From c249610907ce16961235f014cfe1f7445edbd68a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: NeoForged Localizations Date: Sun, 1 Sep 2024 23:30:43 +0800 Subject: [PATCH] New Crowdin updates (#1110) --- .../resources/assets/neoforge/lang/cs_cz.json | 204 ++++++++++++++++++ .../resources/assets/neoforge/lang/eo_uy.json | 204 ++++++++++++++++++ .../resources/assets/neoforge/lang/es_es.json | 6 +- .../resources/assets/neoforge/lang/ms_my.json | 204 ++++++++++++++++++ .../resources/assets/neoforge/lang/nl_nl.json | 4 +- .../resources/assets/neoforge/lang/pl_pl.json | 112 +++++----- .../resources/assets/neoforge/lang/pt_br.json | 204 ++++++++++++++++++ .../resources/assets/neoforge/lang/pt_pt.json | 204 ++++++++++++++++++ .../resources/assets/neoforge/lang/uk_ua.json | 10 +- .../resources/assets/neoforge/lang/vi_vn.json | 204 ++++++++++++++++++ .../resources/assets/neoforge/lang/zh_hk.json | 88 ++++---- 11 files changed, 1334 insertions(+), 110 deletions(-) create mode 100644 src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/cs_cz.json create mode 100644 src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/eo_uy.json create mode 100644 src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/ms_my.json create mode 100644 src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/pt_br.json create mode 100644 src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/pt_pt.json create mode 100644 src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/vi_vn.json diff --git a/src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/cs_cz.json b/src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/cs_cz.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..51274b6ae7 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/cs_cz.json @@ -0,0 +1,204 @@ +{ + "": "Módy", + "": "Módy", + "": "Vypnuto", + "": "Hledat", + "": "A-Z", + "": "Z-A", + "": "Konfigurace", + "": "Otevřít složku s módy", + "": "Nastavení módů...", + "": "Verze: %1$s", + "": "ModID: %1$s Status: {1,lower}", + "": "Poděkování: %1$s", + "": "Autoři: %1$s", + "": "Domovská stránka: %1$s", + "": "Licence: %1$s", + "": "Bezpečné módové funkce jsou vypnuty, aktualizujte JDK", + "": "Podepsání: %1$s", + "": "NEPODEPSANÝ", + "": "Důvěra: %1$s", + "": "Žádné", + "": "Žádné pod-módy nebyly nalezeny", + "": "Pod-módy: %1$s", + "": "Dostupná aktualizace: %1$s", + "": "Seznam změn:", + "": "Kompatibilní FML módovaný server\n{0,choice,1#1 mód|1<%1$s módy} přítomné", + "": "Nekompatibilní FML módovaný server", + "": "Nekompatibilní FML módovaný server\n%1$s", + "": "Data mohou být nepřesná kvůli limitu velikosti protokolu na přenášení dat.", + "": "Vanilla server", + "": "Nekompatibilní Vanilla server", + "": "Neznámý server %1$s", + "": "Verze sítě NeoForge serveru je zastaralá", + "": "Verze sítě NeoForge klienta je zastaralá", + "": "Server obsahuje módy navíc které mohou být potřeba i na klientovi", + "": "Seznam módů na serveru není kompatibilní", + "": "Seznam zpráv sítě serveru není kompatibilní", + "": "Chybí požadované registry datapacků: %1$s", + "": "{0,choice,0#Žádný mód nenačten|1#1 mód načten|1<%s módů načteno}", + "": "Oznámení při spuštění", + "": "Přístup k serveru byl odepřen", + "": "Fancy Mod Loader se nemohl připojit k serveru\nServer %1$s zakázal přístup s módy", + "": "Záloha se nepovedla", + "": "Nastala chyba při ukládání archivu %1$s\nProsím, opravte problém a zkuste to znovu", + "": "Otevřít %1$s", + "": "Otevřít log soubor", + "": "Otevřít záznam o zhroucení", + "": "Otevřít složku s módy", + "fml.button.continue.launch": "Pokračovat do hlavního menu", + "fml.modmismatchscreen.missingmods.client": "Na vašem klientovi chybí tyto módy, nainstalujte je abyste se mohli připojit k serveru:", + "fml.modmismatchscreen.missingmods.server": "Na serveru chybí tyto módy, odstraňte je abyste se mohli připojit k serveru:", + "fml.modmismatchscreen.mismatchedmods": "Následující verze módů se neschodují. K připojení k serveru si nainstalujte shodné verze:", + "fml.modmismatchscreen.table.channelname": "Jméno kanálu", + "fml.modmismatchscreen.table.youneed": "Potřebujete", + "fml.modmismatchscreen.table.youhave": "Máte", + "fml.modmismatchscreen.table.serverhas": "Server má", + "fml.modmismatchscreen.additional": "[%1$s navíc, koukněte do latest.log pro celý seznam]", + "fml.modmismatchscreen.homepage": "Klikněte pro přesměrování na hlavní stránku módu", + "fml.modmismatchscreen.table.reason": "Důvod", + "fml.modmismatchscreen.table.visit.mod_page": "Otevřete stránku módu, který je zaregistrovaný na tento kanál: %s", + "fml.modmismatchscreen.simplifiedview": "Zjednodušený pohled", + "fml.resources.modresources": "Zdroje pro %1$s módové soubory", + "fml.resources.moddata": "Data pro %1$s módové soubory", + "loadwarning.neoforge.prbuild": "Tento NeoForge build byl vytvořen komunitním členem a proto je §c§lBEZ PODPORY§r", + "commands.neoforge.arguments.enum.invalid": "Enum konstanta musí být jedna z %1$s, nalezeno %2$s", + "commands.neoforge.dimensions.list": "Aktuálně registrované dimenze typu:", + "commands.neoforge.dump.success": "Nový soubor vytvořen s obsahem registru %s je na %s", + "commands.neoforge.dump.failure": "Nebylo možné vytvořit soubor s obsahem registru %s na %s", + "commands.neoforge.dump.error.unknown_registry": "Neznámý registr '%s'", + "commands.neoforge.entity.list.invalid": "Neplatný filtr, neshoduje se s žádnou entitou. Použijte /neoforge entity pro celý seznam", + "commands.neoforge.entity.list.invalidworld": "Nebylo možné načíst svět pro dimenzi %1$s. Prosíme, vyberte platnou dimenzi.", + "commands.neoforge.entity.list.none": "Žádná entita nenalazena.", + "commands.neoforge.entity.list.single.header": "Entita: %1$s Celkem: %2$s", + "commands.neoforge.entity.list.multiple.header": "Celkem: %1$s", + "commands.neoforge.setdim.invalid.entity": "Vybraná entita (%1$s) je neplatná.", + "commands.neoforge.setdim.invalid.dim": "Vybrané ID dimenze (%1$s) je neplatné.", + "commands.neoforge.setdim.invalid.nochange": "Vybraná entita (%1$s) již existuje v specifické dimenzi (%2$s).", + "commands.neoforge.setdim.deprecated": "Tento příkaz je zastaralý kvůli smazání ve verzi 1.17, použijte místo něj %s.", + "commands.neoforge.tps.invalid": "Neplatná dimenze %1$s Možné hodnoty: %2$s", + "commands.neoforge.tps.summary.all": "Celkem: Průměrná doba ticku: %1$s ms. Průměrný TPS: %2$s", + "commands.neoforge.mods.list": "Módový seznam: %1$s", + "commands.neoforge.tps.summary.basic": "Dim %1$s: Průměrná doba ticku: %2$s ms. Průměrný TPS: %3$s", + "commands.neoforge.tps.summary.named": "Dim %1$s (%2$s): Průměrná doba ticku: %3$s ms. Průměrný TPS: %4$s", + "commands.neoforge.tracking.entity.enabled": "Sledování entity povoleno na %d sekund.", + "commands.neoforge.tracking.entity.reset": "Data časování entity byla vymazána!", + "commands.neoforge.tracking.invalid": "Neplatná sledovací data.", + "": "Sledování Block Entity povoleno na %d sekund.", + "": "Data časování Block entity byla vymazána!", + "commands.neoforge.tracking.timing_entry": "%1$s - %2$s [%3$s, %4$s, %5$s]: %6$s", + "commands.neoforge.tracking.no_data": "Zatím nebyla zaznamenána žádná data.", + "commands.neoforge.tags.error.unknown_registry": "Neznámý registr '%s'", + "commands.neoforge.tags.error.unknown_tag": "Neznámý štítek '%s' v registru '%s'", + "commands.neoforge.tags.error.unknown_element": "Neznámý prvek '%s' v registru '%s'", + "commands.neoforge.tags.registry_key": "%s", + "commands.neoforge.tags.tag_count": "Tagy: %s", + "commands.neoforge.tags.copy_tag_names": "Kliknutím zkopírujete všechna jména tagů do schránky", + "commands.neoforge.tags.element_count": "Prvky: %s", + "commands.neoforge.tags.copy_element_names": "Kliknutím zkopírujete všechny názvy prvků do schránky", + "commands.neoforge.tags.tag_key": "%s / %s", + "commands.neoforge.tags.containing_tag_count": "Obsahuje tagy: %s", + "commands.neoforge.tags.element": "%s : %s", + "commands.neoforge.tags.page_info": "%s ", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.progress_bar_title": "Generování chunků...", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.progress_bar_progress": "Generování %1$s chunků - ", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.progress_bar_errors": "(%1$s chyb!)", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.already_running": "Generování je již spuštěno. Prosím, nejdříve spusťte '/neoforge generate stop', a poté můžete začít novou generaci.", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.started": "Generování %1$s chunků, v oblasti rozměrů %2$sx%3$s chunků (%4$sx%5$s bloků).", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.success": "Generování dokončeno!", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.error": "Při generování nastalo %1$s chyb! Podívejte se do logu pro více informací.", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.stopped": "Generace zastavena! %1$s chunků z %2$s bylo vygenerováno. (%3$s%)", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.status": "Status generace! %1$s chunků z %2$s bylo vygenerováno. (%3$s%)", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.not_running": "V současné době neprobíhá žádná před-generace. Spusťte `/neoforge generate help` pro zobrazení seznam příkazů pro zahájení generace.", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.help_line": "§2/neoforge generate start [progressBar] §r§f- Vygeneruje čtverec, kterého střed je na dané pozici, a každá z jeho stran má velikost: chunkRadius * 2.\n§2/neoforge generate stop §r§f- Zastaví aktuální generaci a zobrazí její progres.\n§2/neoforge generate status §r- Zobrazí progres spuštěné generace.\n§2/neoforge generate help §r- Zobrazí tuto zprávu.\nObecný tip: Jestli budete příkazy spouštět přes server konzoli, můžete je spouštět v různých dimenzích použitím \"/execute in neoforge generate ...\"", + "commands.config.getwithtype": "Konfigurace pro %s typu %s nalezena na %s", + "commands.config.noconfig": "Konfigurace pro %s typu %s nenalezena", + "neoforge.update.beta.1": "%sPOZOR: %sNeoForge Beta", + "neoforge.update.beta.2": "Mohou nastat závažně problémy, potvrďte si před nahlášením.", + "neoforge.update.newversion": "Je k dispozici nová verze NeoForge: %s", + "": "Aktualizace Módu", + "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringEntities.tooltip": "Zapněte tuto možnost pro smazání veškerých Entit které vyhazují chyby ve své \"update\" metodě, místo vypnutí serveru a vytvoření crash logu. POZOR TOTO MŮŽE VŠE ZNIČIT, UŽÍVEJTE NA VLASTNÍ NEBEZPECÍ, NEJSME ZODPOVĚDNI ZA JAKÉKOLIV NÁSLEDKY.", + "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringEntities": "Odstranit Entity volající chyby", + "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringBlockEntities.tooltip": "Zapněte tuto možnost pro smazání veškerých BlockEntit které vyhazují chyby ve své \"update\" metodě, místo vypnutí serveru a vytvoření crash logu. POZOR TOTO MŮŽE VŠE ZNIČIT, UŽÍVEJTE NA VLASTNÍ NEBEZPECÍ, NEJSME ZODPOVĚDNI ZA JAKÉKOLIV NÁSLEDKY.", + "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringBlockEntities": "Odstranit Block Entity volající chyby", + "neoforge.configgui.fullBoundingBoxLadders.tooltip": "Zapněte tuto možnost pro kontrolu celého kolizního pole entity u žebříku, místo pouhého bloku ve kterém se nachází. Způsobí znatelné rozdíly v mechanice, takže výchozí chování je vanilla. Výchozí hodnota: false.", + "neoforge.configgui.fullBoundingBoxLadders": "Plně Ohraničující Box u Žebříků", + "neoforge.configgui.logCascadingWorldGeneration.tooltip": "Zaznamenat do logu kaskádové problémy u generování chunků při populaci terénu.", + "neoforge.configgui.logCascadingWorldGeneration": "Zaznamenat Do Logu Kaskádovou Generaci Světa", + "neoforge.configgui.fixVanillaCascading.tooltip": "Opravit chyby ve vanille ohledně kaskádového generování světa. Toto OVLIVŇUJE vanilla generování světa, NENAHLAŠUJTE chyby ohledně světových rozdílů, jestliže je tento štítek zaplý.", + "neoforge.configgui.fixVanillaCascading": "Opravit Vanilla Kaskádování", + "neoforge.configgui.dimensionUnloadQueueDelay.tooltip": "Čas měřený v ticks, jak dlouho server počká, když dimenze byla zařazena k odnačtení. Toto může být užitečné při rapidním načítání a odnačítání dimenzí, jako je například házení předmětů přes nether portál párkrát za sekundu.", + "neoforge.configgui.dimensionUnloadQueueDelay": "Opoždění při odnačítání dimenzí", + "neoforge.configgui.clumpingThreshold.tooltip": "Nastavuje hranici, kdy je Packet51 preferován místo Packet52. Výchozí hodnota a minimum je 64, maximum 1024.", + "neoforge.configgui.clumpingThreshold": "Hranice Shlukování Paketů", + "neoforge.configgui.treatEmptyTagsAsAir.tooltip": "Vanilla bude brát tvorbu předmětů s prázdnými tagy jako vzduch, a dovolí Vám to vytvářet předměty i když je slot prázdný. Toto nastavení zaměňuje prázdné tagy na předmět BARRIER. Zabraňuje tím výrobu předmětů ze vzduchu.", + "neoforge.configgui.treatEmptyTagsAsAir": "Chovat se k prázdným tagům jako ke vzduchu", + "neoforge.configgui.skipEmptyShapelessCheck.tooltip": "Přeskočit kontrolu, zda je ingredience prázdná během beztvarné deserializace receptů, aby se tagy komplexních ingrediencí neukládaly do mezipaměti příliš brzy.", + "neoforge.configgui.skipEmptyShapelessCheck": "Přeskočit kontrolu, zda je ingredience prázdná během beztvárné deserializace", + "neoforge.configgui.forceSystemNanoTime.tooltip": "Vynucuje užívat System.nanoTime místo glfwGetTime, jakožto hlavní poskytovatel času.", + "neoforge.configgui.forceSystemNanoTime": "Vynutit System.nanoTime", + "neoforge.configgui.zoomInMissingModelTextInGui.tooltip": "Vypněte, aby se text chybějícího modelu v GUI vešel do svého okna.", + "neoforge.configgui.zoomInMissingModelTextInGui": "Přiblížit text chybějícího modelu v GUI", + "neoforge.configgui.forgeCloudsEnabled.tooltip": "Zapnout nahrávání cloudové geometrie do GPU pro rychlejší renderování.", + "neoforge.configgui.forgeCloudsEnabled": "Použít NeoForge cloud renderování", + "neoforge.configgui.disableStairSlabCulling.tooltip": "Vypnout redukování chybějících stěn vedle schodů a slabů. Potřebuje renderování navíc, ale může opravit některé resource packy, které zneužívají této vanilla mechaniky.", + "neoforge.configgui.disableStairSlabCulling": "Vypnout redukování schodů/slabů", + "neoforge.configgui.alwaysSetupTerrainOffThread.tooltip": "Povolte, aby NeoForge dával do fronty všechny chunk aktualizace do Chunk Update vlákna.\nMůže výrazně zvýšit FPS, ale také se mohou objevit podivné renderování.\nNení doporučeno pro počítače bez většího počtu jader.", + "neoforge.configgui.alwaysSetupTerrainOffThread": "Vynutit vykreslování chunku ve vláknech", + "neoforge.configgui.forgeLightPipelineEnabled.tooltip": "Povolit NeoForge pipelinu renderování blocků - opraví osvětlení různých modelů.", + "neoforge.configgui.forgeLightPipelineEnabled": "Zapnuta NeoForge Světelná Pipeline", + "neoforge.configgui.selectiveResourceReloadEnabled.tooltip": "Pokud je zapnuto, dojde k rychlejšímu načítání konkrétních úkonů, jako je například změna jazyka.", + "neoforge.configgui.selectiveResourceReloadEnabled": "Zapnout Selektivní Načítání Zdrojů", + "neoforge.configgui.showLoadWarnings.tooltip": "Pokud je zapnuto, NeoForge zobrazí jakákoliv upozornění, která se vyskytla při načítání.", + "neoforge.configgui.showLoadWarnings": "Zobrazit Upozornění při Načítání", + "neoforge.configgui.disableVersionCheck.tooltip": "Zapnětete tuto možnost abyste vypli kontrolu verzí NeoForge. NeoForge dotazuje malý json soubor na našem serveru pro získání informací o verzích. Pro více informací navštivte ForgeVersion třídu na našem githubu.", + "neoforge.configgui.disableVersionCheck": "Zakázat Kontrolu Verze NeoForge", + "neoforge.configgui.cachePackAccess.tooltip": "Zapněte tuto možnost aby se ukládaly do mezi-paměti resource a data packy", + "neoforge.configgui.cachePackAccess": "Přistup Do Mezipaměti Packů", + "neoforge.configgui.indexVanillaPackCachesOnThread.tooltip": "Zapněte tuto možnost aby se indexovali vanilla resource a data packy ve vlákně", + "neoforge.configgui.indexVanillaPackCachesOnThread": "Invdexovat vanilla resource packy ve vlákně", + "neoforge.configgui.indexModPackCachesOnThread.tooltip": "Zapněte tuto možnost aby se indexovali módové resource a data packy ve vlákně", + "neoforge.configgui.indexModPackCachesOnThread": "Indexovat resource packy módů ve vlákně", + "neoforge.controlsgui.shift": "SHIFT + %s", + "neoforge.controlsgui.control": "CTRL + %s", + "neoforge.controlsgui.control.mac": "CMD + %s", + "neoforge.controlsgui.alt": "ALT + %s", + "neoforge.container.enchant.limitedEnchantability": "Omezená Enchantnost", + "neoforge.swim_speed": "Rychlost Plavání", + "neoforge.name_tag_distance": "Vzdálenost Načítání Jmenovek", + "neoforge.creative_flight": "Létání V Kreativu", + "fluid_type.minecraft.milk": "Mléko", + "fluid_type.minecraft.flowing_milk": "Mléko", + "neoforge.froge.warningScreen.title": "NeoForge snapshot oznámení", + "neoforge.froge.warningScreen.text": "Froge is not officially supported. Bugs and instability are expected.", + "neoforge.froge.supportWarning": "UPOZORNĚNÍ: NeoForge nepodporuje Froge", + "neoforge.gui.exit": "Opustit", + "neoforge.experimentalsettings.tooltip": "Tento svět používá experimentální nastavení, které mohou kdykoliv přestat fungovat.", + "neoforge.selectWorld.backupWarning.experimental.additional": "Tato zpráva se pro tento svět znovu nezobrazí.", + "neoforge.chatType.system": "%1$s", + "pack.neoforge.description": "NeoForge data/resource pack", + "pack.neoforge.source.child": "dítě", + "": "Kanál módu \"%1$s\" se nedokázal připojit: %2$s", + "": "Tento kanál chybí na serveru, ale je požadován na klientu!", + "": "Tento kanál chybí na klientu, ale je požadován na serveru!", + "": "Klient chce tok payloadu: %s, ale server to nepodporuje!", + "": "Server chce tok payloadu: %s, ale klient to nepodporuje!", + "": "Klient chce tok payloadu: %s, ale server chce tok: %s!", + "": "Server chce tok payloadu: %s, ale klient chce tok: %s!", + "": "Klient chce mít payload vezi: %s, ale server to nepodporuje!", + "": "Server chce mít payload verzi: %s, ale klient to nepodporuje!", + "": "Klient chce mít payload verzi: %s, ale server chce verzi: %s!", + "": "Chyba při procesu paylodu, který byl zaslán s neplatným tokem: %s", + "": "Snažíte se připojit k serveru který běží na NeoForge, ale vy NeoForge nemáte. Prosím, nainstalujte NeoForge verzi: %s pro připojení k tomuto serveru.", + "": "Snažíte se připojit k serveru který neběží na NeoForge, ale máte módy, který ho požaduje. Nepodařilo se připojit.", + "": "Snaha o rozdělení packetu bez rozdělovače packetů!", + "": "Neúspěch při zpracovávání rozšířených dat spawnu entit: %s", + "": "Neúspěch při snaze otevřít obrazovku s rozšířenými daty: %s", + "": "Nebyly od serveru získané všechny požadované registry! (chybějící: %s)", + "": "Server zaslal registry s neznámými klíčy: %s", + "": "Neúspěch při synchronizování registrů ze serveru: %s", + "": "Neúspěch při zacházení s asistentem dat světel pro chunk %s: %s", + "": "Neúspěch při zacházení se synchronizací registrem dat mapy pro registr %s: %s", + "": "Je nemožné se připoijit k serveru, jelikož chybí povinné registry map dat, které jsou přítomné na klientu: %s", + "": "Je nemožné se připoijit k serveru, jelikož obsahuje povinné registry map dat, které nejsou přítomné na klientu: %s" +} diff --git a/src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/eo_uy.json b/src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/eo_uy.