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Savee - User Guide

By: T09-4 Since: Aug 2018 Licence: MIT

1. Introduction

Savee is a financial planner application for those who prefer to use a desktop app for managing their finances. More importantly, Savee is optimized for those who prefer to work with a Command Line Interface (CLI) while still having the benefits of a Graphical User Interface (GUI). To enjoy the full benefits of the GUI of this app, the best screen resolution to use would be 1920 x 1080 (1080p) with the app in fullscreen. Other screen resolutions are also supported, but the GUI display would be slightly different from the ones shown in the picture. If you can type fast, Savee can get your finance management tasks done faster than traditional GUI apps. Interested? Jump to the Section 2, “Quick Start” to get started. Enjoy!

2. Quick Start

Before users are able to use our software, he/she is required to do the following simple steps to set up other software that is required.

  1. Ensure you have Java version 9 or later installed in your Computer.

  2. Download the latest Savee.jar here.

  3. Copy the file to the folder you want to use as the home folder for your copy of Savee.

  4. Double-click the file to start the app. The GUI should appear in a few seconds.

  5. Type the command in the command box and press Enter to execute it.
    e.g. typing help and pressing Enter will open the help window.

  6. Some example commands you can try:

    • list : lists all records

    • addn/Grocery shopping m/-70 d/20-9-2018 t/Shopping : adds a contact named Grocery shopping to Savee.

    • delete3 : deletes the 3rd record shown in the current list

    • exit : exits the app

  7. Refer to Section 4, “Basic Features” for details of each command.

3. Auto Complete Feature

This section describes the auto completing feature implemented on the input command box which makes the typing interface of Savee more friendly and efficient.

A list of possible words will be displayed in a popup-box under the command box according to the user input. Word suggestions are displayed when all letters of the current input word match the beginning of the word in the suggestion word bank. e.g to suggest the word expenditure user can key in either e, ex, exp and so on, which can all suggest the expected word. However, the expected word must exist in the appropriate word bank which will be described in Section 4, “Basic Features”.

User may use the keys to navigate the list and select a word they wish to complete their input with using Enter. If user does not wish to select a word for completion, user may press ESC or Space or mouseclick anywhere else in the command box to move onto another word. Auto completion is performed word by word and after completing a word, the typing caret will appear at the end of the newly completed word. Previously existing text before and after the completed word will not be lost and will be shifted accordingly.

When the suggestion window is not open, user may use and to navigate the text and may go back to change previously entered texts. These texts will also allow autocompletion if possible, depending on the command in use and parameters already entered.

  • While a list of suggestions is active, users may not perform some actions such as or Ctrl+A.

  • Word suggestions are not case sensitive. e.g. HEL will have a possible suggestion help.

  • Whitespaces will not affect the accuracy of the autocomplete.


Screenshot of auto-complete in action

  • Typing a triggers suggestions of command words that begin with a.

4. Basic Features

This section describes the basic features essential to using Savee.

Input of the first few characters of a single word into an empty command box will suggest a list of command words available in Savee that match the input word. Most features require additional input paramaters to perform their unique functions.

Majority of our features come with their own auto-completion feature and will require the exact command word to be entered as the first word in the input before the described completion for that command is enabled.

Command Format

  • Words in UPPER_CASE are the parameters to be supplied by the user e.g. in add n/NAME, NAME is a parameter which can be used as add n/Grocery shopping.

  • Items in square brackets are optional e.g n/NAME [t/TAG] can be used as n/Grocery shopping t/friend or as n/Grocery shopping.

  • Items with ​ after them can be used multiple times including zero times e.g. [t/TAG]…​ can be used as   (i.e. 0 times), t/friend, t/friend t/family etc.

  • Parameters can be in any order e.g. if the command specifies n/NAME m/MONEYFLOW, m/MONEYFLOW n/NAME is also acceptable.

Parameter Constraints

  • NAME can be any word, phrase or sentence.

  • MONEYFLOW must be made up of only digits, a single "+" or "-" and at most one decimal point. Also, note that the maximum number of digits the whole number part of this parameter can have is 12 digits.

  • DATE is in the form of dd-mm-yyyy where dd represents day, mm represents month and yyyy represents the year. dd and mm both require 1 to 2 digits while yyyy requires exactly 4 digits.

  • DATE entered must also be a valid date, no fake dates e.g. 60-11-2018, 30-02-2018. Leap years are also accounted for, meaning that you can enter 29-2-2016 and it will still be accepted.

  • DATE can be entered as today or ytd to conveniently input the local date today or yesterday.

  • TAG is completely optional and can be any alphanumerical word, but limited to only 1 whole word, no whitespaces are allowed. The maximum character length of the tag is 20 characters and the maximum allowed number of tags is 2 as these tags will be used to categorise each record, to reduce effort on user’s part in specifying another field.

  • TAG is not case sensitive, all capital letters in tags are converted to lower case.

