regulations, guilty of an offence and liable on conviction in respect of each offence to a fine of N500, or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months, or to both such fine and imprisonment.

(2) Any person who commits a breach of or fails to comply with the provisions of Part VII of these Regulations is guilty of an offence and liable on conviction in respect of each offence to a fine of N500 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding one month or to both such fine and imprisonment.

  1. Power to issue notice of offence

(1) Any person employed as a member of the Corps shall have power to issue a notice of offence to an offender who he reasonably believes has committed any offence specified in these Regulations, and where the offender opts to waive his right to a court trial, pay the prescribed penalty to an appointed bank and present the original teller to the Commission.

(2) The notice of offence shall be as set out in the Schedule 9 to these Regulations.

[Schedule 9.]

  1. Delegation of powers to make other regulations

(1) Subject to the provisions of section 5 of the Act, the Director of the Commission may make such other regulations as in his opinion, are necessary and expedient for the purposes of reducing the rate of accidents and are in conformity with the public safety on the highways.

(2) The Director, Federal Highways, the Controller of Works and Housing, the State Director of Civil Engineer, the Director of the Commission, a Commissioner of Police and a State Director of Motor Vehicles may jointly prescribe additional precautionary measures to reduce the rate of accidents by -

(a) prescribing additional constructional and mechanical requirements for commercial vehicles;

(b) prohibiting or restricting the driving of motor vehicles of any class or description on any specified highway or part of a highway and empowering any specified officer or other authority to impose such prohibitions or restrictions;

(c) with respect to the speed at which motor vehicles of any class or description may be driven either generally or on any specified highway or within any defined area or place;

(d) prescribing precautions to be taken in the interests of the safety and convenience of the public travelling in motor vehicles or otherwise using highways, and providing for the periodical inspection of motor vehicles;

(e) prescribing anything which shall ensure the effective enforcement of these Regulations and all other matters pertaining to or likely to enhance safety on the highways.

  1. Amendments, etc.

(1) The Director of the Commission may amend the provisions of these Regulationsby notice in the Gazette.

(2) Where a provision of these Regulations is inconsistent with that of any other road traffic regulations existing in any State of the Federation, the provisions of these Regulations shall, to the extent of its inconsistency, prevail and the provisions of the other regulations shall to the extent, be void.

  1. Interpretation

Inthese Regulations, unless the context otherwise requires -

“agriculturaland track-laying machines” mean industrial or track propelled vehicles which are used only for the purpose of hauling the produce timber or mineral of agricultural land, timber forest or mine and are registered as such under regulation 3 of these Regulations;

“articulatedvehicle” means a motor vehicle with a trailer drawn which is so

constructedand by partial super position attached to the motor vehicle that a substantial part of the weight of the trailer is borne by the motor vehicle;

“CentralMotor Registry” means the Motor Registry to be established by the States of the Federation, Federal Capital Territory, Abuja and the Commission for the purpose of these Regulations;

“commercialvehicle” includes a motorcycle for hire, a hackney carriage, stage carriage, a prime mover, recovery vehicle, draw-bar-trailer or articulated vehicle and any motor vehicle primarily designed for the carriage of goods and fare-paying passengers;

“Commission”means the Federal Road Safety Commission;

“Act”means the Federal Road Safety Commission Act 1988, as amended;

“Director,Motor Vehicle Administration” means an officer appointed for the purpose of carrying out the provision of these Regulations;

“Directorof the Commission” means the Chief Executive of the Commission;

“expressway”means any part of the highway not being a single carriage way declared by order to be an expressway by the Federal Ministry of Works and Housing;

“far-side”means left side opposite the near-side or off-side;

“highway”includes any roadway to which the public has access;

“licensingauthority” means a motor licensing authority or licensing officer appointed under these Regulations;

“mechanicalworkshop” includes any workshop which engages in the repairs and maintenance of motor vehicles or motorcycles, auto-electrical, panel-beating/spray, wheel alignment and balancing workshops;

“motorvehicle mechanic” includes a person who engages in the repairs and

maintenanceof motor vehicles, auto-electrician, panel-beater, etc.;

“motorvehicle dealer” means a person who engages in the sale and distribution of vehicles;

“motorcycle”means a motor vehicle designed to travel on not more than two wheels, where any part of the motive power is provided by an internal combustion engine and includes a combination of motorcycle and a sidecar;

“near-side”or right-side means the side nearest to the shoulder of the road;

“overalllength” means the overall length of a vehicle exclusive of the starting handle, if any;

“overallwidth” means the width measured between parallelled planes passing through the extreme projecting points of a vehicle exclusive of any driving mirror;

“omnibus”means a vehicle approved and so designated by the Director, Motor Vehicle Administration in any of the States of the Federation and the Federal Capital Territory as capable of carrying a load of not less than 762 kilograms and constructed and designed for the sole purpose of carrying passengers and their hand luggage and registered as such under regulation 3 of these Regulations;

“overhang”means the distance measured horizontally and parallel to the longitudinal axis of the vehicle between two vertical places at right angles to such axis, the one passing through that point of the vehicle projects furthermost to the rear and the other passing -

(a) in the case of a motor vehicle having two axles, one of which is not a steering wheel, through the centre of the axle;

(b) in the case of a motor vehicle having three axles -

(i) where the front axle is the only steering axle, through a point 102 millimetres in the rear of the centre of the axle; a straight line joining the centre points of the rear and middle axles;

(ii) where the rear axle is the only steering axle, through the centre point of the middle axles;

(c) in the case of a motor vehicle (whether having two or three axles) where all the axles are steering axles, and in the case of a motor vehicle having four or more axles, through a point situated on the longitudinal axis of the vehicle and such that a line drawn from it at right angle to that axis will pass  through the centre of the minimum turning circle of the vehicle;

“pedestriancrossing” means a section of the highway clearly defined by conspicuous marking and declared to be a pedestrian crossing by the Commission, Director, Federal Highways or State Director of Engineering or any local government authority Supervisory Counsellor of Works;

“principallicensing officer” means an officer appointed as such in the State, the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja and the Commission for the purposes of these Regulations;

“roadtraffic officer” means an officer appointed as such to assist the Director, Motor

VehicleAdministration in the discharge of his functions;

“routecommander” includes for the purpose of these Regulations an officer appointed as such to assist the Director of the Commission in the discharge of his functions and also includes all officers of the Corps and road marshals;

“registrationbook” means the registration book issued under regulation 7 of these Regulations;

“StateDirectorate of Motor Vehicle Administration” means the body in charge of all matters pertaining to motor vehicles’ registration, licensing of vehicles and matters pertaining to road traffic generally;

“spareparts dealer” means any person who engages in the sale and distribution of motor vehicle spare parts;

“taxi”means any motor vehicle designed or constructed to carry not more than seven persons, used or intended to be used for carrying passengers for hire or reward under a contract expressed or implied for the use of the vehicle as a whole at or for a fixed or agreed rate or sum;

“tractor”means a vehicle which is constructed and used on a highway solely for haulage and not for the purpose of carrying or having super-imposed upon it any load except such as may be necessary for its propulsion or equipment;

“tradelicence” means a licence issued to a dealer who engages in sales or distribution of vehicles spare parts and also includes licenses issued to mechanical workshops and motor vehicle mechanics;

“trailer”means a vehicle drawn by any motor vehicle but does not include a sidecar attached to a motorcycle or plant and machinery used for the construction or maintenance of roads and bridges;

“vehicle”in Parts I and II of these Regulations includes all categories detailed in regulation 3 of these Regulations;

“width”in relation to a tyre means the maximum thickness of the tyre from one side of the tyre to the other measured parallel to the axle as specified on the tyre by the manufacturer.

  1. Citation

TheseRegulations may be cited as the National Road Traffic Regulations 1997.





  1. Application for registration of vehicle

  2. Registration and assignment of identification mark

  3. Categories of registration of vehicles

  4. Ascertainment of weight

  5. Registration book

  6. Change of vehicle ownership

  7. Change of vehicle colour

  8. Supply of vehicle particulars

  9. Unauthorised entry, etc. in the registration book

  10. Appeal


  1. Issuance

  2. Power to refuse licence in certain cases

  3. Appeal

  4. Refund of portion of fee paid

  5. Display of a vehicle licence

  6. Replacement of lost or effaced licence

  7. Change of licence

  8. Licence on change of vehicle classification


  1. Special trade licence

  2. Establishment and registration of driving schools


  1. Number plates, etc


  1. Classes of licence

  2. Photograph of the applicant

  3. Driving test

  4. Driver’s licence, etc.

  5. Conduct of driving test

  6. Learner’s permit

  7. Certificate as to group of licence

  8. Learner’s sign

  9. Replacement of defaced or illegible licence

  10. Lost or stolen driver’s licence

  11. replacement of lost or stolen licence

  12. report of convictions to Central Motor Registry.



  1. Conditions for licensing

  2. Use and construction of taxis

  3. Use and construction of state carriage

  4. The use and construction of omnibuses

  5. Use and construction of multi purpose vehicle

  6. Private use of stage carriage or omnibus

  7. Route restriction

  8. Use and construction of motorcycle

  9. Power of the appropriate authority to fix fares

  10. Table of fares and time-table to be carried and exhibited

  11. Person in charge of stage carriage or omnibus

  12. Smoking while driving

  13. Taxis for hire

  14. Taxi drivers not to stop vehicles longer than necessary

  15. Taxi driver not to refuse to be hired without reasonable excuse

  16. Procedure regarding property left in vehicle

  17. Person traveling in stage carriage or omnibus

  18. Passenger manifest.


  1. General conditions for use of motor vehicle

  2. Tyres, fire extinguishers, etc

  3. Braking system

  4. Silencers and exhaust

  5. Lighting system

  6. Horns

  7. Driving mirrors

  8. Wheel alignment

  9. Steering apparatus

  10. Springs

  11. Laminated windscreen and safety glass

  12. Windscreen wipers

  13. Mudguards

  14. Speedometers

  15. Spirit tankers

  16. General

  17. Motor Cycle Leg guard

  18. Exemption and issuance of permits

  19. Conditions for use of trailer

  20. Prohibition of motor vehicle with right hand drive

  21. Illuminated indicators, etc.

  22. Examination of commercial and private vehicle

  23. Vehicles not to exceed thirty two tones gross weight

  24. Motor vehicles to have reflex reflectors

  25. Trailers to be equipped with reflectors

  26. ascertainment of weight

  27. breach of Regulations.


  1. Driving speed limit, etc

  2. Rules of the road

  3. Rules of the road and commercial vehicles, etc

  4. Provisions relating to motor cycle rider and passenger

  5. Molestation or obstruction of the driver

  6. Stationary vehicles and prevention of noise

  7. Punishment for contravention


  1. Removal of vehicles from highways

  2. Provision relating to removed vehicles park, etc

  3. Procedure for reclaiming removed vehicle

  4. Failure to reclaim vehicle



  1. Maximum hours of driving


  1. Prohibition of animal on expressway

  2. Prohibition of motor cyclist, etc

  3. Agricultural machines /machineries

  4. Loading

  5. Boarding, etc of vehicles

  6. Provision as to weight, etc

  7. Provisions as to length

  8. Protruding Loads

  9. Speed limits

  10. Stoppage on the express way

  11. U-turns, etc

  12. Parking


103.Marks on vehicles to be clear and legible at all times

104.Power to inspect vehicle

105.Report of road accident

106.Provisions relating to exempted bodies



107.Provisions relating to traffic other than motor vehicles

108.Bicycles, pedestrians, animals, etc


  1. Exemption of vehicles and plant used in construction and fire engine, etc

110.Exemption in respect of registered military vehicles

111.Revision of the Highway Codes

112.Offences in relation to licences, etc

113.Offences against these Regulations

114.Power to issue notice of offence

115.Establishment of Safety Units

116.Power to make other regulations

117.Amendments, etc

  1. Interpretation

119.Repeal of National Road Traffic Regulations, 1997.

  1. Citation



  1. National Motor Vehicle Registration Application Form – MVA 1

  2. Application for Out of Series and Fancy Number Plates – MVA 2

  3. motor Vehicle Change of Category /Re- Registration Application Form –


  1. Vehicle Registration Book – MVA 4

  2. Vehicle Change of Ownership Application Form MVA5

  3. Motor Vehicle Colour Change Applicatoin Form – MVA 6

  4. Motor Vehicle Replacement of Engine Notification Form – MVA 7

  5. National Vehicle Licence – MVA 8

  6. Proof of Ownership Certificate – MVA 9

10.Application for Renewal of Dealer’s Licence Form – MVA 10

  1. Trade Licence Application Form (Spare Parts Dealers) – MVA 10B

  2. Trade Licence Application Form (Mechanic Workshop / Registrations) –


  1. Motor Vehicle /Motorcycle Dealership rRegistration Form –MVA 10C

  2. Driving School Registration Form – MVA 10D

  3. Application for Fresh National Driver’s Licence – MVA 11

  4. Application for Fresh National Driver’s (Renewal/Replacement)– MVA12

  5. Application Drivers’ Medical/physical Examination Form – MVA 13

  6. Statement of Result of Driving Test – MVA 16

  7. Learner’s Permit – MVA 15

  8. National Driver’s Licence Format – MVA 16

  9. Learner’s Sign – MVA 17


  1. Passenger Manifest – MVA 21


  1. Certificate of Road Worthiness – MVA 22

  2. Road Worthiness Validity Tag – MVA 23

  3. Notice of Defects – MVA 24

  4. OFF THE ROAD Notice – MVA 25


  1. Notification /Invitation to Inspect Motor Vehicle /Motor Accident – MVA26

  2. Road Traffic Accident Report – MVA 27


  1. Vehicle Identification Tag – MVA 28

  2. Vehicle /Motorcycle Number Plate Dimension (Figures 1-11)


  1. Traffic Control Hand Signals.


  1. Traffic Control Arm Signals.


  1. Maximum Speed Limits for All Categories of Vehicles


  1. Road Signals and Traffic Signals


  1. Certificate of Release of Removed Vehicles – MVA 29


  1. Notice of Offence Sheet – MVA 30

  2. Fines and Penalties


  1. Warning Danger Labels


  1. Specification of Fire Extinguisher


  1. Road Charges.



(CAP141 LFN)

NationalRoad Traffic Regulations, 2004

Commencement: 12th January 2004

Inexercise of the powers conferred on it by section 5 of the Federal Road Safety Commission Act, as amended and of all other powers enabling it in that behalf, the Commission hereby makes the following Regulations:


1  (1) Any person applying to register a vehicle shall submit to the Authority an application for registration duly completed as in Form MVA 1 specified in Schedule 1 of these Regulations and pay to the Authority the fees as may be prescribed and published by the Joint Tax Board from time to time.

(2) An application to register a vehicle shall be accompanied by -

(a) an invoice and payment receipt of an accredited motor vehicle dealer; and

(b) a certificate of payment or exemption from payment of import duty issued by or under the authority of the Nigeria Customs Service, where the vehicle is an imported vehicle.

(3) An application to register -

(a) a trailer ; or.

(b) A commercial vehicle, with the axle weight or any of its axle exceeding 10 tonnes or tadem axles exceeding 16 tonnes gross weight, Shall be accompanied by the permission in writing given under the provisions of regulation 79 of these Regulations.

  1. (1) Subject to paragraphs (3) and (4) of this regulation the Authority, shall on receipt of a proper application and fee, if any, register the particulars of the vehicle and if the vehicle was not previously registered in Nigeria, or if the vehicle was previously owned by a exempted body within the meaning of regulation 140

(2) of these Regulations assign to it a number plate with the local government code.

(2) All auctioned vehicles may be assigned number plates provided the

application is accompanied by an evidence authorizing such auction and relevant payment receipts.

(3) Any vehicle whose category is to be changed may be assigned

identification number provided it was previously registered. Where it was registered in any State other than the one in which the change of category is being sought, the change of category form must be accompanied by a certificate of clearance from the police.

(4) If any person applies for a special identification number/mark in respect of a vehicle used by an exempted body, the Authority may, with the approval of the Principal Licensing Officer and on payment to the Authority of the prescribed fee, assign to the vehicle the special identification number /mark for which the application has been made:

Providedthat the number plates shall be in the series controlled by the Authority or specially permitted by the Authority.

(5) Any person who wishes to register his vehicle in a code that is not in the series of codes being issued at the time but is in the control of the Central Motor Registry, shall apply to the Authority for “Out of Series Registration” The Authority shall approve as it deems fit and the vehicle shall be so registered on the payment of the prescribed fee.

(6) Any person who wishes to register a vehicle with special or fancy number shall apply to the Authority giving details of his fancy”

Providedthe special or fancy number shall not exceed eight digits made up of alphabets, numerals or a combination of both. The Authority shall approve as deemed fit and the vehicle shall be so registered on the payment of the prescribed fee.

(7) Any person who wishes to transfer the out of series or fancy number plates of any vehicle to another shall obtain a police clearance and attach same to his application to the Authority who may approve as deemed fit upon payment of the prescribed fee provided that the Authority shall be that of the State of last registration

(8) Any person who wishes to re-register a vehicle shall apply as in Form MVA 3 to the Authority stating reasons for the re-registration. The application shall be accompanied with the original purchase documents and where the vehicle was originally registered in a State other than the one in which the re-registration is sought, the application shall be accompanied with a police clearance and clearance from the Authority of the last registration.

(9) An application for out of series, fancy and special identification number

plates shall be as prescribed in Form MVA2 specified in Schedule 1 to these Regulations.

(10) Subject to the provisions of this regulations, no vehicle shall be registered except such vehicle has been examined and certified suitable by the Vehicle Inspection Officer.

(11) The Commission or the Authority may, by Notice in the Federal of State Gazette prohibit the registration of any vehicle or any category of vehicles which may be considered to be unsuitable for registration.

(12) The Authority may refuse an application for registration of a vehicle if it is not satisfied that the applicant has attained the age of eighteen years or where there is a valid court order to that effect.

3.(1)A vehicle may be registered in one of the following categories -

(a) Motor cycles; or

(b) Motor cycles with three wheels or side cars;

(c) Private motor vehicle

(d) Trailer;

(e) Taxi or hackney carriage authorized to carry not more than seven persons including the driver;

(f) Private car hire driven by the hirer or the owner’s driver;

(g) Commercial vehicle authorized to carry goods and person who are servants of the owner whilst in the employment of the owner;

(h) State carriage authorized to carry not more than fifteen persons including the driver;

(i) State carriage authorized to carry more than fifteen persons including the driver but subject to Regulation 38(2);

(j) Omnibus;

(k) Private omnibus used for the free conveyance of employees;

(l) Agricultural vehicle;

(m) Tractor;

(n) Vehicle exclusively designed for use as plant or machinery for construction.

(o) Fire engines or trailer pump.

(2) A vehicle may be registered in categories (e), (f), (g), (h), (i), and(j) or paragraph (1) of this regulation if –

(a) The vehicle is operated primarily for hire or reward excluding category (j) of (k); or(b) A certificate of road-worthiness issued by the Vehicle Inspection Officer under regulation 78 of these Regulations is produced at the time of the application to licence the vehicle; or

(c) The vehicle conforms with the provisions of regulations 79 of these Regulations; or

(d) The condition of the vehicle is, in the opinion of a Vehicle Inspection Officer, safe and suitable for the conveyance of passengers or goods, and conforms with the provisions of Parts V and VI of these Regulations.

(3) A vehicle may be registered as a trailer under this Part of these Regulations if –

(a) it is a vehicle designed to be drawn by a motor vehicle;

(b) a certificate of road-worthiness issued under regulation 78 of these Regulations is produced at the time of application for registration; and

(c) The trailer conforms with the provisions of regulation 75 of these Regulations.

(4) A vehicle may be registered as an agricultural machine if –

(a) the vehicle is intended to be used on a highway in passing from land in private occupation to other land in such occupation ; or

(b) it is registered in the name of a person engaged in agriculture, timber trade or mining; or

(c) it is not used on a highway for hauling any objects except for agricultural produce, timber, mineral of agricultural land.