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..0005b78de5 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/eo_uy.json @@ -0,0 +1,204 @@ +{ + "": "Modifoj", + "": "Modifoj", + "": "Ne", + "": "Serĉi", + "": "A-Z", + "": "Z-A", + "": "Agordoj", + "": "Malfermi dosierujon de modifoj", + "": "Agordoj de modifo...", + "": "Versio: %1$s", + "": "ModID: %1$s State: {1,lower}", + "": "Credits: %1$s", + "": "Aŭtoroj: %1$s", + "": "Ĉefpaĝo: %1$s", + "": "Permesilo: %1$s", + "": "Secure mod features disabled, update JDK", + "": "Signature: %1$s", + "": "UNSIGNED", + "": "Trust: %1$s", + "": "Neniu", + "": "No child mods found", + "": "Child mods: %1$s", + "": "Update available: %1$s", + "": "Ŝanĝoregistro:", + "": "Compatible FML modded server\n{0,choice,1#1 mod|1<%1$s mods} present", + "": "Incompatible FML modded server", + "": "Incompatible FML modded server\n%1$s", + "": "Data may be inaccurate due to protocol size limits.", + "": "Vanilla server", + "": "Incompatible Vanilla server", + "": "Nekonata servilo %1$s", + "": "NeoForge server network version is outdated", + "": "NeoForge client network version is outdated", + "": "Server has additional mods that may be needed on the client", + "": "Server mod list is not compatible", + "": "Server network message list is not compatible", + "": "Missing required datapack registries: %1$s", + "": "{0,choice,0#No mods|1#1 mod|1<%s mods} loaded", + "": "Startup Notification", + "": "Server Access Denied", + "": "Fancy Mod Loader could not connect to this server\nThe server %1$s has forbidden modded access", + "": "Backup Failed", + "": "There was an error saving the archive %1$s\nPlease fix the problem and try again", + "": "Malfermi %1$s", + "": "Malfermi disieron de protokoloj", + "": "Malfermi raporton pri kraŝo", + "": "Malfermi dosierujon de modifoj", + "fml.button.continue.launch": "Proceed to main menu", + "fml.modmismatchscreen.missingmods.client": "Your client is missing the following mods, install these mods to join this server:", + "fml.modmismatchscreen.missingmods.server": "The server is missing the following mods, remove these mods from your client to join this server:", + "fml.modmismatchscreen.mismatchedmods": "The following mod versions do not match, install the same version of these mods that the server has to join this server:", + "fml.modmismatchscreen.table.channelname": "Channel name", + "fml.modmismatchscreen.table.youneed": "Vi bezonas", + "fml.modmismatchscreen.table.youhave": "Vi havas", + "fml.modmismatchscreen.table.serverhas": "Servilo havas", + "fml.modmismatchscreen.additional": "[%1$s additional, see latest.log for the full list]", + "fml.modmismatchscreen.homepage": "Click to get to the homepage of this mod", + "fml.modmismatchscreen.table.reason": "Kialo", + "fml.modmismatchscreen.table.visit.mod_page": "Open the mod page of the mod that registers the channel: %s", + "fml.modmismatchscreen.simplifiedview": "Simplified view", + "fml.resources.modresources": "Resources for %1$s mod files", + "fml.resources.moddata": "Data for %1$s mod files", + "loadwarning.neoforge.prbuild": "This build of NeoForge was created by a community member and is thus §c§lUNSUPPORTED§r", + "commands.neoforge.arguments.enum.invalid": "Enum constant must be one of %1$s, found %2$s", + "commands.neoforge.dimensions.list": "Currently registered dimensions by type:", + "commands.neoforge.dump.success": "New file created with %s registry's contents is at %s", + "commands.neoforge.dump.failure": "Failed to create new file with %s registry's contents at %s", + "commands.neoforge.dump.error.unknown_registry": "Unknown registry '%s'", + "commands.neoforge.entity.list.invalid": "Invalid filter, does not match any entities. Use /neoforge entity list for a proper list", + "commands.neoforge.entity.list.invalidworld": "Could not load world for dimension %1$s. Please select a valid dimension.", + "commands.neoforge.entity.list.none": "Neniuj entoj estas trovitaj.", + "commands.neoforge.entity.list.single.header": "Ento: %1$s Entute: %2$s", + "commands.neoforge.entity.list.multiple.header": "Entute: %1$s", + "commands.neoforge.setdim.invalid.entity": "The entity selected (%1$s) is not valid.", + "commands.neoforge.setdim.invalid.dim": "The dimension ID specified (%1$s) is not valid.", + "commands.neoforge.setdim.invalid.nochange": "The entity selected (%1$s) is already in the dimension specified (%2$s).", + "commands.neoforge.setdim.deprecated": "This command is deprecated for removal in 1.17, use %s instead.", + "commands.neoforge.tps.invalid": "Invalid dimension %1$s Possible values: %2$s", + "commands.neoforge.tps.summary.all": "Overall: Mean tick time: %1$s ms. Mean TPS: %2$s", + "commands.neoforge.mods.list": "Mod List: %1$s", + "commands.neoforge.tps.summary.basic": "Dim %1$s: Mean tick time: %2$s ms. Mean TPS: %3$s", + "commands.neoforge.tps.summary.named": "Dim %1$s (%2$s): Mean tick time: %3$s ms. Mean TPS: %4$s", + "commands.neoforge.tracking.entity.enabled": "Entity tracking enabled for %d seconds.", + "commands.neoforge.tracking.entity.reset": "Entity timings data has been cleared!", + "commands.neoforge.tracking.invalid": "Invalid tracking data.", + "": "Block Entity tracking enabled for %d seconds.", + "": "Block entity timings data has been cleared!", + "commands.neoforge.tracking.timing_entry": "%1$s - %2$s [%3$s, %4$s, %5$s]: %6$s", + "commands.neoforge.tracking.no_data": "No data has been recorded yet.", + "commands.neoforge.tags.error.unknown_registry": "Unknown registry '%s'", + "commands.neoforge.tags.error.unknown_tag": "Unknown tag '%s' in registry '%s'", + "commands.neoforge.tags.error.unknown_element": "Unknown element '%s' in registry '%s'", + "commands.neoforge.tags.registry_key": "%s", + "commands.neoforge.tags.tag_count": "Etikedoj:%s", + "commands.neoforge.tags.copy_tag_names": "Click to copy all tag names to clipboard", + "commands.neoforge.tags.element_count": "Elementoj: %s", + "commands.neoforge.tags.copy_element_names": "Click to copy all element names to clipboard", + "commands.neoforge.tags.tag_key": "%s / %s", + "commands.neoforge.tags.containing_tag_count": "Containing tags: %s", + "commands.neoforge.tags.element": "%s : %s", + "commands.neoforge.tags.page_info": "%s ", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.progress_bar_title": "Generating chunks...", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.progress_bar_progress": "Generating %1$s chunks - ", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.progress_bar_errors": "(%1$s eraroj!)", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.already_running": "Generation already running. Please execute '/neoforge generate stop' first and then you can start a new generation.", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.started": "Generating %1$s chunks, in an area of %2$sx%3$s chunks (%4$sx%5$s blocks).", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.success": "Generado finiĝis!", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.error": "Generation experienced %1$s errors! Check the log for more information.", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.stopped": "Generado ĉesis! %1$s el la %2$s pecaroj estas generitaj. (%3$s%)", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.status": "Generation status! %1$s out of %2$s chunks generated. (%3$s%)", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.not_running": "No pregeneration currently running. Run `/neoforge generate help` to see commands for starting generation.", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.help_line": "§2/neoforge generate start [progressBar] §r§f- Generates a square centered on the given position that is chunkRadius * 2 on each side.\n§2/neoforge generate stop §r§f- Stops the current generation and displays progress that it had completed.\n§2/neoforge generate status §r- Displays the progress completed for the currently running generation.\n§2/neoforge generate help §r- Displays this message.\nGeneral tips: If running from a server console, you can run generate in different dimensions by using /execute in neoforge generate...", + "commands.config.getwithtype": "Config for %s of type %s found at %s", + "commands.config.noconfig": "Config for %s of type %s not found", + "neoforge.update.beta.1": "%sWARNING: %sNeoForge Beta", + "neoforge.update.beta.2": "Major issues may arise, verify before reporting.", + "neoforge.update.newversion": "New NeoForge version available: %s", + "": "Mod Update", + "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringEntities.tooltip": "Set this to true to remove any Entity that throws an error in its update method instead of closing the server and reporting a crash log. BE WARNED THIS COULD SCREW UP EVERYTHING USE SPARINGLY WE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGES.", + "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringEntities": "Remove Erroring Entities", + "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringBlockEntities.tooltip": "Set this to true to remove any BlockEntity that throws an error in its update method instead of closing the server and reporting a crash log. BE WARNED THIS COULD SCREW UP EVERYTHING USE SPARINGLY WE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGES.", + "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringBlockEntities": "Remove Erroring Block Entities", + "neoforge.configgui.fullBoundingBoxLadders.tooltip": "Set this to true to check the entire entity's collision bounding box for ladders instead of just the block they are in. Causes noticeable differences in mechanics so default is vanilla behavior. Default: false.", + "neoforge.configgui.fullBoundingBoxLadders": "Full Bounding Box Ladders", + "neoforge.configgui.logCascadingWorldGeneration.tooltip": "Log cascading chunk generation issues during terrain population.", + "neoforge.configgui.logCascadingWorldGeneration": "Log Cascading World Gen", + "neoforge.configgui.fixVanillaCascading.tooltip": "Fix vanilla issues that cause worldgen cascading. This DOES change vanilla worldgen so DO NOT report bugs related to world differences if this flag is on.", + "neoforge.configgui.fixVanillaCascading": "Fix Vanilla Cascading", + "neoforge.configgui.dimensionUnloadQueueDelay.tooltip": "The time in ticks the server will wait when a dimension was queued to unload. This can be useful when rapidly loading and unloading dimensions, like e.g. throwing items through a nether portal a few time per second.", + "neoforge.configgui.dimensionUnloadQueueDelay": "Delay when unloading dimension", + "neoforge.configgui.clumpingThreshold.tooltip": "Controls the number threshold at which Packet51 is preferred over Packet52, default and minimum 64, maximum 1024.", + "neoforge.configgui.clumpingThreshold": "Packet Clumping Threshold", + "neoforge.configgui.treatEmptyTagsAsAir.tooltip": "Vanilla will treat crafting recipes using empty tags as air, and allow you to craft with nothing in that slot. This changes empty tags to use BARRIER as the item. To prevent crafting with air.", + "neoforge.configgui.treatEmptyTagsAsAir": "Treat empty tags as air", + "neoforge.configgui.skipEmptyShapelessCheck.tooltip": "Skip checking if an ingredient is empty during shapeless recipe deserialization to prevent complex ingredients from caching tags too early.", + "neoforge.configgui.skipEmptyShapelessCheck": "Skip checking for empty ingredients in Shapeless Recipe Deserialization", + "neoforge.configgui.forceSystemNanoTime.tooltip": "Force the use of System.nanoTime instead of glfwGetTime as the main client Time provider.", + "neoforge.configgui.forceSystemNanoTime": "Force System.nanoTime", + "neoforge.configgui.zoomInMissingModelTextInGui.tooltip": "Toggle off to make missing model text in the gui fit inside the slot.", + "neoforge.configgui.zoomInMissingModelTextInGui": "Zoom in Missing model text in the GUI", + "neoforge.configgui.forgeCloudsEnabled.tooltip": "Enable uploading cloud geometry to the GPU for faster rendering.", + "neoforge.configgui.forgeCloudsEnabled": "Use NeoForge cloud renderer", + "neoforge.configgui.disableStairSlabCulling.tooltip": "Disable culling of hidden faces next to stairs and slabs. Causes extra rendering, but may fix some resource packs that exploit this vanilla mechanic.", + "neoforge.configgui.disableStairSlabCulling": "Disable Stair/Slab culling", + "neoforge.configgui.alwaysSetupTerrainOffThread.tooltip": "Enable NeoForge to queue all chunk updates to the Chunk Update thread.\nMay increase FPS significantly, but may also cause weird rendering lag.