  • INDEX must be a positive integer 1, 2, 3, …​

4.1. Viewing help : help

Displays a help page with information on all commands in Savee.

Format: help

4.2. Adding a record: add

Adds a record of a financial activity to Savee with the given name, date, money earned or spent and tags.
Format: add n/NAME d/DATE m/MONEYFLOW [t/TAG]…​

Name denotes the name of the financial activity, moneyflow denotes the money spent or gained in the financial activity and date denotes the date the financial activity was completed. Each financial activity can be labelled with only 1 name, moneyflow and date and a maximum of 2 tags as these tags will be used to categorise each record to remove the need for user to specify another field.

Moneyflow can be either a debit (expense) or a credit (income).
To distinguish between an expense and an income, the user will need to enter a plus "+" or minus "-" sign before the money amount.
Only 1 record of the same name, same date and same moneyflow is allowed in the application. Duplicates of the same record is not allowed unless it is of a different date, of a different moneyflow or of a different name.


  • add n/Payment To John d/20-8-2018 m/-10

  • add n/PaymentFromBetty t/friend m/+10 d/10-11-2018 t/classmate


  • Names

    • Inputs starting with n/ and words that come after it but before the next prefix m/, d/ or t/ use can be completed with names.

    • Suggested words will be suggested based on words used in existing records' names e.g if an earlier inserted record is named Dinner with Family, then Dinner with Family can all be possible suggestions.

  • Dates

    • Inputs starting with d/ can be completed with dates.

    • Dates must be entered as with the normal constraints and also have 2-digits for both day and months. e.g to have a suggestion of 01-11-2018 to appear, you have to key in d/ 0 for that date to appear. d/ 1/ will not work.

    • Dates that are suggested will also only come from earlier saved records.

    • Can also be completed to today or ytd.

  • Moneyflow

    • Does not offer auto completion.

  • Tags

    • Inputs starting with t/ can be completed with tags.

    • Tags will also only from from earlier saved records' tags and a pre-existing set of tags such as e.g. food, travel, bills, shopping.

  • There is no autocompletion restriction on number of names, dates, moneyflow or tag inputs but command will still require the appropriate number of parameters.

4.3. Listing all records within a date range : list

Shows a list of all records in Savee which is within a certain date range.
There are 3 modes, default mode, single argument mode and dual argument mode.
Default mode: list
Single argument mode: list d/DATE
Dual argument mode: list d/START_DATE END_DATE

  • Default mode will list down all records in Savee.

  • Single argument mode will list down all records with the date specified.

  • Dual argument mode will list down all records with the date that fall on either dates or between both dates.

  • Refer to [constraints] for the more information on the parameters.


  • list

  • list d/10-11-2018

  • list d/10-11-2018 11-11-2018


  • Dates

    • Inputs starting with d/ can be completed with dates as well as the argument that come immediately after the entire d/START_DATE input as long as there are only whitespaces between them.

    • Suggestions will only come from dates that have been entered in records.

  • There will be no suggestions on parameters of other prefixes or parameters after the third.

4.4. Locating records by name: find

Finds records whose names contain any of the given keywords.

  • The search is case insensitive. e.g grocery will match Grocery

  • The order of the keywords does not matter. e.g. Grocery Shopping will match Shopping Grocery

  • Only the name of the record is searched.

  • Only full words will be matched e.g. Grocer will not match Grocery

  • Records matching at least one keyword will be returned (i.e. OR search). e.g. Grocery Shopping will return Grocery, Shirt Shopping


  • find Family
    Returns dinner with family and family party

  • find family food shopping
    Returns all records having family, food, or shopping in their name


  • Keywords

    • Input words can be completed with words that are used in existing records' names in Savee.

    • All words that are entered after the find command can suggest words from existing records.

4.5. Locating records by tag: findtag

Finds records with tags that match any of the given keywords.

  • The search is case insensitive. e.g hans will match Hans

  • The order of the keywords does not matter. e.g. Hans Bo will match Bo Hans

  • Only the tags are searched.

  • Only full words will be matched e.g. Han will not match Hans

  • Records with tags matching at least one keyword will be returned (i.e. OR search). e.g. friends food will return all records tagged with either friends or food.


  • findtag friend
    Returns any record tagged with friend

  • findtag friend food shopping
    Returns all records having any of the tags friend, food, or shopping


  • Keywords

    • Input words can be completed with words that are used in existing records' tags in Savee.

    • All words that are entered after the findtag command can suggest words from existing records.

4.6. Selecting a record : select

Selects the record identified by the specified index number in the displayed record list.
Format: select INDEX

  • Selects the record at INDEX and display the record information in a more detailed format.

  • The index refers to the index number shown in the displayed record list.


  • list
    select 2
    Selects the 2nd record in the expense book.

  • find Dinner
    select 1
    Selects the 1st record in the results of the find command.