(5) For the purpose of this regulation, ‘mineral’ includes mineral oils and the word ‘mine’ and ‘mining’ shall be construed accordingly.

(6) A vehicle may be registered as tractor under this part of these Regulations if the vehicle is used on a highway solely for the purpose of haulage, and should not have super imposed upon it, any load except such as is necessary for its propulsion or equipment

  1. (1) Before a vehicle is registered, a Vehicle Inspection Officer may, if facilities for weighing the vehicle are available, require the net weight of the vehicle to be ascertained and shall certify the weight of the vehicle and make any necessary correction in the statement of weight declared by the owner or where the facilities for weighing are not available may require the owner of the vehicle to produce a certificate of the weight thereof issued by the manufacturer or a competent authority.

(2) The fee as may be determined and published by the Joint Tax Board from time to time, shall be payable by the owner in respect of any ascertainment of weight required to be effected under paragraph (1) of this regulation.

(3) A vehicle Inspection Officer or Road Marshall may, at any reasonable time, require a vehicle to be re-weighed free or charge.

(4) The owner of a vehicle shall cause the vehicle to be driven or brought to an appropriate place which the Vehicle Inspection Officer or Road Marshall may direct for the purpose of weighing.

5.(1) A registration book as specified in Form MVA 4 of Schedule 1 of these

Regulations shall be issued by the Authority to the owner of a vehicle upon the payment of the prescribed registration fee and shall constitute the permanent recorded of the vehicle.

(2) The registration book shall be required to be in the vehicle and liable to be produced on demand by any appropriate authority.

(3) Any driver who fails to comply with the provisions of paragraph (2) of this regulation commits an offence and shall be liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding N1,000 or to imprisonment for a term of six months or both:

Providedthat the provisions of this paragraph shall not apply to a person who has –

(a) lost the registration book and applied for a replacement ; or

(b) deposited the registration book with the appropriate authority.

(4) If the owner of a vehicle shows to the satisfaction of the Authority that—

(a) he is unable to obtain the registration book from a previous owner; or

(b) the registration book has been lost, stolen or defaced and that a replacement of the registration book shall be issued thorugh the Authority to the owner upon payment by him or the prescribed fee; or

(c) that he h as a certificate in lieu of custom papers or any other good cause that his dealer has not given him any letter of custom clearance, the Authority may register the vehicle.

(5) The owner of the vehicle shall be required to inform the Authority within a period of 4 weeks of any change of his address as shown in the registration book.

(6) Subject to the provisions of regulations 3 where there is a change in the category of any vehicle which affects the particulars entered in its registration book, the owner of such vehicle hall immediately inform the nearest Authority of the change as in Form MVA 3 specified in Schedule 1 of these Regulations and the Authority shall thereupon, without payment of any fee, amend the registration book provided that the change or amendment is genuine

6 (1) If the ownership of a vehicle is changed, the former owner of the vehicle shall give a notice of the change to the Authority as in Form MVA 5 as specified in Schedule 1 of these Regulations and the new owner shall pay to the Authority the fee as may be prescribed by the Joint Tax Board.

(2) The former owner of the vehicle referred to in paragraph (!) of this

regulation shall present the registration book to the Authority who shall record details of the change of ownership and hand-over t he registration book to the new owner.

(3) The notice referred to in paragraph (1) of this regulation shall be given by former owner and the new owner not later than 30 days after the date of the actual change of ownership and where the notice relates to a vehicle which was imported into Nigeria free of import duty; the notice shall be accompanied by a certificate of payment of import duty, or exemption therefrom issued to the new owner by the Nigeria Customs Service.

(4) The Authority shall effect every change of ownership in its register.

  1. (1) If the colour of a vehicle is to be changed, the owner shall apply for approval from the Authority in Form MVA 6 specified in Schedule 1 of these Regulations and unless such an application is approved, the owner of the vehicle shall be restrained from changing the colour of the vehicle.

(2) A new vehicle licence shall be issued after payment of the fees prescribed to reflect the new colour of the vehicle and the old vehicle licence shall be withdrawn from the owner.

(3) Any alteration or change in the particulars of the vehicle hall be reflected in the registration book by the Authority.

(4) Where the colour of a vehicle is changed without due approval , the licence of such a vehicle shall become invalid and the owner of the vehicle has committed an offence under these Regulations and shall be liable on conviction to a fine of N5,000 or to imprisonment for a term of 6 months or both.

(5) Where there is a replacement of the engine of a registered vehicle, the

owner shall notify the Authority as in Form MVA 7 in Schedule 1 and shall pay the prescribed fee.

  1. (1) Every Authority shall provide a Vehicle Inspection officer, Road Marshall, the Police or any competent authority, copies of any records, documents or particulars in respect of a vehicle whenever requested.

(2) The Authority shall keep all copes of licences and other documents

furnished in pursuance of these Regulations at the Central Motor Registry and shall on request by any, vehicle Inspection Officer, Road Marshall, the Police or any competent authority supply such particulars in relation thereto.

  1. Any person who --

(a) Makes an unauthorized entry or alteration in the registration book relating to a vehicle; or

(b) Willfully destroys or defaces any entry in the registration book,

Commits an offence and shall be liable on conviction to a fine of N1,000 or imprisonment for a term of 6 months or to both such fine and imprisonment.

10     Any person who has been refused registration of a vehicle in accordance with these Regulations may appear to a Magistrate Court which may after hearing both parties give such directions as it may deem fit under the circumstances.


  1. Subject to the provisions of these Regulations, the Authority may issue a vehicle licence for a period of twelve or six months a in Form MVA.8 specified in schedule 1 of these Regulations upon the payment of the fees as may be prescribed by the Joint Tax Board and subject to the production of a registration book, current certificate of insurance and certificate of road-worthiness.

12 (1) The Commission may by notice published in the Federal Gazette prohibit the registration of or further licensing of a class or type of vehicles considered to be unsuitable for any particular mode or usage and the Authority shall accordingly not issue a licence, in respect of such class of vehicle.

(2) The Commission, the police or any other competent authority may, by

direct instruction prohibit the licensing of a particular vehicle, upon a reasonable ground that the vehicle is unsuitable for use in any part of Nigeria and the Authority shall comply accordingly.

(3) The Authority shall not issue a licence for any vehicle –

(a) The condition of which, in its opinion, is such to render its use on the

highway a contravention of these Regulations;9+ or

(b) So constructed or in such condition, mechanically or otherwise, as in its opinion likely to be dangerous to other road udders or likely to cause damage to the highways or bridges.

(4) No vehicle shall be licensed for a gross weight other than that registered in respect of such vehicle in accordance with these Regulations.

(5) For the purpose of paragraphs (2) and (3) of this regulation, the appropriate authority may, at any time, require any vehicle to be produced by such person and at such time and place for inspection as they may appoint.

  1. A person to whom a licence has been refused in accordance with this Part of these Regulations may appeal to any Magistrate Court.

  2. (1) If any person to whom a vehicle licence has been issued in accordance with regulation II of these Regulations satisfies the Authority in the State within which the original licence was issued that the vehicle in respect of which the licence has been issued shall not be used in Nigeria during the unexpired duration of the licence, the Authority may refund to that person a portion of the fee paid for the licence and that portion shall be equivalent to one-twelfth of the annual licence fee payable multiplied by the unexpired duration.

(2) Before a refund is made under this regulations, the licence and the

counterfoil thereof shall be surrendered to the Authority which shall thereafter –

(a) cause the licence to be cancelled;

(b) because the cancellation to be entered in the registration book of the vehicle; and

(c) inform the Central Motor Registry of the cancellation.

(3) When a refund is made under this regulation, the vehicle in respect of which the licence was issued shall for the purpose of these Regulations be deemed to be unlicensed during the period in respect of which the refund has been made.

  1. (1) The owner, driver or person in-charge of control of a vehicle shall at all times when the vehicle is being used on a highway keep the current licence of the vehicle displayed in the manner hereinafter provided, and shall, on demand, permit any appropriate authority to examine the licence.

(2) Licences, other than trade licences, shall be displayed in a weather-proof holder with a transparent cover and carried on the vehicle and in the case of –

(a) Motor-cycles or trailers, in a conspicuous position on the near side of the vehicle not more than 76.20 centimeters from the front of the vehicle;

(b) Motor-cycles with side car, on the near side of the handle bar of the cycle or the near side of the side car; and

(c) All other vehicles (except when placed on or adjacent to the windscreen as hereinafter provided) on the near side of the vehicle facing toward the near side of the road and not less than one metre nor more than two metres from the ground level and placed as near to the front seat as is practicable:

Providedthat in the case of a vehicle fitted with a front glass windscreen extending across the vehicle, to the near lower corner of the glass of such windscreen or in such other manner so as to be clearly visible from the front at all times by daylight whether such vehicle is moving or stationary; and in the event of the licence being carried actually upon a glass portion of the vehicle and otherwise complying with these Regulations the obligation that the licence shall be carried in a weather-proof holder with a transparent cover shall not apply.

(3) The licence shall be placed and carried (except when placed on or adjacent to the windscreen as hereinbefore provided) so as to be clearly visible at all times by daylight to a person standing at the near side of the vehicle, whether such vehicle is moving or stationary.

(4) In the case of vehicle issued with a trade licence, such licence shall be

displayed on the front plate bearing the trade number plates issued in respect of such licence.

16 (1) Subject to paragraph (2) of this regulation, the Authority shall issue a new licence to the holder of a current licence under this Part of these Regulations, if the holder of the licence satisfies the Authority that --

(a) the licence has been defaced or mutilated;

(b) the figure and particulars thereon have become illegible; or

(c) the licence has been lost or stolen and the new licence shall have the same effect as the original licence.

(2) Before issuing a licence under paragraph(1) of this regulation, the

Authority shall demand the production of the holder’s registration book as proof of issue of the original licence.

(3) In the case of a loss or stolen licence, the owner shall be required to

produce the police extract (report) and a duly sworn affidavit stating clearly the particulars and facts of loss before a new licence may be issued after the payment of the prescribed fee.

17.(1) When the ownership of a vehicle is transferred in accordance with

regulation 6 and the new owner does not intend to use the vehicle for any purpose other than that for which it is classified and registered, the existing licence shall be valid until the expiry date on it but in all other cases a refund may be made to the former owner of the vehicle for unexpired duration of the licence and the vehicle shall be re-licensed upon payment of the prescribed fee.

(2) If the new owner fails to comply with this regulation, the existing licence shall cease to be valid.

  1. (1) When a registration book has been amended in accordance with regulation 5, the existing shall remain valid until the expiry date, unless the registration category or character of the vehicle has been so changed as to render payable a licence fee at a higher or lower rate than that paid on the issuance of the existing licence.

(2) Where a higher or lower licence fee becomes payable a refund may be

made to the former owner of the vehicle for the unexpired duration of the licence and the vehicle shall be re-licensed upon payment of the prescribed fee.


19.(1)Aspecial trade licence specified in Form MVA 10A Schedule 1 of these Regulations, may be issued by the Authority to a dealer on payment of the prescribed fee and the licence shall be so stamped indicating the type of trade licence.

(2) Before a special trade licence can be issued the applicant must furnish the Authority with his data a prescribed in Form MVA 10 in Schedule 1.

(3) A dealer may obtain any number of trade licenses provided that no trade licence shall be issued for use in respect of any vehicle except in the following circumstances, that is—

(a) when a vehicle having been off-loaded from a ship, lighter, train or other road vehicle is being driven to the dealer’s place of business; or

(b) when a vehicle is being tested after having been received, assembled or repaired at the dealer’s place of business; or

(c) when a vehicle is being tested by or on behalf of an intending purchaser or of the owner in the case of vehicle under repairs ; or

(d) when a new vehicle or one under repairs is being transferred by a dealer in the normal course of business; or

(e) when a new vehicle or one which has been repaired is in process of delivery to the purchaser.

(4) A trade licence shall be issued with a trade number plate as shown in fig. 10 in Schedule 5 of these Regulations consisting of the National flag symbol, name of authorized dealer, dealer’s code, State code, dealer’s number (alpha-numeric), individual vehicle code (alpha numeric) and words “ Federal Republic of Nigeria” and the particulars of each trade licence shall be entered in a special register kept for the purpose by the Authority provided that trade identification number plates shall only be issued to motor vehicle dealers and mechanic workshop operators and the ones issued to mechanic workshop operators shall only be used on vehicles during road tests.

(5) A person to whom a trade licence has been refused may appeal to any Magistrate Court.

(6) A trade licence shall not ---

(a) authorize –

(i) the carrying of fee-paying passengers or goods for reward; or

(ii) the carrying of any person not engaged in testing the vehicle or inspecting the vehicle with a view to purchasing same; or

(b) be used between the hours of 6 p.m and 6 a.m

(7) Any person using a trade licence, except for the purpose authorized by these Regulations, commits an offence and is liable on conviction to a fine of N10,000.00 or to imprisonment for a term of 1 year or both

(8) Any person who operates as a motor vehicle dealer without obtaining the appropriate trade licence commits an offence and shall be liable on conviction to a fine of N10,000 or to imprisonment for a term of 1 year or both

(9) A motor vehicle dealer shall be required to keep a record of journeys made by vehicles operating under a trade licence and the records shall be open for inspection by the appropriate Authority.

(10) Subject to the provisions of paragraph(2) of this regulation, a trade licence issued in any State shall be valid in any other State until the expiry date indicated on such licence

(11) A trade licence in this regulation includes ---

(a) licences for motor vehicle and motorcycle dealers;

(b) licences for spare parts dealers to engage in the sales and distribution of motor vehicle and motorcycle spare parts

(c) licneces for mechanic workshops to engage in the business of motor vehicle repairs and servicing.

(12) The procedure for obtaining a trade licence and registration –

(a) as a spare parts dealer is as specified in Form MVA 10A of Schedule 1 of these Regulations ;

(b) as a motor mechanic is as specified in Form MVA 10B of Schedule 1 of

these Regulation

(c) as vehicle/motorcycle dealer is a specified in Form MVA 10C of Schedule 1 of these Regulations;

(13) For the purpose of this Part of these Regulations a dealer includes a motor vehicle, motorcycle and motor parts dealer

  1. (1) The Commission shall establish model driving school in each State of the Federation and FCT and regulate the establishment and registration of private and Government owned driving schools and shall set guidelines for the establishment of such driving schools.

(2) The registration of the driving schools shall be as specified in Form MVA 10D of Schedule 1 and no driving school shall be registered unless the prescribed fee is paid to the Authority.

(3) The Commission, from time to time, inspect all registered driving schools to ensure that the operators conform with standards specified by the Commission.

(4) The Commission shall issue permit to all registered driving schools in

accordance with paragraph (1) of this regulation


21 (1) The identification number plates carried by a motor vehicle or articulated vehicle shall be displayed on two plates for a motor vehicle, and three plates for an articulated vehicle and shall conform, as to lettering, numbering and otherwise with the provisions set out in figures 1-11 of Schedule 5 of these Regulations.

(2) The number plates shall in respect of –

(a) a motor vehicle be fixed, one on the front of the vehicle and the other at the center or on the off-side of the rear of the vehicle or as may be provided by the manufacturer;

(b) a trailer, be fixed at the center or on the off-side of the rear of the trailer in an upright position;

(c) a motorcycle , one plate shall be fixed in front and one at the rear with the plate having white background but blue lettering for private, green lettering for the Federal State or Local Government, black lettering for the Armed Forces, Paramilitary Services and red lettering for commercial, so that every letter or figure on the plate is up-right and easily distinguishable in the case of the front plate for m the front, and in case of the rear plate from behind.

(3) In the case of the recovery of a semi-trailer, the operator of the prime

mover shall be required to ensure that the entire articulated vehicle carried the same identification number in respect of the prime mover and the semi-trailer.

(4) No part of the number plates of a trailer or a motor vehicle other than a motorcycle shall be in any manner obscured and the plate shall at all times be kept in such condition that the letters and figures thereof are clearly distinguishable in daylight by a person of normal vision at a distance of thirty meters and in the case of motorcycles at a distance of fifteen metres.

(5) A vehicle shall carry a Vehicle Tag which shall be issued a long with the Vehicle Number Plate and shall carry the same number with the plate and be affixed to the rear windscreen. The vehicle tag shall be as specified in form MVA 28 Schedule 5.

(6) Except as otherwise provided under these Regulations, no number plates shall be transferred from one vehicle or trailer to another and it shall be an offence under these Regulations for any person to make any transfer except in accordance with these regulations.

(7) A person convicted of an offence under paragraph (6) of this regulation is liable to a fine of N5,000 or imprisonment for a term of 6 months or to both such fine and imprisonment.

(8) The form of identification number plates referred to in paragraph (1) shall be rectangular with dimensions of 308 mm by 139.7 for vehicles and 228.6 mm by 101.6 mm for motor-cycles both with white background as shown in figures 1 and 2 in Schedule 5 or these Regulations.

(9) Private number plates shall ---

(a) have the name of the State in black, the licensing office code number, the vehicle registration number and the Local Government code number in blue;

(b) for commercial vehicles, have the name of the State in black, the licensing office code number, the vehicle registration number and Local Government code number in red;

(c) for Federal and State Government vehicle, have the name of the Ministry or Parastatal code number in green;

(d) for Local Governments and Area Councils, have the name of the State in black, the Local Government Area Council identification code, the vehicle registration number and the name of the Local Government code in green;

(e) for the Military and Para-Military vehicle, have the name and the ode of the Armed Forces and Para-Military, the vehicle group code, issuing office code in black.

(10) Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph(9), the number plate of

vehicles referred to in ---

(a) sub-paragraphs (a) and (b) shall have the symbol of the National flag on the top left corner and the Federal Republic of Nigeria in black a specified in figure 3 in Schedule 5 of these Regulations;

(b) sub-paragraphs (c) and (d) shall have the National Coat of Arms in the top left corner and the Federal Republic of Nigeria in black as specified in figure 5 in Schedule 5 of these Regulations;

(c) Sub-paragraph (e) shall have the National Coat of Arms in the top left

corner in black and the Federal Republic of Nigeria also in black as specified in figure 4 in Schedule 5 of these Regulations.

(11)All vehicle number plates shall have ---

(a) a local government code for private and commercial vehicles as set out in figure 6 of Schedule 5;

(b) Federal, State or Local government codes for government vehicles as set out in figure 6 of Schedule 5

(c) codes of military and all other government agencies as set out in figure 7 of Schedule 5; and

(d) codes for paramilitary vehicles as set out in figure 8 of schedule 5 ;

(f) codes for diplomatic vehicles as set out in figure 11 of schedule 5

(12) The Commission shall determine, from time to time, the appropriate number codes for all categories of vehicles.

(13) In the case of a loss or damage to a vehicle number plates or a vehicle

identification tag, the owner of the vehicle or the driver shall –

(a) report the particulars immediately to the nearest Police Station or a

Licensing Office.

(b) prove ownership of the lost plate by swearing to an affidavit stating the loss;

(c) pay the prescribed fee to the appropriate authority for a replacement of the lost number plate or identification gag.

(14) The owner of the vehicle or the driver may, where the necessary

particulars of loss have been reported, construct temporary number plate in the form of wood which shall conform to colouring, lettering, codes, etc. as outlined in the provisions of this regulation.

(15) A temporary number plate shall be sufficient as the number plate until a new one is issued by the Authority within 14 days of payment of the replacement fee.

(16) All vehicles, private and commercial, shall as from the commencement of these Regulations, have on them the vehicle identification number plates referred to in this regulation and it shall be an offence for any vehicle not to have the said identification number places.

(17) (a)The Commission shall be responsible for the production of vehicle identification number plates for the Federation; and

(b) It shall be an offence for an officer of the Authority to issue or allocate

vehicle identification number plates before the production of the said number plates or mark by the Commission.

(c) The fees for road charges shall be as determined and published by the

Joint Tax Board (JTB) from time to time.

(18) A person who commits an offence under paragraph 16 shall be liable on conviction to a fine of N500 for every day the offence is committed.

