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Lab 5: Using nr1 NerdGraph components

The purpose of this lab is to build on the concepts we've already explored, using NerdGraph and exploring the NerdGraph components to access New Relic's NerdGraph API within your Nerdlets.

After completing this lab you should:

  • Be more confident in your ability to incorporate NerdGraph.
  • Gain more practical experience with nerdGraph
  • Have access to the NerdGraph API from your Nerdlets

Step 0: Setup and Prerequisites

Load the prequisites and follow the setup instructions in Setup and Prequisites.

Reminder: Make sure that you're ready to go with your lab5 by ensuring you've run the following commands:

# if we're not in the lab5 directory get there
cd lab5
npm install
nr1 nerdpack:uuid -gf
npm start

Open and click on the Lab 5 Launcher.

Step 1: Using the NerdGraph API within your Nerdlet

  1. We need to import the appropriate libraries into our Nerdlet. Open lab5/nerdlets/lab5-nerdlet/index.js and add the following near the top of the file.
import { NerdGraphQuery, EntityByGuidQuery, EntitiesByNameQuery, EntitiesByDomainTypeQuery, EntityCountQuery, Spinner, Stack, StackItem, HeadingText, BlockText, NerdletStateContext } from 'nr1';
  1. The NerdGraphQuery component is going to allow us to access the New Relic NerdGraph API and have access to the power of GraphQL inside of your Nerdlet.

Let's update our render method in the index.js to use the NerdGraphQuery component and make our first NerdGraph query.

render() {
    return (
        <NerdGraphQuery query={`{actor {user {name email}}}`}>
            {({loading, error, data}) => {
                console.debug([loading, data, error]); //eslint-disable-line
                return null
  1. Save index.js and watch the NerdGraph Nerdlet reload in your browser.
  2. Ctrl+click (or right click) on the web browser screen displaying our Nerdlet and choose the menu item Inspect.
  3. In the DevTools window now open, click on the Console tab at the top.
  4. In the Console tab, choose the verbose option on the left hand side. (It's in the drop-down next to the 'Filter' bar.)
  5. Go back to the browser window and reload the current page, and then go back to the DevTools window. You should be looking at a screen like the following:

Dev Tools > Console > verbose

In your console, you should see an output matched the basic query you made using GraphiQL in lab4

Step 2: Using the NerdGraphQuery components

The NerdGraphQuery component returns set of data when making a query. The loading, error, and data objects that are all accessible from a child function within the NerdGraphQuery. Next we'll make some updated to our index.js file to output our account list on the screen

  1. Update your import statement in the index.js files with the code below to add the Spinner and BlockText from the nr1 library:
import { NerdGraphQuery, EntityByGuidQuery, EntitiesByNameQuery, EntitiesByDomainTypeQuery, EntityCountQuery, Spinner, Stack, StackItem, HeadingText, BlockText, NerdletStateContext } from 'nr1';
  1. Above your render method, add the render helper fuctions from the code below:
    _renderTable(data) {
        const skipHeaders = ['__typename', 'id', 'tags', 'reporting', 'account', 'guid'];
        const headings = Object.keys(data[0]).filter(k => !skipHeaders.includes(k));

        return <table className="table">
                    {, i) => <th key={i}>{name}</th>)}
                {data.length > 1 ?, i) => {
                    return <tr key={i}>
                        {, j) => <td key={j} className="table-data">{item[name]}</td>)}
                }) : <tr>
                        {, j) => <td key={j} className="table-data">{data[0][name]}</td>)}
  1. Update your render method in the index.js files with the code below:
    render() {
        return (<Stack fullWidth directionType={Stack.DIRECTION_TYPE.VERTICAL}>
                <div className="container">
                    <NerdGraphQuery query={`{actor {accounts {id name}}}`}>
                        {({loading, error, data}) => {
                            console.debug([loading, data, error]); //eslint-disable-line
                            if (loading) {
                                return <Spinner/>;
                            if (error) {
                                return <BlockText>{error.message}</BlockText>;

                            return <Fragment>

Go back to the browser window and reload the current page, you should see a list with names and ids for all of the accounts your user has access to. You should be looking at a screen like the following:

Accounts Table

Step 3: Using the Pre-Defined Entity Query Components

Using the NerdGraphQuery allows you to access data from using any type of query to NerdGraph, but for convenience, additional components are provided, with pre-defined Entity Queries

  1. To query data about the entity that we have currently selected we will use the EntityByGuidQuery. Add a second StackItem just below the first in the render method:
    <StackItem className="container">
            {(nerdletUrlState) => {
                return <EntityByGuidQuery entityGuid={nerdletUrlState.entityGuid}>
                    {({ loading, error, data }) => {
                        console.debug([loading, data, error]); //eslint-disable-line
                        if (loading) {
                            return <Spinner />;
                        if (error) {
                            return <HeadingText>{error.message}</HeadingText>;

                        if (data.entities.length > 0) {
                            return <Fragment className="fragment">
                                <HeadingText>Entity by ID</HeadingText>

                        return null



In order to get this section to render, you're going to need to navigate to an APM service. First, navigate to Home. Then, select Explorer. From the left navigation, choose Services - APM, and then select a service.

Entity By Id Query

And you should see the following.

Entity By Id Query

Your browser should show a small table that displays the name and domain of your current entity as a part of the data object that is returned from the EntityByGuidQuery.