4.7. Sorting displayed records : sort

Sorts the list of records in the record book by a category. There are 3 categories to sort by name, date, moneyflow/money and records can be sorted in either ascending order asc or descending order desc.
Format: sort [CATEGORY] [ORDER]

  • Only the abovementioned keywords for category and order are supported.

  • Keyword matching is case insensitive, e.g sort Name Desc will work the same as sort name desc.

  • Either one or both of the optionals fields are to be provided.

  • Order of the input fields is not significant, e.g. sort name asc will work the same as sort asc name.

  • If order is not specified, default sort order is ascending.

  • If category is not specified, default sort category is by name.


  • sort date - Sorts records by date in ascending order.

  • sort desc - Sorts records by name in descending order.

  • sort moneyflow desc - Sorts records by moneyflow in descending order.


  • Input word suggestions are suggested based on what can still be filled in.

    • If a category has been specified, only an order can be suggested and vice versa.

    • If neither has been specified, then both order and category are possible suggestions.

  • There will be no suggestions on parameters that come after the third.

4.8. Editing a record : edit

Edits an existing record in the application.
Format: edit INDEX [n/NAME] [m/MONEYFLOW] [d/DATE] [t/TAG]…​

  • Edits the record at the specified INDEX. The index refers to the index number shown in the displayed record list.

  • At least one of the optional fields must be provided.

  • Existing values will be updated to the input values.

  • When editing tags, the existing tags of the record will be removed i.e adding of tags is not cumulative.

  • You can remove all the record’s tags by typing t/ without specifying any tags after it.


  • edit 1 m/+33 d/28-2-2018
    Edits the moneyflow and date of the 1st record to be +33 and 28-2-2018 respectively.

  • edit 2 n/Shopping for clothes t/
    Edits the name of the 2nd record to be Shopping for clothes and clears all existing tags.


4.9. Deleting a record : delete

Deletes an existing record from the expense book.
Format: delete INDEX

  • Deletes the record at the specified INDEX.

  • The index refers to the index number shown in the displayed record list.


  • list
    delete 2
    Deletes the 2nd record in the expense book.

  • find Dinner
    delete 1
    Deletes the 1st record in the results of the find command.

4.10. Delete all the record whose date is required: deletedate

Deletes the records with a specified date from the Savee.
Format: deletedate DATE

  • Deletes records with the specified DATE.

  • Date refers to the date of the expected records to be deleted.

Date should follow the same configurations as date parameters required when adding records. It is in the form of dd-mm-yyyy where dd represents day, mm represents month and yyyy represents the year. dd and mm both require 1 to 2 digits while yyyy requires exactly 4 digits.


  • deletedate 31-7-2018


  • Input text can be completed to dates that already exist in records in Savee.

  • Text can also be completed to today or ytd.

  • There will be no suggestions on parameters that come after the second.

4.11. Listing entered commands : history

Lists all the commands that you have entered in reverse chronological order.
Format: history


Pressing the and arrows will display the previous and next input respectively in the command box.

4.12. Undoing previous command : undo

Restores Savee to the state before the previous undoable command was executed.
Format: undo

  • Undoable commands: those commands that modify Savee’s stored content ( add, delete, deletedate, archive, import, edit, addlimit, deletelimit, editlimit and clear).

  • Please note that the undo and redo command can only affect the Financial Planner but the not the Excel file created, meaning that when you enter undo command after you enter the archive command, the records archived will be added again back to the Financial Planner but the Excel file created will not be deleted.

  • Please note that undo and redo command can only affect the Financial Planner but the not the Excel file created, meaning that when you enter undo command after you enter the export command, the Financial Planner will inform the user that No more command to undo, the records remain the same and the Excel file created will not be deleted.

  • Please note that the undo and redo command can only affect the Financial Planner but the not the Excel file created, meaning that when you enter undo command after you enter the import command, the records imported will be deleted.


  • delete 1
    undo (reverses the delete 1 command)

  • select 1
    The undo command fails as there are no undoable commands executed previously.

4.13. Redoing the previously undone command : redo

Reverses the most recent undo command.
Format: redo


  • delete 1
    undo (reverses the delete 1 command)
    redo (reapplies the delete 1 command)

  • delete 1
    The redo command fails as there are no undo commands executed previously.

  • delete 1
    undo (reverses the clear command)
    undo (reverses the delete 1 command)
    redo (reapplies the delete 1 command)
    redo (reapplies the clear command)

4.14. Clearing all records : clear

Clears all records from Savee.
Format: clear

4.15. Exiting the program : exit

Exits the program.
Format: exit

4.16. Saving the data

All data in Savee is saved in the hard disk automatically after any command that changes the data.
There is no need to save manually. In the event that the storage data cannot be read successfully due to parsing error, the system would initiate Savee with a blank state.

5. Data Analysis Features

This section describe features for the user to analyse his/her financial status in greater detail.

5.1. Showing a summary table of all financial activity in a time period: summary

Shows a summary table listing by day, month or categories within a given time specified by the user.
A summary is an item that contains information on the date or month that is represented, the total expense calculated, the total income calculated and the net money flow calculated. A category refers to any set of tags that are assigned to any records in the application.