(19) There shall be proof of ownership certificate for all registered vehicles the format of which shall be as in Form MVA 9 of Schedule 1 or as may be determined by the Commission from time to time.


  1. (1) Licences or learners’ permit to drive motor vehicle shall be in one or more of the following classes -

(a) Class A - motor-cycle;

(b) Class B - a motor vehicle of less than three tones gross weight other than motorcycle commercial, taxi, stage carriage or omnibus

(c) Class C - a motor vehicle of less than three tones gross weight, other than motor-cycles;

(d) Class D - a motor vehicle, other than motor-cycle, taxi, stage carriage or omnibus but excluding an articulated vehicle or vehicle drawing a trailer;

(e) Class E - a motor vehicle other than motor-cycle or articulated vehicle;

(f) Class F - agricultural machines and tractors

(g) Class G - articulated vehicles;

(h) Class H - earth-moving vehicles;

(j) Class J - special, for physically handicapped persons:

Providedthat a person may be authorized to have a combination of two or more of the Classes, howsoever that none of them shall overlap

(2) An applicant for a fresh driver’s licence shall furnish evidence of training at an approved driving school and a learner’s permit and shall be accompanied with a certificate of visual acquity test and general medical fitness test as prescribed in Regulation 24(6)

(3) A person not below the age of 18 years who desires to obtain a driver’s licence shall, subject to the provisions of paragraph (2) of this regulation, lodge with the Authority the appropriate application form as in Form MVA 11 specified in Schedule 1 of these Regulations.

(4) The holder of a valid licence may apply for the obtain a renewal of the

licence referred to in paragraph (3) or this regulation at any time within a period of one calendar month before the expiry date of the licence.

(5) The application for the renewal of licence shall be in Form MVA 12 in

schedule 1 of these Regulations.

(6) Subject to the provisions of paragraph (4) of this regulation, the renewal of a driver’s licence shall take effect from the date of the receipt by the Authority of a duly completed application form.

(7) All applicants for renewal of driver’s licence shall undergo a driving test in accordance with regulation 26 of these Regulations for an unlicensed person and a person below 18 years to drive a vehicle or ride a motorcycle on the highway.

(8) It shall be an offence under these Regulations for an unlicensed person and a person below 18 years to drive a vehicle or ride a motorcycle on the highway.

23 (1) An application for the issue or re-issue of a driver’s licence shall be accompanied by three copies of a recent passport photograph (which shall be printed from the same negative) of the head, full face, and shoulders of the applicant approximately but not longer than 25 millimeteres by 30 mm and where a driving test is required in pursuance of regulation 24 (1) of these Regulations, the copy shall be certified as a true resemblance of the applicant by a Vehicle Inspection Officer.

(2) An application for a learner’s permit shall be accompanied by two passport photographs of the applicant not larger than 25 mm by 30 mm.

  1. (1) The Authority shall, before issuing a licence, require the applicant to pass a driving test to show that he is capable of fully controlling a motor vehicle of the type and group(s) for which he has applied:

Providedthat this provision shall not apply to applicant for renewal except as

providedin Regulation 22 (7)

(2) Where the holder of a current driver’s licence wishes to change to another class or group, he shall be tested on the proposed category or categories of vehicles and shall attach the results of such test(s) as well as the previous licence to his application to the Authority and the Authority may issue him the new class or group on the payment of the prescribed fee.

(3) The new driver’s licence shall be endorsed with the number and date of issue of the original licence and with any conviction or order which relates to any offence within the immediately preceding two years which was endorsed on the original licence.

(4) On the issuance of a new driver’s licence, the old licence shall be cancelled by the Authority and forwarded to the Central Motor Registry with the appropriate application form.

(5) Where a driving test is requiring by the Authority, no licence shall be

issued unless the application is accompanied by a certificate stating the group(s) or licence issued under regulation 28.

(6) The Authority shall not issue a driver’s licence unless the applicant

furnishes certificates of vision acquity test and general fitness from any Government hospital.

(7) The vision acquity and general fitness examination shall be as prescribed in Form MVA 13 in Schedule 1.

  1. (1)A driver’s licence shall be as specified in Form MVA 16 in Schedule 1 and shall be renewable after three years from the date of issue or as may be prescribed from time to time ---

(a) the applicant shall not be entitled to received a driver’s licence except on the payment of the fee prescribed by the Joint Tax Board; and

(b) The Authority shall affix its official stamp across the passport photograph of the applicant on the learner’s permit to the top right hand corner and when placing the official stamp, part of the stamp shall be on the photograph and part on the permit.

(2) The applicant for a driver’s licence shall append his signature and

thumbprint in the space provided in the driver’s licence application Forms MVA 12 and Form MVA 11 specified in Schedule 1 of these Regulation as may be applicable.

(3) The Commission shall be responsible for the production of Drivers Licence for the Federation.

26.(1) A driving test shall be conducted by a Vehicle Inspection Officer.

(2) The driving test shall be held at such a place and time which may be

specified by the Vehicle Inspection Officer to determine the competence of the applicant to –

(a) control the motor vehicle in the traffic;

(b) bring the motor vehicle to a standstill from normal speed;

(c) Turn corners, cross main roads and turn from side to main roads;

(d) Pass other vehicles on the roads;

(e) Drive a motor vehicle except a motor-cycle, backwards along a straight road and around corners;

(f) Turn round in a road;

(g) Understand the indication of speeds and figures shown on the speedometer of the motor vehicles;

(h) Demonstrate his knowledge of the rules of the road, the hand signals set out in Schedules 6 and 7 of these Regulations as well as signs and traffic light signals illustrated in Schedule 9 of these Regulations and the principal offences set out under the Act and these Regulations;

(i) Read at a distance of twenty-three metres in daylight (with the aid of glasses, if worn), a motor vehicle identification number plates;

(j) Generally drive competently a motor vehicle or in the case of a person suffering from disability, a motor vehicle of the particular class to which the application relates, without danger to and with due consideration for other road users.

(3) An applicant who passes a driving test on a vehicle fitted with automatic transmission or adapted vehicle shall have his driver’s licence so endorsed and shall only be licensed to drive such a vehicle;

(4) The conditions which apply to the testing of an applicant motor driver shall also apply to an applicant motor-cycle rider and the result of such a test shall be recorded in Form MVA 14 of Schedule 1.

27 (1) Subject to regulation 23 (2), an applicant for a learner’s permit shall pay the prescribed fee and shall be granted a learner’s permit which shall entitle him when accompanied by a licensed driver-instructor sitting beside him, to drive a vehicle of the group or type stated in the permit for a period not exceeding 3 months from the date of the learner’s permit within the highways specified in the permit and shall be tested after 3 issues of the permit.

(2) An application for a learner’s permit shall be in the prescribed Form MVA 15 specified in Schedule 1 of these Regulations.

(3) Where in pursuance of paragraph (1) of this regulation the holder of a

learner’s permit –

(a) fails to take a driving test before the expiration of his third permit; or

(c) takes a test and fails, He shall, upon obtaining another learner’s permit be entitled to be tested but not before  the expiration of one calendar month from the date of the previous test

  1. When a person has passed a driving test, he shall be issued with a certificate stating the group of licence he is qualified to receive

  2. Whenever an applicant for a driver’s licence is ---

(a) driving a vehicle for the purpose of being tested; or

(b) the holder of a learner’s permit there shall be securely affixed at the front and back of the vehicle, plates displaying the letter “L” which shall conform with the provisions set out in Schedule 1 of these Regulations and the plate shall have a white background and the letter “L” painted in red colour.

  1. (1) Subject to these Regulations, where the holder of a driver’s licence issued under this Part of these Regulations satisfies the Authority that --

(a) The licence is dilapidated, mutilated, or illegible; or

(b) The photograph on such licence has become defaced so as to impair the identification of the holder thereof, the Authority shall issue a replacement to the applicant upon the payment of the prescribed fee.

(2) The Authority shall endorse on the replaced licence the particulars of any conviction or order endorsed on the former licence which relate to any offence committed by the owner of the licence within the preceding three years.

(3) The mutilated licence shall be cancelled and shall be forwarded with the licence application and photograph to the Central Motor Registry which shall cause it to be destroyed.

(4) The procedure for replacing a lost, damaged or defaced licence shall be as follows –

(a) the holder shall ---

(i) report to the nearest police station and obtain a police extract stating

particulars of the loss, damage or defacement,

(ii) swear to an affidavit stating the facts of the loss, damage or defacement,

(iii) pay the prescribed fee

(b) the Authority shall on the production of the documents specified in paragraphs (4)

(a) and (b) issue a new licence to the applicant.

  1. Where a driver’s licence has been lost or stolen the holder shall apply to the Authority for replacement in the manner specified in regulation 30

  2. (1) If the holder of a driver’s licence issued under this Part of these Regulations satisfies the Authority in the State in which the original licence was issued that the licence has been lost or stolen he may apply tot hat Authority for a replacement licence in the same manner as specified in regulation 30 (1) of these Regulations.

(2) The fee payable under this regulation shall be as prescribed and published by the Joint Tax Board from time to time

(3) The provisions of regulations 23 of these Regulations shall apply to any

such replacement licence

  1. Where a licensed driver is convicted of any offece by a court under the Act or these Regulations the court may, depending on the nature and gravity of the offence, suspend or bar the driver from holding a driver’s licence and such conviction shall be reported to the Central Motor Registry by the appropriate authority.



  1. The Authority may licence a motor vehicle as a taxi, stage carriage omnibus or motor cycle on the payment of the fees prescribed and published by the Joint Tax Board subject to the following ---

(a) that the vehicle conforms with the conditions specified in these Regulations;

(b) that the vehicle conforms to the other conditions specified in any other law.

  1. No person shall cause, permit or drive a taxi on any highway unless the following conditions are satisfied --

(a) the maximum number of person approved to be carried by the taxi shall be inscribed on the two front doors of the taxi;

(b) the taxi colour must conform with the colour specified in that particular

State or the Federal Capital Territory;

(c) the work “Taxi” shall be inscribed in white letters 64 millimetres in height on the top right corner of the windscreen in the front and the rear;

(d) the taxi shall bear a local identification number allocated by the Authority on payment of the prescribed fee;

(e) each passenger shall be provided with seating accommodation of a width of at least 0.406 metres;

(f) the taxi shall have two or more entrances on each side;

(g) the taxi shall not be used for the conveyance of any livestock as to

inconveniences other people in the taxi

(h) the number of person carried in the taxi shall at no time exceed the number authorized by the competent Authority and as inscribed on the sides of the taxi;

(i) the taxi shall at all times be kept clean

(j) The taxi shall not stand or ply for hire if it is in such a condition as to be unsafe or unsuitable for the conveyance of passengers or does not conform with the provisions of these regulations;

(k) The taxi shall be fitted with amber or yellow light at the top most center of the roof above the front windscreen with the word “TAXI” inscribed in black lettering on both sides to indicate a taxi at night. It shall be so fitted as to be controlled by the parking light switch of the vehicle.

36 (1) No person shall cause or permit a stage carriage to be used on any highway, or shall drive or have charge of a stage carriage, unless the following conditions are satisfied, that is -----

(a) each passenger is provided with seating accommodation, the supports of which are firmly fixed in position of a width of 0.356 metres a dept of at least 0.356 metres and a maximum height of 0.457 metres from the floor of the stage carriage shall be allowed for the seating accommodation of each passenger;

(b) In the case of seats facing the same direction, a clear space of at least 0.254 metres is allowed between the foremost part of one seat and the rear part of the seat in front and in the case of seats arranged facing each other a clear space of at least 0.4482 metres is allowed between the front edge of one sent and the front edge of the seat facing it;

(c) the driver’s seat in stage carriage carrying passengers, or in a motor vehicle carrying goods and passengers is not less than 0.610 metres wide and is so constructed as to be centered on steering column and the seat is completely divided off from any seating accommodation provided for any person sitting in the driver’s compartment by a fixed partition approved by the Vehicle Inspection Officer or the Commission and no person except the driver shall occupy the driver’s seat;

(d) in any case where the driver’s seat is so partitioned off, one person only shall sit in the remaining portion of the driving compartment if the seat provided exceeds 0.356 metres but less than 0.711 metres in width and if the seat exceeds 0.711 metres in width then not more than two persons may sit thereon;

(e) the motor vehicle shall carry a conductor registered in accordance with these Regulations;

(f) the driver of the state carriage shall adbide by any specified routes or other conditions imposed by the appropriate authority;

(g) the number of person carried in the stage carriage shall at no time exceed the number authorized by the appropriate authority as recorded in the registration book of the vehicle and inscribed on the two front doors;

(h) the stage carriage shall at all times be kept in a clean condition.

(2) For the purpose of paragraph (1) (g) of this regulation, the number of

person shall be calculated as follows, that is –

(a) each person shall be taken as weighing 76.204 kilograms with an allowance of 12.700 kilograms, hand luggage;

(b) two children under the age of twelve years shall be taken as one person and at no time shall the number of person to be carried at any one time exceed the half of the freight or load which the vehicle is authorized to carry.

(c) the overhang shall not exceed one-third of the overall length, so however that in the case of an omnibus body constructed in Nigeria, the over-hang shall not exceed seven twenty-forth of the over-all length;

(d) the body shall be constructed and designed for the sole purpose of carrying passengers and hand luggage;

(e) all seating accommodation shall allow a space of at least 0.356 metres in length for every passenger;

(f) the width of the seats from front to back shall be at least 0.356metres;

(g) in the case of seats facing the same direction there shall be provided space of at least 0.660 metres between the front of the back of one seat and the back of the seat immediately in front of which space shall not be less than 0.254 metres and, at least, shall be clear of obstruction to the floor;

(h) in the case of seats arranged facing each other there shall be a space of at least 0.457 metres clear of obstruction between the front edge of one seat and the front edge of the seat facing it;

(i) the gangway shall be at least 40 cm wide;

(j) at least two entrances or exits shall be provided for passengers (one of

which may be an emergency exit) and all entrances or exits not being emergency exits shall not be less than 0.609 metres wide and shall not be less than 0.609 metres wide and shall not be less than 1.676 metres in height;

(k) every entry of exit (other than an emergency exit) shall be on the near side of the omnibus;

(l) every emergency exit shall be fitted with a door which shall be kept closed except in an emergency and every entrance or exit door shall be capable of being opened by one operation of the locking mechanism and shall be so designed as to be readily opened in case of need from both the inside and the outside of the omnibus.

(m) the steps to the entrance and exits shall be closed and the maximum height from the ground of the lowest step shall be 0.457 metres;

(n) the driver’s seat shall be separated from the passengers compartment by a partition approved by the Vehicle Inspection Officer;

(o) the minimum internal height of the vehicle from the floor to the roof shall not be less than 1.7 metres;

(p) there shall be provided a bell or other device electrically or manually operated which allows the conductor to transmit signals to the driver from any part of the omnibus;

(q) the number of persons carried in an omnibus shall at no time exceed the number authorized by the appropriate authority and recorded in the registration book of the vehicle;

(r) the omnibus shall at all times be kept in a clean condition;

(s) the omnibus shall not carry any load or luggage on its canopy

38 (1) No person shall cause, permit or drive any multi purpose vehicle on any highway unless the following conditions are satisfied, that is --

(a) the maximum gross weight of the vehicle shall not exceed thirty-two tones;

(b) the maximum load allowed by the appropriate authority to be carried at any time shall be inscribed in figures on the two front doors of the vehicle;

(c) and be of such shape and colour as shall be clearly distinguishale from the colour of the background wheron the letters and figures are painted;

(d) the body shall be constructed with a minimum of twenty gauge sheet metal and fitted with a permanent rigid roof, with or without, a sliding panel; and

(e) any freight or load carried on the vehicle shall be secured in such a manner as to render it impossible for such freight or load or any part thereof to fall-off.

(2) The number of passengers carried shall not exceed the number approved by the Vehicle Inspection Officer

  1. Where any stage carriage or omnibus licensed to ply for hire is hired by any person for use exclusively for any particular purpose such stage carriage or omnibus shall carry in a conspicuous place on the front and rear thereof a sign marked “ PRIVATE”

  2. No stage carriage or omnibus licensed to operate between specified points shall stand or ply for hire on any route other than that approved by the appropriate authority.

  3. (1) No person shall cause, permit or ride a motor-cycle for the purpose of hire or reward on any road or highway unless the following conditions are satisfied ---

(a) the cubic capacity of the motor-cycle shall be 100c and above but not more than 200c

(b) the motor-cycle shall bear a local identification mark and number allocated by the Authority to distinguish it from other non-commercial motor-cycles on the payment of the prescribed fee.

(c) The motor-cycle shall carry only the rider and one passenger

(d) Both the rider and passenger or on the head of the rider or passenger.

(e) Both the rider and the passenger shall wear safety crash helmets while on motion.

(f) The motor-cycle shall be kept clean at all times.

(g) The rider of a motor-cycle shall wear a coded reflective jacket which shall be designed and supplied by the appropriate authority on the payment of a prescribed fee.

(h) Unless while overtaking, no tow motor-cycle shall be ridden parallel to each other

(i) No motor-cycle shall be used to tow another

(j) A motor-cycle shall be fitted with tow pneumatic tyres on its wheels and at no point of its circumference shall the dept of the tread be less than 1 millimetre;

(k) The motor –cycle shall be equipped with at least one braking system which will have sufficient effect on both wheels to bring the motor-cycle to a stop while on reasonable speed for the purpose of hire or reward on any road;

(l) The motor-cycle shall while the engine is on, be sufficiently silent as to prevent unnecessary noise;

(m) The exhaust pipe of any motor-cycle shall not emit excessive smote;

(n) All motor-cycle shall have one head light, two traffficators at t he front and the rear, one parking light at the rear, one brake light and white light to shine on the number plate

(o) All motor-cycles shall be equipped with factory fitted horn sounding not more than a single note;

(p) All motor-cycles shall be equipped with two rear view mirrors, one on each side near the handle bar;

(q) All motor-cycles shall be fitted with two sets of foot rests for both the passenger and the rider

(2) No person shall cause, permit or ride a motor-cycle with three wheels on any road or highway unless the following conditions are satisfied ---

(a) shall not carry more than four person including the rider

(b) shall be kept clean at all times;

(c) shall conform with the colour specified in that particular State or the Federal Capital Territory;

(d) shall be fitted with three pneumatic tyres on its wheels, each of which at no point of its circumference shall the depth of the tread be les than 1 millimetre;

(e) shall have at least one or a maximum of two head lights, two parking lights at the front and the rear, two traffficators at the front and the rear, brake lights and a single white light to shine on the number plate; and

(f) shall on no account be used for inter-city commuter service

42.(1) The appropriate authority may --

(a) fix maximum, and where necessary, minimum fares for taxis, stage carriages and omnibus;

(b) require taxis plying for hire to be fitted with a metre of or other device approved by the appropriate authority for the purpose of indicating the authorized fare for any journey;

(c) fix times tables for and determine stopping places in relation to stage carriages and omnibuses plying for hire on any specified routes;

(d) determine the days and hours of operation during which stage carriages and omnibuses may ply for hire.

(2) The metres specified in paragraph (1) (b) of this regulation, shall be regulated and published by the appropriate authority and any persons aggrieved thereby may appeal to any Magistrate Court

43 (1) Every taxi, stage carriage or omnibus shall be require to carry and exhibit a copy of the table of fares and the time-table (if any) applicable to it, printed in bold letters and placed in such a position on the vehicle as the appropriate authority may direct and every metere or other device for indicating authorized fares shall be kept in good working condition.

(2) Any person who demands or receives more than the approved fares

commits an offence and shall be liable on conviction to N2,000

  1. The owner, driver or conductor or any person acting on behalf of the owner, driver or conductor of a taxi, stage carriage or omnibus standing or plying for hire shall not---

(a) speak, make any noise or sound any instrument in order to attract the attention or the public or of a possible passenger; or

(b) act in any way as to make himself objectionable or a nuisance to any person or so as to cause any annoyance or inconvenience to any person.