\nNot recommended for computers without a significant number of cores available.", + "neoforge.configgui.alwaysSetupTerrainOffThread": "Force threaded chunk rendering", + "neoforge.configgui.forgeLightPipelineEnabled.tooltip": "Enable the NeoForge block rendering pipeline - fixes the lighting of custom models.", + "neoforge.configgui.forgeLightPipelineEnabled": "NeoForge Light Pipeline Enabled", + "neoforge.configgui.selectiveResourceReloadEnabled.tooltip": "When enabled, makes specific reload tasks such as language changing quicker to run.", + "neoforge.configgui.selectiveResourceReloadEnabled": "Enable Selective Resource Loading", + "neoforge.configgui.showLoadWarnings.tooltip": "When enabled, NeoForge will show any warnings that occurred during loading.", + "neoforge.configgui.showLoadWarnings": "Show Load Warnings", + "neoforge.configgui.disableVersionCheck.tooltip": "Set to true to disable NeoForge version check mechanics. NeoForge queries a small json file on our server for version information. For more details see the ForgeVersion class in our github.", + "neoforge.configgui.disableVersionCheck": "Disable NeoForge Version Check", + "neoforge.configgui.cachePackAccess.tooltip": "Set this to true to cache resource listings in resource and data packs", + "neoforge.configgui.cachePackAccess": "Cache Pack Access", + "neoforge.configgui.indexVanillaPackCachesOnThread.tooltip": "Set this to true to index vanilla resource and data packs on thread", + "neoforge.configgui.indexVanillaPackCachesOnThread": "Index vanilla resource packs on thread", + "neoforge.configgui.indexModPackCachesOnThread.tooltip": "Set this to true to index mod resource and data packs on thread", + "neoforge.configgui.indexModPackCachesOnThread": "Index mod resource packs on thread", + "neoforge.controlsgui.shift": "SHIFT + %s", + "neoforge.controlsgui.control": "CTRL + %s", + "neoforge.controlsgui.control.mac": "CMD + %s", + "neoforge.controlsgui.alt": "ALT + %s", + "neoforge.container.enchant.limitedEnchantability": "Limited Enchantability", + "neoforge.swim_speed": "Rapideco de naĝado", + "neoforge.name_tag_distance": "Nametag Render Distance", + "neoforge.creative_flight": "Creative Flight", + "fluid_type.minecraft.milk": "Lakto", + "fluid_type.minecraft.flowing_milk": "Lakto", + "neoforge.froge.warningScreen.title": "NeoForge snapshots notice", + "neoforge.froge.warningScreen.text": "Froge is not officially supported. Bugs and instability are expected.", + "neoforge.froge.supportWarning": "WARNING: Froge is not supported by NeoForge", + "neoforge.gui.exit": "Eliri", + "neoforge.experimentalsettings.tooltip": "This world uses experimental settings, which could stop working at any time.", + "neoforge.selectWorld.backupWarning.experimental.additional": "This message will not show again for this world.", + "neoforge.chatType.system": "%1$s", + "pack.neoforge.description": "NeoForge data/resource pack", + "pack.neoforge.source.child": "child", + "": "Channel of mod \"%1$s\" failed to connect: %2$s", + "": "This channel is missing on the server side, but required on the client!", + "": "This channel is missing on the client side, but required on the server!", + "": "The client wants the payload to flow: %s, but the server does not support it!", + "": "The server wants the payload to flow: %s, but the client does not support it!", + "": "The client wants the payload to flow: %s, but the server wants it to flow: %s!", + "": "The server wants the payload to flow: %s, but the client wants it to flow: %s!", + "": "The client wants the payload to be version: %s, but the server does not support it!", + "": "The server wants the payload to be version: %s, but the client does not support it!", + "": "The client wants the payload to be version: %s, but the server wants it to be version: %s!", + "": "Failed to process a payload that was send with an invalid flow: %s", + "": "You are trying to connect to a server that is running NeoForge, but you are not. Please install NeoForge Version: %s to connect to this server.", + "": "You are trying to connect to a server that is not running NeoForge, but you have mods that require it. A connection could not be established.", + "": "Tried to split a packet without packet splitter!", + "": "Failed to process advanced entity spawn data: %s", + "": "Failed to open a screen with advanced data: %s", + "": "Not all expected registries were received from the server! (missing: %s)", + "": "The server send registries with unknown keys: %s", + "": "Failed to sync registries from the server: %s", + "": "Failed to handle auxiliary light data for chunk %s: %s", + "": "Failed to handle registry data map sync for registry %s: %s", + "": "Cannot connect to server as it is missing mandatory registry data maps present on the client: %s", + "": "Cannot connect to server as it has mandatory registry data maps not present on the client: %s" +} diff --git a/src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/es_es.json b/src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/es_es.json index a16060d6d4..7b66096506 100644 --- a/src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/es_es.json +++ b/src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/es_es.json @@ -43,8 +43,8 @@ "": "Error al hacer copia de seguridad", "": "There was an error saving the archive %1$s\nPlease fix the problem and try again", "": "Open %1$s", - "": "Open log file", - "": "Open crash report", + "": "Abrir archivo de log", + "": "Abrir informe de error", "": "Abrir carpeta de mods", "fml.button.continue.launch": "Ir al menú principal", "fml.modmismatchscreen.missingmods.client": "Tu cliente no tiene los siguientes mods, instala estos mods para unirte a este servidor:", @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ "fml.modmismatchscreen.homepage": "Haz clic para ir a la página principal de este mod", "fml.modmismatchscreen.table.reason": "Razón", "fml.modmismatchscreen.table.visit.mod_page": "Abrir la página de mods del mod que registra el canal: %s", - "fml.modmismatchscreen.simplifiedview": "Simplified view", + "fml.modmismatchscreen.simplifiedview": "Vista simplificada", "fml.resources.modresources": "Resources for %1$s mod files", "fml.resources.moddata": "Data for %1$s mod files", "loadwarning.neoforge.prbuild": "Esta versión de NeoForge ha sido creada por un miembro de la comunidad y por lo tanto no es §c§lSOPORTADA§r", diff --git a/src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/ms_my.json b/src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/ms_my.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..844952d27b --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/ms_my.json @@ -0,0 +1,204 @@ +{ + "": "Mod", + "": "Mod", + "": "Tutup", + "": "Cari", + "": "A-Z", + "": "Z-A", + "": "Konfigurasi", + "": "Open mods folder", + "": "Mod Options...", + "": "Version: %1$s", + "": "ModID: %1$s State: {1,lower}", + "": "Credits: %1$s", + "": "Authors: %1$s", + "": "Homepage: %1$s", + "": "License: %1$s", + "": "Secure mod features disabled, update JDK", + "": "Signature: %1$s", + "": "TIDAK DITANDA", + "": "Trust: %1$s", + "": "Tiada", + "": "No child mods found", + "": "Child mods: %1$s", + "": "Update available: %1$s", + "": "Log perubahan:", + "": "Compatible FML modded server\n{0,choice,1#1 mod|1<%1$s mods} present", + "": "Incompatible FML modded server", + "": "Incompatible FML modded server\n%1$s", + "": "Data may be inaccurate due to protocol size limits.", + "": "Vanilla server", + "": "Incompatible Vanilla server", + "": "Unknown server %1$s", + "": "NeoForge server network version is outdated", + "": "NeoForge client network version is outdated", + "": "Server has additional mods that may be needed on the client", + "": "Server mod list is not compatible", + "": "Server network message list is not compatible", + "": "Missing required datapack registries: %1$s", + "": "{0,choice,0#No mods|1#1 mod|1<%s mods} loaded", + "": "Startup Notification", + "": "Server Access Denied", + "": "Fancy Mod Loader could not connect to this server\nThe server %1$s has forbidden modded access", + "": "Backup Failed", + "": "There was an error saving the archive %1$s\nPlease fix the problem and try again", + "": "Buka %1$s", + "": "Open log file", + "": "Open crash report", + "": "Open Mods Folder", + "fml.button.continue.launch": "Proceed to main menu", + "fml.modmismatchscreen.missingmods.client": "Your client is missing the following mods, install these mods to join this server:", + "fml.modmismatchscreen.missingmods.server": "The server is missing the following mods, remove these mods from your client to join this server:", + "fml.modmismatchscreen.mismatchedmods": "The following mod versions do not match, install the same version of these mods that the server has to join this server:", + "fml.modmismatchscreen.table.channelname": "Nama saluran", + "fml.modmismatchscreen.table.youneed": "Anda memerlukan", + "fml.modmismatchscreen.table.youhave": "Anda mempunyai", + "fml.modmismatchscreen.table.serverhas": "Pelayan mempunyai", + "fml.modmismatchscreen.additional": "[%1$s additional, see latest.log for the full list]", + "fml.modmismatchscreen.homepage": "Click to get to the homepage of this mod", + "fml.modmismatchscreen.table.reason": "Sebab", + "fml.modmismatchscreen.table.visit.mod_page": "Open the mod page of the mod that registers the channel: %s", + "fml.modmismatchscreen.simplifiedview": "Simplified view", + "fml.resources.modresources": "Resources for %1$s mod files", + "fml.resources.moddata": "Data for %1$s mod files", + "loadwarning.neoforge.prbuild": "This build of NeoForge was created by a community member and is thus §c§lUNSUPPORTED§r", + "commands.neoforge.arguments.enum.invalid": "Enum constant must be one of %1$s, found %2$s", + "commands.neoforge.dimensions.list": "Currently registered dimensions by type:", + "commands.neoforge.dump.success": "New file created with %s registry's contents is at %s", + "commands.neoforge.dump.failure": "Failed to create new file with %s registry's contents at %s", + "commands.neoforge.dump.error.unknown_registry": "Unknown registry '%s'", + "commands.neoforge.entity.list.invalid": "Invalid filter, does not match any entities. Use /neoforge entity list for a proper list", + "commands.neoforge.entity.list.invalidworld": "Could not load world for dimension %1$s. Please select a valid dimension.", + "commands.neoforge.entity.list.none": "No entities found.", + "commands.neoforge.entity.list.single.header": "Entity: %1$s Total: %2$s", + "commands.neoforge.entity.list.multiple.header": "Total: %1$s", + "commands.neoforge.setdim.invalid.entity": "The entity selected (%1$s) is not valid.", + "commands.neoforge.setdim.invalid.dim": "The dimension ID specified (%1$s) is not valid.", + "commands.neoforge.setdim.invalid.nochange": "The entity selected (%1$s) is already in the dimension specified (%2$s).", + "commands.neoforge.setdim.deprecated": "This command is deprecated for removal in 1.17, use %s instead.", + "commands.neoforge.tps.invalid": "Invalid dimension %1$s Possible values: %2$s", + "commands.neoforge.tps.summary.all": "Overall: Mean tick time: %1$s ms. Mean TPS: %2$s", + "commands.neoforge.mods.list": "Mod List: %1$s", + "commands.neoforge.tps.summary.basic": "Dim %1$s: Mean tick time: %2$s ms. Mean TPS: %3$s", + "commands.neoforge.tps.summary.named": "Dim %1$s (%2$s): Mean tick time: %3$s ms. Mean TPS: %4$s", + "commands.neoforge.tracking.entity.enabled": "Entity tracking enabled for %d seconds.", + "commands.neoforge.tracking.entity.reset": "Entity timings data has been cleared!", + "commands.neoforge.tracking.invalid": "Invalid tracking data.", + "": "Block Entity tracking enabled for %d seconds.", + "": "Block entity timings data has been cleared!", + "commands.neoforge.tracking.timing_entry": "%1$s - %2$s [%3$s, %4$s, %5$s]: %6$s", + "commands.neoforge.tracking.no_data": "No data has been recorded yet.", + "commands.neoforge.tags.error.unknown_registry": "Unknown registry '%s'", + "commands.neoforge.tags.error.unknown_tag": "Unknown tag '%s' in registry '%s'", + "commands.neoforge.tags.error.unknown_element": "Unknown element '%s' in registry '%s'", + "commands.neoforge.tags.registry_key": "%s", + "commands.neoforge.tags.tag_count": "Tag: %s", + "commands.neoforge.tags.copy_tag_names": "Click to copy all tag names to clipboard", + "commands.neoforge.tags.element_count": "Elements: %s", + "commands.neoforge.tags.copy_element_names": "Click to copy all element names to clipboard", + "commands.neoforge.tags.tag_key": "%s / %s", + "commands.neoforge.tags.containing_tag_count": "Containing tags: %s", + "commands.neoforge.tags.element": "%s : %s", + "commands.neoforge.tags.page_info": "%s ", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.progress_bar_title": "Generating chunks...", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.progress_bar_progress": "Generating %1$s chunks - ", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.progress_bar_errors": "(%1$s errors!)", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.already_running": "Generation already running. Please execute '/neoforge generate stop' first and then you can start a new generation.", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.started": "Generating %1$s chunks, in an area of %2$sx%3$s chunks (%4$sx%5$s blocks).", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.success": "Generation Done!", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.error": "Generation experienced %1$s errors! Check the log for more information.", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.stopped": "Generation stopped! %1$s out of %2$s chunks generated. (%3$s%)", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.status": "Generation status! %1$s out of %2$s chunks generated. (%3$s%)", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.not_running": "No pregeneration currently running. Run `/neoforge generate help` to see commands for starting generation.", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.help_line": "§2/neoforge generate start [progressBar] §r§f- Menghasilkan segi empat sama berpusat pada kedudukan yang diberikan iaitu chunkRadius * 2 pada setiap sisi.\n§2/neoforge generate stop §r§f- Menghentikan generasi semasa dan memaparkan kemajuan yang telah diselesaikannya.\n§2/neoforge generate status §r- Memaparkan kemajuan yang telah selesai untuk penjanaan yang sedang berjalan.\n§2/neoforge generate help §r- Memaparkan mesej ini.\nGeneral tips: Jika dijalankan dari konsol pelayan, anda boleh menjalankan generate dalam dimensi berbeza dengan menggunakan /execute in neoforge generate...", + "commands.config.getwithtype": "Config for %s of type %s found at %s", + "commands.config.noconfig": "Config for %s of type %s not found", + "neoforge.update.beta.1": "%sWARNING: %sNeoForge Beta", + "neoforge.update.beta.2": "Major issues may arise, verify before reporting.", + "neoforge.update.newversion": "New NeoForge version available: %s", + "": "Kemas Kini Mod", + "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringEntities.tooltip": "Set this to true to remove any Entity that throws an error in its update method instead of closing the server and reporting a crash log. BE WARNED THIS COULD SCREW UP EVERYTHING USE SPARINGLY WE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGES.", + "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringEntities": "Remove Erroring Entities", + "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringBlockEntities.tooltip": "Set this to true to remove any BlockEntity that throws an error in its update method instead of closing the server and reporting a crash log. BE WARNED THIS COULD SCREW UP EVERYTHING USE SPARINGLY WE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGES.", + "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringBlockEntities": "Remove Erroring Block Entities", + "neoforge.configgui.fullBoundingBoxLadders.tooltip": "Set this to true to check the entire entity's collision bounding box for ladders instead of just the block they are in. Causes noticeable differences in mechanics so default is vanilla behavior. Default: false.", + "neoforge.configgui.fullBoundingBoxLadders": "Full Bounding Box Ladders", + "neoforge.configgui.logCascadingWorldGeneration.tooltip": "Log cascading chunk generation issues during terrain population.", + "neoforge.configgui.logCascadingWorldGeneration": "Log Cascading World Gen", + "neoforge.configgui.fixVanillaCascading.tooltip": "Fix vanilla issues that cause worldgen cascading. This DOES change vanilla worldgen so DO NOT report bugs related to world differences if this flag is on.", + "neoforge.configgui.fixVanillaCascading": "Fix Vanilla Cascading", + "neoforge.configgui.dimensionUnloadQueueDelay.tooltip": "The time in ticks the server will wait when a dimension was queued to unload. This can be useful when rapidly loading and unloading dimensions, like e.g. throwing items through a nether portal a few time per second.", + "neoforge.configgui.dimensionUnloadQueueDelay": "Delay when unloading dimension", + "neoforge.configgui.clumpingThreshold.tooltip": "Controls the number threshold at which Packet51 is preferred over Packet52, default and minimum 64, maximum 1024.", + "neoforge.configgui.clumpingThreshold": "Packet Clumping Threshold", + "neoforge.configgui.treatEmptyTagsAsAir.tooltip": "Vanilla will treat crafting recipes using empty tags as air, and allow you to craft with nothing in that slot. This changes empty tags to use BARRIER as the item. To prevent crafting with air.", + "neoforge.configgui.treatEmptyTagsAsAir": "Treat empty tags as air", + "neoforge.configgui.skipEmptyShapelessCheck.tooltip": "Skip checking if an ingredient is empty during shapeless recipe deserialization to prevent complex ingredients from caching tags too early.", + "neoforge.configgui.skipEmptyShapelessCheck": "Skip checking for empty ingredients in Shapeless Recipe Deserialization", + "neoforge.configgui.forceSystemNanoTime.tooltip": "Force the use of System.nanoTime instead of glfwGetTime as the main client Time provider.", + "neoforge.configgui.forceSystemNanoTime": "Force System.nanoTime", + "neoforge.configgui.zoomInMissingModelTextInGui.tooltip": "Toggle off to make missing model text in the gui fit inside the slot.", + "neoforge.configgui.zoomInMissingModelTextInGui": "Zoom in Missing model text in the GUI", + "neoforge.configgui.forgeCloudsEnabled.tooltip": "Enable uploading cloud geometry to the GPU for faster rendering.", + "neoforge.configgui.forgeCloudsEnabled": "Use NeoForge cloud renderer", + "neoforge.configgui.disableStairSlabCulling.tooltip": "Disable culling of hidden faces next to stairs and slabs. Causes extra rendering, but may fix some resource packs that exploit this vanilla mechanic.", + "neoforge.configgui.disableStairSlabCulling": "Disable Stair/Slab culling", + "neoforge.configgui.alwaysSetupTerrainOffThread.tooltip": "Enable NeoForge to queue all chunk updates to the Chunk Update thread.\nMay increase FPS significantly, but may also cause weird rendering lag.