diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 47872cf..396ba39 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ micrometer for recording metrics. Note: the micrometer project currently includes a NewRelicMeterRegistry that writes metrics to NewRelic as custom events. This implementation is intended to supersede that, as [dimensional metrics](https://docs.newrelic.com/docs/using-new-relic/data/understand-data/new-relic-data-types#dimensional-metrics) are a better fit for micrometer metrics than custom [events](https://docs.newrelic.com/docs/using-new-relic/data/understand-data/new-relic-data-types#events-new-relic). -### How to use: +### Usage: 1) via gradle: @@ -53,3 +53,30 @@ For general querying information, see: - [Query New Relic data](https://docs.newrelic.com/docs/using-new-relic/data/understand-data/query-new-relic-data) - [Intro to NRQL](https://docs.newrelic.com/docs/query-data/nrql-new-relic-query-language/getting-started/introduction-nrql) +### Release Process + +#### Publish to Staging Repo + +To stage the release simply submit and merge a PR to update the [build.gradle.kts](build.gradle.kts) file with the version to be released (e.g. `version := "0.5.0"`). + +Results of the job can be viewed here: https://dev.azure.com/NRAzurePipelines/Java%20CI/_build + +After the staging release job has run successfully it will publish the new artifact to a staging repository on Sonatype at: https://oss.sonatype.org/#stagingRepositories. + +#### Manually Release Staging Repo + +1. Find the staging repo on Sonatype, which should be named similar to `comnewrelic-nnnn`, and validate that the contents and version look correct. +2. If the contents look correct, select the staging repo and choose `close`, leaving a comment such as `releasing 0.5.0`. +3. When the staging repo is finished closing, select the staging repo and choose `release`, keeping the `Automatically Drop` checkbox checked, and leave a comment such as `releasing 0.5.0`. +4. Verify that the artifact was published on Maven Central at: https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/com/newrelic/telemetry/micrometer-registry-new-relic/ + +#### Post Release + +Submit and merge a PR with the following: +* Update the [build.gradle.kts](build.gradle.kts) file with to a snapshot version of a potential future release (e.g. `version := "0.5.1-SNAPSHOT"`). +* Update the [CHANGELOG](CHANGELOG.md) with details of the new release: + ```markdown + ## [0.5.0] + - Miscellaneous bug fixes and tweaks + ``` +* Update the [Usage](#usage) example in the [README](README.md) with the newly released version (e.g. `implementation 'com.newrelic.telemetry:micrometer-registry-new-relic:0.5.0'`).