  1. The driver of a taxi, stage carriage or omnibus shall not smile while driving.

  2. (1) If any person wishes to engage a taxi of a particular seating capacity or type and if such a taxi is not the first one on the stand, the driver of the first taxi of the required seating capacity or type on the stand shall accept the hire

(2) All taxis on the stand shall move up as vacancies occur.

  1. The driver of a taxi when hired shall not, unless requested to do so by the hirer, stop his vehicle for a longer time than is reasonably necessary and, if he is not hired, he shall not stop his vehicle except on a public stand, and he shall not loiter when driving his vehicle on a highway.

  2. The driver of a taxi shall not without reasonable excuse refuse to--

(a) be hired when the vehicle is on the stand; or

(b) drive the vehicle to any place indicated by the hirer if the whole journey including the return journey does not exceed forty kilometers; or

(c) carry such number of passengers, not exceeding the number specified in the registration book for the vehicle, as he may be required to carry by the hirer.

  1. Where the driver of a taxi or the conductor or driver of a stage carriage or omnibus finds any property forgotten in the vehicle he shall without any delay take it to the nearest police station, the Commission or to the drivers union’s office in the park.

  2. No person shall, while traveling in or upon a stage carriage or

omnibus --

(a) use any obscene, indecent, offensive or quarrelsome language or gesture, or behave in any manner likely to annoy or insuslt any other person; or

(b) Willfully, interfere with the comfort of any other passenger; or

(c) Spit upon or out of, or willfully soil any part of the vehicle’or

(d) Willfully damage or feface the vehicle or any part thereof or any part of its equipment; or

(e) Willfully do or cause to be done with respect to any part of the vehicle or its equipment anything while is calculated to interfere with the working of the stage carriage or omnibus or so as to cause injury or discomfort to any other passenger; or

(f) Willfully obstruct or impede the driver or conductor in the exercise of their duty; or

(g) Enter into conversation with the driver of the vehicle whilst the vehicle is in motion; or

(h) Smoke or carry a lighted pipe, cigar or cigarette in any part of the vehicle whether or not a notice prohibiting smoking is exhibited in the vehicle; or

(i) Sell or offer for sale or distribute any goods or any printed matter of any description; or

(j) Throw any article from any part of the vehicle ; or

(k) Refuse to pay his fare when demanded; or

(l) Cause an obstruction to ten entrances or exits thereof or to the passenger way used to obtain access to the seats in the vehicle.

51 (1) All passenger-carrying commercial vehicles shall, before commencing any intercity journey, keep and maintain a passenger manifest indicating the names of its passengers, their addresses, their point of departure and destination

(2) Where the journey is broken by reason of some passenger alighting before the destination, another passenger may be admitted on board, and the terminal point of the former shall be recorded and the particulars of the latter entered in the manner prescribed in paragraph (1) of this regulation.

(3) A person taking charge of a motor vehicle shall not admit or cause to be admitted to board the vehicle, any passenger who fails or refuses to furnish his particulars in accordance with the provisions of this regulation.

(4) The driver or person taking charge of a passenger commercial vehicle shall, when requested by the appropriate authority, present the manifest for examination.

(5) The passenger manifest shall be bound in the form of a booklet and kept in triplicate such that one copy shall be deposited with the office at the point of departure, another kept at the office of the final destination and a copy kept as a permanent record for future reference in the vehicle and shall be in the form prescribed in Form MVA21 specified in Schedule 2 of these Regulation.

(6) A driver or a person taking charge of a passenger commercial vehicle who fails to comply with this provision commits an offence and it liable on conviction to a fine of N2,000 or to imprisonment for a term of 6 months or both.

(7) A person shall not ---

(a) cause or permit any vehicle to park or ply for hire unless the vehicle is licensed under these Regulations; or

(b) cause or permit any vehicle to park or ply for hire unless the vehicle has an identification number plate as required by these Regulations; or

(c) cause or permit any vehicle to ply for hire unless the table of fares, timetable (if any) and the number of passengers the vehicle is licensed to carry is exhibited; or

(d) cause or permit any taxi which is required to be fitted with a meter or other device for indicating authorized fares to pack or ply for hire unless the meter or device is in good working condition or, while hired, fails to put scum metre or device into operation of such meter or device;

(e) cause or permit any taxi,

(f) while in charge of a stage carriage or omnibus pick up or discharge passengers except at an approved place;

(g) while in charge of a taxi, stage carriage or omnibus contravene or permit any contravention of any of these Regulations.

(8) Any person who contravenes any regulation under this Part commits an offence and shall be liable on conviction to fine of N2,000 or to imprisonment for six months.


  1. No person shall cause, permit or drive a motor vehicle or trailer on any

highway unless the conditions set out in this Part are complied with ---

(a) a vehicle, with its net weight exceeding 254 kilograms shall be capable of moving either forward or backwards;

(b) no vehicle or trailer shall exceed 2.5 metres in width, and 12 metres overall length inclusive of any load thereon;

(c) the overhang of any motor vehicle or trailer shall not exceed 0.291 of the overall length of the chassis.

Providedthat the provisions of this paragraph shall not apply to an omnibus

(d) no load may protrude more than 0.914 metres beyond the front elevation of a motor vehicle or trailer or more than 1.829 metres beyond the rear elevation of the vehicle or more than 0.76 metres beyond either side or the vehicle, and where the load projects more than 1.219 metres behind the rear elevation of such vehicle, a red flag shall be fixed by day to the extreme end of the load and a red lamp by night in a similar position and the flag or lamp shall be clearly visible from the rear.

(e) the height from the ground level of any vehicle or trailer with any freight or load placed thereon shall not at any point exceed 3.353 metres:

providedthat where the freight or load is entirely composed of seed cotton, or cotton lint, foams and plastic the height of such freight or load from the ground level may be increased to 3.810 metres;

(f) the freight or load on any motor vehicle shall be carried in such a manner as not to render the freight or load or any part thereof insecure when the motor vehicle or trailer is in motion.

(g) no freight or load whatsoever shall be carried on the top or outside the hood, canopy or roof of any motor vehicle other than the spare tyres for such vehicle unless the vehicle is in possession of a certificate issued to that effect by appropriate authority.

(h) freight or load whose weight is more than that the vehicle is constructed to carry shall not be carried by any commercial vehicle or trailer and the owner of any vehicle or trailer shall inscribe the net weight of the vehicle, the weight of freight or load and where required by the appropriate authority the axic weights on some conspicuous part of the vehicle;

(i) no passenger other than an escort or conductor shall be carried on a trailer;

(j) no passenger shall be carried on a commercial vehicle not being a stage carriage or taxi or hearse other than the owner of hirer of the vehicle or the owner of the goods carried on the vehicle or the servants or agents of the hirer;

(k) no person shall stand, in or on a motor vehicle or trailer which is not covered while in motion.

  1. (1) A motor vehicle and trailer shall be fitted with pneumatic tyres on all its wheels at no point of circumference of such tyres shall the depth of the tread be less than one millimeter.

(2) No person shall use or cause to be used on a road any motor vehicle or trailer any wheel of which is fitted with a re-cut pneumatic tyre and fabric of which has been exposed by the re-cutting process.

(3) Tyres of vehicles shall carry on the side walls full specifications on safety regarding load capacity, maximum speed permitted, pressure, and codes for date of production.

(4) All commercial motor vehicles carrying ten or more passengers shall have emergency exits.

(5) The front and rear bumpers shall be made of collapsible materials, 50cm by 12 cm above the surface of the road and be spaced at least 12 cm from the main frame of the vehicle

(6) All motor vehicles plying the highways shall be in possession of good

electric or air horn, jack, wheel spanner, tools, fire extinguisher, inflated spare tyre, first aid box, emergency warning triangles or cones, laminated windscreen and mirrors, speed governor, wipers, insurance certificate and road worthiness certificate.

(7) The fire extinguisher shall be carried for different categories of vehicles as follows –

(a) Articulated Vehicles/Trailers : 2 Nos. 9 Kg;

(b) Lorries : 2 Nos. 6 Kg;

(c) Luxury Buses : 2 Nos. 6 Kg;

(d) Buses : 1 No. 2 Kg;

(e) Pick-up Van : 1 No. 2 Kg;

(f) Taxi Cab/Private Cars : 1 No. 1 Kg;

and shall conform with the specifications set out in Schedule 13 of these Regulations.

54 (1)A motor vehicle shall be equipped with two entirely independent and efficient braking systems, or with one efficient braking system having two independent means of operation, in either case designed, constructed or maintained that the failure of any single portion of the braking system shall not, even under the most adverse conditions, prevent the brakes on two wheels or, in the case of a vehicle having less than four wheels, on one wheel, from operating effectively so as either to hold such wheels from revolving or to have the same effect in stopping the motor vehicle as if such wheels were so held:

Providedthat in case of a single braking system two means of operation shall not be deemed not to be independent solely by reason of the fact that they are connected either directly or indirectly with the same cross shaft.

(2) In the case of a motor vehicle having more than three wheels and equipped with two independent braking systems each system shall be so constructed, designed and maintained that if it acts (either directly or indirectly) on two wheels it shall act on two wheels on the same axle.

(3) Where in the case of a single braking system, the means of operation are connected either directly or indirectly with the same cross shaft the brakes applied by one of such means shall act on all the wheels of the motor vehicle directly and not through the transmission gear.

(4) In all cases the brakes operated by one of the means of operation shall be applied by direct mechanical action without the intervention of any hydraulic, electrical or pneumatic device.

(5) In all cases the brakes operated by one of the means of operation shall act directly upon the wheels and not through the transmission gear.

(6) Except in the case of a motor cycle, with or without a side-car, the braking systems shall be so designed, constructed and maintained that it may be set so effectually to prevent two at least, or in the case of a motor vehicle having only three wheels, one of the wheels, from revolving when the vehicle is left unattended.

55 (1) All engines or a vehicle shall be efficiently silent and no cut-outs or open exhausts shall be used.

(2) Exhaust pipes for heavy duty diesel operated trucks shall be positioned to the kerb or near side.

(3) The exhaust pipe of any motor vehicle shall not emit excessive smoke

56 (1) All motor vehicles shall have complete headlights, parking lights and trafficating lights in good working condition.

(2) All motor vehicles and trailers between sunset and sunrise shall be required to carry lighted lamps which shall be electric or other kind of light approved for the purpose by either the appropriate authority and no other light of any colour other than those which are laid down in these Regulations shall be exhibited on any vehicle without the express permission in writing of the appropriate authority:

providedthat all illuminated mascots, if fitted as a standard fitting, may be retained and illuminated direction indicators may be used.

(3)The lamps referred to in paragraph (2) of this regulation shall be placed as follows –

(a) motor vehicle, except motor cycle without, side-cars, shall carry at least two lamps in front, one on each side of the vehicle, so constructed or placed as to exhibit a white light which shall within a reasonable distance in the direction towards which the vehicle is facing and clearly indicate the width of the vehicle;

(b) in the case of commercial vehicles when either of the lamps refereed to in subparagraph

(a) of this paragraph is placed in such a position that the distance of the

center of the lamp from the extreme outside point of the vehicle on its appropriate side exceeds 0.305 metres two additional lamps shall be fitted at the front side of the vehicle one on each side so that its center shall not exceed the aforesaid distance of 0.305 metres and so clearly as to indicate the width of the vehicle to approaching traffic and the lamps shall be focused below the horizontal and exhibit a light of sufficient power only to indicate the width of the vehicle ;

(c) all motor vehicles shall carry at least two tails lamps with reflectors which when illuminated shall be visible within a reasonable distance and shall be placed one on either side of the rear of the vehicle so clearly as to indicate its width; one of such lamps shall be so constructed as to illuminate and render easily distinguishable every letter and figure on the identification plate fixed on the back of the motor vehicle, unless a separate lamp is carried which adequately fulfils this promise;

(d) a motor cycle without a side-car shall carry one lamp in front so constructed or placed as to reveal a white light visible within a reasonable distance in the direction towards which the motorcycle is facing;

(e) a motor cycle without a side-car, shall have one red tail lamp with a reflector and when illuminated shall be visible within a reasonable distance and shall be placed in an unobstructed position on the rear of the motor cycle and be so constructed as to illuminated or render easily distinguishable every letter and figure on the identification plate fixed on the back of the motor cycle;

(g) motor vehicles shall carry two yellow stop lights which shall be illuminated whenever the foot brake of a vehicle is engaged and shall be placed at the back of the vehicle;

providedthat a motor cycle with or without a side car shall carry only one such stop light.

(h) when a trailer is attached to a motor vehicle sub-paragraphs (b), (e) and (g) of this paragraph shall also apply to the trailer

(i) trailers shall be fitted with reflectors on both side of the back of the trailer showing the letter “T” in amber written on white reflective background of the tail board which shall be of a minimum height of 0.152 metre;

(j) any head lamp shall be placed so as not to project above the bottom of the frame of the windscreen and shall not be placed more than 1.069 metre or less than 0.610 metres from the ground;

(k) no side, parking or rear lamp shall exceed six watts;

(l) no head lamp shall be used unless such lamp is so constructed, fitted or maintained that the beam of light emitted therefrom --

(i) is permanently deflected downwards to such an extent that it is at all times incapable of dazzling any person, standing on the same horizontal plane as the vehicle at the greater distance than 6.100 metres from the lamp whose high level is not less than 1.070 metres above the place;

(ii) can be deflected downwards or both downwards to the right at the wheel of the driver in such a manner as to render it incapable of dazzling any person in the circumstances aforesaid, or

(iii) can be extinguished by the operation of a device at the same time causing a beam of light to be emitted from the light which conforms with sub-paragraph (1) of this paragraph;

(m) all motor vehicles shall be titled with a device for deflecting or extinguishing lights;

(n) no light other than a yellow light or light of such other colour as may be prescribed shall be affixed to the front of any vehicle;

(o) no light other than the red light shall be affixed to the rear of any vehicle expect that a white light may be exhibited when the vehicle is in the process of being reversed;

(p) all commercial vehicles other than taxis shall have two reflective red stickers fitted to the two extreme ends at the rear of the vehicle which shall be 101.60 m (4 inches) in width and 0.305 m (12 inches) in length to indicate the maximum width of the vehicle;

  1. (1) A motor vehicle shall be fitted with electric horn sounding not more than a single note and the use by motor vehicles of any form of warning appliances other than of a type approved by the appropriate authority is prohibited.

(2) no motor vehicle shall be fitted with excessively loud horns such that when such horns are sounded would constitute a nuisance to other road users.

  1. (1) All vehicles shall be equipped with at least two mirrors which shall be fitted externally, one on the offside and the other on the nearside of the vehicle, and the mirrors shall be so constructed or fitted to the motor vehicle as to assist the driver to be aware of traffic to the rear and on both sides rearward.

(2) A motor vehicle shall carry a driving mirror which shall be so fixed inside the vehicle as to enable the driver when driving to have a clear view reflected in the mirror of any following traffic.

(3) A motor vehicle shall have fitted in the front and rear seats, seat belts which shall be utilized by any occupant of such a vehicle while it is on motion.

(4) The driver of any vehicle shall ensure that all passengers in the vehicle

have their seat belts firmly fitted while the vehicle is in motion.

  1. A motor vehicle or trailer when moving on any highway shall have its wheel properly aligned to the chassis so that the true rolling motion of the wheels or trailer shall be conveyed to the road and no motor vehicle or trailer with a defective wheel, wheel hub, or axle tree, shall be used on any highway.

60 (1) A motor vehicle shall be provided with a strong and reliable steering gear which shall be provided in such a state of repair and adjustment as to allow the vehicle to be turned readily and with certainty and the steering apparatus or driving gear of a motor vehicle shall be so arranged that the driver can manipulate the controls with certainty and the same time have a clear view of the road.

(2) A motor vehicle for use on Nigeria highways, shall be equipped with

steering air bag installed to prevent head injury to the driver in case of an accident.

(3) The Commission shall, in pursuance of the powers conferred upon it by

these Regulations determine the commencement date for the use of the steering air bag under these Regulations.

  1. (1)A motor vehicle, including motor cycle and semi- trailer, shall be equipped with suitable free acting or efficient springs, and these springs, and these springs shall be kept at all times in proper alignment or properly secured to the axle or to the frame of the vehicle so that no undue lateral movement is allowed

(2) In this regulation, “motor vehicle” includes vehicles with air or hydraulic suspensions.

  1. (1) All glass fitted to a motor vehicle shall be laminated or safety glass approved by the appropriate authority and shall be maintained in such condition as not to obscure the vision of the driver while the vehicle is being driven on the highway, and no ornaments or impediments or any description shall be placed on or near such glass which are likely to obscure the vision of the driver to both the front and the near of the vehicle

(2) All glass fitted to a vehicle shall be clear and transparent to enable persons outside the vehicle see whoever is inside the vehicle and all such glass shall in no way be tinted except as may be approved by the police for security reason.,

  1. A motor vehicle shall be fitted with electrically or mechanically operated windscreen wipers, which shall be maintained in proper working condition.

  2. A motor vehicle or trailer shall be provided with mudguards to catch as for as practical mud or water thrown up by the rotation of the wheels, unless adequate protection is afforded by the body of the vehicle.

  3. A motor vehicle shall be fitted with an efficient speedometer which shall be plus or minus ten per cent accurate at 50 kilometers per hour and shall be maintained in proper working condition.

66(1) Spirit tankers and explosive tankers shall---

(a) be fitted with double pole armored wiring with insulated return electrical units and a battery insulation mater switch.

(b) Carry warning danger labels to be displayed conspicuously at the front and rear of the vehicle as specified in Schedule 12 of these Regulations; an

(c) Under no circumstances carry additional freight or load on top for the taker; and

(d) Pack away from populated areas

  1. A motor vehicle or trailer and all parts and accessories of such vehicle or trailer shall be in such condition as not to cause or likely to cause danger to any person therein or any person using the highway or any property lying on or adjourning the highway.

  2. A motor cycle shall be fitted with two leg guards placed in such a position and of a type approved by the appropriate authority.

  3. (1) Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraphs (d) and (e) of regulation 75, the appropriate authority, may grant a permit in writing for particular occasion(s), for the carriage by a motor vehicle or trailer of any specified freight or load which by reason of the nature of the freight or load is incapable of being so placed on the vehicle does not conform with the requirement of the said sub-paragraph and such permit shall be subject t any conditions endorsed thereon and shall be carried by the driver of the motor vehicle and shall be produced by him on demand by any appropriate authority.

(4) Notwithstanding the provisions of regulation 57, the appropriate authority may grant a permit in writing exempting a specified type of motor vehicle or trailer from the requirements of the said sub-paragraph.

(5) The permit referred to in this regulation shall state concisely and precisely the conditions which have necessitated the issuance of the permit

  1. A semi-trailer shall not be used on any highway unless the following special conditions are observed

(a) the coupling provided for attaching the trailer to a prime mover shall be efficient for the purpose;

(b) the three or four wheeled semi-trailer exceeding 0.508 tonnes net weight or two wheeled trailer exceeding 0.254 tonnes net weight shall have a brake in good working condition which shall be operated from the cab of the motor vehicle and which when applied shall cause two of the wheels of the trailer on the same axle to be so held that the wheels shall be effectually prevented form revolving, or shall have the same effect in stopping the trailer as if such wheels were so held;

Providedthat this paragraph shall not apply where a trailer is drawn only by a tractor;

(c) the gross weight of a two or three wheeled trailer shall not exceed four tonnes and the gross weight of a four wheeled trailer shall not exceed ten tonnes on each single axle;

(d) not more than ten tonnes shall be carried on any single axle or sixteen tonnes on a tandem axle of a trailer:

Providedthat the appropriate authority may by consent in writing, and subject to any condition which he may impose, exempt a particular trailer from these provisions and may authorize the Vehicle Inspection Officer to given such consent in writing.

(e) the wheel base of any trailer having an axle weight of six tonnes or over shall not be less than 3.048 metres between axle centers;

(f) not more than one passenger may be carried or be permitted to be carried in a trailer:

providedthat the Vehicle Inspection Officer may by consent in writing, and subject to any conditions which he may impose, exempt a particular trailer from this provision.

