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Advent of Code 2019

All my Advent of Code repos:


Solutions, highlights and thoughts

My first time solving AoC puzzles in OCaml from the get-go. (I've used OCaml for AoC 2017, but only after I've solved all tasks with other languages first -- as a preparation for this year.)

To keep this readme at a reasonable vertical size when rendered, highlights and thoughts for each day are hidden behind the "details" flag. Click on it if you want to read my ramblings.

(Python solutions were added at a much later date.)

Day 1

The Tyranny of the Rocket Equation || || Runtime: 0.6 ms

We have two slightly different functions (f) for each part, so counting the total boils down to:

List.fold_left (fun acc x -> acc + f x) 0

Day 2

1202 Program Alarm || || Runtime: 0.9 ms

Our inputs are such that there is no need to iterate through all possible verbs, we can always leave verb at zero and later on calculate it from the difference between the desired and given output.

let result = intcode |> set_up [(1, noun)] |> run in
let verb = output - result in
if verb < 100 then
  100 * noun + verb

Day 3

Crossed Wires || || Runtime: 50 ms

Initial idea was to create a Map for every wire and then to find intersections via Map.merge:

let path_a = follow wire_a
let path_b = follow wire_b

let intersections = find_intersections path_a path_b

let () =
  intersections |> find closest;
  intersections |> find shortest

Although elegant, it was very inefficient. (Runtime around 180 ms)

Current solution treats wires differently: The first wire is used to populate a Hashtbl with all visited points as keys and the number of steps taken as values. The second wire is used only to check for intersections. This gives 3.5x performance boost.

let () =
  wire_a |> visit_all_points;
  wire_b |> find_intersections;

  intersections |> find closest;
  intersections |> find shortest

Day 4

Secure Container || || Runtime: 0.6 ms

The initial solution iterated through the whole range between low and high, converting each number to String or OSeq (I've tried both versions):

let solve ~part =
  let f = if part = 1 then ( >= ) else ( = ) in
  let res = ref 0 in
  for i = low to high do
    let sq = String.to_seq (string_of_int i) in
    if not_decr sq then
      let groups = sq |> ~eq:Char.equal in
      if OSeq.exists (fun g -> f (OSeq.length g) 2) groups then incr res

This had 1.3 billion instructions and its runtime was around 130 ms.

Current solution is much uglier: it has six for-loops to iterate on each digit, where lower bound for each digit is dependant on the digit before it. Also, we iterate over potential candidates only once, and test for both parts:

let digit_groups = [ a; b; c; d; e; f ] |> group_lengths in
if digit_groups |> has_multiples then incr part_1;
if digit_groups |> has_duplicates then incr part_2

where group_lengths is a specialised and optimized version of CCList.group_succ just for this task: No unnecessary creations of lists of groups and List.rev, we're interested only in number of members of each group of the same digit:

let group_lengths l =
  let rec aux acc cur amnt l =
    match cur, l with
    | _, [] -> amnt :: acc
    | y, x :: tl when Int.equal x y -> aux acc x (amnt+1) tl
    | _, x :: tl -> aux (amnt :: acc) x 1 tl
  aux [] 0 0 l

The result of changing the algorithm and applying these micro-optimisations? 900k instructions (1500 times less than original!) and its runtime is 0.6 ms. If it is ugly but it works... :)

Bonus: the main function looks like >>=.

Day 5

Sunny with a Chance of Asteroids || || Runtime: 0.7 ms

Below are the notes from the original version of, together with the bug that had bit me later on Day 9 (let dest = a.(ip+3)). After Day 9 was released, the common logic from days 2, 5, 7 and 9 was extracted to intcode module, and the solutions for those days were vastly simplified. (See "Intcode int'mezzo" below for more details.)

After you finally manage to read and understand what the instructions want from you, the task becomes quite straight-forward. Not counting the warm-up task on Day 1, I would say this was the easiest one so far: Take Day 2, add new opcodes, change some details, and you're done.

Our "intcode computer" is starting to evolve and soon enough (but not yet) these things should be probably put in a separate module which will be used by multiple tasks.