\nNot recommended for computers without a significant number of cores available.", + "neoforge.configgui.alwaysSetupTerrainOffThread": "Force threaded chunk rendering", + "neoforge.configgui.forgeLightPipelineEnabled.tooltip": "Enable the NeoForge block rendering pipeline - fixes the lighting of custom models.", + "neoforge.configgui.forgeLightPipelineEnabled": "NeoForge Light Pipeline Enabled", + "neoforge.configgui.selectiveResourceReloadEnabled.tooltip": "When enabled, makes specific reload tasks such as language changing quicker to run.", + "neoforge.configgui.selectiveResourceReloadEnabled": "Enable Selective Resource Loading", + "neoforge.configgui.showLoadWarnings.tooltip": "When enabled, NeoForge will show any warnings that occurred during loading.", + "neoforge.configgui.showLoadWarnings": "Show Load Warnings", + "neoforge.configgui.disableVersionCheck.tooltip": "Set to true to disable NeoForge version check mechanics. NeoForge queries a small json file on our server for version information. For more details see the ForgeVersion class in our github.", + "neoforge.configgui.disableVersionCheck": "Disable NeoForge Version Check", + "neoforge.configgui.cachePackAccess.tooltip": "Set this to true to cache resource listings in resource and data packs", + "neoforge.configgui.cachePackAccess": "Cache Pack Access", + "neoforge.configgui.indexVanillaPackCachesOnThread.tooltip": "Set this to true to index vanilla resource and data packs on thread", + "neoforge.configgui.indexVanillaPackCachesOnThread": "Index vanilla resource packs on thread", + "neoforge.configgui.indexModPackCachesOnThread.tooltip": "Set this to true to index mod resource and data packs on thread", + "neoforge.configgui.indexModPackCachesOnThread": "Index mod resource packs on thread", + "neoforge.controlsgui.shift": "SHIFT + %s", + "neoforge.controlsgui.control": "CTRL + %s", + "neoforge.controlsgui.control.mac": "CMD + %s", + "neoforge.controlsgui.alt": "ALT + %s", + "neoforge.container.enchant.limitedEnchantability": "Limited Enchantability", + "neoforge.swim_speed": "Kelajuan Berenang", + "neoforge.name_tag_distance": "Nametag Render Distance", + "neoforge.creative_flight": "Creative Flight", + "fluid_type.minecraft.milk": "Susu", + "fluid_type.minecraft.flowing_milk": "Susu", + "neoforge.froge.warningScreen.title": "NeoForge snapshots notice", + "neoforge.froge.warningScreen.text": "Froge is not officially supported. Bugs and instability are expected.", + "neoforge.froge.supportWarning": "WARNING: Froge is not supported by NeoForge", + "neoforge.gui.exit": "Keluar", + "neoforge.experimentalsettings.tooltip": "This world uses experimental settings, which could stop working at any time.", + "neoforge.selectWorld.backupWarning.experimental.additional": "This message will not show again for this world.", + "neoforge.chatType.system": "%1$s", + "pack.neoforge.description": "NeoForge data/resource pack", + "pack.neoforge.source.child": "anak", + "": "Channel of mod \"%1$s\" failed to connect: %2$s", + "": "This channel is missing on the server side, but required on the client!", + "": "This channel is missing on the client side, but required on the server!", + "": "The client wants the payload to flow: %s, but the server does not support it!", + "": "The server wants the payload to flow: %s, but the client does not support it!", + "": "The client wants the payload to flow: %s, but the server wants it to flow: %s!", + "": "The server wants the payload to flow: %s, but the client wants it to flow: %s!", + "": "The client wants the payload to be version: %s, but the server does not support it!", + "": "The server wants the payload to be version: %s, but the client does not support it!", + "": "The client wants the payload to be version: %s, but the server wants it to be version: %s!", + "": "Failed to process a payload that was send with an invalid flow: %s", + "": "You are trying to connect to a server that is running NeoForge, but you are not. Please install NeoForge Version: %s to connect to this server.", + "": "You are trying to connect to a server that is not running NeoForge, but you have mods that require it. A connection could not be established.", + "": "Tried to split a packet without packet splitter!", + "": "Failed to process advanced entity spawn data: %s", + "": "Failed to open a screen with advanced data: %s", + "": "Not all expected registries were received from the server! (missing: %s)", + "": "The server send registries with unknown keys: %s", + "": "Failed to sync registries from the server: %s", + "": "Failed to handle auxiliary light data for chunk %s: %s", + "": "Failed to handle registry data map sync for registry %s: %s", + "": "Cannot connect to server as it is missing mandatory registry data maps present on the client: %s", + "": "Cannot connect to server as it has mandatory registry data maps not present on the client: %s" +} diff --git a/src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/nl_nl.json b/src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/nl_nl.json index 9a3ea2bae1..17aa79586b 100644 --- a/src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/nl_nl.json +++ b/src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/nl_nl.json @@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ "": "Configuratie", "": "Open mods map", "": "Mod Opties...", - "": "Version: %1$s", - "": "ModID: %1$s State: {1,lower}", + "": "Versie: %1$s", + "": "ModID: %1$s Status: {1,lower}", "": "Credits: %1$s", "": "Authors: %1$s", "": "Homepage: %1$s", diff --git a/src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/pl_pl.json b/src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/pl_pl.json index d5507e5892..ca06deb57c 100644 --- a/src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/pl_pl.json +++ b/src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/pl_pl.json @@ -8,43 +8,43 @@ "": "Konfiguracja", "": "Otwórz folder modyfikacji", "": "Opcje modyfikacji...", - "": "Version: %1$s", - "": "ModID: %1$s State: {1,lower}", - "": "Credits: %1$s", - "": "Authors: %1$s", - "": "Homepage: %1$s", - "": "License: %1$s", + "": "Wersja: %1$s", + "": "ID modyfikacji: %1$s Stan: {1,lower}", + "": "Podziękowania: %1$s", + "": "Autorzy: %1$s", + "": "Strona główna: %1$s", + "": "Licencja: %1$s", "": "Bezpieczne funkcje modów są wyłączone, zaktualizuj JDK", - "": "Signature: %1$s", + "": "Podpis: %1$s", "": "NIEPODPISANE", - "": "Trust: %1$s", + "": "Zaufanie: %1$s", "": "Brak", "": "Nie znaleziono modyfikacji podrzędnych", - "": "Child mods: %1$s", - "": "Update available: %1$s", + "": "Modyfikacje potomne: %1$s", + "": "Dostępna aktualizacja: %1$s", "": "Lista zmian:", - "": "Compatible FML modded server\n{0,choice,1#1 mod|1<%1$s mods} present", + "": "Kompatybilny zmodyfikowany serwer FML\n{0,choice,1#1 mod|1<%1$s mods} obecnych", "": "Niekompatybilny zmodyfikowany serwer FML", - "": "Incompatible FML modded server\n%1$s", + "": "Niekompatybilny zmodyfikowany serwer FML %1$s", "": "Dane mogą być niedokładne ze względu na ograniczenia wielkości protokołu.", "": "Serwer Vanilla", "": "Niekompatybilny serwer Vanilla", - "": "Unknown server %1$s", + "": "Nieznany serwer %1$s", "": "Wersja sieci serwera NeoForge jest nieaktualna", "": "Wersja sieci klienta NeoForge jest nieaktualna", "": "Serwer posiada dodatkowe modyfikacje, które mogą być potrzebne w kliencie", "": "Lista modyfikacji serwera nie jest kompatybilna", "": "Lista wiadomości sieciowych serwera nie jest kompatybilna", - "": "Missing required datapack registries: %1$s", - "": "{0,choice,0#No mods|1#1 mod|1<%s mods} loaded", + "": "Brakujące wymagane rejestry pakietu danych: %1$s", + "": "{0,choice,0#No mods|1#1 mod|1<%s mods} załadowano", "": "Powiadomienie startowe", "": "Odmowa dostępu do serwera", - "": "Fancy Mod Loader could not connect to this server\nThe server %1$s has forbidden modded access", + "": "Fml nie może połączyć się do tego serwera\nSerwer %1$s ma zabroniony dostęp na zmodyfikowanej wersji gry", "": "Kopia zapasowa nie powiodła się", - "": "There was an error saving the archive %1$s\nPlease fix the problem and try again", - "": "Open %1$s", - "": "Open log file", - "": "Open crash report", + "": "Wystąpił błąd podczas zapisywania archiwum %1$s\nProszę rozwiązać problem i spróbować ponownie", + "": "Otwórz %1$s", + "": "Otwórz plik dziennika", + "": "Otwórz raport o awarii", "": "Otwórz folder modyfikacji", "fml.button.continue.launch": "Przejdź do menu głównego", "fml.modmismatchscreen.missingmods.client": "W Twoim kliencie brakuje następujących modyfikacji, zainstaluj te modyfikacje, aby dołączyć do tego serwera:", @@ -54,33 +54,33 @@ "fml.modmismatchscreen.table.youneed": "Potrzebujesz", "fml.modmismatchscreen.table.youhave": "Posiadasz", "fml.modmismatchscreen.table.serverhas": "Serwer posiada", - "fml.modmismatchscreen.additional": "[%1$s additional, see latest.log for the full list]", + "fml.modmismatchscreen.additional": "[%1$s dodatkowo, zobacz latest.log, aby uzyskać pełną listę]", "fml.modmismatchscreen.homepage": "Kliknij, aby przejść na stronę główną modyfikacji", "fml.modmismatchscreen.table.reason": "Powód", "fml.modmismatchscreen.table.visit.mod_page": "Przejdź na stronę modyfikacji %s", - "fml.modmismatchscreen.simplifiedview": "Simplified view", - "fml.resources.modresources": "Resources for %1$s mod files", - "fml.resources.moddata": "Data for %1$s mod files", - "loadwarning.neoforge.prbuild": "This build of NeoForge was created by a community member and is thus §c§lUNSUPPORTED§r", - "commands.neoforge.arguments.enum.invalid": "Enum constant must be one of %1$s, found %2$s", - "commands.neoforge.dimensions.list": "Currently registered dimensions by type:", - "commands.neoforge.dump.success": "New file created with %s registry's contents is at %s", - "commands.neoforge.dump.failure": "Failed to create new file with %s registry's contents at %s", + "fml.modmismatchscreen.simplifiedview": "Widok uproszczony", + "fml.resources.modresources": "Zasoby dla plików modyfikacji %1$s", + "fml.resources.moddata": "Dane dla %1$s plików modyfikacji", + "loadwarning.neoforge.prbuild": "Ta kompilacja NeoForge została stworzona przez członka społeczności i jest §c§lNIEWSPIERANA§r", + "commands.neoforge.arguments.enum.invalid": "Stała Enum musi być jednym z %1$s, znaleziono %2$s", + "commands.neoforge.dimensions.list": "Aktualnie zarejestrowane wymiary według typu:", + "commands.neoforge.dump.success": "Nowy plik utworzony z zawartością rejestru %s jest w %s", + "commands.neoforge.dump.failure": "Nie udało się utworzyć nowego pliku z zawartością rejestru %s w %s", "commands.neoforge.dump.error.unknown_registry": "Unknown registry '%s'", "commands.neoforge.entity.list.invalid": "Nieprawidłowy filtr, nie pasuje do żadnych bytów. Użyj /neoforge entity list dla właściwej listy", - "commands.neoforge.entity.list.invalidworld": "Could not load world for dimension %1$s. Please select a valid dimension.", + "commands.neoforge.entity.list.invalidworld": "Nie można załadować świata dla wymiaru %1$s. Proszę wybrać prawidłowy wymiar.", "commands.neoforge.entity.list.none": "Nie znaleziono obiektów.", - "commands.neoforge.entity.list.single.header": "Entity: %1$s Total: %2$s", - "commands.neoforge.entity.list.multiple.header": "Total: %1$s", - "commands.neoforge.setdim.invalid.entity": "The entity selected (%1$s) is not valid.", - "commands.neoforge.setdim.invalid.dim": "The dimension ID specified (%1$s) is not valid.", - "commands.neoforge.setdim.invalid.nochange": "The entity selected (%1$s) is already in the dimension specified (%2$s).", + "commands.neoforge.entity.list.single.header": "Byt: %1$s Razem: %2$s", + "commands.neoforge.entity.list.multiple.header": "Łącznie: %1$s", + "commands.neoforge.setdim.invalid.entity": "Wybrany byt (%1$s) jest nieprawidłowy.", + "commands.neoforge.setdim.invalid.dim": "Określone ID Wymiaru (%1$s) jest nieprawidłowe.", + "commands.neoforge.setdim.invalid.nochange": "Wybrany byt (%1$s) jest już w określonym wymiarze (%2$s).", "commands.neoforge.setdim.deprecated": "To polecenie jest przestarzałe i zostanie usunięte w 1.17, użyj %s zamiast niej.", - "commands.neoforge.tps.invalid": "Invalid dimension %1$s Possible values: %2$s", - "commands.neoforge.tps.summary.all": "Overall: Mean tick time: %1$s ms. Mean TPS: %2$s", - "commands.neoforge.mods.list": "Mod List: %1$s", - "commands.neoforge.tps.summary.basic": "Dim %1$s: Mean tick time: %2$s ms. Mean TPS: %3$s", - "commands.neoforge.tps.summary.named": "Dim %1$s (%2$s): Mean tick time: %3$s ms. Mean TPS: %4$s", + "commands.neoforge.tps.invalid": "Nieprawidłowy wymiar %1$s Możliwe wartości: %2$s", + "commands.neoforge.tps.summary.all": "Ogólnie: Średni czas ticku: %1$s ms. Średnie TPS: %2$s", + "commands.neoforge.mods.list": "Lista modyfikacji: %1$s", + "commands.neoforge.tps.summary.basic": "Dim %1$s: Sredni czas ticków: %2$s ms. Srednie TPS: %3$s", + "commands.neoforge.tps.summary.named": "Dim %1$s (%2$s): Średni czas ticku: %3$s ms. Średni TPS: %4$s", "commands.neoforge.tracking.entity.enabled": "Śledzenie bytu zostało uruchomione na %d sekund.", "commands.neoforge.tracking.entity.reset": "Entity timings data has been cleared!", "commands.neoforge.tracking.invalid": "Nieprawidłowe dane śledzenia.", @@ -101,15 +101,15 @@ "commands.neoforge.tags.element": "%s : %s", "commands.neoforge.tags.page_info": "%s ", "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.progress_bar_title": "Generowanie chunków...", - "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.progress_bar_progress": "Generating %1$s chunks - ", - "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.progress_bar_errors": "(%1$s errors!)", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.progress_bar_progress": "Generowanie %1$s chunków - ", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.progress_bar_errors": "(%1$s błędów!)", "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.already_running": "Generacja jest już uruchomiona. Najpierw wykonaj polecenie ''/neoforge generate stop', a następnie możesz rozpocząć nową generację.", - "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.started": "Generating %1$s chunks, in an area of %2$sx%3$s chunks (%4$sx%5$s blocks).", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.started": "Generowanie %1$s chunków, w obszarze %2$sx%3$s chunki (%4$sx%5$s bloków).", "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.success": "Generowanie zakończone!", - "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.error": "Generation experienced %1$s errors! Check the log for more information.", - "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.stopped": "Generation stopped! %1$s out of %2$s chunks generated. (%3$s%)", - "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.status": "Generation status! %1$s out of %2$s chunks generated. (%3$s%)", - "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.not_running": "No pregeneration currently running. Run `/neoforge generate help` to see commands for starting generation.", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.error": "Generowanie napotkało błędy %1$s! Sprawdź log, aby uzyskać więcej informacji.", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.stopped": "Generacja zatrzymana! %1$s z %2$s chunków wygenerowane. (%3$s%)", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.status": "Status generacji! %1$s z %2$s chunków wygenerowanych. (%3$s%)", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.not_running": "Aktualnie brak uruchomionych pregeneracji. Uruchom `/neoforge generate help` aby zobaczyć polecenia do rozpoczęcia generacji.", "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.help_line": "§2/neoforge generate start [progressBar] §r§f- Generates a square centered on the given position that is chunkRadius * 2 on each side.\n§2/neoforge generate stop §r§f- Stops the current generation and displays progress that it had completed.\n§2/neoforge generate status §r- Displays the progress completed for the currently running generation.\n§2/neoforge generate help §r- Displays this message.\nGeneral tips: If running from a server console, you can run generate in different dimensions by using /execute in neoforge generate...", "commands.config.getwithtype": "Config for %s of type %s found at %s", "commands.config.noconfig": "Config for %s of type %s not found", @@ -145,11 +145,11 @@ "neoforge.configgui.disableStairSlabCulling": "Disable Stair/Slab culling", "neoforge.configgui.alwaysSetupTerrainOffThread.tooltip": "Enable NeoForge to queue all chunk updates to the Chunk Update thread.\nMay increase FPS significantly, but may also cause weird rendering lag.