  1. No motor vehicle shall be registered or driven on any public road if the

steering apparatus of the motor vehicle is fitted on the right hand side of the vehicle.

  1. (1) A motor vehicle (including motor cycle) shall be fitted with efficient direction indicators and shall conform to any of the following --

(a) two direction indicators which shall, when in operation, be in the form of an illuminated sign of amber colour of a minimum illuminated length of 0.203 metres and of a maximum illuminated breadth of one-fourth of the length, and the illumination surface shall be visible from both the front and the rear for the vehicle provided that the illuminated indicators of all articulated vehicles shall cover the whole length of both sides of such vehicles;

(b) four direction indicators two of which shall be fitted at the front of the

vehicle and two at the rear of the vehicle, which shall, when in operation, be in the form of a flashing sign clearly visible within a reasonable distance when facing the front of the vehicle shall be of an amber or red colour and they shall be fitted to the front and the rear of the vehicle in such a position as to indicate clearly when in operation, that the vehicle is turning either left or right ; or

(c) two direction indicators one of which shall be fitted to the near side of the vehicle and one to the far side of the vehicle which shall, when in operation, be in the form of flashing sign clearly visible within a reasonable distance when facing both the front and rear of the vehicle and front part of each indicator shall be of an amber or white colour and the rear part shall be of an amber or red colour and they shall be fitted in such a manner as to indicate clearly when in operation, that the vehicle is turning either left or right.

(2) In the case of a motor vehicle not fitted with electric lighting equipment or where it is impracticable to obtain an illuminated indicator conforming to the requirements of paragraph (1) of this regulation every motor vehicle including a motor-cycle with or without side car shall be fitted with at least two efficient direction indicators which shall be in the form of a pointer not les than 0.305 metres in length and 51 millimetres in breadth presenting, when in operation, a white surface visible from both the front and the rear of the vehicle.

(3) Direction indicators intended to indicate a right hand turn shall be fitted only on the near side and direction indicators intended to indicate a left hand turn shall be fitted only on the off side or left side of the vehicle and the driver of the vehicle, when in his driving seat, shall be readily aware that such indicators are operating correctly.

  1. A direction indicator shall be so fitted that, when not in operation it shall not be likely to mislead any other road user or any person controlling traffic.

  2. A light shown by a direction indicator shall be diffused by means of frosted glass or other adequate means.

  3. (1) A commercial vehicle, trailer, taxi, stage carriage, omnibus or motorcycle for hire shall before being registered or licensed and every six months thereafter be examined by the Vehicle Inspection Officer

(2) A private vehicle or motor cycle shall be examined four years after the date of manufacture and every twelve months thereafter.

(3) Where a vehicle is found to be road-worthy, the Vehicle Inspection Officer shall issued a certificate to that effect as in Form MVA 22 specified in Schedule 3 of these Regulations which shall remain valid in the case of private vehicles and motorcycles for twelve months and in every other case for six months.

(4) Notwithstanding, the provisions of paragraph (3) of this regulation the

issuance of road-worthiness certificate to any particular vehicle be it private or commercial as in Form MVA 23 specified in Schedule 3 of these Regulations shall be accompanied by a road –worthiness validity tag which shall be conspicuously displayed on the windscreen of such vehicle.

(5) A duplicate certificate shall be issued upon application to the Vehicle

Inspection Officer and upon payment of the prescribed fees but where the registration book has been lost and appropriate authority shall authorize the issuance of a replacement of the certificate if any.

(6) Where a vehicle is found not to be road-worthy in any respect whatsoever the owner of the vehicle shall be survived with a notice in writing as specified in Form MVA 24 set out in Schedule 3 of these Regulations by the appropriate authority setting out the defects to be remedied, and a red sticker pasted on the windscreen of the vehicle and the owner shall not after receipt of such notice permit the vehicle to be used or submit the vehicle for licence to any Authority until such time as the defects have been remedied

(7) The form of the red sticker may be determined by the Commission and the appropriate authority from time to time.

(8) A notice “OFF THE ROAD” shall be affixed on the windscreen of any

vehicle found to be unroad-worthy, by the appropriate authority. The notice shall be as prescribed in Form MVA 25 of Schedule 3.

(9) No fee shall be payable by the owner for the first examination of any

vehicle under this regulation but the prescribed fee shall be required to be paid in respect of every subsequent examination of the vehicle.

  1. (1) No motor vehicle shall be used on a highway if the axle weight exceeds ten tonnes, or if the gross weight of the vehicle exceed thirty-two tonnes.

(2) The appropriate authority may, by consent in writing and subject to any conditions, exempt any vehicle trailer or plant used for the construction or maintenance or road or bridges from complying with this regulation.

(3) A consent given under this regulation shall be carried at all times on the vehicle until its revocation or expiration.

  1. A motor vehicle other than a two-wheeled motor cycle without a side-car shall be equipped at the rear with at least two red reflex reflectors other than the triangular form and --

(a) on either side, the outer edge of the illuminating surface fattest from the vehicle’s median longitudinal plane shall not be more than 0.40 metre from the extreme outer edge of the vehicle.

(b) the reflex reflectors shall be visible to the driver of an approaching vehicle from the rear at night in clear weather, at a distance of at least 150 metres when illuminated by the driving lights of that vehicle.

  1. (1) A trailer shall be equipped with at least two red reflex reflectors

and --

(a) each reflector shall have the shape of an equilateral triangle with one vertex uppermost and one side horizontal, and with side not less than 0.15 metre or more than 0.20 metre long;

(b) on either side, the outer edge of the illuminating surface farthest from the trailer’s median longitudinal plane shall not be more than 0.40 metre from the extreme outer edge of the trailer; so however that, any trailer with an overall width not exceeding 0.80 metre may be equipped with only one reflector if it is coupled to a two-wheeled motor cycle without side car; and the reflectors shall meet the requirements for visibility specified in regulation 77.

(2) A trailer shall be equipped at the front and the rear with two white reflex reflectors each other, than triangular form and the reflectors shall meet the positioning and visibility requirements specified in regulation 77.

  1. An appropriate authority may, at any time and for reasonable cause, require a commercial vehicle or trailer to be driven to any reasonably convenient place to have its net or gross weight or any axle weight ascertained, and the person driving or in charge of such vehicle or trailer shall comply accordingly.

  2. No person shall drive, take charge, cause or permit to be driven a motor vehicle or trailer on any highway as to contravene or breach the provisions of these Regulations.


  1. A person driving or in control of a motor vehicle on any highway

shall ---

(a) not drive at a speed exceeding 50 kilometers per hour in any town, village, residential or industrial area, as illustrated in Scheduled 8 or as may be shown on speed sign along the road;

(b) if the vehicle is a commercial vehicle, shall not exceed the speed limit

prescribed in Schedule 8 of these regulations;

(c) cause the motor vehicle to move backwards further than may be necessary for turning or other reasonable purpose;

(d) not let t he vehicle be in such position that he cannot control same, or that he cannot obtain a full view of the road and traffic ahead of the vehicle

(e) whenever necessary and provided it is not in contravention of any law

sound his horn or other appliances given audible sufficient warning of his approach, use any appliance which

(f) on the request of any appropriate authority or any person having charge of animals on the highway, if any such person puts up his hand or blows his whistle as a signal for that purpose, cause the vehicle to stop and remains stationary if so directed and as long as may be reasonably necessary to allow the animals cross from one side to the other side of the road;

(g) before rounding any curve or corner, or entering or crossing a road or approaching a fork reduce speed and in rounding any curve or corner, keep a close as possible to the right hand side of the road and when rounding any corner or any curve at which the road ahead is not visible for a greater distance than 92 metres or entering or crossing or attempting to pass any traffic traveling in the same direction and shall not otherwise than by reason of an enforced stoppage or owing to the necessities of traffic, stop his vehicle within 8 metres from any corner;

(h) not be asleep while in control of the vehicle on a highway ;

(i) draw up his vehicle close to the side of and where provided, on the shoulders or the road, so as to allow a clear roadway for passing traffic and obey and direction of any appropriate authority as to where to place his vehicle while waiting on the road, and not leave the vehicle unattended on any highway with the engine running or quit the vehicle without having applied the hand brake and without having taken due precautions against it being started in his absence, or allow the vehicle to stand on the highway as to cause any unnecessary obstruction thereto;

(j) except in the case of a motor cycle carry on the vehicle at least one spare tyre capable of being fixed to an axle, a jack or any appliance sufficiently strong to lift the vehicle for the purposes of changing a wheel and the necessary tools for effecting such a change;

(k) obey all directions whether verbal or signal given by any appropriate authority to stop the vehicle or make it slow down and keep to any directed line of traffic;

(l) make use of hand signals specified in Schedule 7 and pay regards to such signals when used by other persons; but where mechanically or electrically operated indicators are fitted to the vehicle they may be used instead of or in addition to hand signals;

(m) comply with the signs illustrated in Schedule 9 and all other traffic signs placed on or near any highway;

(n) obey all notices all notices, on any highway where such notices are erected or exhibited in accordance with these Regulations or by an authority responsible for the construction or maintenance of the highway for the purpose of prohibiting, restricting, or regulating traffic over bridges, or sections of the road;

(o) on approaching any appropriate authority on duty at any road junction give the appropriate signal and on no account proceed to cross the road until the appropriate signal and on no account proceed to cross the road until the appropriate authority has signaled permission for him to do so;

(p) permit any person to be in the vehicle in such a position a to interfere with the driver’s control of the vehicle or his full view of the road and traffic ahead or his ability to make the hand-signals prescribed in Schedule 7;

(q) on demand by an appropriate authority produce his driver’s licence for inspection;

(r) not permit any person to ride on the wings, running boards, fenders or bonnet or sides of the vehicle except for the purpose of testing the vehicle during repairs ;

(s) not permit, in the case of a commercial vehicle, any person to ride on the steps, tail-board or roof of the vehicle, nor on any load or freight on the vehicle or on any trailer drawn thereby;

(t) not permit any person other than the person in charge thereof to be carried don a motor vehicle which is being drawn by another motor vehicle;

(u) not leave the vehicle if demobilized or broken down on any highway except at the right or nearside or shoulder of the road and in such case, cause such vehicle to bear lighted lamps at the front and the rear thereof between sunset and sunrise.

80 (1) When two or more motor vehicles approach each other on a highway, the driver of each vehicle shall, where by reason of the width and condition of such highway it is necessary or desirable so to do, cause his vehicle to slow down for the purpose of allowing safe passage to the other vehicle or any other traffic on the highway

(2) A driver of a motor vehicle shall, when approaching and passing another vehicle coming from the opposite direction, drive his vehicle on the right or near-side of the highway

(3) A driver of a motor vehicle when overtaking another motor vehicle proceeding in the same direction shall pass such vehicle on the left or off-side thereof; except when the driver in front has signaled his intention to turn or when traffic is moving slowly in queues and vehicles in the left lane are slower than he is.

(4) When a motor vehicle is being overtaken by another, the front vehicle shall slow down the overtaking vehicle to pass safely.

(5) Any person who overloads his vehicle with passengers or load beyond the capacity permitted or prescribed by law commits an offence and is liable on conviction where it is a private car or taxi to N1,000 fine, where it is an omnibus, stage carriage or articulated vehicle to 2,000.

(6) The driver of a vehicle shall not whist the vehicle is in motion engage in activities such as smoking or eating any type of food as to make it impossible for him to hold the steering with both hands.

(7) No driver of a vehicle shall whist the vehicle is on motion receive or make telephone calls in any forms.

  1. The driver of a commercial vehicle shall, whenever it is necessary or desirable by reason of the width or condition of the highway, stop his vehicle in order to allow lighter motor traffic approaching or overtaking him to pass

  2. (1) subject to Regulation 41, the following general provisions shall apply to motorcycle riders and passengers

(2) The rider of a motor-cycle shall not carry any person or object in front of him on the motor cycle but, if the motor-cycle is fitted with a seat properly constructed for that purpose and firmly affixed to the frame, may carry not more than one person sitting astride at the rear of the motor-cycle; and where a side car is firmly attached to the motor cycle he may carry not more than the number of person for which seating capacity in such side car is provided by the manufacturers.

(3) if the rider of a motor-cycle is the holder of a learner’s permit no person shall be carried at the rear of the motor-cycle unless that person is licensed to ride a motor cycle and is being carried for the purpose of giving instruction to the learner.

(4) Where a motor –cycle is registered in the commercial category, It shall

conform with the provisions of this regulation and shall be painted with the approved taxi colour of the State or the ––––Federal– ––Capital– ––Territory––.

(5) In the case of a motor-cycle having three wheels registered for hire, the appropriate authority shall ascertain the number of persons to be carried, licensed on gross vehicle weight and it shall be painted on the motor-cycle with the approved taxi colour.

  1. Any person who in any way obstructs or molests the driver of a vehicle whist on motion commits an offence and is liable on conviction to a fine of N1,000

  2. (1) The driver of a motor-vehicle shall avoid unnecessary noise when the vehicle is stationary and for the purpose every vehicle shall be so constructed as to enable the driver when the vehicle is stationary to stop the action of any machinery attached to or forming part of the vehicle in so far as may be necessary for the prevention of noise.

(2) Proper precautions shall be taken by the owner or any person in control of a vehicle to prevent the unnecessary discharge of the products of combustion, steam or lubricating oil on any highway

(3) A driver or person in charge of a vehicle shall not cause or permit the

vehicle or trailer drawn thereby to remain at rest on a road in such a position or condition or circumstances as likely to cause danger to other persons using the road.

  1. (1) Any person who drives or causes a vehicle to be driven on the highway as to contravene any provisions of this Part, commits an offence and shall be liable on conviction to fine of N1,000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 6 months or to both such fine and imprisonment.

(2) The driver of a vehicle shall take precaution when approaching a pedestrian or zebra crossing.


  1. (1) Where a vehicle is stationary as to constitute obstruction on a highway the appropriate authority may, subject to paragraph (3) of this regulation, cause the vehicle to be removed where ---

(a) there is a reasonable cause to believe that the presence of the vehicle on the highway contravenes any law; or

(b) the vehicle is in such a position or condition as to cause obstruction to other users of the highway or constitute danger to other users of the highway; or

(c) The vehicle has broken down and abandoned by its owner for avery long time..

(2) The appropriate authority may use such force as may be reasonably

necessary for the purpose of removing the vehicle from the highway or

gaining access to any part of it in order to facilitate the removal.

(3) Where a vehicle is removed pursuant to this regulation, the owner or driver of the vehicle shall pay a sum of N100 and other prescribed penalty for everyday and vehicle is in the custody of the appropriate authority.

  1. (1) It shall be the duty of the Commission and any other appropriate authority to --

(a) Provide and maintain places where vehicles removed in pursuance to

regulation 91 shall be kept;

(b) Provide suitable facilities (including equipment and manpower) for the

removal of vehicles in pursuance of regulation 91.

(c) Ensure the safety and security of the removed vehicles in their custody;

(d) Provide and maintain a record containing particulars of each removed

vehicle and its contents, specifying --

(i) Date of its removal

(ii) The park in which it s kept, Irrespective of whether an application for recovery of the removed vehicle has been made pursuant to regulation 94 (2)

(2) The appropriate authority shall not be under any duty to protect removal vehicles from damage occasioned by sun, rain, wind or other physical condition s or any other natural cause.

  1. (1) The owner of a removed vehicle who want to recover the said vehicle shall furnish the officer in charge of the removed vehicle park with---

(a) Satisfactory evidence of his ownership of the removed vehicle; and

(b) Evidence of compliance with regulation 91 (3); and

(c) Where it is the agent of owner or driver, proof that he is the authorized agent

(2) Nothing in this regulation shall be construed as precluding the officer in charge of removed vehicles park form asking for proof of the identity of any claimant.

(3) Subject to compliance with regulation 91(3), the officer in charge of a

removed vehicle shall release the vehicle to a genuine claimant upon payment of towering charges where necessary. The certificate of release of removed vehicle shall be as specified in Form MVA 29 Schedule 10

  1. (1) If the driver or owner of a vehicle fails to reclaim the vehicle within six months of its detention, the Commission or any other appropriate authority may apply to the High Court for an order of forfeiture of the vehicle to the Commission or any other appropriate authority which may thereafter dispose the vehicle by public auction and pay the proceeds into Government coffers

(2) A person claiming to be entitled to the benefit of a charge or lieu on a

removed vehicle or its contents may at any time before the making of an application in respect of the vehicle in pursuance of paragraph (3) apply to the court for an order protecting his interest in the vehicle or the contents therein, and the court may make such order vesting the vehicle or its contents in any person on such terms as it deems fit.

(3) If an application in respect of a removed vehicle is made by the

Commission or any other appropriate authority pursuant to paragraph (1) of this regulation, the court may order the forfeiture of the vehicle and the contents therein to the Commission or any appropriate authority which may dispose same in accordance with this regulation.

(4) In this Part ---

“Court”includes the Federal High Court and the High Court of Federal Capital

Territory,having the requisite jurisdiction.

“Removedvehicle” means a vehicle removed pursuant to regulation 91;

“RemovedVehicle Park” means places where vehicles removed pursuant to

regulation91 are kept;

“Vehicles”include trailers and other things attached to the vehicles and

contents therein.


  1. (1) No person shall drive, cause or permit any person employed by him to drive any vehicle

(a) Subject to the provisions of paragraph (2), for any continuous period or more than five and one half hours; or

(b) For period amounting in the aggregate to more than ten and one-half hours in any period of twenty-four hours commencing two hours after midnight, except that where it is necessary for a driver to conclude a long distance journey the period may be extended to twelve and one-half hours in all; or

(c) Where the driver has not at least eight consecutive hours for rest in any period of twenty-four hours calculated from the commencement of any period of driving.

(2) Where the duration of a journey exceeds five and a half hours, the driver shall have intervals of rest of not less than thirty minutes in every three hours of the said journey.

(3) for the purpose of this regulation –

(a) any two or more periods of driving time shall be deemed to be a continuous period unless separated by interval of not less than thirty minutes for the purpose of enabling the driver to obtain rest and refreshment; and

(b) any time spent by a driver on other work in connection with the vehicle or load carried thereby shall be reckoned as time spend in driving.

(4) Any person who acts in contravention of this regulation commits an offence and is liable on conviction to a fine of N2,000


  1. No person shall on any expressway permit --

(a) The movement of cattle or like stock, other than that carried in a motor vehicle, or at designated points;

(b) or be concerned with the buying or selling of livestock; or

(c) The grazing of livestock, on or immediately adjacent to such expressway.

  1. Tri-cycles, motor-cycles under 50cc, invalid carriage, hand pushed trucks, pedal cyclists and pedestrians with or without perambulators shall not be permitted on any expressway, except on trucks and paths which have been provided for such use, and may not cross any expressway except at designated location.

  2. Agricultural machines shall not be driven on any expressway

  3. No person shall permit the loading or off-loading of any passenger or goods from any motor vehicle except at designated locations.

  4. No person shall on any expressway, board or alight from any motor vehicle except at designated locations.

  5. The following dimensions and weights shall be the maximum permission for motor vehicles using any expressway--

Length.. .. .. 18.288 metres,

Width.. .. .. 2.591 metres

Height.. .. .. 3.25 metres,

Singleaxle load .. .. .. 10 tonnes,

Tandemaxle load .. .. .. 16 tonnes,

Providedthat the appropriate authority may when necessary, permit in writing for the carriage by a motor vehicle or trailer of any specified freight or load which by reason of the nature of the freight or load is incapable of being so placed on the vehicle as to conform to this regulation.

  1. Motor vehicles exceeding 9.144 metres in length shall be required to carry the following additional lights --

(a) two white lights, not exceeding six watts, which shall be placed on the front, at the extreme offside and nearside, and at the highest practicable point of the vehicle, so as to indicate to approaching drivers from the rear, the width and height of the vehicle.