The initial solution had 8 separate branches for 8 separate opcodes. Simple and straightforward, but lots of unnecessary duplication: I've noticed that I can group together opcodes 1&2, 5&6, and 7&8 — the only difference between them was the function/operation involved, so the logical thing to do was to define custom operator for each group:

let ( +|* ) = if op = 1 then ( + ) else ( * ) in
a.(dest) <- n +|* v

let ( <>|= ) = if op = 5 then ( <> ) else ( = ) in
if n <>|= 0 then v else ip+3

let ( <|= ) = if op = 7 then ( < ) else ( = ) in
a.(dest) <- if n <|= v then 1 else 0

Operation deduplication half way done. Groups 1&2 and 7&8 still had a lot of things in common (they both read two parameters, have the same destination location (ip+3), do the same jump (ip+4)) so in the end they were put in the same branch to cut duplicated stuff some more:

let noun = read_param 1 in
match a.(ip) mod 100 with
| 1 | 2 | 7 | 8 as op ->
  let verb = read_param 2 in
  let dest = a.(ip+3) in
  a.(dest) <-
    (match op with
     | 1 -> noun + verb
     | 2 -> noun * verb
     | 7 -> CCBool.to_int (noun < verb)
     | 8 -> CCBool.to_int (noun = verb)
     | _ -> failwith "ocaml, you silly");

Yes I've removed some of the custom operators defined above, so some duplication is reintroduced. I find it more readable this way.

Day 6

Universal Orbit Map || || Runtime: 3 ms

Ungh! Quest for my future self: can you understand all the functions your previous self has written here?

We go through the input and create two Maps, one (used for the first part of the task) containing parent -> children relationships (called p2c), and the other containing kid -> parent relationships (called k2p) for the second part.

Part 1 is the recursive traversal through "COM"'s children, their children, their children's children, ... counting the total distance to "COM":

let rec traverse n key =
  match children with
  | [] -> n
  | _ ->
    let children_distances = (traverse (n+1)) children in
    n + List.fold_left (+) 0 children_distances

The second part first builds the list of all ancestors for "YOU" and "SAN":

let rec traverse relations acc = function
  | "COM" -> acc
  | kid ->
    let parent = relations |> RelationMap.find kid in
    traverse relations (parent::acc) parent

Both of those lists start with "COM" and all the common ancestors for both "YOU" and "SAN". We need to remove those, and what remains is the answer for the second part:

let rec calc_orbital_transfers you san =
  match you, san with
  | x::xs, y::ys when x = y -> calc_orbital_transfers xs ys
  | _, _ -> List.length you + List.length san

Intcode int'mezzo

From Day 5 notes:

Our "intcode computer" is starting to evolve and soon enough (but not yet) these things should be probably put in a separate module which will be used by multiple tasks.

The refactoring time has come.

When Day 7 was released, I wasn't at home so I couldn't solve it at that time. I've read the task and realised that my current implementation from Day 5 won't fit for it, I would need to refactor it so the state between runs remains preserved.

In the mean time, Day 9 was released, and with it our "intcode computer" implementation is complete. A perfect time to extract all the useful functions in a separate module.

Our computer can be in three states:

  1. running - executing instructions until one of two things happen:
  2. waiting - computer's input queue is empty and it can't continue until it receives an input
  3. halted - computer has reached intcode 99

The computer is now represented as a record:

type state = Running | Waiting | Halted

type computer = {
  ram : int array;
  ip : int;
  rp : int;
  state : state;
  in_queue : int Queue.t;
  out_queue : int Queue.t;

where ip and rp are instruction and relative pointers, respectively, and in_queue and out_queue are FIFO queues.

Computer initialization supports specifying arbitrary RAM size (with the 4096 as the default).

let initialize_computer ?(ram_size=4096) instructions =
  let ram = initialize_memory ram_size instructions in
  let in_queue = Queue.create () in
  let out_queue = Queue.create () in
  { ram; ip = 0; rp = 0; state = Running; in_queue; out_queue }

We can write to in_queue and read from out_queue, either the next output value (days 7, 9, 11) or the last value in the queue (Day 5).

let receive value comp =
  Queue.add value comp.in_queue;

let get_next_output comp =
  Queue.take comp.out_queue

let get_last_output comp =
  |> Queue.to_seq
  |> OSeq.reduce (fun _ v -> v)

When the computer has stopped (either waiting or halted), the whole state is returned as different tasks need different values from it.

let run_until_halt comp =
  let rec run comp =
    match comp.state with
    | Halted | Waiting -> comp
    | Running -> comp |> execute_opcode |> run
  { comp with state = Running } |> run

Day 7

Amplification Circuit || || Runtime: 50 ms

Now that my intcode module is complete, the main problem of this task becomes how to repeatedly loop through the amplifiers until one of them halts.