\nNot recommended for computers without a significant number of cores available.", "neoforge.configgui.alwaysSetupTerrainOffThread": "Force threaded chunk rendering", - "neoforge.configgui.forgeLightPipelineEnabled.tooltip": "Enable the NeoForge block rendering pipeline - fixes the lighting of custom models.", + "neoforge.configgui.forgeLightPipelineEnabled.tooltip": "Włącz proces renderowania bloków NeoForge - poprawia oświetlenie modeli niestandardowych.", "neoforge.configgui.forgeLightPipelineEnabled": "NeoForge Light Pipeline Enabled", - "neoforge.configgui.selectiveResourceReloadEnabled.tooltip": "When enabled, makes specific reload tasks such as language changing quicker to run.", - "neoforge.configgui.selectiveResourceReloadEnabled": "Enable Selective Resource Loading", - "neoforge.configgui.showLoadWarnings.tooltip": "When enabled, NeoForge will show any warnings that occurred during loading.", + "neoforge.configgui.selectiveResourceReloadEnabled.tooltip": "Gdy włączone, powoduje szybsze przeładowanie zadań, takich jak zmiana języka.", + "neoforge.configgui.selectiveResourceReloadEnabled": "Włącz wczytywanie wybranych zasobów", + "neoforge.configgui.showLoadWarnings.tooltip": "Kiedy włączone, NeoForge wyświetli wszelkie ostrzeżenia, które wystąpiły podczas ładowania.", "neoforge.configgui.showLoadWarnings": "Pokaż Ostrzeżenia Ładowania", "neoforge.configgui.disableVersionCheck.tooltip": "Set to true to disable NeoForge version check mechanics. NeoForge queries a small json file on our server for version information. For more details see the ForgeVersion class in our github.", "neoforge.configgui.disableVersionCheck": "Wyłącz sprawdzanie wersji NeoForge", @@ -176,9 +176,9 @@ "neoforge.experimentalsettings.tooltip": "This world uses experimental settings, which could stop working at any time.", "neoforge.selectWorld.backupWarning.experimental.additional": "This message will not show again for this world.", "neoforge.chatType.system": "%1$s", - "pack.neoforge.description": "NeoForge data/resource pack", - "pack.neoforge.source.child": "child", - "": "Channel of mod \"%1$s\" failed to connect: %2$s", + "pack.neoforge.description": "zasoby NeoForge / pakiet danych", + "pack.neoforge.source.child": "potomstwo", + "": "Kanał modyfikacji \"%1$s\" nie mógł się połączyć: %2$s", "": "This channel is missing on the server side, but required on the client!", "": "This channel is missing on the client side, but required on the server!", "": "The client wants the payload to flow: %s, but the server does not support it!", @@ -199,6 +199,6 @@ "": "Failed to sync registries from the server: %s", "": "Failed to handle auxiliary light data for chunk %s: %s", "": "Failed to handle registry data map sync for registry %s: %s", - "": "Cannot connect to server as it is missing mandatory registry data maps present on the client: %s", - "": "Cannot connect to server as it has mandatory registry data maps not present on the client: %s" + "": "Nie można połączyć się z serwerem, ponieważ brakuje obowiązkowych map danych rejestru znajdujących się w kliencie: %s", + "": "Nie można połączyć się z serwerem, ponieważ brakuje obowiązkowych map danych rejestru znajdujących się w kliencie: %s" } diff --git a/src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/pt_br.json b/src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/pt_br.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3300c3b8d7 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/pt_br.json @@ -0,0 +1,204 @@ +{ + "": "Mods", + "": "Mods", + "": "Off", + "": "Buscar", + "": "A-Z", + "": "Z-A", + "": "Configuração", + "": "Abrir pasta de mods", + "": "Configuração de Mods...", + "": "Versão: %1$s", + "": "ModID: %1$s Estado: {1,lower}", + "": "Créditos: %1$s", + "": "Criadores: %1$s", + "": "Homepage: %1$s", + "": "Licença: %1$s", + "": "Funcionalidades de mod seguro desativados, atualize o JDK", + "": "Assinatura: %1$s", + "": "NÃO ASSINADO", + "": "Confiança: %1$s", + "": "Nenhum", + "": "Sem mods dependentes", + "": "Mods dependentes: %1$s", + "": "Atualização disponível: %1$s", + "": "Changelog:", + "": "Servidor com mods FML compatível\nPossui {0,choice,1#1 mod|1<%1$s mods}", + "": "Servidor com mods FML incompatível", + "": "Incompatible FML modded server\n%1$s", + "": "Dados podem estar imprecisos devido ao limites de tamanho do protocolo.", + "": "Servidor Vanilla", + "": "Servidor Vanilla incompatível", + "": "Servidor desconhecido %1$s", + "": "Versão do NeoForge server network desatualizado", + "": "Versão do NeoForge client network desatualizado", + "": "Servidor tem mods que podem ser necessários no client", + "": "List de mods do servidor incompatível", + "": "Lista de network message do servidor incompatível", + "": "Falta registros de datapacks obrigatórios: %1$s", + "": "{0,choice,0#No mods|1#1 mod|1<%s mods} carregados", + "": "Notificação de Início", + "": "Accesso ao Servidor Negado", + "": "Fancy Mod Loader não pôde ser conectado a esse servidor\nO servidor %1$s tem mods com acesso proibido", + "": "Backup Falhou", + "": "Houve um erro ao salvar o arquivo %1$s\nPor favor, corriga o problema e tente novamente", + "": "Abra %1$s", + "": "Abrir arquivo de log", + "": "Abrir relatório de crash", + "": "Abrir Pasta de Mods", + "fml.button.continue.launch": "Prosseguir ao menu principal", + "fml.modmismatchscreen.missingmods.client": "Seu client não tem os seguintes mods, instale esses mods para entrar no servidor:", + "fml.modmismatchscreen.missingmods.server": "O servidor não tem os seguintes mods, remova esses mods do seu client para entrar no servidor:", + "fml.modmismatchscreen.mismatchedmods": "Os seguintes mods são incompatíveis, instale a mesma versão desses mods que estão no servidor para poder entrar:", + "fml.modmismatchscreen.table.channelname": "Nome do canal", + "fml.modmismatchscreen.table.youneed": "Você precisa", + "fml.modmismatchscreen.table.youhave": "Você tem", + "fml.modmismatchscreen.table.serverhas": "Servidor tem", + "fml.modmismatchscreen.additional": "[%1$s adicional, veja latest.log para lista completa]", + "fml.modmismatchscreen.homepage": "Clique para ir ao homepage desse mod", + "fml.modmismatchscreen.table.reason": "Motivo", + "fml.modmismatchscreen.table.visit.mod_page": "Abrir a página do mod que registra o canal: %s", + "fml.modmismatchscreen.simplifiedview": "Tela simplificada", + "fml.resources.modresources": "Recursos para %1$s arquivos de mods", + "fml.resources.moddata": "Dado para %1$s arquivos de mods", + "loadwarning.neoforge.prbuild": "Esse build do NeoForge foi criado por um membro da comunidade, logo, §c§lNÃO É SUPORTADA§r", + "commands.neoforge.arguments.enum.invalid": "Constante enum deve ser um dos %1$s, encontrado %2$s", + "commands.neoforge.dimensions.list": "Dimensões atualmente registradas por tipo:", + "commands.neoforge.dump.success": "New file created with %s registry's contents is at %s", + "commands.neoforge.dump.failure": "Failed to create new file with %s registry's contents at %s", + "commands.neoforge.dump.error.unknown_registry": "Registro '%s' desconhecido", + "commands.neoforge.entity.list.invalid": "Invalid filter, does not match any entities. Use /neoforge entity list for a proper list", + "commands.neoforge.entity.list.invalidworld": "Could not load world for dimension %1$s. Please select a valid dimension.", + "commands.neoforge.entity.list.none": "Nenhuma entidade encontrada.", + "commands.neoforge.entity.list.single.header": "Entidade: %1$s Total: %2$s", + "commands.neoforge.entity.list.multiple.header": "Total: %1$s", + "commands.neoforge.setdim.invalid.entity": "A entidade selecionada (%1$s) não é válida.", + "commands.neoforge.setdim.invalid.dim": "The dimension ID specified (%1$s) is not valid.", + "commands.neoforge.setdim.invalid.nochange": "The entity selected (%1$s) is already in the dimension specified (%2$s).", + "commands.neoforge.setdim.deprecated": "This command is deprecated for removal in 1.17, use %s instead.", + "commands.neoforge.tps.invalid": "Invalid dimension %1$s Possible values: %2$s", + "commands.neoforge.tps.summary.all": "Overall: Mean tick time: %1$s ms. Mean TPS: %2$s", + "commands.neoforge.mods.list": "Mod List: %1$s", + "commands.neoforge.tps.summary.basic": "Dim %1$s: Mean tick time: %2$s ms. Mean TPS: %3$s", + "commands.neoforge.tps.summary.named": "Dim %1$s (%2$s): Mean tick time: %3$s ms. Mean TPS: %4$s", + "commands.neoforge.tracking.entity.enabled": "Entity tracking enabled for %d seconds.", + "commands.neoforge.tracking.entity.reset": "Entity timings data has been cleared!", + "commands.neoforge.tracking.invalid": "Invalid tracking data.", + "": "Block Entity tracking enabled for %d seconds.", + "": "Block entity timings data has been cleared!", + "commands.neoforge.tracking.timing_entry": "%1$s - %2$s [%3$s, %4$s, %5$s]: %6$s", + "commands.neoforge.tracking.no_data": "No data has been recorded yet.", + "commands.neoforge.tags.error.unknown_registry": "Unknown registry '%s'", + "commands.neoforge.tags.error.unknown_tag": "Unknown tag '%s' in registry '%s'", + "commands.neoforge.tags.error.unknown_element": "Unknown element '%s' in registry '%s'", + "commands.neoforge.tags.registry_key": "%s", + "commands.neoforge.tags.tag_count": "Tags: %s", + "commands.neoforge.tags.copy_tag_names": "Click to copy all tag names to clipboard", + "commands.neoforge.tags.element_count": "Elements: %s", + "commands.neoforge.tags.copy_element_names": "Click to copy all element names to clipboard", + "commands.neoforge.tags.tag_key": "%s / %s", + "commands.neoforge.tags.containing_tag_count": "Containing tags: %s", + "commands.neoforge.tags.element": "%s : %s", + "commands.neoforge.tags.page_info": "%s ", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.progress_bar_title": "Generating chunks...", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.progress_bar_progress": "Generating %1$s chunks - ", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.progress_bar_errors": "(%1$s errors!)", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.already_running": "Generation already running. Please execute '/neoforge generate stop' first and then you can start a new generation.", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.started": "Generating %1$s chunks, in an area of %2$sx%3$s chunks (%4$sx%5$s blocks).", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.success": "Generation Done!", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.error": "Generation experienced %1$s errors! Check the log for more information.", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.stopped": "Generation stopped! %1$s out of %2$s chunks generated. (%3$s%)", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.status": "Generation status! %1$s out of %2$s chunks generated. (%3$s%)", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.not_running": "No pregeneration currently running. Run `/neoforge generate help` to see commands for starting generation.", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.help_line": "§2/neoforge generate start [progressBar] §r§f- Generates a square centered on the given position that is chunkRadius * 2 on each side.\n§2/neoforge generate stop §r§f- Stops the current generation and displays progress that it had completed.\n§2/neoforge generate status §r- Displays the progress completed for the currently running generation.\n§2/neoforge generate help §r- Displays this message.\nGeneral tips: If running from a server console, you can run generate in different dimensions by using /execute in neoforge generate...", + "commands.config.getwithtype": "Config for %s of type %s found at %s", + "commands.config.noconfig": "Config for %s of type %s not found", + "neoforge.update.beta.1": "%sWARNING: %sNeoForge Beta", + "neoforge.update.beta.2": "Major issues may arise, verify before reporting.", + "neoforge.update.newversion": "New NeoForge version available: %s", + "": "Mod Update", + "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringEntities.tooltip": "Set this to true to remove any Entity that throws an error in its update method instead of closing the server and reporting a crash log. BE WARNED THIS COULD SCREW UP EVERYTHING USE SPARINGLY WE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGES.", + "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringEntities": "Remove Erroring Entities", + "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringBlockEntities.tooltip": "Set this to true to remove any BlockEntity that throws an error in its update method instead of closing the server and reporting a crash log. BE WARNED THIS COULD SCREW UP EVERYTHING USE SPARINGLY WE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGES.", + "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringBlockEntities": "Remove Erroring Block Entities", + "neoforge.configgui.fullBoundingBoxLadders.tooltip": "Set this to true to check the entire entity's collision bounding box for ladders instead of just the block they are in. Causes noticeable differences in mechanics so default is vanilla behavior. Default: false.", + "neoforge.configgui.fullBoundingBoxLadders": "Full Bounding Box Ladders", + "neoforge.configgui.logCascadingWorldGeneration.tooltip": "Log cascading chunk generation issues during terrain population.", + "neoforge.configgui.logCascadingWorldGeneration": "Log Cascading World Gen", + "neoforge.configgui.fixVanillaCascading.tooltip": "Fix vanilla issues that cause worldgen cascading. This DOES change vanilla worldgen so DO NOT report bugs related to world differences if this flag is on.", + "neoforge.configgui.fixVanillaCascading": "Fix Vanilla Cascading", + "neoforge.configgui.dimensionUnloadQueueDelay.tooltip": "The time in ticks the server will wait when a dimension was queued to unload. This can be useful when rapidly loading and unloading dimensions, like e.g. throwing items through a nether portal a few time per second.", + "neoforge.configgui.dimensionUnloadQueueDelay": "Delay when unloading dimension", + "neoforge.configgui.clumpingThreshold.tooltip": "Controls the number threshold at which Packet51 is preferred over Packet52, default and minimum 64, maximum 1024.", + "neoforge.configgui.clumpingThreshold": "Packet Clumping Threshold", + "neoforge.configgui.treatEmptyTagsAsAir.tooltip": "Vanilla will treat crafting recipes using empty tags as air, and allow you to craft with nothing in that slot. This changes empty tags to use BARRIER as the item. To prevent crafting with air.", + "neoforge.configgui.treatEmptyTagsAsAir": "Treat empty tags as air", + "neoforge.configgui.skipEmptyShapelessCheck.tooltip": "Skip checking if an ingredient is empty during shapeless recipe deserialization to prevent complex ingredients from caching tags too early.", + "neoforge.configgui.skipEmptyShapelessCheck": "Skip checking for empty ingredients in Shapeless Recipe Deserialization", + "neoforge.configgui.forceSystemNanoTime.tooltip": "Force the use of System.nanoTime instead of glfwGetTime as the main client Time provider.", + "neoforge.configgui.forceSystemNanoTime": "Force System.nanoTime", + "neoforge.configgui.zoomInMissingModelTextInGui.tooltip": "Toggle off to make missing model text in the gui fit inside the slot.", + "neoforge.configgui.zoomInMissingModelTextInGui": "Zoom in Missing model text in the GUI", + "neoforge.configgui.forgeCloudsEnabled.tooltip": "Enable uploading cloud geometry to the GPU for faster rendering.", + "neoforge.configgui.forgeCloudsEnabled": "Use NeoForge cloud renderer", + "neoforge.configgui.disableStairSlabCulling.tooltip": "Disable culling of hidden faces next to stairs and slabs. Causes extra rendering, but may fix some resource packs that exploit this vanilla mechanic.", + "neoforge.configgui.disableStairSlabCulling": "Disable Stair/Slab culling", + "neoforge.configgui.alwaysSetupTerrainOffThread.tooltip": "Enable NeoForge to queue all chunk updates to the Chunk Update thread.\nMay increase FPS significantly, but may also cause weird rendering lag.