The summary command supports both listing by date, by month and by categories.

  • By Date: summary date d/START_DATE END_DATE

  • By Month: summary month d/START_MONTH END_MONTH

  • By Category: summary category d/START_DATE END_DATE

  • Note that there are specific formats required for the dates and months entered.

  • For the commands "summary date" and "summary category", START_DATE/END_DATE must be in the format of dd-mm-yyyy where dd represents day, mm represents month, yyyy represents year.

  • For command "summary month", START_MONTH/END_MONTH must in the format of mmm-yyyy, mmm represents the month with its three letter representations, and yyyy represents the year in its numerical form.

  • Refer to [constraints] for the more information on the parameters.

  • Note that for mmm, it is case-insensitive, meaning both "APR" and "apr" are accepted.

Once the command has been executed, a panel will appear showing the summary table containing data that is relevant in the range.
The table entries are sorted according to either date, month or category depending on the mode used in ascending order.
At the same time, currently selected record will be unselected to reduce confusion for the user.

The table listing is currently non-resizable. If either the date, month or category is too long, the default behaviour of this app is to truncate those words and replace the parts truncated with ellipses("…​").


  • summary date d/1-1-2018 12-12-2018

  • summary month d/apr-2018 sep-2018

  • summary month d/APR-2018 SeP-2018

  • summary category d/1-1-2018 12-12-2018 The screenshots below are examples of what you can see once the command has been accepted. The commands entered have been left in for visualisation purposes. These screenshots are taken in fullscreen mode at 1080p resolution.


Screenshot of app when summary date d/1-1-2018 12-12-2018 is run


Screenshot of app when summary month d/jan-2018 dec-2018 is run


Screenshot of app when summary category d/1-1-2018 12-12-2018 is run


  • Mode Keyword

    • First parameter after the summary keyword can be completed to date, month or category.

  • Dates

    • Input text can be completed to dates that already exist in records in Savee.

    • Inputs starting with d/ can be completed with dates as well as the argument that come immediately after the entire d/DATE input as long as there are only whitespaces between them.

    • Text can also be completed to today or ytd.

  • Months

    • Input text can be completed to months with year in the form e.g nov-2018.

    • Suggestions are currently limited to inputs from jan-2018 to dec-2018.

  • There will be no suggestions on parameters that come after the fourth.

5.2. Showing a breakdown of total expenses and income into categories: stats

Shows a breakdown of total expenses and income into categories and displays these information in a pie chart.
Format:`stats d/START_DATE END_DATE`

  • START_DATE/END_DATE follow the same configurations as date parameters required when adding records. It is in the form of dd-mm-yyyy where dd represents day, mm represents month and yyyy represents the year. dd and mm both require 1 to 2 digits while yyyy requires exactly 4 digits.

  • Refer to [constraints] for the more information on the parameters.

Once the command has been executed, 2 tabs will appear showing a pie chart containing data that is relevant in the range.
At the same time, currently selected record will be unselected to reduce confusion for the user. If there are many categories shown and the box is not large enough, you can use the scroll bar at the side of each legend to view the other categories which are not in view.

Due to label constraints, some labels may not be displaying correctly if they are overlapping with other labels. This happens when the pie slice is too small. To improve readability, we have decided to hide some labels in such scenarios. Also, when the label is too long, since the pie charts need to fit the labels, the pie chart may become small as a result. To prevent such situations, please keep your labels short. This will be improved in later versions of the product to remove the labels completely and use a mouse over input instead. Examples:
  • stats d/1-1-2018 12-12-2018

Below are some screenshots of what you can see when the command has been accepted. The commands entered have been left in for visualisation purposes. These screenshots are taken in fullscreen mode at 1080p resolution.


Screenshot of app displaying expense breakdown when stats d/1-1-2018 12-12-2018 is run


Screenshot of app displaying income breakdown when stats d/1-1-2018 12-12-2018 is run


  • Dates

    • Input text can be completed to dates that already exist in records in Savee.

    • Inputs starting with d/ can be completed with dates as well as the argument that come immediately after the entire d/DATE input as long as there are only whitespaces between them.

    • Text can also be completed to today or ytd.

  • There will be no suggestions on parameters that come after the third. === Showing a breakdown of total expenses and income into categories of this month: NO COMMAND REQUIRED TO BE TYPED

Shows a breakdown of total expenses and income into categories using data of this month.
No format is required for this feature as the feature is automatically triggered when there is any mutation of data within the application. Another way of returning to the welcome panel from anywhere in the app is to press HOME on the keyboard or click Home on the menu.

This feature automatically tracks the current date and ensures that the data presented is updated regardless regardless of whether the application is off or on for prolonged periods of time. This feature also works offline and retrieves information from the system clock to determine the current date.