CCList.fold_map proved to be very useful for this: It takes an accumulator (just like the regular fold_left), which in our case is the output of the previous computer/amplifier; and it returns a tuple containing both the accumulator and the modified list (like map), which are our computers/amplifiers after they had run this time. We need both of those outputs.

Using that function, we can recursively run all of our computers until one of them halted:

let rec get_output (score, computers) =
  if some_halted computers then score
    |> CCList.fold_map
      (fun last_output comp ->
         let comp' =
           |> Intcode.receive last_output
           |> Intcode.run_until_halt in
         comp'.output, comp')
    |> get_output

With that in place, finding the solution for both parts is just a matter of running all the permutations of phase settings, and finding the maximal output:

let solve =
  %> List.fold_left
    (fun acc perm ->
       let computers = create_computers perm in
       (0, computers) |> get_output |> max acc)

Day 8

Space Image Format || || Runtime: 2 ms

This is an easy one after Day 7, which was the hardest one so far for me.

The first part is boring: We count the number of each digit per layer, and find the layer with the fewest zeros.

The second part is more interesting. For each pixel, we recursively try to find its color, starting from the top-most layer and until we reach a layer with a non-transparent pixel. Not a very efficient way of doing things (we repeatedly go through the list of layers, and then for each layer we go to nth pixel), but it wins for its simplicity:

let rec pixel_color layers pixel =
  match layers with
  | [] -> failwith "pixel is transparent"
  | layer :: below ->
    (match List.nth layer pixel with
     | '0' -> ' '
     | '1' -> '#'
     | '2' -> pixel_color below pixel
     | _ -> failwith "invalid input")

Day 9

Sensor Boost || || Runtime: 21 ms

This task has brought a relative pointer (rp) and a new mode (2):

  match mode with
  | 0 -> param_val
  | 1 -> ip + param
  | 2 -> rp + param_val

With that in place, the intcode computer is now complete.

This felt even easier than Day 5.

Day 10

Monitoring Station || || Runtime: 33 ms

At first I didn't even bother to solve this one because all I could think of was some lousy O(n^2) algorithm, and "Surely, that can't be it, I need something more clever than that!". As it turns out, there's no need to be more clever than that (and don't call me Shirley!).

Initially I solved the first part without atan2 because I was afraid of floating point errors:

let slope (x1, y1) (x2, y2) =
  let dx = x2 - x1 in
  let dy = y2 - y1 in
  let d = gcd dx dy |> abs in
  let dx' = dx / d in
  let dy' = dy / d in
  (dx', dy')

Later on, for the second part, I decided to use atan2 to keep things simple, so I refactored everything to use it.

The first thing to notice in the task is that we are not in the usual right-hand Cartesian coordinate system (where y-axis is counter-clockwise from the x-axis), but in the left-hand one (y-axis points downwards). Or to put it differently, instead of the usual x-y coordinate system, we are in the rotated-clockwise y-x (right-hand!) coordinate system.

This means we can still have the meaningful results of atan2 by providing its arguments in reverse (atan2 x y instead of the usual atan2 y x).

To find the 200th asteroid in the clockwise direction starting from pointing upwards, we need to sort the angles from the largest to smallest:

let angle_cmp (phi1, _) (phi2, _) = - phi1 phi2

Fortunately, correctly deals with any floating point inaccuracies, so we're able to filter out all asteroids with the same relative angle to our monitoring station:

|> relative_locations station
|> OSeq.sort_uniq ~cmp:angle_cmp
|> OSeq.nth 199

Day 11

Space Police || || Runtime: 13 ms

We are once again in left-hand Cartesian coordinate system with y-axis pointing downwards, and we must take that into an account when making turns.