(b) two red lights, not exceeding six watts, which shall be placed on the rear at the extreme offside and nearside, and as the highest practicable point of the vehicle, so as to indicate to approaching drivers from the rear, the width and height of the vehicle.

  1. (1) No motor vehicle shall have protruding or tailing loads and all loads shall be contained with the permissible overall dimensions of the vehicle in accordance with regulations 57 and 101.

(2) No motor vehicle shall have its load spilling such that it causes danger to other road users or litters the highway and all such load shall be adequately covered.

  1. The minimum speed of any motor vehicle shall be 45 kilometres an hours and the maximum speed 100 kilometres an hour, except where otherwise indicated by a sign as prescribed in Schedule 9 of these Regulation.

  2. No motor vehicle shall stop on any expressway except in the case of an emergency or when signaled to stop by any appropriate authority and no repairs or servicing of vehicles shall be carried out on the main carriageway of ay expressway.

  3. No motor vehicle may enter or lease an expressway cross the central reserve or perform a U-turn except at locations designated for that purpose

  4. No motor vehicle shall be parked on the central reserve of any expressway except in the case of an emergency; a vehicle may be parked on the hand shoulder.

  5. Where under these Regulations it is required that a motor vehicle or trailer shall have painted or marked thereon any words, letters, figures or symbols or to be repainted or otherwise marked, from time to time, the wonder of the vehicle or trailer shall paint or mark the said words, letter, figures or symbols legibly and clearly distinguishable at all time.

  6. (1) An appropriate authority may inspect any motor vehicle or trailer with a view to ascertaining whether the provision of the Act, these Regulations, or permit or notice issued hereunder are being complied with

(2) Where an appropriate authority is satisfied that there is non-compliance with any of these Regulations, the appropriate authority may prohibit the further use of the motor vehicle or trailer in contraventions of any order pursuant to the regulation commits an offence and it liable on convincing to a fine of N200


(3) Without prejudice to the provision of part VIII an appropriate authority

may stop any vehicle to ascertain whether the vehicle or any trailer drawn thereby is used to contravene the provisions of the Act or any of these Regulations and my detain the vehicle commits an offence and it liable on conviction may detain in the vehicle or trailer until of the issue leading to the detention and disposed of.

(4) Any appropriate authority may require a vehicle to be weighed or reweighed as may be expedient.

(5) The owner or driver of any vehicle shall demand by an appropriate

authority produce the vehicle or any trailer drawn hereby at a stipulated time and place for inspection to ascertain whether the provisions of the Act or these Regulations are being complied with.

105 (1) A road traffic accident shall be reported to the Police Station and the Commission’s office or any appropriate authority nearest to the scene of the accident.

(2) A road traffic accident shall be recorded as follows –

(a) a minor accident, where minor damage is caused to the highway and the vehicle and there is no injury to any person or persons;

(b) a serious accident, where there is extensive damage to the highway and injury to person on the highway; and

(c) a fatal accident, where the death of a person occurs regardless of damage to property.

(3) It shall be the duty of the appropriate authority to notify and invite the

police and or the vehicle inspection officer to take all necessary measurements at the scene of an accident, record, analyses and investigate and make a written report as specified in Form 26 set out in Scheudle 4 of these Regulations provided that where the information required to be written down is detailed, the officer carrying out the signed by him and notify the vehicle inspector officer to inspect the accident vehicle.

(4) The vehicle Inspection Officer shall after the inspection submit a written report to the appropriate authority as in Form MVA 27 OR schedule 4.

(5) Where death occurs, a duly certified medical officer shall examine the body so as to determine the actual cause of death.

(6) Any such officer to whom an accident has been reported before

commencing his investigation on arrival at the scene of the accident shall determine the seriousness of the accident and where

necessary ---

(a) If there is an injured person, ensure that the person receives immediate medical attention;

(b) Remove the dead, if any, and clear any obstruction from the highway

without prejudice to the material evidence; and

(c) Place warning signs at a distance of 200 metres before and after the

accident scene and ensure traffic is controlled adequately

106(1) Subject as herein prescribed, no fees shall be charged ---

(a) for the registration, examination and weighing in respect of a motor vehicle or trailer owned by an exempted body.

(b) for a learner’s permit issued to a student at a driving school recognized for that purpose by the appropriate authority and for a drivers licence or learner’s permit issued by the appropriate authority issued to a servant employed to drive a motor vehicle belonging solely to an exempted body, so however that licence or permit issued----

(i) Pursuant to this paragraph shall not authorize the person named therein to drive any vehicle other than one belonging to the exempted body and shall be so endorsed by the Authority; and

(ii) shall be surrendered to the Authority by the exempted body when the person named therein is no longer employed to drive the vehicle; or

(c) for change of ownership of a vehicle when the new owner is an exempted body and an application for a licence or permit under this regulation shall be accompanied by a certificate signed by a person designated in that behalf by appropriate authority.

(2) In this regulation, the expression “exempted body” includes ---

(a) the Government of the Federal Republic of Nigeria;

(b) The government of any state of the Federation;

(c) Any local government

(d) Any person provided with diplomatic privileges and immunities under the exempted under the provisions of any other written law.


  1. The driver , rider or person having control of any vehicle or\n any highway shall ----

(a) make use of the hand signals prescribed for drivers of motor vehicles

specified in the Schedules 6 and 7 of these Regulation

(b) between sunset and sunrise, show a white light to the front

(c) except when overtaking traffic proceeding in the same direction, pass such traffic only on the left or far side thereof ;

(d) whenever necessary, give sufficient warning of approach by sound the bell, horn or to her appliance with which such vehicle is fitted; and

(e) comply with the signs illustrated in Schedule 9 of these Regulations and all traffic signs placed on or near any highway by order of the authority responsible for the maintenance of the highway for the guidance of drivers of vehicles for the maintenance of the highway for the guidance of drivers of vehicles

108(1) No person shall on any highway ---

(a) ride a bicycle not fitted with two efficient brakes and an efficient bell, horn or other appliance for given audible warding of approach; or

(b) ride a bicycle of which at least 0.228 metres of the lowest part of the rear mudguard is not painted white on the outside; or

(c) ride a bicycle beside another except for the purpose of overtaking; or

(d) fasten an animal to a vehicle so as to obstruct, endanger or annoy any

person lawfully using such highway; or

(e) leave any vehicle standing without having a proper person to hold the

animal which may be attached to same; or

(f) propel a go-cart, barrow, truck, hand-cart, or similar vehicle otherwise than by holding the pole or shaft; or

(g) ride or drive furiously any vehicle or drive at a speed or more than 12.875 kilometres an hour any vehicle varying a load which projects 0.914 metres or more beyond either end of such vehicles; or

(h) willfully or by negligence prevent, hinder or interrupt the free passage of any person or vehicle or animal; or

(i) draw up any vehicle so as to obstruct free passage along a street; or

(j) drive, ride, propel or park any vehicle or propel, ride or leave any animal or display trade wares on any footway or pavement provided for the use of pedestrians; or

(k) whilst riding a bicycle or motorcycle hold on to any motor vehicle or other vehicle while it is moving; or

(l) ride a bicycle in a negligent or dangerous manner; or

(m) cross such highway within 91. 44 metres of any type of pedestrian crossing; or

(n) loiter on any type of pedestrian crossing;

(o) be involved in any form of street trading ;

(p) no driver, person or group of persons hall cause any commercial vehicle to load or off-load any passenger(s) except at approved location;

(q) any person who wishes to designate his premises as motor-part shall apply to the appropriate authority which shall approve as it deems fit and issue a requisite certificate upon payment of the prescribed fee.

(2) In this part “Vehicle “ includes carriages, wagons, carts, bicycles, handcarts, sledges, trucks, barrows and all other machines for the carriage of goods or persons.


109 (1) These Regulations in so far as they relate to the licensing of a motor vehicle or trailer shall not apply to motor vehicles exclusively designed for use, or to plants used for the maintenance of roads or bridges, or to fire engines or trailer pumps.

(2) The provisions of regulations 55 (f), 56, 62, 84 ©, (e), (g), (i), (j) and (n), 85 and 90 shall not apply to a motor vehicle referred to in paragraph (1) during the time it may be engaged on the construction or maintenance of roads or bridges.

  1. (1) The provisions of these Regulations shall not apply to a registered military vehicle.

(2) in these Regulation “Registered military vehicle” means any motor vehicle or trailer owned by the Federal Government and registered as a military vehicle under the provisions of the Road Traffic Registration of Military Vehicle Regulations, 1958.

  1. (1) The Commission may cause the Highway Code and every revised edition thereof to be printed and copies thereof to be sold to the public at such price as may be determined from time to time.

(2) The Commission may, from time to time, revise the Highway Code by

revoking, varying, amending or adding to the provisions thereof.

(3) The Commission may in conjunction with any other appropriate authority post or display road signs and effect markings on the highways and pavements.

(4) In the case of a State, the Director Civil Engineering in conjunction with any other appropriate authority may post or display road signs and effect markings on roads and pavements.

(5) Failure on the part of any person to observe any provision of the Highway Code, shall not of itself render the person liable to criminal proceedings or any kind, but any such failure may, in any proceedings (civil or criminal), including proceedings for an offence under the At or these Regulations, be relied upon by the parties to establish or to void any liability.

(6) In this regulation “The Highway Code” means a code comprising directions for the guidance of people using roads as may be revised from time to time .

  1. Any person who fails to comply with or acts in contravention of any condition attached to ay licence or permit commits an offence and is liable on conviction as proved in these Regulations.

  2. Any person who commits ---

(a) a breach of or fails to comply with any of the provisions of these

Regulations ; or

(b) an offence against these Regulations is, where no special penalty is

provided in the Act or in these Regulations, is liable on conviction in respect of each offence to a fine of N1,000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 6 months , or to both such fine and imprisonment.

114.(1)Any uniform and non-uniform special Marshall employed by the

Commission shall have power to issue a notice of offence to an offender who he reasonably believes has committed any offence specified in these Regulations, and the offender shall pay the prescribed penalty to an appointed bank and present the original teller to the Commission or be charge to court.

(2) The notice of offence shall be as set out in Schedule 11 of these


  1. (1) All road transport operators who engage in inter-state road transport services shall establish a safety unit, appoint a safety officer as the head of the unit who shall ensure that operational standards are maintained as prescribed in those regulations.

(2) The Commission shall maintain a databank of all road transport operators having up to 5 vehicles in their fleets and shall issue appropriate forms for data collection, certification and registration of operators, safely officers and all necessary operational activities as may be required from time to time.

(3) Any transport operator or safety officer that fails to comply with this

regulation shall be liable to a fine of N50,000.00 or imprisonment for six months.

  1. (1)Subject to the provisions of section 5 of the Act, the Commission may make such other Regulations which in its opinion, are necessary and expedient for the purposes of reducing the rate of road traffic accidents and for safety on the highways.

(2) The Commission in conjunction with any other appropriate authority may prescribe additional precautionary measures to reduce the rate of accidents by --

(a) Prescribing additional constructional and mechanical requirements for commercial vehicles;

(b) Prohibiting or restricting the driving of motor vehicles of any class or description on any specified highway or part of a highway and empowering any specified officer or other authority to impose such prohibitions or restrictions;

(c) With respect to the speed at which motor vehicle or any class or description may be driven either generally or on any specified highway or within any defined area or place;

(d) Prescribing precautions to be taken in the interests of the safety and convenience of the public traveling in motor vehicles or otherwise using highways, and providing for the periodical inspection of motor vehicles;

(e) Prescribing anything, which shall ensure the effective enforcement of these Regulations and all other matters pertaining to or likely to enhance safety on the highways.

  1. (1) The Commission may, form time to time, amend the provisions of these Regulations by notice in the Gazette

(2) Where the provision of any other road traffic regulations existing n any

State of the Federation and the Federal Capital Territory, is inconsistent with the provisions of these Regulations, the provisions of these Regulations shall to the extent of the inconsistency prevail and the provisions of that other Regulations shall be null and void.

  1. In these Regulations, unless the context otherwise requires ---

“Act”means the Federal Road Safety omission Act as amended;

“agriculturaland track laying machines” means an industrial or track propelled vehicle which is used for the purpose of hauling produce, timber or mineral or agricultural land, timber forest or mine and registered as such under regulation 3 of these Regulations;

“appropriateauthority” includes the Police, Commission, Licensing

Authorities,Vehicle Inspection Officer, Director, Federal Highways, Director of Engineering of the States, Local Government Supervisory Concilors of works, Security Agencies, etc.

“articulatedvehicle” means a motor vehicle with a trailer drawn which is so

constructedand by partial super imposition attached to the motor vehicle that a substantial part of the weight of the trailer is borne by the motor vehicle;

“authority”includes motor licensing authority of the States and the Federal

CapitalTerritory, Abuja;

“Centralmotor registry” means the Motor Registry established by the States of the Federation, Federal Capital Territory, and includes the National Data Bank established by the Commission for the purpose of these Regulations;

“Commercialvehicle” includes motor-cycle for hire, a hackney carriage, state

carriage,a prime mover, recovery vehicle, draw-bar trailer or articulated vehicle and any motor vehicle primarily designed for the carriage of goods and fare-paying passengers;

“Commission”includes Federal Road Safety Commission, officers and men of the Federal Road Safety Corps;

“competentauthority” includes appropriate authority and for the purposes of

Articles3 and 6 of the International Convention of the Taxation of Foreign Motor Vehicles, the Principal Licensing Officer as defined in Regulation 115 (2);

“expressway”means ay part of the highways not being a single carriage way

declaredby order to be an expressway by the Federal Ministry of Works or State Ministry of Works in the case of a State road;

“Far-side”means left side opposite the near side or off-side;

“highway”includes any roadway to which the public has access;

“mechanicalworkshop” includes any workshop which engages in the repairs

andmaintenance of motor vehicles or moor cycles, auto-electrical, panel

beating/spray,wheel alignment and balancing workshops;

“motorvehicle mechanic” includes a person who engages in the repair s and

maintenanceof motor vehicles, auto electrician, panel beater, etc.;

“motorvehicle dealer” means a person who engages in the sale and distribution of vehicles;

“motorcycle” includes a motor vehicle designed to travel on not more than two or three wheels, where any part of the motive power is provided by an internal combination engine and includes a combination of motor cycle and side car;

“multipurposevehicle” means a vehicle capable of carrying goods, persons and livestock;

“nearside” or right side” means the side nearest to the shoulder of the road;

‘Overalllength” means the overall length of a vehicle exclusive of the starting handle, if any;

“overallwidth” means the width measured between parallel planes passing

throughthe extreme projecting points of a vehicle exclusive of any driving mirror;

“omnibus”means a vehicle capable of careering a load of not less than 762

kilograms,constructed and designed for the sole purpose of carrying passengers and their hand luggage’s and registered as such under regulation 2 of these Regulations ;

“overhang”means the distance measured horizontally and parallel to the longitudinal axis of the vehicle between two vertical places at right angles to such axis the one passing through that point of the vehicle projecting furthermost to the rear and the other passing ---

(a) in the case of a motor vehicle having two axles, one of which is not a

steering wheel, through the center of the axle;

(b) in the case of a motor vehicle having three axles --

(i) where the front axle is the only steering axle, through a point 102

millimetres in the rear of the center of the axle; a straight line joining the center points of the rear and middle axles,

(ii) where the rear axle is the only steering axle, through the center point of the middle axles;

(c) in the case of a motor vehicle (whether having two or three axles) where all the axles are steering axles, and in the case of a motor vehicle having four or more axles, through a point situated on the longitudinal axis of the vehicle and such that a line drawn from it at right angle to that axis will pass through the center of the

minimum turning circle of the vehicle.

“pedestriancrossing” means a section of the highway clearly defined by the

conspicuousmarking and declared to be a pedestrian crossing by the appropriate authority;

“principallicensing officer” means an officer appointed as such in the States,

andthe Federal Capital Territory, Abuja and the Corps Marshall and Chief Executive’

“vehicleinspection officer” includes the Director, Road Traffic Services in the

Statesand the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja and any officer appointed to assist him in the discharge of his functions;

“roadmarshal” includes the Chief Executive of the Commission, other officers and men of the Federal Road Safety Corps

“registrationbook” means the registration book issued under regulation 5 or

these Regulation;

“State”means any State of the Federal Republic of Nigeria;

“spareparts dealer” means person who engages in the sale and distribution of motor vehicle spare parts.

“taxi”means any motor vehicle designed or constructed to carry not more than seven person, used or intended to be used for carrying passengers for hire or reward under a contract expressed or implied for the use of the vehicle as a whole at or for a fixed or agreed rate of sum;

“tractor”means a vehicle which is constructed and used on a highway solely for haulage and not for the purpose of carrying or having super-imposed upon it, any load except such as may be necessary for the propulsion of equipment ;

“tractor”means a vehicle issued to a dealer who engages in sales or distribution of vehicles spare parts and also includes licences issued to mechanical workshops

“trailer”means a vehicle drawn by any motor vehicle but does not include a side-car attached to a motor cycle or plant and machinery used for the construction or maintenance of roads and brides.

“vehicles”in Part I and II of these Regulations include all categories detailed in regulation 3 of these Regulations;

“width”in relation to a tyre means the maximum thickness of the tyre from one side of the tryre to the other, measured parallel to the axle as specified on the tyre by the manufacturer ;

  1. The National Road Traffic Regulation, 1997 is hereby repealed.

  2. These Regulations may be cited as the National Road Traffic Regulations, 2004.

Madeat Abujathis 12th Day of January 2004

MajorGeneral (Dr) H.A.Hannaniya (Rtd), mni

CorpsMarshal and Chief Executive

FederalRoad Safety Commission


SCHEDULESRegulation 2 (5), (6) and (9)






(Formshould be filled in capital letters)

(i) REGISTRATION CENTER………………………………………………………






TYPE……………………………MODEL ……………………………………….



CHASSIS NO………………………ENGINE NO……………………………...







TESTING AUTHORITY………………………………………………………….




(iii) OWNER’S







TOWN………………………TEL (if any)………………………………………



NAME OF APPLICANT…………………………………………………………

ADDRESS OF APPLICANT……………………………………………………..

DATE OF APPLICATION ……………………………………………………..

FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (as applicable)





NO ………….……..

SIGNATURE ……………………..

DATE ………………………………………








NAME OF OWNER……………………………………………………………………..


TEL ………………………… MOBILE………………….



ENGINE NUMBER……………………………………………………………………….

CHASIS NUMBER ……………………………



TYPE (SALOON, JEEP, etc)…………………





I declare that the information provided in this application is true and binding on that

MVA Form 01 and has been completed in respect of this request.

………………………………. …………………………………

Name of Applicant                                       Signature & Date



TO: Deputy Director (NULS)

This request is recommended for production please.

FEE PAID N ……………………………………… AMOUNT IN WORDS …………………………………………………………….

RECEIPT NUMBER…………………..……………………………………

Name of State Licensing Officer ………………………………………………………………………………………….

Signature /Stamp & Date……………………………………………………………………………………………………..



REASONS …………………………………………………………………………….

…………………………………………. ………………………………………


Name of Deputy Director (ULS) Signature / Stamp & Date







(form should be filled in capital letters )





(Surname ) (Other name)





(Licensing Office Must be Informed of Change In Address)




ENGINE NO…………………………………………………………………………….

CHASSIS NO…………………………………………………………………………..



PROOF OF OWNERSHIP NO………………………………………………………

REASON(S) FOR REREGISTRATION………………………………………………...


Private to Commercial

Commercial to private

Private to private

Private to private

Fancy to standards

Tick the appropriate column

Sing ………………………………………………..


Applicant’s signature…………………….. Date ……………………………..




WEIGHT OF LOAD AUTHORISED ………………………………………………

GROSS WEIGHT………………………………………………………………………

…………………………… ………………………………


Nameof Licensing Officer Signature


  1. This book is a permanent record of Motor Vehicle and must be carried on the vehicle

  2. This book will be issued when an application on the prescribed forms is

submitted for initial registration and licensing.

  1. Vehicle Licences will be issued for a period of 12 months with effect from the 1st day of the month of issue or the moth following the expiry date of a current licence.