Even in the event where the user is using the application at close to 12 midnight of the last day of a particular month and the clocks strikes 12, the application will update the data whenever it detects any record data modifications in the app to reflect the next month.

The data used to represent the pie charts in the welcome panel is only updated whenever there are any changes to records within Savee.
This includes adding records, deleting records and editing records in Savee, but not sorting, listing, summary, stats, etc.

Below shows a snapshot of what the user can see when there are records available of the current month. If the screen is too small, the welcome message may be truncated to allow more space for the charts.


Screenshot of app on startup when records of current month are available

6. Data management features:

This section describe features for the user to manage his/her records data in Savee, with the help of Excel.

6.1. Export the record data from Savee to the Excel file: exportexcel

Exports the records into an Excel file.

There are 6 modes, default mode, single argument mode and dual argument mode (for Date) and single argument mode (Directory Path).


  • Default mode exportexcel will list down all records in Savee and exports all of them to an Excel file and store the file in the default Working Directory, it will detect automatically user’s Working Directory.

  • Single argument Date mode exportexcel d/DATE will list down all records with the specified date and exports all shown records to an Excel file and store the file in the default Working Directory, it will detect automatically user’s Working Directory.

  • Dual argument Date mode exportexcel d/START_DATE END_DATE will list down all records with the date that fall on either dates or between both dates and exports all shown records to an Excel file and store the file in the default Working Directory, it will detect automatically user’s Working Directory.

  • Single argument Directory Path mode exportexcel dir/DIRECTORY_PATH will list down all records in Savee and exports all of them to an Excel file and store the file in the chosen Directory Path.

  • Single argument Date mode + Single argument Directory path mode exportexcel d/DATE dir/DIRECTORY_PATH will list down all records with the specified date and exports all shown records to an Excel file and store the file in the chosen Directory Path.

  • Dual argument Date mode + Single argument Directory path mode exportexcel d/START_DATE END_DATE dir/DIRECTORY_PATH will list down all records with the date that fall on either dates or between both dates and exports all shown records to an Excel file and store the file in the chosen Directory Path.

If the command is in Dual argument Date mode, START_DATE (the first Date) should be earlier than or equal to the END_DATE (the second Date).
Date should follow the same configurations as date parameters required when adding records. It is in the form of dd-mm-yyyy where dd represents day, mm represents month and yyyy represents the year. dd and mm both require 1 to 2 digits while yyyy requires exactly 4 digits.

The Excel file name will be named based on the command, relating to Date:

  • Default mode: The Excel file will be named Financial_Planner_ALL.xlsx

  • Single argument Date mode: The Excel file will be named Financial_Planner_dd-mm-yyyy.xlsx

  • Dual argument Date: The Excel file will be named Financial_Planner_dd-mm-yyyy_dd-mm-yyyy.xlsx

If the Excel file with the same name and stored in same Directory exists, it will be overwritten. However, it must be closed before we enter the command.

After you enter the exportexcel command, you should wait for few minutes for the Excel file to be written.

Please note that undo and redo command can only affect Savee but the not the Excel file created, meaning that when you enter undo command after you enter the export command, the Savee will inform the user that No more command to undo, the records remain the same and the Excel file created will not be deleted.


  • exportexcel

  • exportexcel d/31-3-1999

  • exportexcel dir/C:\

  • exportexcel d/31-3-1999 31-03-2019

  • exportexcel d/31-3-1999 dir/C:\

  • exportexcel d/31-3-1999 31-3-2019 dir/C:\

There will be two sheets in the Excel file, namely RECORD DATA and SUMMARY DATA.

  • RECORD DATA stores all the data of record the user want to export, there are 4 columns: Name, date, money and tags, the tags names will be separated by …​, for visual benefit.

  • SUMMARY DATA stored the summary statistics for the period you exported, and there is a Line Chart next to the table for visual statistic [refer to Draw a line chart automatically inside the Excel sheet part in User guide for more information].

  • As the size of the Chart is fixed initially. Sometimes, when user exports too many dates, the distance between each date on the chart might be tight. It is suggesting that the user justify the size of the chart by himself/herself.



  • Dates

    • Input text can be completed to dates that already exist in records in Savee.

    • Inputs starting with d/ can be completed with dates as well as the argument that come immediately after the entire d/DATE input as long as there are only whitespaces between them.

    • Text can also be completed to today or ytd.

  • Directory

    • Does not offer auto-competion.

  • There will be no suggestions on parameters that come after the fourth.

6.2. Import the record data from the Excel file to the Savee: import

There are 2 modes, single argument File Path mode and (single argument Directory Path + single argument File Name) mode


  • Single argument File Path mode import dir/FILE_PATH will open the Excel file using the given File Path, import all records in Savee and check if these records exist in the Savee, then exports all of non-existent records to Savee.

  • Single argument File Path + single argument File name mode import dir/DIRECTORY_PATH n/NAME_FILE will open the Excel file using the given Directory path and given file name, import all records in Savee and check if these records exist in Savee, then exports all of non-existent records to Savee.