\nNot recommended for computers without a significant number of cores available.", + "neoforge.configgui.alwaysSetupTerrainOffThread": "Force threaded chunk rendering", + "neoforge.configgui.forgeLightPipelineEnabled.tooltip": "Enable the NeoForge block rendering pipeline - fixes the lighting of custom models.", + "neoforge.configgui.forgeLightPipelineEnabled": "NeoForge Light Pipeline Enabled", + "neoforge.configgui.selectiveResourceReloadEnabled.tooltip": "When enabled, makes specific reload tasks such as language changing quicker to run.", + "neoforge.configgui.selectiveResourceReloadEnabled": "Enable Selective Resource Loading", + "neoforge.configgui.showLoadWarnings.tooltip": "When enabled, NeoForge will show any warnings that occurred during loading.", + "neoforge.configgui.showLoadWarnings": "Show Load Warnings", + "neoforge.configgui.disableVersionCheck.tooltip": "Set to true to disable NeoForge version check mechanics. NeoForge queries a small json file on our server for version information. For more details see the ForgeVersion class in our github.", + "neoforge.configgui.disableVersionCheck": "Disable NeoForge Version Check", + "neoforge.configgui.cachePackAccess.tooltip": "Set this to true to cache resource listings in resource and data packs", + "neoforge.configgui.cachePackAccess": "Cache Pack Access", + "neoforge.configgui.indexVanillaPackCachesOnThread.tooltip": "Set this to true to index vanilla resource and data packs on thread", + "neoforge.configgui.indexVanillaPackCachesOnThread": "Index vanilla resource packs on thread", + "neoforge.configgui.indexModPackCachesOnThread.tooltip": "Set this to true to index mod resource and data packs on thread", + "neoforge.configgui.indexModPackCachesOnThread": "Index mod resource packs on thread", + "neoforge.controlsgui.shift": "SHIFT + %s", + "neoforge.controlsgui.control": "CTRL + %s", + "neoforge.controlsgui.control.mac": "CMD + %s", + "neoforge.controlsgui.alt": "ALT + %s", + "neoforge.container.enchant.limitedEnchantability": "Limited Enchantability", + "neoforge.swim_speed": "Swim Speed", + "neoforge.name_tag_distance": "Nametag Render Distance", + "neoforge.creative_flight": "Creative Flight", + "fluid_type.minecraft.milk": "Milk", + "fluid_type.minecraft.flowing_milk": "Milk", + "neoforge.froge.warningScreen.title": "NeoForge snapshots notice", + "neoforge.froge.warningScreen.text": "Froge is not officially supported. Bugs and instability are expected.", + "neoforge.froge.supportWarning": "WARNING: Froge is not supported by NeoForge", + "neoforge.gui.exit": "Exit", + "neoforge.experimentalsettings.tooltip": "This world uses experimental settings, which could stop working at any time.", + "neoforge.selectWorld.backupWarning.experimental.additional": "This message will not show again for this world.", + "neoforge.chatType.system": "%1$s", + "pack.neoforge.description": "NeoForge data/resource pack", + "pack.neoforge.source.child": "child", + "": "Channel of mod \"%1$s\" failed to connect: %2$s", + "": "This channel is missing on the server side, but required on the client!", + "": "This channel is missing on the client side, but required on the server!", + "": "The client wants the payload to flow: %s, but the server does not support it!", + "": "The server wants the payload to flow: %s, but the client does not support it!", + "": "The client wants the payload to flow: %s, but the server wants it to flow: %s!", + "": "The server wants the payload to flow: %s, but the client wants it to flow: %s!", + "": "The client wants the payload to be version: %s, but the server does not support it!", + "": "The server wants the payload to be version: %s, but the client does not support it!", + "": "The client wants the payload to be version: %s, but the server wants it to be version: %s!", + "": "Failed to process a payload that was send with an invalid flow: %s", + "": "You are trying to connect to a server that is running NeoForge, but you are not. Please install NeoForge Version: %s to connect to this server.", + "": "You are trying to connect to a server that is not running NeoForge, but you have mods that require it. A connection could not be established.", + "": "Tried to split a packet without packet splitter!", + "": "Failed to process advanced entity spawn data: %s", + "": "Failed to open a screen with advanced data: %s", + "": "Not all expected registries were received from the server! (missing: %s)", + "": "O servidor enviou registros com chaves desconhecidas: %s", + "": "Falhou ao sincronizar registros do servidor: %s", + "": "Failed to handle auxiliary light data for chunk %s: %s", + "": "Falhou ao tratar registros de sincronização de data map para o registro %s: %s", + "": "Impossível conectar com o servidor que falta registros de data maps obrigatórios presentes no client: %s", + "": "Impossível conectar com o servidor que tem registros de data maps não presentes no client: %s" +} diff --git a/src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/pt_pt.json b/src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/pt_pt.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..699ed40bda --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/pt_pt.json @@ -0,0 +1,204 @@ +{ + "": "Mods", + "": "Mods", + "": "Off", + "": "Search", + "": "A-Z", + "": "Z-A", + "": "Config", + "": "Open mods folder", + "": "Mod Options...", + "": "Version: %1$s", + "": "ModID: %1$s State: {1,lower}", + "": "Credits: %1$s", + "": "Authors: %1$s", + "": "Homepage: %1$s", + "": "License: %1$s", + "": "Secure mod features disabled, update JDK", + "": "Signature: %1$s", + "": "UNSIGNED", + "": "Trust: %1$s", + "": "None", + "": "No child mods found", + "": "Child mods: %1$s", + "": "Update available: %1$s", + "": "Changelog:", + "": "Compatible FML modded server\n{0,choice,1#1 mod|1<%1$s mods} present", + "": "Incompatible FML modded server", + "": "Incompatible FML modded server\n%1$s", + "": "Data may be inaccurate due to protocol size limits.", + "": "Vanilla server", + "": "Incompatible Vanilla server", + "": "Unknown server %1$s", + "": "NeoForge server network version is outdated", + "": "NeoForge client network version is outdated", + "": "Server has additional mods that may be needed on the client", + "": "Server mod list is not compatible", + "": "Server network message list is not compatible", + "": "Missing required datapack registries: %1$s", + "": "{0,choice,0#No mods|1#1 mod|1<%s mods} loaded", + "": "Startup Notification", + "": "Server Access Denied", + "": "Fancy Mod Loader could not connect to this server\nThe server %1$s has forbidden modded access", + "": "Backup Failed", + "": "There was an error saving the archive %1$s\nPlease fix the problem and try again", + "": "Open %1$s", + "": "Open log file", + "": "Open crash report", + "": "Open Mods Folder", + "fml.button.continue.launch": "Proceed to main menu", + "fml.modmismatchscreen.missingmods.client": "Your client is missing the following mods, install these mods to join this server:", + "fml.modmismatchscreen.missingmods.server": "The server is missing the following mods, remove these mods from your client to join this server:", + "fml.modmismatchscreen.mismatchedmods": "The following mod versions do not match, install the same version of these mods that the server has to join this server:", + "fml.modmismatchscreen.table.channelname": "Channel name", + "fml.modmismatchscreen.table.youneed": "You need", + "fml.modmismatchscreen.table.youhave": "You have", + "fml.modmismatchscreen.table.serverhas": "Server has", + "fml.modmismatchscreen.additional": "[%1$s additional, see latest.log for the full list]", + "fml.modmismatchscreen.homepage": "Click to get to the homepage of this mod", + "fml.modmismatchscreen.table.reason": "Reason", + "fml.modmismatchscreen.table.visit.mod_page": "Open the mod page of the mod that registers the channel: %s", + "fml.modmismatchscreen.simplifiedview": "Simplified view", + "fml.resources.modresources": "Resources for %1$s mod files", + "fml.resources.moddata": "Data for %1$s mod files", + "loadwarning.neoforge.prbuild": "This build of NeoForge was created by a community member and is thus §c§lUNSUPPORTED§r", + "commands.neoforge.arguments.enum.invalid": "Enum constant must be one of %1$s, found %2$s", + "commands.neoforge.dimensions.list": "Currently registered dimensions by type:", + "commands.neoforge.dump.success": "New file created with %s registry's contents is at %s", + "commands.neoforge.dump.failure": "Failed to create new file with %s registry's contents at %s", + "commands.neoforge.dump.error.unknown_registry": "Unknown registry '%s'", + "commands.neoforge.entity.list.invalid": "Invalid filter, does not match any entities. Use /neoforge entity list for a proper list", + "commands.neoforge.entity.list.invalidworld": "Could not load world for dimension %1$s. Please select a valid dimension.", + "commands.neoforge.entity.list.none": "No entities found.", + "commands.neoforge.entity.list.single.header": "Entity: %1$s Total: %2$s", + "commands.neoforge.entity.list.multiple.header": "Total: %1$s", + "commands.neoforge.setdim.invalid.entity": "The entity selected (%1$s) is not valid.", + "commands.neoforge.setdim.invalid.dim": "The dimension ID specified (%1$s) is not valid.", + "commands.neoforge.setdim.invalid.nochange": "The entity selected (%1$s) is already in the dimension specified (%2$s).", + "commands.neoforge.setdim.deprecated": "This command is deprecated for removal in 1.17, use %s instead.", + "commands.neoforge.tps.invalid": "Invalid dimension %1$s Possible values: %2$s", + "commands.neoforge.tps.summary.all": "Overall: Mean tick time: %1$s ms. Mean TPS: %2$s", + "commands.neoforge.mods.list": "Mod List: %1$s", + "commands.neoforge.tps.summary.basic": "Dim %1$s: Mean tick time: %2$s ms. Mean TPS: %3$s", + "commands.neoforge.tps.summary.named": "Dim %1$s (%2$s): Mean tick time: %3$s ms. Mean TPS: %4$s", + "commands.neoforge.tracking.entity.enabled": "Entity tracking enabled for %d seconds.", + "commands.neoforge.tracking.entity.reset": "Entity timings data has been cleared!", + "commands.neoforge.tracking.invalid": "Invalid tracking data.", + "": "Block Entity tracking enabled for %d seconds.", + "": "Block entity timings data has been cleared!", + "commands.neoforge.tracking.timing_entry": "%1$s - %2$s [%3$s, %4$s, %5$s]: %6$s", + "commands.neoforge.tracking.no_data": "No data has been recorded yet.", + "commands.neoforge.tags.error.unknown_registry": "Unknown registry '%s'", + "commands.neoforge.tags.error.unknown_tag": "Unknown tag '%s' in registry '%s'", + "commands.neoforge.tags.error.unknown_element": "Unknown element '%s' in registry '%s'", + "commands.neoforge.tags.registry_key": "%s", + "commands.neoforge.tags.tag_count": "Tags: %s", + "commands.neoforge.tags.copy_tag_names": "Click to copy all tag names to clipboard", + "commands.neoforge.tags.element_count": "Elements: %s", + "commands.neoforge.tags.copy_element_names": "Click to copy all element names to clipboard", + "commands.neoforge.tags.tag_key": "%s / %s", + "commands.neoforge.tags.containing_tag_count": "Containing tags: %s", + "commands.neoforge.tags.element": "%s : %s", + "commands.neoforge.tags.page_info": "%s ", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.progress_bar_title": "Generating chunks...", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.progress_bar_progress": "Generating %1$s chunks - ", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.progress_bar_errors": "(%1$s errors!)", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.already_running": "Generation already running. Please execute '/neoforge generate stop' first and then you can start a new generation.", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.started": "Generating %1$s chunks, in an area of %2$sx%3$s chunks (%4$sx%5$s blocks).", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.success": "Generation Done!", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.error": "Generation experienced %1$s errors! Check the log for more information.", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.stopped": "Generation stopped! %1$s out of %2$s chunks generated. (%3$s%)", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.status": "Generation status! %1$s out of %2$s chunks generated. (%3$s%)", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.not_running": "No pregeneration currently running. Run `/neoforge generate help` to see commands for starting generation.", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.help_line": "§2/neoforge generate start [progressBar] §r§f- Generates a square centered on the given position that is chunkRadius * 2 on each side.\n§2/neoforge generate stop §r§f- Stops the current generation and displays progress that it had completed.\n§2/neoforge generate status §r- Displays the progress completed for the currently running generation.\n§2/neoforge generate help §r- Displays this message.\nGeneral tips: If running from a server console, you can run generate in different dimensions by using /execute in neoforge generate...", + "commands.config.getwithtype": "Config for %s of type %s found at %s", + "commands.config.noconfig": "Config for %s of type %s not found", + "neoforge.update.beta.1": "%sWARNING: %sNeoForge Beta", + "neoforge.update.beta.2": "Major issues may arise, verify before reporting.", + "neoforge.update.newversion": "New NeoForge version available: %s", + "": "Mod Update", + "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringEntities.tooltip": "Set this to true to remove any Entity that throws an error in its update method instead of closing the server and reporting a crash log. BE WARNED THIS COULD SCREW UP EVERYTHING USE SPARINGLY WE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGES.", + "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringEntities": "Remove Erroring Entities", + "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringBlockEntities.tooltip": "Set this to true to remove any BlockEntity that throws an error in its update method instead of closing the server and reporting a crash log. BE WARNED THIS COULD SCREW UP EVERYTHING USE SPARINGLY WE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGES.", + "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringBlockEntities": "Remove Erroring Block Entities", + "neoforge.configgui.fullBoundingBoxLadders.tooltip": "Set this to true to check the entire entity's collision bounding box for ladders instead of just the block they are in. Causes noticeable differences in mechanics so default is vanilla behavior. Default: false.", + "neoforge.configgui.fullBoundingBoxLadders": "Full Bounding Box Ladders", + "neoforge.configgui.logCascadingWorldGeneration.tooltip": "Log cascading chunk generation issues during terrain population.", + "neoforge.configgui.logCascadingWorldGeneration": "Log Cascading World Gen", + "neoforge.configgui.fixVanillaCascading.tooltip": "Fix vanilla issues that cause worldgen cascading. This DOES change vanilla worldgen so DO NOT report bugs related to world differences if this flag is on.", + "neoforge.configgui.fixVanillaCascading": "Fix Vanilla Cascading", + "neoforge.configgui.dimensionUnloadQueueDelay.tooltip": "The time in ticks the server will wait when a dimension was queued to unload. This can be useful when rapidly loading and unloading dimensions, like e.g. throwing items through a nether portal a few time per second.", + "neoforge.configgui.dimensionUnloadQueueDelay": "Delay when unloading dimension", + "neoforge.configgui.clumpingThreshold.tooltip": "Controls the number threshold at which Packet51 is preferred over Packet52, default and minimum 64, maximum 1024.", + "neoforge.configgui.clumpingThreshold": "Packet Clumping Threshold", + "neoforge.configgui.treatEmptyTagsAsAir.tooltip": "Vanilla will treat crafting recipes using empty tags as air, and allow you to craft with nothing in that slot. This changes empty tags to use BARRIER as the item. To prevent crafting with air.", + "neoforge.configgui.treatEmptyTagsAsAir": "Treat empty tags as air", + "neoforge.configgui.skipEmptyShapelessCheck.tooltip": "Skip checking if an ingredient is empty during shapeless recipe deserialization to prevent complex ingredients from caching tags too early.", + "neoforge.configgui.skipEmptyShapelessCheck": "Skip checking for empty ingredients in Shapeless Recipe Deserialization", + "neoforge.configgui.forceSystemNanoTime.tooltip": "Force the use of System.nanoTime instead of glfwGetTime as the main client Time provider.", + "neoforge.configgui.forceSystemNanoTime": "Force System.nanoTime", + "neoforge.configgui.zoomInMissingModelTextInGui.tooltip": "Toggle off to make missing model text in the gui fit inside the slot.", + "neoforge.configgui.zoomInMissingModelTextInGui": "Zoom in Missing model text in the GUI", + "neoforge.configgui.forgeCloudsEnabled.tooltip": "Enable uploading cloud geometry to the GPU for faster rendering.", + "neoforge.configgui.forgeCloudsEnabled": "Use NeoForge cloud renderer", + "neoforge.configgui.disableStairSlabCulling.tooltip": "Disable culling of hidden faces next to stairs and slabs. Causes extra rendering, but may fix some resource packs that exploit this vanilla mechanic.", + "neoforge.configgui.disableStairSlabCulling": "Disable Stair/Slab culling", + "neoforge.configgui.alwaysSetupTerrainOffThread.tooltip": "Enable NeoForge to queue all chunk updates to the Chunk Update thread.\nMay increase FPS significantly, but may also cause weird rendering lag.