  1. To quickly search through your account entities by domain and type we will use the EntitiesByDomainTypeQuery, add the code below to your render method under the last StackItem:
    <StackItem className="container">
        <EntitiesByDomainTypeQuery entityDomain="APM" entityType="APPLICATION">
        {({loading, error, data}) => {
            console.debug([loading, data, error]); //eslint-disable-line
            if (loading) {
                return <Spinner/>;
            if (error) {
                return <BlockText>{JSON.stringify(error)}</BlockText>;
            return <Fragment>
                <HeadingText>Entity by Domain Type</HeadingText>
  1. Save and go back to the browser window and reload the current page, you should another table that displays the name, domain, and type of the entities we've queried by domain

Your screen will look like the following:

Entity By domain Query

  1. For a quick way to search for entities by name we will use the EntitiesByNameQuery and pass the name prop equal to "portal'. Add the code below to your index.js file in the render method under the last StackItem component.

Note: the state.entityName defined in the constructor is hardcoded to "Portal". You'll need to change that value to something relevant to your environment.

    <StackItem className="container">
        <EntitiesByNameQuery name={this.state.entityName}>
            {({loading, error, data}) => {
                console.debug([loading, data, error]); //eslint-disable-line
                if (loading) {
                    return <Spinner/>;
                if (error) {
                    return <BlockText>{JSON.stringify(error)}</BlockText>;
                return <Fragment>
                    <HeadingText>Entity by Name</HeadingText>
  1. Save and go back to the browser window and reload the current page, you should see another table with all of the entities that match the name you queried. You should be looking at a screen like the following:

Entity By name Query

  1. Finally, using the EntityCountQuey you can quickly query the number of entities available for each entityDomain and entityType. Update your index.js file, adding the code below to your render method under the last StackItem.
    <StackItem className="container">
            {({loading, error, data}) => {
                console.debug([loading, data, error]); //eslint-disable-line
                if (loading) {
                    return <Spinner/>;
                if (error) {
                    return <BlockText>{JSON.stringify(error)}</BlockText>;
                return <Fragment>
                    <HeadingText>Entity Count</HeadingText>

  1. Save and go back to the browser window and reload the current page, under the table for EntityByNameQuery you will see one more table. This new table should be displaying the data object from the EntityCountQuery showing the number of entities available for each entityDomain and entityType.

You should be looking at a screen like the following:

Entity By name Query


In the end, your index.js should look like this.

import React, { Fragment } from 'react';
import { NerdGraphQuery, EntityByGuidQuery, EntitiesByNameQuery, EntitiesByDomainTypeQuery, EntityCountQuery, Spinner, Stack, StackItem, HeadingText, BlockText, NerdletStateContext } from 'nr1';

export default class MyNerdlet extends React.Component {

    constructor(props) {
        console.debug(props); //eslint-disable-line
        this.state = {
            entityName: "Portal"

    _renderTable(data) {
        const skipHeaders = ['__typename', 'id', 'tags', 'reporting', 'account', 'guid'];
        const headings = Object.keys(data[0]).filter(k => !skipHeaders.includes(k));

        return <table className="table">
                    {, i) => <th key={i}>{name}</th>)}
                {data.length > 1 ?, i) => {
                    return <tr key={i}>
                        {, j) => <td key={j} className="table-data">{item[name]}</td>)}
                }) : <tr>
                    {, j) => <td key={j} className="table-data">{data[0][name]}</td>)}

    render() {
        return (<Stack fullWidth directionType={Stack.DIRECTION_TYPE.VERTICAL}>
                <div className="container">
                    <NerdGraphQuery query={`{actor {accounts {id name}}}`}>
                        {({ loading, error, data }) => {
                            console.debug([loading, data, error]); //eslint-disable-line
                            if (loading) {
                                return <Spinner />;
                            if (error) {
                                return <BlockText>{error.message}</BlockText>;

                            return <Fragment>
            <StackItem className="container">
                    {(nerdletUrlState) => {
                        return <EntityByGuidQuery entityGuid={nerdletUrlState.entityGuid}>
                            {({ loading, error, data }) => {
                                console.debug([loading, data, error]); //eslint-disable-line
                                if (loading) {
                                    return <Spinner />;
                                if (error) {
                                    return <HeadingText>{error.message}</HeadingText>;
                                return <Fragment className="fragment">
                                    <HeadingText>Entity by ID</HeadingText>

            <StackItem className="container">
                <EntitiesByDomainTypeQuery entityDomain="APM" entityType="APPLICATION">
                    {({ loading, error, data }) => {
                        console.debug([loading, data, error]); //eslint-disable-line
                        if (loading) {
                            return <Spinner />;
                        if (error) {
                            return <BlockText>{JSON.stringify(error)}</BlockText>;
                        return <Fragment>
                            <HeadingText>Entity by Domain Type</HeadingText>
            <StackItem className="container">
                <EntitiesByNameQuery name={this.state.entityName}>
                    {({ loading, error, data }) => {
                        console.debug([loading, data, error]); //eslint-disable-line
                        if (loading) {
                            return <Spinner />;
                        if (error) {
                            return <BlockText>{JSON.stringify(error)}</BlockText>;
                        return <Fragment>
                            <HeadingText>Entity by Name</HeadingText>
            <StackItem className="container">
                    {({ loading, error, data }) => {
                        console.debug([loading, data, error]); //eslint-disable-line
                        if (loading) {
                            return <Spinner />;
                        if (error) {
                            return <BlockText>{JSON.stringify(error)}</BlockText>;
                        return <Fragment>
                            <HeadingText>Entity Count</HeadingText>