  • import dir/C:\Financial_Planner_ALL.xlsx

  • import dir/C:\ n/Financial_Planner_All.xlsx

  • import dir/C:\ n/Financial_Planner_ALL

Please note that User have to add the post-fix .xlsx at the end to indicate this is a Excel file (in first and second example).

The file user want to import must be closed before entering the command.

Please note that the undo and redo command can only affect the Savee but the not the Excel file created, meaning that when you enter undo command after you enter the import command, the records imported will be deleted.

When performing import command to import all the records data from the Excel file to Savee, user should take note that there are some constraints which may help the import command performs smoothly.

  • The excel file can have multiple sheets, containing records data. The starting row of the table does not have to be first row of the sheet. This also applies to the column. There can be blank row blending in the table, but there must be no blank column.

  • The First row of the table should have 4 cells, namely NAME, DATE, MONEY, TAGS. These 4 cells can be case-insensitive. The sheet with records data but does not have the first row, NAME, DATE, MONEY, TAGS will not be read. The information of NAME, DATE, MONEY columns should be fully filled, while the TAGS columns is optionally filled. Each tag should be separated by …​ (3 consecutive dots). Beside …​ , numbers and alphabet character, there should be no other character.

The picture below shows a good example for the Excel Sheet.

Export Capture1 LinhChi

6.3. Archive the record data from Savee to the Excel file: archive

Archives the records into an Excel file.

There are 6 modes, default mode, single argument mode and dual argument mode (for Date) and single argument mode (Directory Path).


  • Default mode archive will list down all records in Savee and archives all of them to an Excel file and store the file in the default Working Directory, it will detect automatically user’s Working Directory. Then, the records stored in the Excel file will be deleted automatically in Savee.

  • Single argument Date mode archive d/DATE will list down all records with the specified date and archives all shown records to an Excel file and store the file in the default Working Directory, it will detect automatically user’s Working Directory.Then, the records stored in the Excel file will be deleted automatically in the Savee.

  • Dual argument Date mode archive d/START_DATE END_DATE will list down all records with the date that fall on either dates or between both dates and archives all shown records to an Excel file and store the file in the default Working Directory, it will detect automatically user’s Working Directory.Then, the records stored in the Excel file will be deleted automatically in the Savee.

  • Single argument Directory Path mode archive dir/DIRECTORY_PATH will list down all records in Savee and archives all of them to an Excel file and store the file in the chosen Directory Path.Then, the records stored in the Excel file will be deleted automatically in Savee.

  • Single argument Date mode + Single argument Directory path mode archive d/DATE dir/DIRECTORY_PATH will list down all records with the specified date and archives all shown records to an Excel file and store the file in the chosen Directory Path.Then, the records stored in the Excel file will be deleted automatically in Savee.

  • Dual argument Date mode + Single argument Directory path mode archive d/START_DATE END_DATE dir/DIRECTORY_PATH will list down all records with the date that fall on either dates or between both dates and archives all shown records to an Excel file and store the file in the chosen Directory Path.Then, the records stored in the Excel file will be deleted automatically in Savee.

If the command is in Dual argument Date mode, START_DATE (the first Date) should be earlier than or equal to the END_DATE (the second Date).
Date follow the same configurations as date parameters required when adding records. It is in the form of dd-mm-yyyy where dd represents day, mm represents month and yyyy represents the year. dd and mm both require 1 to 2 digits while yyyy requires exactly 4 digits.

The Excel file name will be named based on the command, relating to Date:

  • Default mode: The Excel file will be named Financial_Planner_ALL.xlsx

  • Single argument Date mode: The Excel file will be named Financial_Planner_dd-mm-yyyy.xlsx

  • Dual argument Date: The Excel file will be named Financial_Planner_dd-mm-yyyy_dd-mm-yyyy.xlsx

    If the Excel file with the same name and stored in same Directory exists, it will be overwritten. However, it must be closed before we enter the command.

After you enter the archive command, you should wait for few minutes for the Excel file to be written.

Please note that the undo and redo command can only affect the Savee but the not the Excel file created, meaning that when you enter undo command after you enter the archive command, the records archived will be added again back to Savee but the Excel file created will not be deleted.


  • archive

  • archive d/31-3-1999

  • archive dir/C:\

  • archive d/31-3-1999 31-03-2019

  • archive d/31-3-1999 dir/C:\

  • archive d/31-3-1999 31-3-2019 dir/C:\

There will be two sheets in the Excel file, namely RECORD DATA and SUMMARY DATA.

  • RECORD DATA stores all the data of record the user want to archive, there are 4 columns: Name, date, money and tags, the tags names will be separated by …​, for visual benefit.

  • SUMMARY DATA stored the summary statistics for the period you archived, and there is a Line Chart next to the table for visual statistic [refer to Draw a line chart automatically inside the Excel sheet part in User guide for more information].