\nNot recommended for computers without a significant number of cores available.", + "neoforge.configgui.alwaysSetupTerrainOffThread": "Force threaded chunk rendering", + "neoforge.configgui.forgeLightPipelineEnabled.tooltip": "Enable the NeoForge block rendering pipeline - fixes the lighting of custom models.", + "neoforge.configgui.forgeLightPipelineEnabled": "NeoForge Light Pipeline Enabled", + "neoforge.configgui.selectiveResourceReloadEnabled.tooltip": "When enabled, makes specific reload tasks such as language changing quicker to run.", + "neoforge.configgui.selectiveResourceReloadEnabled": "Enable Selective Resource Loading", + "neoforge.configgui.showLoadWarnings.tooltip": "When enabled, NeoForge will show any warnings that occurred during loading.", + "neoforge.configgui.showLoadWarnings": "Show Load Warnings", + "neoforge.configgui.disableVersionCheck.tooltip": "Set to true to disable NeoForge version check mechanics. NeoForge queries a small json file on our server for version information. For more details see the ForgeVersion class in our github.", + "neoforge.configgui.disableVersionCheck": "Disable NeoForge Version Check", + "neoforge.configgui.cachePackAccess.tooltip": "Set this to true to cache resource listings in resource and data packs", + "neoforge.configgui.cachePackAccess": "Cache Pack Access", + "neoforge.configgui.indexVanillaPackCachesOnThread.tooltip": "Set this to true to index vanilla resource and data packs on thread", + "neoforge.configgui.indexVanillaPackCachesOnThread": "Index vanilla resource packs on thread", + "neoforge.configgui.indexModPackCachesOnThread.tooltip": "Set this to true to index mod resource and data packs on thread", + "neoforge.configgui.indexModPackCachesOnThread": "Index mod resource packs on thread", + "neoforge.controlsgui.shift": "SHIFT + %s", + "neoforge.controlsgui.control": "CTRL + %s", + "neoforge.controlsgui.control.mac": "CMD + %s", + "neoforge.controlsgui.alt": "ALT + %s", + "neoforge.container.enchant.limitedEnchantability": "Limited Enchantability", + "neoforge.swim_speed": "Swim Speed", + "neoforge.name_tag_distance": "Nametag Render Distance", + "neoforge.creative_flight": "Creative Flight", + "fluid_type.minecraft.milk": "Milk", + "fluid_type.minecraft.flowing_milk": "Milk", + "neoforge.froge.warningScreen.title": "NeoForge snapshots notice", + "neoforge.froge.warningScreen.text": "Froge is not officially supported. Bugs and instability are expected.", + "neoforge.froge.supportWarning": "WARNING: Froge is not supported by NeoForge", + "neoforge.gui.exit": "Exit", + "neoforge.experimentalsettings.tooltip": "This world uses experimental settings, which could stop working at any time.", + "neoforge.selectWorld.backupWarning.experimental.additional": "This message will not show again for this world.", + "neoforge.chatType.system": "%1$s", + "pack.neoforge.description": "NeoForge data/resource pack", + "pack.neoforge.source.child": "child", + "": "Channel of mod \"%1$s\" failed to connect: %2$s", + "": "This channel is missing on the server side, but required on the client!", + "": "This channel is missing on the client side, but required on the server!", + "": "The client wants the payload to flow: %s, but the server does not support it!", + "": "The server wants the payload to flow: %s, but the client does not support it!", + "": "The client wants the payload to flow: %s, but the server wants it to flow: %s!", + "": "The server wants the payload to flow: %s, but the client wants it to flow: %s!", + "": "The client wants the payload to be version: %s, but the server does not support it!", + "": "The server wants the payload to be version: %s, but the client does not support it!", + "": "The client wants the payload to be version: %s, but the server wants it to be version: %s!", + "": "Failed to process a payload that was send with an invalid flow: %s", + "": "You are trying to connect to a server that is running NeoForge, but you are not. Please install NeoForge Version: %s to connect to this server.", + "": "You are trying to connect to a server that is not running NeoForge, but you have mods that require it. A connection could not be established.", + "": "Tried to split a packet without packet splitter!", + "": "Failed to process advanced entity spawn data: %s", + "": "Failed to open a screen with advanced data: %s", + "": "Not all expected registries were received from the server! (missing: %s)", + "": "The server send registries with unknown keys: %s", + "": "Failed to sync registries from the server: %s", + "": "Failed to handle auxiliary light data for chunk %s: %s", + "": "Failed to handle registry data map sync for registry %s: %s", + "": "Cannot connect to server as it is missing mandatory registry data maps present on the client: %s", + "": "Cannot connect to server as it has mandatory registry data maps not present on the client: %s" +} diff --git a/src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/uk_ua.json b/src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/uk_ua.json index 4ff6bb8048..c085799acc 100644 --- a/src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/uk_ua.json +++ b/src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/uk_ua.json @@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ "": "Збій резервного копіювання", "": "Помилка при збереженні архіву %1$s\nБудь ласка, виправте проблему і спробуйте знову", "": "Відкрити %1$s", - "": "Відкрити лог файл", + "": "Відкрити файл журналу", "": "Відкрити звіт про помилку", "": "Відкрити теку модів", "fml.button.continue.launch": "Повернутись до головного меню", @@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.started": "Генерація %1$s чанків, в області %2$sx%3$s чанків (%4$sx%5$s блоків).", "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.success": "Генерація виконана!", "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.error": "Генерація зазнала %1$s помилок! Перевірте журнал для отримання додаткової інформації.", - "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.stopped": "Генерація зупинилася! %1$s з %2$s чанків згенеровано. (%3$s%)", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.stopped": "Генерація зупинена! %1$s з %2$s чанків згенеровано. (%3$s%)", "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.status": "Статус генерації! %1$s з %2$s чанків згенеровано. (%3$s%)", "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.not_running": "Жодна прегенерація наразі не виконується. Запустіть `/neoforge generate help`, щоб побачити команди для початку генерації.", "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.help_line": "§2/neoforge generate start [progressBar] §r§f- Генерує квадратну область з центром в наданих координатах і довжиною сторін chunkRadius * 2.\n§2/neoforge generate stop §r§f- Зупиняє поточну генерацію і відображає досягнутий прогрес.\n§2/neoforge generate status §r- Відображає поточний прогрес активної генерації.\n§2/neoforge generate help §r- Відображає це повідомлення.\nЗагальні рекомендації: Якщо команди виконуються з серверної консолі, ви зможете запустити генерацію для різних вимірів, використовуючи /execute in neoforge generate...", @@ -117,13 +117,13 @@ "neoforge.update.beta.2": "Можуть виникнути серйозні проблеми, перевірте їх перед надсиланням звіту.", "neoforge.update.newversion": "Нова версія NeoForge доступна: %s", "": "Оновлення моду", - "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringEntities.tooltip": "Встановіть значення \"true\", для видалення будь-якої сутності, яка спричиняє помилки в методі оновлення замість повної зупинки серверу і створення краш-логу. БУДЬТЕ УВАЖНІ, ЦЕ МОЖЕ ВСЕ ЗРУЙНУВАТИ, ВИКОРИСТОВУЙТЕ З ОБЕРЕЖНІСТЮ, МИ НЕ ВІДПОВІДАЛЬНІ ЗА ШКОДУ.", + "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringEntities.tooltip": "Встановіть значення \"true\", для видалення будь-якої сутності, яка спричиняє помилки в методі оновлення замість повної зупинки серверу і створення журнал про аварію. БУДЬТЕ УВАЖНІ, ЦЕ МОЖЕ ВСЕ ЗРУЙНУВАТИ, ВИКОРИСТОВУЙТЕ З ОБЕРЕЖНІСТЮ, МИ НЕ ВІДПОВІДАЛЬНІ ЗА ШКОДУ.", "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringEntities": "Видалити сутності, які викликають помилки", - "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringBlockEntities.tooltip": "Встановіть значення \"true\", для видалення будь-якої блок-сутності, яка спричиняє помилки в методі оновлення замість повної зупинки серверу і створення краш-логу. БУДЬТЕ УВАЖНІ, ЦЕ МОЖЕ ВСЕ ЗРУЙНУВАТИ, ВИКОРИСТОВУЙТЕ З ОБЕРЕЖНІСТЮ, МИ НЕ ВІДПОВІДАЛЬНІ ЗА ШКОДУ.", + "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringBlockEntities.tooltip": "Встановіть значення \"true\", для видалення будь-якої блок-сутності, яка спричиняє помилки в методі оновлення замість повної зупинки серверу і створення журнал про аварію. БУДЬТЕ УВАЖНІ, ЦЕ МОЖЕ ВСЕ ЗРУЙНУВАТИ, ВИКОРИСТОВУЙТЕ З ОБЕРЕЖНІСТЮ, МИ НЕ ВІДПОВІДАЛЬНІ ЗА ШКОДУ.", "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringBlockEntities": "Видалити блок-сутності, які викликають помилки", "neoforge.configgui.fullBoundingBoxLadders.tooltip": "Встановіть значення \"true\", для повної перевірки колізії сутностей з драбинами, замість просто блоку, в якому вони знаходяться. Спричиняє помітні відмінності в механіці, тому за замовчуванням використовується ванільна поведінка. За замовчуванням: false.", "neoforge.configgui.fullBoundingBoxLadders": "Повні області колізії з драбиною", - "neoforge.configgui.logCascadingWorldGeneration.tooltip": "Логує проблеми каскадної генерації чанків при формуванні місцевості.", + "neoforge.configgui.logCascadingWorldGeneration.tooltip": "Записує проблеми каскадної генерації чанків при формуванні місцевості.", "neoforge.configgui.logCascadingWorldGeneration": "Записувати каскадне генерування світу", "neoforge.configgui.fixVanillaCascading.tooltip": "Виправити ванільні помилки, що призводять до каскадної генерації світу. Це ТОЧНО змінює ванільну генерацію, так що НЕ повідомляйте про помилки, пов'язані з різницями світів, коли цей прапор увімкнено.", "neoforge.configgui.fixVanillaCascading": "Виправити ванільне каскадування", diff --git a/src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/vi_vn.json b/src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/vi_vn.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..699ed40bda --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/vi_vn.json @@ -0,0 +1,204 @@ +{ + "": "Mods", + "": "Mods", + "": "Off", + "": "Search", + "": "A-Z", + "": "Z-A", + "": "Config", + "": "Open mods folder", + "": "Mod Options...", + "": "Version: %1$s", + "": "ModID: %1$s State: {1,lower}", + "": "Credits: %1$s", + "": "Authors: %1$s", + "": "Homepage: %1$s", + "": "License: %1$s", + "": "Secure mod features disabled, update JDK", + "": "Signature: %1$s", + "": "UNSIGNED", + "": "Trust: %1$s", + "": "None", + "": "No child mods found", + "": "Child mods: %1$s", + "": "Update available: %1$s", + "": "Changelog:", + "": "Compatible FML modded server\n{0,choice,1#1 mod|1<%1$s mods} present", + "": "Incompatible FML modded server", + "": "Incompatible FML modded server\n%1$s", + "": "Data may be inaccurate due to protocol size limits.", + "": "Vanilla server", + "": "Incompatible Vanilla server", + "": "Unknown server %1$s", + "": "NeoForge server network version is outdated", + "": "NeoForge client network version is outdated", + "": "Server has additional mods that may be needed on the client", + "": "Server mod list is not compatible", + "": "Server network message list is not compatible", + "": "Missing required datapack registries: %1$s", + "": "{0,choice,0#No mods|1#1 mod|1<%s mods} loaded", + "": "Startup Notification", + "": "Server Access Denied", + "": "Fancy Mod Loader could not connect to this server\nThe server %1$s has forbidden modded access", + "": "Backup Failed", + "": "There was an error saving the archive %1$s\nPlease fix the problem and try again", + "": "Open %1$s", + "": "Open log file", + "": "Open crash report", + "": "Open Mods Folder", + "fml.button.continue.launch": "Proceed to main menu", + "fml.modmismatchscreen.missingmods.client": "Your client is missing the following mods, install these mods to join this server:", + "fml.modmismatchscreen.missingmods.server": "The server is missing the following mods, remove these mods from your client to join this server:", + "fml.modmismatchscreen.mismatchedmods": "The following mod versions do not match, install the same version of these mods that the server has to join this server:", + "fml.modmismatchscreen.table.channelname": "Channel name", + "fml.modmismatchscreen.table.youneed": "You need", + "fml.modmismatchscreen.table.youhave": "You have", + "fml.modmismatchscreen.table.serverhas": "Server has", + "fml.modmismatchscreen.additional": "[%1$s additional, see latest.log for the full list]", + "fml.modmismatchscreen.homepage": "Click to get to the homepage of this mod", + "fml.modmismatchscreen.table.reason": "Reason", + "fml.modmismatchscreen.table.visit.mod_page": "Open the mod page of the mod that registers the channel: %s", + "fml.modmismatchscreen.simplifiedview": "Simplified view", + "fml.resources.modresources": "Resources for %1$s mod files", + "fml.resources.moddata": "Data for %1$s mod files", + "loadwarning.neoforge.prbuild": "This build of NeoForge was created by a community member and is thus §c§lUNSUPPORTED§r", + "commands.neoforge.arguments.enum.invalid": "Enum constant must be one of %1$s, found %2$s", + "commands.neoforge.dimensions.list": "Currently registered dimensions by type:", + "commands.neoforge.dump.success": "New file created with %s registry's contents is at %s", + "commands.neoforge.dump.failure": "Failed to create new file with %s registry's contents at %s", + "commands.neoforge.dump.error.unknown_registry": "Unknown registry '%s'", + "commands.neoforge.entity.list.invalid": "Invalid filter, does not match any entities. Use /neoforge entity list for a proper list", + "commands.neoforge.entity.list.invalidworld": "Could not load world for dimension %1$s. Please select a valid dimension.", + "commands.neoforge.entity.list.none": "No entities found.", + "commands.neoforge.entity.list.single.header": "Entity: %1$s Total: %2$s", + "commands.neoforge.entity.list.multiple.header": "Total: %1$s", + "commands.neoforge.setdim.invalid.entity": "The entity selected (%1$s) is not valid.", + "commands.neoforge.setdim.invalid.dim": "The dimension ID specified (%1$s) is not valid.", + "commands.neoforge.setdim.invalid.nochange": "The entity selected (%1$s) is already in the dimension specified (%2$s).", + "commands.neoforge.setdim.deprecated": "This command is deprecated for removal in 1.17, use %s instead.", + "commands.neoforge.tps.invalid": "Invalid dimension %1$s Possible values: %2$s", + "commands.neoforge.tps.summary.all": "Overall: Mean tick time: %1$s ms. Mean TPS: %2$s", + "commands.neoforge.mods.list": "Mod List: %1$s", + "commands.neoforge.tps.summary.basic": "Dim %1$s: Mean tick time: %2$s ms. Mean TPS: %3$s", + "commands.neoforge.tps.summary.named": "Dim %1$s (%2$s): Mean tick time: %3$s ms. Mean TPS: %4$s", + "commands.neoforge.tracking.entity.enabled": "Entity tracking enabled for %d seconds.", + "commands.neoforge.tracking.entity.reset": "Entity timings data has been cleared!", + "commands.neoforge.tracking.invalid": "Invalid tracking data.", + "": "Block Entity tracking enabled for %d seconds.", + "": "Block entity timings data has been cleared!", + "commands.neoforge.tracking.timing_entry": "%1$s - %2$s [%3$s, %4$s, %5$s]: %6$s", + "commands.neoforge.tracking.no_data": "No data has been recorded yet.", + "commands.neoforge.tags.error.unknown_registry": "Unknown registry '%s'", + "commands.neoforge.tags.error.unknown_tag": "Unknown tag '%s' in registry '%s'", + "commands.neoforge.tags.error.unknown_element": "Unknown element '%s' in registry '%s'", + "commands.neoforge.tags.registry_key": "%s", + "commands.neoforge.tags.tag_count": "Tags: %s", + "commands.neoforge.tags.copy_tag_names": "Click to copy all tag names to clipboard", + "commands.neoforge.tags.element_count": "Elements: %s", + "commands.neoforge.tags.copy_element_names": "Click to copy all element names to clipboard", + "commands.neoforge.tags.tag_key": "%s / %s", + "commands.neoforge.tags.containing_tag_count": "Containing tags: %s", + "commands.neoforge.tags.element": "%s : %s", + "commands.neoforge.tags.page_info": "%s ", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.progress_bar_title": "Generating chunks...", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.progress_bar_progress": "Generating %1$s chunks - ", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.progress_bar_errors": "(%1$s errors!)", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.already_running": "Generation already running. Please execute '/neoforge generate stop' first and then you can start a new generation.", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.started": "Generating %1$s chunks, in an area of %2$sx%3$s chunks (%4$sx%5$s blocks).", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.success": "Generation Done!", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.error": "Generation experienced %1$s errors! Check the log for more information.", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.stopped": "Generation stopped! %1$s out of %2$s chunks generated. (%3$s%)", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.status": "Generation status! %1$s out of %2$s chunks generated. (%3$s%)", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.not_running": "No pregeneration currently running. Run `/neoforge generate help` to see commands for starting generation.", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.help_line": "§2/neoforge generate start [progressBar] §r§f- Generates a square centered on the given position that is chunkRadius * 2 on each side.\n§2/neoforge generate stop §r§f- Stops the current generation and displays progress that it had completed.\n§2/neoforge generate status §r- Displays the progress completed for the currently running generation.\n§2/neoforge generate help §r- Displays this message.