A direction is defined as (x, y) tuple with possible values (1, 0) (right), (-1, 0) (left), (0, 1) (down!), and (0, -1) (up!). To make a turn we use the following function:

let rotate (x, y) = function
  | Left -> (y, -x)
  | Right -> (-y, x)

Painting the hull is a matter of recursively following the rules of the task, until the computer halts:

  1. read input from the current position
  2. run computer until it can't run no more (Waiting state)
  3. read the two outputs (color and turn, respectively)
  4. paint the current position
  5. change direction
  6. move to the next position
let input = panels |> PanelMap.get_or ~default:0 pos in
let comp' =
  |> Intcode.receive input
  |> Intcode.run_until_halt in
let color = comp' |> Intcode.get_next_output in
let turn = comp' |> Intcode.get_next_output |> Turn.of_int in
let panels' = panels |> PanelMap.add pos color in
let dir' = turn |> Turn.rotate dir in
let pos' = Coord.(pos + dir') in
paint panels' pos' dir' comp'

Day 12

The N-Body Problem || || Runtime: 40 ms

The famous n-body problem! Woohoo!

When I saw the input, I immediately remembered a similar task ("Particle Swarm") from AoC 2017. Not because I have a really good memory (I don't), but because I've solved AoC 2017 just one month ago, as a preparation for this year.

So let's reuse some data-types from that solution, it might be an overkill but who knows, it may be useful for the second part:

type coord = { x : int; y : int; z : int }
type moon = { p : coord; v : coord }

There is also no need for regex, sscanf does the job very well for these kinds of inputs:

let zeros = { x = 0; y = 0; z = 0 }

let create_moon x y z = {
  p = { x; y; z };
  v = zeros;

let parse_line line =
    "<x=%d, y=%d, z=%d>"

Following the instructions on how to first calculate and then apply the gravity to velocity, followed by applying velocity to positions, the first part is just running the simulation with 1000 time steps, and calculating the total energy of the system:

let time_step moons =
  |> (apply_gravity moons)
  |> apply_velocity

let part_1 =
  let open CCFun in
  simulate 1000
  %> total_energy
  %> List.fold_left (+) 0

And then... the second part appears. The first thing to do is just to ignore the instructions, which say "the universe might last for a very long time before repeating".

After a while, a change of mind. Ok, we might want to listen to the instructions after all :)

A thought comes to my mind: There are multiple bodies which behave periodically, but each (probably) has its own period. We need to break this problem down into smaller ones, calculate the periods for each smaller problem and then find the least common multiple.

The question remains: what are the smaller problems here? I had several wrong guesses before it dawned on me: the directions are independent of each other.

That discovery is the best part of the solution for part 2. The code is quite ugly and I won't be posting it here.

There are several parts where you can potentially make your code faster.

  • The first thing to notice is that you don't have to save every configuration, the system will return at its original configuration.
  • The second thing that speeds things up is that you can only look for the time where the velocities for each moon will return to its original values (zeros). This happens twice per period (the initial state, and then the "farthest" state), so we can find when this happens and then multiply the result by 2.

Day 13

Care Package || || Runtime: 38 ms

Another odd day, another intcode task.

The first part is straight-forward. Run the computer until it is halted, and then go through the outputs to count how many times you encounter a Block tile. This could have been done simply by counting number of 2s seen, but that felt like a magic number, so I created a Tile module, so that there is no confusion about it:

module Tile = struct
  type t = Empty | Wall | Block | Paddle | Ball

  let of_int = function
    | 0 -> Empty
    | 1 -> Wall
    | 2 -> Block
    | 3 -> Paddle
    | 4 -> Ball
    | _ -> failwith "invalid tile"

The second part was very problematic for me because I didn't understand that we need to read all the outputs every time we halt. I first thought it was just three outputs each time, and it took me a lot of time to figure that one out. I would have appreciated a more detailed instructions for the second part.

Having a Tile module also makes finding a paddle and a ball more readable and understandable than just having some "magic numbers" like 3 and 4:

let (x, y, t) = comp |> Intcode.get_next_3_outputs in
if (x, y) = (-1, 0) then score := t
  match Tile.of_int t with
  | Tile.Paddle -> paddle_pos := x
  | Tile.Ball -> ball_pos := x
  | _ -> ()