  • As the size of the Chart is fixed initially. Sometimes, when user archive too many dates, the distance between each date on the chart might be tight. It is suggesting that the user justify the size of the chart by himself/herself.



  • Dates

    • Input text can be completed to dates that already exist in records in Savee.

    • Inputs starting with d/ can be completed with dates as well as the argument that come immediately after the entire d/DATE input as long as there are only whitespaces between them.

    • Text can also be completed to today or ytd.

  • Directory

    • Does not offer auto-competion.

  • There will be no suggestions on parameters that come after the fourth.

6.4. Draw a line chart automatically inside the Excel sheet : NO COMMAND REQUIRED TO BE TYPED

Automatically uses the the summary data from the SUMMARY DATA sheet in the Excel sheet after the command archive or exportexcel is called.

As you can see the screenshot below, in the SUMMARY DATA sheet, next to the summary table:

Export Capture2 LinhChi
  • On the top left of the chart, the legend shows 3 lines, namely Income, Outcome, and Net.

    • The first blue line shows the Income based on Date.

    • The second orange line shows the Outcome based on Date

    • The third grey line shows the Net (total of income and outcome) based on Date.

7. Spending Limit Features

  • This section describes the limit feature that allows users to set values to control their future spending. Constraints that apply to records also apply to each limit. Refer to [constraints] for more information.

7.1. Adding a limit: addlimit

Adds a spending limit for a time period or a particular day to Savee.
Format: addlimit d/START_DATE END_DATE m/MONEYFLOW (limit d/DATE m/MONEYFLOW)+

When inputting two days, START_DATE and END_DATE indicates the starting date and ending date for the limit. If there is only one date, that day will be the time period. MONEYFLOW denotes the money spending limit for that period of time.

  • After the limits have been added, Savee will keep checking the latest condition of these limits. Once the total amount of money spent during this time period exceeds the spending limit, Savee will warn the user by sending the warning message.

  • DATE_START must be earlier or equal than DATE_END. When DATE_START and DATE_END are the same, this will be equivalent to single DATE.

  • Moneyflow for limit features can only be a positive integer, and does not require a "+" or "-".

  • Any date or period of time can only have at most 1 assigned limit.


  • addlimit d/20-8-2018 m/100

  • addlimit d/20-8-2018 30-8-2018 m/632

  • addlimit d/20-8-2018 30-8-2018 m/100


  • Dates

    • Input text can be completed to dates that already exist in records in Savee.

    • Inputs starting with d/ can be completed with dates as well as the argument that come immediately after the entire d/DATE input as long as there are only whitespaces between them.

    • Text can also be completed to today or ytd.

  • Moneyflow

    • Does not offer auto-competion.

  • There will be no suggestions on parameters that come after the fourth.

7.2. Viewing all limits: checkLimit

Displays all limits information stored in Savee
Format: checklimit


  • checklimit

7.3. Deleting a limit: deleteLimit

Deletes an existing spending limit from Savee
Format: deleteLimit d/START_DATE END_DATE (deleteLimit d/START_DATE)

The deleting command is based on the date period, since there will be at most one limit for one period of time, user only need to enter a period of time or a single date. The limit with the same dates will be deleted. If there is no limit for that period, the program will throw errors. Delete

  • There must be a limit with the same dates.

  • Limits cannot be partially deleted with incorrect dates.


  • deletelimit d/20-8-2018

  • deletelimit d/20-8-2018 30-8-2018


  • Dates

    • Input text can be completed to dates that already exist in limits in Savee.

    • Dates suggested can only come from limits, it will not include dates entered in records in Savee.

    • Inputs starting with d/ can be completed with dates as well as the argument that come immediately after the entire d/DATE input as long as there are only whitespaces between them.

    • Text can also be completed to today or ytd.

  • There will be no suggestions on parameters that come after the third.

7.4. Editing a limit: editLimit

Edit a limit to Savee

Editlimit is similar to Section 7.3, “Deleting a limit: deleteLimit command, it is also based on the date period. The editlimit command will check the input date period or the single day and replace the original moneyFlow with the new moneyFlow.

  • MONEYFLOW can only be a positive integer, and does not require a "+" or "-".

  • There must be a limit with the same dates.


  • editlimit d/20-8-2018 m/200

  • editlimit d/20-8-2018 30-8-2018 m/200


  • Dates

    • Input text can be completed to dates that already exist in limits in Savee.

    • Dates suggested can only come from limits, it will not include dates entered in records in Savee.

    • Inputs starting with d/ can be completed with dates as well as the argument that come immediately after the entire d/DATE input as long as there are only whitespaces between them.

    • Text can also be completed to today or ytd.

  • Moneyflow

    • Does not offer auto-competion.

  • There will be no suggestions on parameters that come after the fourth.