\nGeneral tips: If running from a server console, you can run generate in different dimensions by using /execute in neoforge generate...", + "commands.config.getwithtype": "Config for %s of type %s found at %s", + "commands.config.noconfig": "Config for %s of type %s not found", + "neoforge.update.beta.1": "%sWARNING: %sNeoForge Beta", + "neoforge.update.beta.2": "Major issues may arise, verify before reporting.", + "neoforge.update.newversion": "New NeoForge version available: %s", + "": "Mod Update", + "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringEntities.tooltip": "Set this to true to remove any Entity that throws an error in its update method instead of closing the server and reporting a crash log. BE WARNED THIS COULD SCREW UP EVERYTHING USE SPARINGLY WE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGES.", + "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringEntities": "Remove Erroring Entities", + "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringBlockEntities.tooltip": "Set this to true to remove any BlockEntity that throws an error in its update method instead of closing the server and reporting a crash log. BE WARNED THIS COULD SCREW UP EVERYTHING USE SPARINGLY WE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGES.", + "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringBlockEntities": "Remove Erroring Block Entities", + "neoforge.configgui.fullBoundingBoxLadders.tooltip": "Set this to true to check the entire entity's collision bounding box for ladders instead of just the block they are in. Causes noticeable differences in mechanics so default is vanilla behavior. Default: false.", + "neoforge.configgui.fullBoundingBoxLadders": "Full Bounding Box Ladders", + "neoforge.configgui.logCascadingWorldGeneration.tooltip": "Log cascading chunk generation issues during terrain population.", + "neoforge.configgui.logCascadingWorldGeneration": "Log Cascading World Gen", + "neoforge.configgui.fixVanillaCascading.tooltip": "Fix vanilla issues that cause worldgen cascading. This DOES change vanilla worldgen so DO NOT report bugs related to world differences if this flag is on.", + "neoforge.configgui.fixVanillaCascading": "Fix Vanilla Cascading", + "neoforge.configgui.dimensionUnloadQueueDelay.tooltip": "The time in ticks the server will wait when a dimension was queued to unload. This can be useful when rapidly loading and unloading dimensions, like e.g. throwing items through a nether portal a few time per second.", + "neoforge.configgui.dimensionUnloadQueueDelay": "Delay when unloading dimension", + "neoforge.configgui.clumpingThreshold.tooltip": "Controls the number threshold at which Packet51 is preferred over Packet52, default and minimum 64, maximum 1024.", + "neoforge.configgui.clumpingThreshold": "Packet Clumping Threshold", + "neoforge.configgui.treatEmptyTagsAsAir.tooltip": "Vanilla will treat crafting recipes using empty tags as air, and allow you to craft with nothing in that slot. This changes empty tags to use BARRIER as the item. To prevent crafting with air.", + "neoforge.configgui.treatEmptyTagsAsAir": "Treat empty tags as air", + "neoforge.configgui.skipEmptyShapelessCheck.tooltip": "Skip checking if an ingredient is empty during shapeless recipe deserialization to prevent complex ingredients from caching tags too early.", + "neoforge.configgui.skipEmptyShapelessCheck": "Skip checking for empty ingredients in Shapeless Recipe Deserialization", + "neoforge.configgui.forceSystemNanoTime.tooltip": "Force the use of System.nanoTime instead of glfwGetTime as the main client Time provider.", + "neoforge.configgui.forceSystemNanoTime": "Force System.nanoTime", + "neoforge.configgui.zoomInMissingModelTextInGui.tooltip": "Toggle off to make missing model text in the gui fit inside the slot.", + "neoforge.configgui.zoomInMissingModelTextInGui": "Zoom in Missing model text in the GUI", + "neoforge.configgui.forgeCloudsEnabled.tooltip": "Enable uploading cloud geometry to the GPU for faster rendering.", + "neoforge.configgui.forgeCloudsEnabled": "Use NeoForge cloud renderer", + "neoforge.configgui.disableStairSlabCulling.tooltip": "Disable culling of hidden faces next to stairs and slabs. Causes extra rendering, but may fix some resource packs that exploit this vanilla mechanic.", + "neoforge.configgui.disableStairSlabCulling": "Disable Stair/Slab culling", + "neoforge.configgui.alwaysSetupTerrainOffThread.tooltip": "Enable NeoForge to queue all chunk updates to the Chunk Update thread.\nMay increase FPS significantly, but may also cause weird rendering lag.\nNot recommended for computers without a significant number of cores available.", + "neoforge.configgui.alwaysSetupTerrainOffThread": "Force threaded chunk rendering", + "neoforge.configgui.forgeLightPipelineEnabled.tooltip": "Enable the NeoForge block rendering pipeline - fixes the lighting of custom models.", + "neoforge.configgui.forgeLightPipelineEnabled": "NeoForge Light Pipeline Enabled", + "neoforge.configgui.selectiveResourceReloadEnabled.tooltip": "When enabled, makes specific reload tasks such as language changing quicker to run.", + "neoforge.configgui.selectiveResourceReloadEnabled": "Enable Selective Resource Loading", + "neoforge.configgui.showLoadWarnings.tooltip": "When enabled, NeoForge will show any warnings that occurred during loading.", + "neoforge.configgui.showLoadWarnings": "Show Load Warnings", + "neoforge.configgui.disableVersionCheck.tooltip": "Set to true to disable NeoForge version check mechanics. NeoForge queries a small json file on our server for version information. For more details see the ForgeVersion class in our github.", + "neoforge.configgui.disableVersionCheck": "Disable NeoForge Version Check", + "neoforge.configgui.cachePackAccess.tooltip": "Set this to true to cache resource listings in resource and data packs", + "neoforge.configgui.cachePackAccess": "Cache Pack Access", + "neoforge.configgui.indexVanillaPackCachesOnThread.tooltip": "Set this to true to index vanilla resource and data packs on thread", + "neoforge.configgui.indexVanillaPackCachesOnThread": "Index vanilla resource packs on thread", + "neoforge.configgui.indexModPackCachesOnThread.tooltip": "Set this to true to index mod resource and data packs on thread", + "neoforge.configgui.indexModPackCachesOnThread": "Index mod resource packs on thread", + "neoforge.controlsgui.shift": "SHIFT + %s", + "neoforge.controlsgui.control": "CTRL + %s", + "neoforge.controlsgui.control.mac": "CMD + %s", + "neoforge.controlsgui.alt": "ALT + %s", + "neoforge.container.enchant.limitedEnchantability": "Limited Enchantability", + "neoforge.swim_speed": "Swim Speed", + "neoforge.name_tag_distance": "Nametag Render Distance", + "neoforge.creative_flight": "Creative Flight", + "fluid_type.minecraft.milk": "Milk", + "fluid_type.minecraft.flowing_milk": "Milk", + "neoforge.froge.warningScreen.title": "NeoForge snapshots notice", + "neoforge.froge.warningScreen.text": "Froge is not officially supported. Bugs and instability are expected.", + "neoforge.froge.supportWarning": "WARNING: Froge is not supported by NeoForge", + "neoforge.gui.exit": "Exit", + "neoforge.experimentalsettings.tooltip": "This world uses experimental settings, which could stop working at any time.", + "neoforge.selectWorld.backupWarning.experimental.additional": "This message will not show again for this world.", + "neoforge.chatType.system": "%1$s", + "pack.neoforge.description": "NeoForge data/resource pack", + "pack.neoforge.source.child": "child", + "": "Channel of mod \"%1$s\" failed to connect: %2$s", + "": "This channel is missing on the server side, but required on the client!", + "": "This channel is missing on the client side, but required on the server!", + "": "The client wants the payload to flow: %s, but the server does not support it!", + "": "The server wants the payload to flow: %s, but the client does not support it!", + "": "The client wants the payload to flow: %s, but the server wants it to flow: %s!", + "": "The server wants the payload to flow: %s, but the client wants it to flow: %s!", + "": "The client wants the payload to be version: %s, but the server does not support it!", + "": "The server wants the payload to be version: %s, but the client does not support it!", + "": "The client wants the payload to be version: %s, but the server wants it to be version: %s!", + "": "Failed to process a payload that was send with an invalid flow: %s", + "": "You are trying to connect to a server that is running NeoForge, but you are not. Please install NeoForge Version: %s to connect to this server.", + "": "You are trying to connect to a server that is not running NeoForge, but you have mods that require it. A connection could not be established.", + "": "Tried to split a packet without packet splitter!", + "": "Failed to process advanced entity spawn data: %s", + "": "Failed to open a screen with advanced data: %s", + "": "Not all expected registries were received from the server! (missing: %s)", + "": "The server send registries with unknown keys: %s", + "": "Failed to sync registries from the server: %s", + "": "Failed to handle auxiliary light data for chunk %s: %s", + "": "Failed to handle registry data map sync for registry %s: %s", + "": "Cannot connect to server as it is missing mandatory registry data maps present on the client: %s", + "": "Cannot connect to server as it has mandatory registry data maps not present on the client: %s" +} diff --git a/src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/zh_hk.json b/src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/zh_hk.json index 7fb543d894..219bc62cfe 100644 --- a/src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/zh_hk.json +++ b/src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/zh_hk.json @@ -8,43 +8,43 @@ "": "設定", "": "開啟模組資料夾", "": "模組選項...", - "": "Version: %1$s", - "": "ModID: %1$s State: {1,lower}", - "": "Credits: %1$s", - "": "Authors: %1$s", - "": "Homepage: %1$s", - "": "License: %1$s", + "": "版本:%1$s", + "": "模組 ID:%1$s 狀態:{1,lower}", + "": "鳴謝:%1$s", + "": "作者:%1$s", + "": "首頁:%1$s", + "": "授權條款:%1$s", "": "安全模組功能已被停用,請更新 JDK", - "": "Signature: %1$s", + "": "簽章:%1$s", "": "未簽署", - "": "Trust: %1$s", + "": "信任:%1$s", "": "無", "": "未發現子模組", - "": "Child mods: %1$s", - "": "Update available: %1$s", + "": "子模組:%1$s", + "": "有更新可用:%1$s", "": "更新日誌:", - "": "Compatible FML modded server\n{0,choice,1#1 mod|1<%1$s mods} present", + "": "相容的 FML 模組伺服器\n已安裝 {0,choice,1#1 mod|1<%1$s mods} 個模組", "": "不相容 FML 模組伺服器", - "": "Incompatible FML modded server\n%1$s", + "": "不相容 FML 模組伺服器\n%1$s", "": "由於協定大小限制,資料可能不準確。", "": "原版伺服器", "": "不相容的原版伺服器", - "": "Unknown server %1$s", + "": "未知的伺服器 %1$s", "": "NeoForge 伺服器端網路版本太舊", "": "NeoForge 用戶端網路版本太舊", - "": "伺服器有客戶端可能需要的附加模組", + "": "伺服器有用戶端可能需要的額外模組", "": "伺服器模組清單不相容", "": "伺服器網路訊息清單不相容", - "": "Missing required datapack registries: %1$s", - "": "{0,choice,0#No mods|1#1 mod|1<%s mods} loaded", + "": "缺少所需資料包登錄:%1$s", + "": "{0,choice,0#沒有模組|1#1 個模組|1<%s 個模組}載入", "": "啟動提醒", - "": "伺服器存取被拒絕", - "": "Fancy Mod Loader could not connect to this server\nThe server %1$s has forbidden modded access", + "": "伺服器存取被拒", + "": "Fancy Mod Loader 無法連線到此伺服器\n伺服器 %1$s 禁止模組存取", "": "備份失敗", - "": "There was an error saving the archive %1$s\nPlease fix the problem and try again", - "": "Open %1$s", - "": "Open log file", - "": "Open crash report", + "": "儲存存檔 %1$s 時發生錯誤\n請修正這個問題,然後再試一次", + "": "開啟 %1$s", + "": "開啟記錄檔", + "": "開啟崩潰報告", "": "開啟模組資料夾", "fml.button.continue.launch": "繼續前往標題畫面", "fml.modmismatchscreen.missingmods.client": "您的用戶端缺少下列模組,請安裝這些模組以加入此伺服器:", @@ -54,31 +54,31 @@ "fml.modmismatchscreen.table.youneed": "你需要", "fml.modmismatchscreen.table.youhave": "你擁有", "fml.modmismatchscreen.table.serverhas": "伺服器已安裝", - "fml.modmismatchscreen.additional": "[%1$s additional, see latest.log for the full list]", + "fml.modmismatchscreen.additional": "[還有 %1$s 個,查看 latest.log 取得完整清單]", "fml.modmismatchscreen.homepage": "點擊以前往這個模組的主頁", "fml.modmismatchscreen.table.reason": "原因", "fml.modmismatchscreen.table.visit.mod_page": "開啟登錄此頻道的模組(%s)頁面", - "fml.modmismatchscreen.simplifiedview": "Simplified view", - "fml.resources.modresources": "Resources for %1$s mod files", - "fml.resources.moddata": "Data for %1$s mod files", + "fml.modmismatchscreen.simplifiedview": "簡化檢視", + "fml.resources.modresources": "用於 %1$s 模組檔案的資源", + "fml.resources.moddata": "%1$s 模組檔案資料", "loadwarning.neoforge.prbuild": "這個 NeoForge 由社群成員建立,是 §c§l不受支援§r 的", - "commands.neoforge.arguments.enum.invalid": "Enum constant must be one of %1$s, found %2$s", + "commands.neoforge.arguments.enum.invalid": "枚舉常數必須是 %1$s 之一,找到 %2$s", "commands.neoforge.dimensions.list": "目前依照類型註冊的維度:", - "commands.neoforge.dump.success": "New file created with %s registry's contents is at %s", - "commands.neoforge.dump.failure": "Failed to create new file with %s registry's contents at %s", + "commands.neoforge.dump.success": "新建立的 %s 註冊檔案位於 %s", + "commands.neoforge.dump.failure": "無法建立 %s 註冊檔案於 %s", "commands.neoforge.dump.error.unknown_registry": "未知註冊表 '%s'", "commands.neoforge.entity.list.invalid": "無效的篩選器,與任何實體不相符。請使用 /neoforge entity list 以提供正確清單", - "commands.neoforge.entity.list.invalidworld": "Could not load world for dimension %1$s. Please select a valid dimension.", + "commands.neoforge.entity.list.invalidworld": "無法載入維度 %1$s 的世界。請選擇一個有效的維度。", "commands.neoforge.entity.list.none": "找不到實體。", - "commands.neoforge.entity.list.single.header": "Entity: %1$s Total: %2$s", - "commands.neoforge.entity.list.multiple.header": "Total: %1$s", - "commands.neoforge.setdim.invalid.entity": "The entity selected (%1$s) is not valid.", - "commands.neoforge.setdim.invalid.dim": "The dimension ID specified (%1$s) is not valid.", - "commands.neoforge.setdim.invalid.nochange": "The entity selected (%1$s) is already in the dimension specified (%2$s).", - "commands.neoforge.setdim.deprecated": "此指令以在 1.17 中被棄用,請使用 %s 代替。", - "commands.neoforge.tps.invalid": "Invalid dimension %1$s Possible values: %2$s", + "commands.neoforge.entity.list.single.header": "實體:%1$s 總共:%2$s", + "commands.neoforge.entity.list.multiple.header": "總共:%1$s", + "commands.neoforge.setdim.invalid.entity": "所選實體 (%1$s) 無效。", + "commands.neoforge.setdim.invalid.dim": "指定的維度 ID (%1$s) 無效。", + "commands.neoforge.setdim.invalid.nochange": "所選實體 (%1$s) 已存在於指定的維度 (%2$s) 中。", + "commands.neoforge.setdim.deprecated": "這個指令已在 1.17 中被棄用,請使用 %s 代替。", + "commands.neoforge.tps.invalid": "無效的維度 %1$s,可用的值:%2$s", "commands.neoforge.tps.summary.all": "Overall: Mean tick time: %1$s ms. Mean TPS: %2$s", - "commands.neoforge.mods.list": "Mod List: %1$s", + "commands.neoforge.mods.list": "模組清單:%1$s", "commands.neoforge.tps.summary.basic": "Dim %1$s: Mean tick time: %2$s ms. Mean TPS: %3$s", "commands.neoforge.tps.summary.named": "Dim %1$s (%2$s): Mean tick time: %3$s ms. Mean TPS: %4$s", "commands.neoforge.tracking.entity.enabled": "實體追踪已啟用,時長 %d 秒。", @@ -101,8 +101,8 @@ "commands.neoforge.tags.element": "%s:%s", "commands.neoforge.tags.page_info": "%s ", "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.progress_bar_title": "正在生成區塊...", - "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.progress_bar_progress": "Generating %1$s chunks - ", - "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.progress_bar_errors": "(%1$s errors!)", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.progress_bar_progress": "正在生成 %1$s 個區塊 ", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.progress_bar_errors": "(%1$s 個錯誤!)", "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.already_running": "生成已在進行。請先執行 '/neoforge generate stop' 再開始新生成。", "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.started": "Generating %1$s chunks, in an area of %2$sx%3$s chunks (%4$sx%5$s blocks).", "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.success": "生成完畢!", @@ -117,11 +117,11 @@ "neoforge.update.beta.2": "可能會出現重大問題,請在回報問題之前進行核實。", "neoforge.update.newversion": "最新 NeoForge 版本可用:%s", "": "模組更新", - "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringEntities.tooltip": "將此設為 true,以刪除任何在「update」方法中發生錯誤的實體,而不是關閉伺服器和回報崩潰報告。 請謹慎使用,這可能會導致一些問題。使用時應謹慎,我們不對任何損害負責。", + "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringEntities.tooltip": "將這項選項設為 true,以刪除任何在「update」方法中發生錯誤的實體,而不是關閉伺服器和回報崩潰報告。 請謹慎使用,這可能會導致一些問題。使用時應謹慎,我們不對任何損害負責。", "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringEntities": "移除錯誤實體", - "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringBlockEntities.tooltip": "將此設定為 true,以刪除任何在「update」方法中出現錯誤的方塊實體,而不是關閉伺服器和回報崩潰報告。請謹慎使用,這可能會導致一些問題。使用時應謹慎,我們不對任何損害負責。", + "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringBlockEntities.tooltip": "將這項選項設為 true,以刪除任何在「update」方法中出現錯誤的方塊實體,而不是關閉伺服器和回報崩潰報告。請謹慎使用,這可能會導致一些問題。使用時應謹慎,我們不對任何損害負責。", "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringBlockEntities": "移除錯誤方塊實體", - "neoforge.configgui.fullBoundingBoxLadders.tooltip": "將此設為 true 可以檢查整個實體的碰撞邊界框以尋找梯子,而不僅僅是它們所在的方塊。這會導致遊戲機制有明顯的不同,因此預設值是遵循原版的遊戲行為。預設值:false。", + "neoforge.configgui.fullBoundingBoxLadders.tooltip": "將這項選項設為 true 可以檢查整個實體的碰撞邊界框以尋找梯子,而不僅僅是它們所在的方塊。這會導致遊戲機制有明顯的不同,因此預設值是遵循原版的遊戲行為。預設值:false。", "neoforge.configgui.fullBoundingBoxLadders": "全邊界框梯子", "neoforge.configgui.logCascadingWorldGeneration.tooltip": "記錄地形填充過程中的連鎖區塊生成問題。", "neoforge.configgui.logCascadingWorldGeneration": "記錄連鎖世界生成", @@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ "neoforge.container.enchant.limitedEnchantability": "有限可附魔性", "neoforge.swim_speed": "游泳速度", "neoforge.name_tag_distance": "命名牌顯示距離", - "neoforge.creative_flight": "Creative Flight", + "neoforge.creative_flight": "創造模式飛行", "fluid_type.minecraft.milk": "奶", "fluid_type.minecraft.flowing_milk": "奶", "neoforge.froge.warningScreen.title": "NeoForge 快照提醒",