  2. A motor vehicle should be re-licensed before the expiry date. Licensees may be renewed by any other Motor Licensing Authority in Nigeria, to whom this book must be produced with a current certificate of insurance. The payment of the fees will be recorded by the Motor Licensing Authority in this book.

  3. A vehicle will be registered on one of the following categories :

(i) Motor cycle, private or commercial

(ii) Motor cycle with three wheels or side car

(iii) Private motor vehicle

(iv) Trailer

(v) Taxi ( not more than 7 persons including the driver)

(vi) Private hire car driven by the hirer or the owner’s driver, commercial vehicle (goods only but including person who are servants of the owner whist employed on the vehicle);

(vii) Commercial vehicle (goods only but including persons who are servant of the owner whist employed on the vehicle)

(viii) State carriage for not less than eight and more than fifteen person including the driver

(ix) Stage carriage for over fifteen persons including driver

(x) Omnibus

(xi) Private omnibus used for the free conveyance of employees

(xii) Agricultural Machine

(xiii) Tractor

(xiv) Vehicle exclusively designed for use, or plant or machinery used for the construction or maintenance of roads or bridges

(xv) Fire engine or trailer pump.

  1. A combined licence will be issued when a vehicle is registered as a commercial and taxi/carriage for 8-15 persons /stage carriage for over 15 persons / omnibus.

  2. When the vehicle owner wishes to change a registered category, an application should be submitted, on the prescribed form with the prescribed fees for the new category, together with the existing licence and this book, to any Licensing Authority in Nigeria who will then record the change and forward the prescribed form to the Registration Authority with whom the vehicle was originally registered.

  3. A refund will be made for any unexpired complete months of existing licence on application, and on surrender of the un-expired licence to the Motor Licensing Authority, which issued the un-expired licence.

  4. The certificate of road worthiness for all vehicles is to be carried in this book

  5. Subject to the warning on the inside front cover of this Book, whenever there is a change of ownership THIS BOOK MUST BE TRANSFERRED TO THE OWNER of the vehicle who must submit the book to any Registration Authority together with;

(a) An application on the prescribed form;

(b) A letter from the previous owner authorizing the change;

(c) A stamp receipt for the purchase price or a letter explaining how the transfer of ownership; and

(d) The prescribe fee

TheMotor Licensing Authority to whom this book is submitted will record the details of the new owner in the appropriate part of this book

  1. When ever there is any change in the construction of a vehicle exceeding 10 tones gross weight or any construction which affects the particular s on page 3 and 4 of this book or the class (e.g. private to hackney, goods, to private etc) or it not already so licensed, the desire to draw a trailer, an- application on the prescribed form must be submitted with this book to any Licensing Authority in Nigeria who will record the details of such a change or changes in this book issue the vehicle with a new permit where applicable. If the alteration are increase the amount of licence fee payable the amount of additional fee must be paid at the time of application

  2. Conditions for the issue of permit for vehicles exceeding 10 tones gross weight to ply restricted

(i) A void vehicle licence must be held for the vehicle;

(ii) A list of restricted truck roads A & B for the time being in force as supplied by Licensing Authority must be stricltly adhered to;

(iii) This permit will be cancelled if the construction of vehicle exceeding 10 tonnes gross weight is altered

(iv) This permit will be subject to such special restrictions as may be issued on the use of roads in the wet seasons.

  1. The various forms mentioned in this book may be obtained from the Motor Licensing Authority to whom an application for a particular transaction is to be forwarded.

  2. The loss of this book should be reported immediately by submitting an

application for replacements on the prescribed form to any Motor Licensing Authority.

  1. When the vehicle is permanently taken off the road, this book must be

surrendered to any Motor Licensing Authority in Nigeria for transmission to the Registration Authority.


  1. Any person making unauthorized entries or alterations or willfully destroying or defacing any entry in this book, will be liable to a fine of up to twice the annual licence fee applicable for the vehicle or imprisonment for six months or both.

  2. The instructions in the book are issued for the guidance of all concerned.

Failureto comply is an offence under the National Road Traffic Regulations 204

  1. The person in whose name a vehicle is registered may or may not be the legal owner of the vehicle. Prospective purchasers are warned, therefore, that this registration Book is not proof of legal ownership.

Address of Registration Authority with

Whom this vehicle is registered




Official Stamp

Date of Registration……………………………………………………………………..


Identification Mark

Registered Category


Type of body


Engine No.

Chassis No.

Year of Manufacture

New Weight

Cubic Capacity

Commercial Vehicles only

Weight authorized to


Type of Body

No of Wheels

Net Weight

No. of previous vehicle Registration Book

Give Duty Certificate


Duty paid /Exemption

M.L.A. Office Stamp and Initials

Name and address of importer

Registration Authority

And date stamped

Date ………………………….. 20…………….



Number of Axles

Number of Wheels

Distance between center of front and rear axles

Distance between centers of tandem axle (if applicable

Distance between front and middle axle (if any)

Distance between center kingpin and rear axle or prime

Mover (semi-trailer)

Length of Load carrying body

Load carrying body overhang in front of kingpin

Overhang Front Rear

Weight on front axle Net Gross

Weight on middle axle (if any)

Weight on rear axle(s)

Initial of M.L.A. Office Stamp


Surname ………………………………………………………………………………


(in block letters)

Other Names ……………………………………………………………………...

Address ……………………………………………………………………………




Surname ………………………………………………………………………………


(in block letters)

Other Names ……………………………………………………………………...

Address ……………………………………………………………………………




Surname ………………………………………………………………………………


(in block letters)

Other Names ……………………………………………………………………...

Address ……………………………………………………………………………




Surname ………………………………………………………………………………


(in block letters)

Other Names ……………………………………………………………………...

Address ……………………………………………………………………………




Surname ………………………………………………………………………………


(in block letters)

Other Names ……………………………………………………………………...

Address ……………………………………………………………………………




Surname ………………………………………………………………………………


(in block letters)

Other Names ……………………………………………………………………...

Address ……………………………………………………………………………



For Official Use only



Serial Number of Licence issued

Month and Year of Expiry

Amount paid Date, Stamp and Initials of issuing Officer

For Official Use only



Serial Number of Licence issued

Month and Year of Expiry

Amount paid Date, Stamp and Initials of issuing Officer


Details Initials of M.L.A Office Stamp






Form should be filled in capital letters)

LICENSING OFFICE……………………………………………………………


(Surname) (other names)

(Various Agencies, Diplomatic Missions, Government etc)…………………

ADDRESS …………………………………………………………………………


TELEPHONE NO……………………………………………………………….



(Surname) (other names)



PURCHASE PRICE …………………… IN WORDS………………………….



VEHICLE REGISTRATION NO……………………………………………….


MAKE …………………………………MODEL………………………………


(indicate colour combination where applicable)

TYPES OF USE…………………………….. ENGINE




CYLINDERS ……………………………………………………………


PRIVATE ……………………………………





(We declare that the information given above to the best of our knowledge is

complete and correct in all respect)



SIGNATURE …………………………………





NAME ………………………………………………………………...




PRINT …………………………………………………………………


(Information cross checked and ascertained to be true

FEE PAID ……………………….. DATE ………………….


………………………………... DATE ……………………….


Authorizing officer






This application can only be treated at the licencing office where the vehicle was

originally registered

LICENSING OFFICE ……………………………………………….



NAME …………………………………………………………………..

(Surname) (Other Names)

ADDRESS ……………………………………………………………………………


(Licensing Office must be informed of Change in Address)

………………………………………………………… Tel.






(Bicycle/saloon/coupe/station wagon/pick up/truck/Bus

Omnibus/Tanker/Tractor/Others please specify)



(Indicate Colour Combination where Applicable)



ENGINE NO……………………………… CHASSIS NO……………………………


INTENDED USE OF VEHICLE ………………………………………………………


COLOUR …………………………………………………………………………

(Indicate Colour Combination where Applicable)


I declare that the information provided in this application is true and binding on me

Signature ………………….. Date…………………………. Right Thumb



FEE PAID……………………………….. IN




…………………………….. ……………………………………

Motor Licensing Officer Date






(This application can only be treated where the vehicle was originally registered)


OFFICE …………………………………………………………………….









(Notify Licensing Office of any change of address)






COLOUR…………………………………. ENGINE NO……………………..



INTENDED USE OF VEHICLE……………………………………………………







I ……………………………………….. hereby declare that the information provided

in this Application is true and binding on me.

………………………….. …………………………….

Signature /Date Right thumb print

Official use only

Fee paid……………………………………… Receipt No……………………..

Date …………………………………………

Name of Licensing Officer /Approving Authority ……. Remarks …………….

Sign / Date………………………………………………………………………






ORIGINAL – To Vehicle Owner




Original – To Vehicle Owner Dec 20…..







ENGINE No …………………… ……………….







……………… ……………………

Issuing officer authorizing officer


No of person authorized to carry

Issuing officer authorizing officer

………………… ………………..

Previous No. Date







(Uniform Licensing Scheme)

Proof of Ownership Certificate

Issued on

Plate No. Spec VIN A 1798787

State Lic Aren

Vehicle Make Model

Vehicle Type Colour

Chassis No. Engine No.


Name of Owner

Address Title







(Block Letters)

  1. ADDRESS (P.O.Box only must not be given





State Details or Previous No and Code

Licence No Licence Code

DATE ………………………….

SIGN ……………………………..




APPLICATION …………………………………………

(Car Dealers, Mechanics,

Spare Parts Dealers,

Driving School Entrepreneur



Office Stamp Signature of Licensing Officer





(For Spare Parts Dealers)



(Surname)(Other Names)

(Applicableto Firms and organizations list of partners or members of the company to

be attached)


TEL ………………………………………

LOCATIONOF STORE…………………………………………………………………...



………………………………………………………….. ……………………………

………………………………………………………….. ……………………………

………………………………………………………….. ……………………………

NAMEOF COMPANY…………………………………………………………………….


REG. NO…………………………...

(Copyof Certificate Attached)

VAT NO……………………………………………………………………………………


WITHIN NIGERIA………………………………………………………………………...

OUTSIDE NIGERIA……………………………………………………………………….







FEEPAID (N) ………………………………………………………………………………..

AUTHORIZING OFFICER…………………… SIGN…………………………………….


OFFICIAL STAMP……………………………...





(For Mechanic Workshop/Registration)

APPLICANT’S NAME…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

(Surname)(Other Names)

(Applicable to Firms and organizations list of partners or members of the company to be attached)


TEL ………………………………………………………………………………………….

STATE ………………………………………………………………………………………


BUSINESS REG. NAME ……………………………………………………………

LOCATION OF BUSINESS SITE …………………………………………………...

(Attach copy of Workshop plan).……………………………………………………



(Copy attached)

DATE OF INCORPORATION …………………………………………………………..


  1. …………………………………………                                  …………………………………

  2. …………………………………………                                  …………………………………

  3. …………………………………………                                  …………………………………

  4. …………………………………………                                  …………………………………

  5. …………………………………………                                  …………………………………

6.…………………………………………                                  …………………………………

NAMESOF TECHNICAL STAFF                                QUALIFICATION

1.…………………………………………                                  …………………………………

2.…………………………………………                                  …………………………………

3.…………………………………………                                  …………………………………

4.…………………………………………                                  …………………………………

5.…………………………………………                                  …………………………………













APPLICANT’S SIGNATURE………………………………………………




N …………………………………………………………………………………………………….

AUTHORIZING OFFICER ……………………………………………………………..…

SIGN. ……………………………………………………………………………………………..

DATE ………………………………………….. OFFICIAL STAMP……………………


Suspension or Revocation:

  1. The Authority may suspend or revoke the registration certificate and licence if fake spare parts are discovered in the business premises or are being sole by the owner of the licence and the Authority may direct the dealing of the business premises.

  2. The owner of the suspended or revoked certificate and licence may appeal to any magistrate court

  3. Where the Authority discovers substandard or fake spare parts he shall direct the removal of such spare parts from circulation.

  4. If shall be an offence for any spare parts dealer not to be registered as stipulated under these Regulations.







(i) The objective of this Vehicle Dealership Census is for statistics and regulatory


(ii) This Form is to be completed in triplicate

(iii) Where the space provided is inadequate, please attach additional sheet(s)

(iv) Completed Form should be return to the Sector Commander of the Federal

Road Safety Corps, of the registering State.

  1. NAME OF








A. …………………………………………………………………………...


B. …………………………………………………………………………...


C. …………………………………………………………………………...


D. ……………………………………………………………………………...


E. …………………………………………………………………………...


  1. Is the Company formally registered with Corporate Affairs Commission? Yes/


(a) If yes State Registration


(b) Date of Registration ………………………………………………………

  1. Is the Company a member of any Trade Association? Yes / No

If Yes state the name and address of the

Association ……………………












  1. Do you engage in sales of vehicle only? Yes No

If not what other services

  1. Do you have a repair garage? Yes……………………


If yes do you have qualified /trained technicians? Yes……………


A. Qualification of technicians





  1. Do you deal in second hand vehicle only? Yes …………………..

No ………….

If yes what is the source of second hand market?

Imported ……………………….. Nigerian


(a) Do you have a show room? Yes ………………………. No…………….

(b) What is the space occupied (approx. Sq. M………………………………

  1. What brands do you deal in?

(a) ………………………………………………………………………….………

(b) ………………………………………………………………………….………

(c) ………………………………………………………………………….………


  1. What advice do you think will assist Government to improve trade in used




  1. What is your stock volume per annum?

(a) Under 20

(b) 20 - 50

(c) 50 - 100

(d) 100 - 300

(e) 300 - 500

(f) 500 - 1,000

(g) 1,000 and above

  1. Do you have Dealer’s Number Plats?


No …………………………………………………………………………………

If yes, how

many? ………………………………………………………………….

Provide your dealership Plate


  1. Do you keep records of the vehicles sold by your company (Duty Certificate

Engine and Chassis Number, etc) Yes …………………….. No…………………..

  1. Are records computerized? Yes…………………………….



I declare that the information provided in this form is to the best of my knowledge

correct and binding on me and will notify the appropriate authority of any change.


Signature and Company’s Stamp














TEL. ………………………


…………………… FAX ……………..…………

(iii) NAME OF







…… ……………………………………………………………………………







(a) ………………………………………………………………………………

(b) ………………………………………………………………………………

(c) ………………………………………………………………………………

(d) ………………………………………………………………………………

(e) ………………………………………………………………………………

(f) ………………………………………………………………………………


(a) ………………………………………………………………………………

(b) ………………………………………………………………………………

(c) ………………………………………………………………………………

(d) ………………………………………………………………………………

(e) ………………………………………………………………………………

(f) ………………………………………………………………………………







(a) ……………………………… ……………………………………

(b) ……………………………… ……………………………………..

(c) ……………………………… ……………………………………

(d) ……………………………… ……………………………………..

(e) ……………………………… ……………………………………..

(f) ……………………………… ……………………………………..



……………………………… ……………………………………………………..

I certify that the information given above are to the best of my knowledge correct and


SIGN……………………………… DATE……………………………………….




Facility/Equipment Up to standard required No up to standard required



SCHOOL ………………………………………….




Having inspected the above mentioned facilities, I hereby confirm that the

observations above are true

Name ………………………………………. Rank……………………….

Sign / Date …………………………………………………………………………




Name ………………………………………. Rank……………………….

Sign / Date …………………………………………………………………………




Name ………………………………………. Rank……………………….

Sign / Date …………………………………………………………………………



Name ………………………………………. Rank……………………….

Sign / Date ………………………………Official stamp…………………………






(to be filled in triplicate)


B,C, ………………




APPLICANT ………………………………………………………………….

(Surname) (Other names)


ADDRESS ……………………………………………………………………



you are required by law to notify this office of ay change in address.



/NO …………………………………




ISSUE? ………(1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc)

DATE OF ISSUE ………………………………. EXPIRY



/NO ……………...


WHY ……………………………………………………………………………..

WHEN? …………………………………………………. FOR HOW





AGE LAST BIRTHDAY ………………. YEARS day month



YES/NO …….

BLOOD GROUP (e.g. A+, O+

etc) ………………………………………………………


NO ……………………………


EXPLAIN …………………………………….


attached) ……………………..


I declare that the information provided in this application is true and binding on me. I

will notify the appropriate authorities of any change therein.


Sign within box Right Thumb only


AVAILABLE) ………………………….

DATED THIS ………………………….. DAY OF ………………………….

20 ……….


(Testing Officer)





TEST CERTIFICATE NO ……………………………………



YES/NO ………………………

Have you checked all the details given by this applicant?


Do you recommend issuing of Licence: YES/NO ….. IF YES, STATE




Licensing Officer

The issuance of the licence for the applicant is/is not approved and authorized by me:

Amount paid ………………….. Date ……………………………. Receipt

No ………….


Sign within box


NUMBER ………………………

Information Processing Centre (IPC)


LICENCE NO. ALLOCATED (tick one only)


SECURITY CODE OF LICENCE ………………………Signature of Security







(to be filled in triplicate)


B,C, ………………




APPLICANT ………………………………………………………………….

(Surname) (Other names)


ADDRESS ……………………………………………………………………



You are required by law to notify this office of ay change in address.



CLASS ……………………




/NO ……………...


WHY ……………………………………………………………………………..

WHEN? …………………………………………………. FOR HOW





AGE LAST BIRTHDAY ………………. YEARS day month



YES/NO …….

BLOOD GROUP (e.g. A+, O+

etc) ………………………………………………………


NO ……………………………


EXPLIAN …………………………………….


attached) ……………………..


I declare that the information provided in this application is true and binding on me. I

will notify the appropriate authorities of any change therein.


Sign within box Right Thumb only


AVAILABLE) ………………………….

DATED THIS ………………………….. DAY OF ………………………….

20 ……….


Licensing Officer

Amount paid ………………….. Date ……………………………. Receipt

No ………….


Sign within box

The issuance of the licence for the applicant is/is not approved and authorized by me:


NUMBER ……………………………


OF …………………………………………..


DATE ………………………………..

Information Processing Centre (IPC)


LICENCE NO. ALLOCATED (tick one only)


SECURITY CODE OF LICENCE ………………………Signature of Security







NAME ……………………………………………………………………



WEIGHT ………… ..HEIGHT ……………………….. DATE OF

BIRTH ……………..









FIT                                    UNFIT

STABLE                              UNSTABLE

RATIONAL                          IRRATIONAL

SUMMARY OF FINDING………………………………………...…………………………………………………………………………………………


Nameof Medical Officer Designatio……………………………………………………………………………….…………….…………………



Official Stamp








Has this day been examined on a vehicle of ground and has failed/passed the test of competence to drive prescribed for the purpose of the Road Traffic Regulations (Part V) (Drivers Licences) (Regulation 26 (1)).

Date……………………………. ………………………………….

Testing Officer

Note1: No further test on a vehicle of the same ground can be undertaken until the expiry of one calendar month.


Examinationhave regarded to the points listed below in deciding whether a candidate is competent to drive. Before submitting yourself for another driving test you will be well advised to give special attention to the items which the Examiner has marked.

Thefact that an item has been marked does not necessarily mean that the Examiner was completely satisfied the item marked are those regarded as most important in your care.