7.5. Adding a monthly limit: addmonthlylimit

Add a continuous monthly limit always for the current month. Format: addmonthlylimit m/MONEYFLOW

The monthly limit will always check the spend of the current month according to the current time. For example, if the limit was set to be 200 at April, the limit will check the total spend for April. When the time comes to May, the limit will no longer check April, instead, the limit will check the total spend of May until the last second of May.

  • MONEYFLOW can only be a positive integer, and does not require a "+" or "-".


  • addmonthlylimit m/200

7.6. Editing the monthly limit: editmonthlylimit

Edit an existing monthly limit. Format: editmonthlylimit m/MONEYFLOW

The monthly limit will be replaced by the new monthly limit.

  • MONEYFLOW can only be a positive integer, and does not require a "+" or "-".

  • There must be an existing monthly limit.


  • editmonthlylimit m/200

7.7. Deleting the monthly limit: deletemonthlylimit

Delete the monthly limit. Format: deletemonthlylimit

The monthly limit will be deleted and no longer check the spend of the current month.

  • There must be an existing monthly limit.


  • deletemonthlylimit

8. Upcoming Features

8.1. Showing a visual representation of daily/monthly summary [Coming in v2.0]

8.2. Encrypting data files [coming in v2.0]

8.3. Adding description to records [Coming in v2.0]

8.4. Changing app configurations [Coming in v2.0]

8.5. View bank balances [Coming in v2.0]

8.6. Record parties to make payment to [Coming in v2.0]

8.7. Adding regular payments/income to be automatically recorded [Coming in v2.0]

8.8. Auto Complete for wider range of inputs and accuracy [Coming in v2.0]


9. FAQ

Q: How do I transfer my data to another Computer?
A: Install the app in the other computer and overwrite the empty data file it creates with the file that contains the data of your previous Savee folder.

10. Command Summary

  • Help : help

  • Add : add n/NAME d/DATE m/MONEYFLOW [t/TAG]…​
    e.g. add n/Dinner with family d/20-12-2017 m/-10 t/food t/family

  • List : list [d/DATE] [DATE]

    1. list

    2. list d/20-12-2017

    3. list d/20-12-2017 30-09-2018

    e.g. find James Jake

  • Find tag : findtag KEYWORD [MORE_KEYWORDS]
    e.g. findtag friend

  • Select : select INDEX
    e.g. select 2

  • Sort : sort [CATEGORY] [ORDER]

    1. sort name

    2. sort asc

    3. sort date asc

    4. sort money desc

    5. sort asc moneyflow

  • Edit : edit INDEX [n/NAME] [d/DATE] [m/MONEYFLOW] [t/TAG]…​
    e.g. edit 2 n/Present d/12-11-2018

  • Delete : delete INDEX
    e.g. delete 3

  • Delete by date : deletedate DATE
    e.g. deletedate 31-7-2018

  • History : history

  • Undo : undo

  • Redo : redo

  • Clear : clear

  • Exit : exit

  • View summary : multiple modes of summary

    1. summary date d/1-1-2018 12-12-2018

    2. summary month d/apr-2018 sep-2018

    3. summary month d/APR-2018 SeP-2018

    4. summary category d/1-1-2018 12-12-2018

  • View pie chart breakdown : stats d/DATE DATE
    e.g. stats d/20-12-2017 31-09-2018

  • Export into Excel : multiple modes of exportexcel

    1. exportexcel

    2. exportexcel d/31-3-1999

    3. exportexcel dir/C:\

    4. exportexcel d/31-3-1999 31-03-2019

    5. exportexcel d/31-3-1999 dir/C:\

    6. exportexcel d/31-3-1999 31-3-2019 dir/C:\

  • Import from Excel file into app : multiple modes of import

    1. import dir/C:\Financial_Planner_ALL.xlsx

    2. import dir/C:\ n/Financial_Planner_ALL

    3. import dir/C:\ n/Financial_Planner_All.xlsx

  • Archive records into Excel file : multiple modes of archive

    1. archive

    2. archive d/31-3-1999

    3. archive dir/C:\

    4. archive d/31-3-1999 31-03-2019

    5. archive d/31-3-1999 dir/C:\

    6. archive d/31-3-1999 31-3-2019 dir/C:\

  • Add limit : addlimit d/DATE [DATE] m/MONEYFLOW

    1. addlimit d/20-12-2017 m/100

    2. addlimit d/20-12-2017 30-09-2018 m/100

  • Check limit : checklimit

  • Delete limit deletelimit d/DATE [DATE]

    1. deleteLimit d/20-12-2017

    2. deleteLimit d/20-12-2017 30-09-2018

  • Edit limit editlimit d/DATE [DATE] m/MONEYFLOW

    1. editlimit d/20-12-2017 m/200

    2. editlimit d/20-12-2017 30-09-2018 m/200

  • Add monthly limit : addmonthlylimit m/MONEYFLOW
    addmonthlylimit m/500

  • Edit monthly limit : editmonthlylimit m/MONEYFLOW
    editmonthlylimit m/300

  • Delete monthly limit : deletemonthlylimit