  1. Knowledge of the contents of the Highway Code

  2. Ability to read a motor car number plate at 25 yards in good day light (with the aid of glasses, if worn)

  3. Show courtesy and consideration for the safety and convenience of other road users: pedestrians/drivers/cyclists.

  4. Take suitable precautions before starting the engine

  5. Move away safely and smoothly/straight ahead or/at an angle/on a gradient.

  6. Overtake, meet/ or cross/the part of other vehicles safely.

  7. Take precautions at cross roads and /or road junctions.

(i) Adjustment of speed on approach

(ii) Proper use of mirror, signals, brakes, and / or gear on approach

(iii) Correctpositioning of the vehicle before /after turning left/right

(iv) Avoidingof cutting left hand corners

(v) Lookingright /left/and right again before crossing or control

  1. Stop the vehicle normally/ in a safe position/in emergency under control

  2. Revenue the vehicle normally/ in a safe position/in emergency under control

  3. Turn the vehicle into a limited opening either to the right or left under control/ and with reasonable accuracy.

  4. Givethe highway code signals/in good time/clearly and unmistakably

by hand / and by mechanical indicators it fitted to the vehicle

  1. Takecorrect and prompt action on all signals by traffic signs /traffic

controllers /and appropriate action on signs given by other road users

  1. Actcorrectly at Pedestrians Crossing

  2. Regulatespeed to suit varying road traffic conditions

15     keep well to the right in normal driving

  1. makeproper use of the front brake (motor-cyclists)

  2. Takerear observation (motor-cyclist).

  3. Makeproper use of the mirror before signaling /beginning and

maneuvering/moving away/altering course to over take/turning right/or stopping

  1. Make proper use of accelerator, clutch, gears, brakes (hand/foot), steering.

  2. Showanticipation of the actions of pedestrians /drivers /cyclists.


Anycomplaints or queries arising out of your failure to pass the prescribed test should be addressed to the Chief Vehicle Inspector Officer of the State or the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja, as applicable.




[Regulation 27(2).]



Full Name :..................................................................................................,

Address :.....................................................................................................

is permitted to drivefrom...............................................................................

to......................................................a motor vehicle in Group Subject to the following conditions :

(i) in the case of a vehicle in Groups B to E, that a driver .duly licensed to drive such a

vehicle is beside


(ii) does not drive a Taxi or Stage Carriage when carrying Passenger; and

(iii) in the case of a Motor cycle in Group A, any accompanying passenger must be a

licensed driver,

Total No. of Previous Learner's Permits issued

FEE PAID.................................... MOTOR LICENSING AUTHORITY......................




A - Motor cycle

B - Any motor vehicle of less than 3 tons gross weight other than a vehicle registered as a Taxi, Stage Carriage or Omnibus.

C - Any motor vehicle of less than 3 tons gross weight.

D - Any motor vehicle other than a vehicle registered as a Taxi, Stage Carriage or Omnibus.

E - Any motor vehicle. .

F - Agricultural Machine, Tractor and Tract laying Vehicle.

G - Articulated Vehicle.


Result of Test Group Passed

Ref .No ...................... PASSED/FAILED......................

(Delete as appropriate)

...................... Type of Vehicle Tested on

...................... Registration No , : ...................... Testing Officer

Note - This permit is not valid when the holder fails to pass a driving test.




[Regulation 25(1).]



A. Motor cycle;

B. Motor vehicle of less than 3 tonnes gross weight other than motor cycle, taxi, stage carriage or omnibus;

C. Motor vehicle of less than 3 tonnes gross weight other than motorcycle;

D. Motor vehicle other than motor cycle, taxi, stage carriage or omnibus but excluding an articulated vehicle or vehicle drawing a trailer;

E. Motor vehicle other than motor cycle or articulated vehicle;

F. Agricultural machines and tractors;

G. Articulated vehicles;

H. Earth moving vehicles;

J. Special for physically handicapped persons.

  1. Misuse of this card is a violation of Federal Government Regulations.

  2. Replacement of this Licence may be subject to an administrative fee.

  3. A person may be authorised to have a combination of two or more of the classes but none of them shall overlap.

The National Driver’s Licence may in addition to the format shown above be printed on PVC Card with embedded chip containing information to be determined from time to time by the Commission.


A      Motor-cycle; ..

B. Motor vehicle of less than 3 tonnes gross weight other than motor-cycle; taxi, stage carriage or omnibus;

C. Motor vehicle of less than 3 tonnes gross weight other than motor-cycle;

D. Motor vehicle other than motor-cycle, taxi, stage carriage or omnibus but excluding an articulated vehicle or vehicle drawing a trailer;

E. Motor vehicle other than motor-cycle or articulated vehicle;

F. Agricultural machines and tractors;

G. Articulated vehicles;

H. Earth moving vehicles;

J. Special for physically handicapped persons.

  1. Misuse of this card is a violation of Federal Government Regulations.

  2. Replacement of this licence may be subject to an administrative fee.

  3. A person may-be authorized to have a combination of two or more of the classes but none of them shall overlap.

TheNational Driver's Licence may in addition to format shown above be printed on PVC Card with embedded chip containing information to be determined from time to lime by the Commission.




[Regulation 29(b).]


LetterL to be on white background




[Regulation 51(5).]



MAKE OF VEHICLE...............................................................................................

DRIVER'S NAME...................................................................................................

TYPE OF VEHICLE.................................................................................................

ADDRESS: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….


REGISTRATION NO.: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….

DEPARTURE POINT: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

DESIGNATION: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…….

ENGINE NO. ……………………………………………. DEPARTURE TIME: …………………………………

CHASSIS NO.: ……………………………………… ARRIVAL TIME: ……………………………………..

DATE: ……………………………………………………..

Passenger's name ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..



Destination …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Name of next of kin………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Address/telephone of next of kin……………………………………………………………………………………………

DRIVER'S SIGN .......................DATE......................................................................




[Regulation 78(3).]




This certificate is valid for 6 months for commercial and 12 months for Private

vehicles from date of issue)



Serial No-


Date of Issue …………………..

Date of Expiry ……………………………..

I hereby certify that I have examined the Vehicle described below which, in all

respects, conforms with the requirements of the Road Traffic Regulation, and that it is

road worthy and is suitably constructed for use as:

(i) Commercial (Goods only)

(ii) Taxi, Car Hire and Private car (one year)

(iii) Stage Carriage 8 - 15 persons

(iv) Stage carriage over 15 persons

(v) Omnibus

  • Delete as appropriate

Make ofvehicle........................................................

Type of Vehicle........................................................



Name ofOwner:........................................................




Address........................................................ -


Weight authorized tocarry::........................................................

Gross Weight :_-:........................................................

No, of Persons authorized to carry (including




Signature of Vehicle inspection Officer

and Official Stamp

Original Copy to vehicle owner.




[Regulation 78(4).]







[Regulation 78(6).]


Vehicle Inspection Report (Notice Of Defects)


Make........................................................ Engine


Type........................................................ Chassis,........................................................


Vehicle Registration Book No........................................................ -

Vehiclecategory:............................. Weight authorized to


Gross Weight:_-:........................................................




[Regulation 78(8).]


ORIGINAL VEHICLE No................................

By virtue of the power vested in me by the Road Traffic Regulations, I hereby place


IDENTIFICATION NO....................................








This OFF- THE-ROAD Notice shall come into force immediately

at .............................................

a.m./p.m. the

of.............................................20.............................................andshall continue in

force until the vehicle is re-examined and certified to be road worthy.


Signature of the person to whom the

Notice is given on inspection Vehicle Inspection Officer




[Regulation 110(3) and (4).]


I. Nigeria Police Force Motor Traffic Division State.

  1. Federal Road

Safety Commission

RS ............................................

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . State ………………………………….




This is to notify and invite you to inspect the reported Accident with the following


Make/Type of Vehicle involved ............................................

Vehicle Category/Status (Private, Commercial, Government,



Age of Vehicle .............................................

Number of passengers in the Vehicle at the time of


Cause ofAccident............................................

Location of Accident -............................................

Type of Road (Single Lane, Double Lane, Express, etc) -............................................

Weather Condition (Rainy, Night, Misty, etc)............................................

Road Condition ............................................

Time of Accident............................................

Name of Driver/Rider Age ofDriver/Rider'............................................

Driving Licence No Date ofIssue,............................................

Place of Issue Driving/RidingExperience............................................

Any previous Accident Record? ............................................How many Times


Was it fatal, Serious orMinor?............................................

Present Accident Details:- -............................................







Received by ............................................


Date/Time ............................................


Federal Road Safety Commission




[Regulation 110(1) and (3).]




Vehicle Registration No. ………………………………………

MODEL ………………………………………

Make and Type ………………………………………

Engine No. ………………………………………:

Chassis No. ………………………………………


VEHICLE REG. BOOK NO.:………………………………………

Vehicle Category ………………………………………

Weight Authorised to carry ………………………………………

No. of persons authorised to carry (including driver) …………………………………

TEST GMR PARTICULARS ………………………………………

TEST NO.:-………………………………………

DATE .………………………………………

INSURANCE NO.:……………………………………… DATE

ISSUED ………………………………………

EXPIRY DATE………………………………………





NAME OF DRIVER/RIDER ………………………………………


DRIVERS LICENSE NO..………………………………………

DATE ISSUED ……………………………………… DATE







(Adults are 18 years and above)










[Regulation 21(5)




[Regulation 21(8)



Figure 1


Figure 2


The Number Plate shall be as in dimensions and format shown above... It shall in

addition contain graphics as may be determined by the Commission from time to time.


[Regulation 21(10)(a)




[Regulation 21(10)(b)




[Regulation 21(10)(c)



[Regulation 21(11)(a) and (b)







[Regulation 21(11)(c)








Colour Green and white Colour Code: Black on white


[Regulation 21(11)(d)




Colour Code: Black on white


[Regulation 2(4) (5) and (6)



Figure 9


ColourCode: Green, Blue or Black on white


[Regulation 19(4)



Figure 10


ColourCode: Red on white


[Regulation 21(11)



Figure 11


ColourCode: White on blue or red Background


[Regulation26(2) (h) & 113(a)


TrafficControl and Hand Signals




ARMSIGNALS [Regulation 26(2) (h) & 113(a)



Whenindicators or stop lights are not fitted (or are faulty) Also for use by pedal cyclists and those in charge of horses. The left and right turn signals should be used when indicators are not fitted


[Regulation84(a) & (b)





















[Regulation26(2)(c) - (h)




[Regulation26(2) (h)



REDmeans stop. Wait behind the stop line on the carriageway.

REDand AMBER also mean stop. Do not pass through or start until GREEN shows.

GREENmeans you may go on if the way is clear. Take special care if you mean to turn left or right and give way to pedestrians who are crossing.

AMBERmeans stop at the stop line. You may only go on if the AMBER appears after you have crossed the stop line or are so close to it that to pull up might cause an accident.

GREENLIGHT means pedestrian may go.

GREENARROW means that you may go in the direction shown by the arrow. You may do this whatever other lights may be showing.

REDLIGHT means pedestrian to wait.

Ambermeans stop at the stop line. you may only go on if the amber appears after you have crossed the stop line or are so close to it that to pull up might cause an accident

GREENmeans you may go on if the way is clear, Take special care if you mean to turn left or right and give way to pedestrians who are crossing

REDand amber also means stop Do not pass through or start until GREEN SH0WS


[Regulation 26(2) (h)




[Regulation 26(2) (h)




[Regulation 26(2) (h)



[Regulation 26(2) (h)




[Regulation 26(2) (h)




[Regulation 26(2) (h)




[Regulation91(3) AND 93(3)





SERIAL NO...........................

DATE OF ISSUE...........................

OFFICIAL STAMP...........................

Make of vehicle..............................................................................................................................

Type of vehicle..............................................................................................................................

Identification mark........................................................................................................................

Engine No.....................................................................................................................................

Chassis No.…………………………............................................................................................................

Name of owner..............................................................................................................................


Reason for removing the vehicle (State concisely reason why vehicle was removed)




(Date brought to removed vehicle park)

Date released................................................................................................................................

Condition of vehicle on removal......................................................................................................

Condition of vehicle on release........................................................................................................

To vehicle owner……………................................................................................................................

Signature of owner Signature and stamp of officer in charge of removed vehicle park

Schedule 11


[Regulation 144 (2).]



Notice of Offence Sheet



NAME OF OFFENDER..................................................................................................................




OPTION:    Yes                   No

(See details overleaf)

Uniformed Marshal Pin Command

Special Marshal

Signature ______________________ Date __________________


Theacceptance of this Notice of Offence in lieu of seized documents expires after 15 days from date of issue. Thereafter, any defaulter may be publicly declared wanted, or arrested on the spot or have his vehicles impounded or be prosecuted.





















































































































































[Regulation 71(B)




LabelNos 1, 2A, 2B, 2C, 3,4, 4A, 5, 6A, 6B and 6C shall be in the form of a square of l0 cm side standing on a corner; they shall have a block line 5mm in the edge and running parallel to it. Label~ to be affixed to fixed tanks (tank-vehicle and tanktrailers) shall be of not less that 30 cm side.

LabelsNos 7,8 and 9 shall be rectangular, of standard format AS (146 x 210 nun).

Forpackages. These dimensions may be reduced to a format not less than A 7 (74 x 10Snun).

AnInscription in figures or letters, concerning the nature of the danger may be placed on the lower part of the labels.

(i) Danger labels, where they are required under die provisions of this Annex, must be stuck on packages and fixed tanks or affixed in some other suitable manner, Only where the state of the outside of a package does not permit this should labels be stuck on cards or labels securely attached to the package. On outer packaging and on fixed tanks, indelible danger markings corresponding exactly to the prescribed models may be used instead of labels.

(ii) Where a package is required to bear two labels of the same model, the labels shall be affixed in the manner indicated hereafter.

(iii) It is the sender's duty to affix the labels to packages and, where appropriate, to fixed tanks and contains


Thedanger labels prescribed for substances and articles of Classes 1-8 (see annexed plate) have the following meaning.

No.I (black bomb on orange ground): liable to explosion:

No.2A (black flame Off red ground): danger of the (inflammable liquids) No. 2B (black flame on ground of equidistant alternate and white vertical stripes) danger of fire (inflammable solids).

No.2C (black flame on white grounds, lower triangle liable red) substance liable to spontaneous ignition,

No.20 (black flame on blue ground) danger of emission of inflammable gases on contact with water, No.3 (flame over a circle, blank on yellow ground): oxidizing substances or organic peroxide,

No.4(St Andrew's Cross on ear on corn black on white ground) : harmful substance, to be kept apart from foodstuffs in vehicles and at loading unloading or trans loading points,

No.5(liquid dripping from a test - tube on to a plate and from another test- tube on to a hand. Black on white ground lower triangle liable black with a white border) corrosive substance,

No.6(stylized trefoil inscription RADIOACTIVE, a vertical stripe the lower half with following text contents Activity Symbol and inscriptions black, on white ground vertical stripe red)

Radioactivesubstance in packages or Category 1. WHITE in the event of damage to the packages danger to health by ingestion or il1habitation of or contact witl1 spilled contents,

No.68 (like the foregoing but with two vertical stripes in the lower half and the following text Content Activity Transport index Symbol and inscriptions black upper half of ground yellow, lower half of ground white vertical stripes red radio active substance in packages of Category II. YELLOW pack- ages to be kept away from packages containing developed radiographic or photographic plate or films, in the event of damage to packages, danger to health to ingestion or inhalation, or, or contact with spilled content, and risk of external irradiation at a distance.

Prescribedin schedule 5 to 12 as appropriate in marginal 3655 (I), (2) and N. 6C (like the foregoing, but with three vertical stripes in the lower half) radioactive substance in package of category III YELLOW: packages to be kept away from packages containing undeveloped radiograpl1ic or photographic plates or films; in the event of damage to packages danger to health, by ingestion, or inl1alation of, or contract with, spilled contents, and risk of external tradition at a distance;

7 (Open black umbrella on white ground) keep dry

No.8(two black arrows on white ground this side up label to be affixed, with arrows pointing upwards on two opposite side of the package.



Everyfire extinguisher shall have the following specifications—

(i) it shall be the ABC Dry-Chemical Powder type and Multipurpose risk

application for classes A, B, and C fires;

(ii) itshall be portable;

(iii) itshall be simple to operate;

(iv) it shall be refillable and rechargeable;

(v) itshall be environment friendly (friendly to the Ozone layer of the

atmosphere and non-toxic);

(vi) it shall be stored pressure type;

(vii) it shall have a safety pressure gauge; and

(viii) it shall have a reflective (luminous) bracket, neck ring, belt and hose


Schedule 14

[Regulation21 (17) (c).]


Road Charges

  1. Change of Ownership

(i) Vehicle

(ii) Motor cycle

  1. Registration Fee

(i) Vehicle below N1 million

(ii) Tippers,Trucks, Trailers, Buses above N1 million

(iii) Carsover N1 million

  1. Proof of Ownership Certificate

  2. Vehicle Licence

(i) Vehicle with capacity of below 1.6 litres

(ii) Vehiclewith capacity of below 1.6 – 2 litres

(iii) Withcapacity of below 2.1 – 3 litres

(iv) Vehiclewith capacity of below 3.1 litres and above

(v) Tippersand Lorries

(vi) Tankerand Trailers

(vii) 16 tyre trailers

(viii) Tractors and bulldozer

(ix) Motorcycle private

(x) Motorcycle commercial

  1. Road Worthiness

(i) Cars and Mini-buses

(ii) Luxurious buses

(iii) Lorries,tippers, articulated vehicles (commercial vehicles to be tested

every six months)

  1. Request for Information

  2. Motor Vehicle Dealer’s Licence

(i) Dealer’s permit/licence

(ii) Motor cycle

(iii) Registration

  1. Driving Licence

(i) Learner’s permit

(ii) Driver’s Licence

  1. Replacement

(i) Loss of number plate

(ii) Lossof vehicle licence

(iii) Lossof driving licence

  1. Vehicle Registration Booklet

  2. Number Plates

(i) Standard motor vehicle

(ii) Standardmotor cycle

(iii) Articulated

  1. SpecialNumber Plates

(i) Out of series

(ii) Outof series with special features

(iii) Fancy

(iv) Reservation

(v) Special Number

(vi) Certificateof Proof of Ownership

  1. Hackney carriage

(i) Taxi cab

(ii) Carhire service

(iii) Kabukabu

(iv) Any vehicle with capacity to carry more than 1 person but not more

than 21 persons

(v) Anyvehicle with capacity to carry more than 21 persons but less than

40 persons

(vi) Any vehicle with capacity to carry more than 40 persons but less than

50 persons

(vii) Any vehicle with capacity to carry 50 persons and above

(viii) Commercialvehicles for goods:

(a) Tippers

(b) Vehiclefor goods other than tipper but more than 3 tons

(ix) Articulated Vehicles:

(a) Tanker

(b) Tippers

(c) Trailers

(x) Vehicleof inter-state carriage

(xi) Company’sstaff bus 23 seats

(xii) Miscellaneous:

(a) Hackney carriage

(b) Stage Carriage

(c) Commercial vehicle

(d) Articulated vehicle

Allroad charges are to be determined and published from time to time by the Joint Tax Board (JTB).

Federal Road Safety Corps (Ranks and Badges of Ranks) Regulations, 2004


  1. Approved ranks and badges of ranks.

  2. Salary grade levels, etc.

  3. Harmonised ranks and badges of ranks.

  4. Repeal of G.N. No. 439 of 1991.

  5. Citation.


Federal Road Safety Corps (Ranks and Badges of Ranks) Regulations, 2004

[S.1.19 of 2004.]

[1stJune, 2004]                  [Commencement.]

  1. Approved ranks and badges of ranks

Asfrom the commencement of these Regulations, the ranks and badges of ranks set out in the Schedule to these Regulations shall be the approved ranks and badges applic-able to all cadres of staff in the Federal Road Safety Commission.

  1. Salary grade levels, etc.

Theranks and badges of ranks shall carry with them the salary grade levels and other incidental benefits attached to them as set out in the Schedule to these Regulations.

  1. Harmonised ranks and badges of ranks

Theranks and badges of ranks mentioned in regulation 1 of these Regulations, shall harmonise the ranks and badges of ranks of Federal Road Safety Commission officers and men to conform with the ranks and badges of ranks of other para-military formations in Nigeria.

  1. Repeal of G.N. No. 439 of 1991

TheFRSC Ranks and Badges of Ranks Notice, 1991 is hereby repealed.

  1. Citation

TheseRegulations may be cited as the Federal Road Safety Corps (Ranks and Badges of Ranks) Regulations, 2004.


[Regulations1 and 2.]

Federal Road

Safety Corps Ranks and Badges of Ranks for Marshals__


This document was obtained from this Law Nigeria web page