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Process Description for (new) Artifact Evaluation Co-Chairs

On this page introduce some of the involved processes we have in the Artifact Evaluation.

Starting a new year for artifact review

Each August, just as PoPETs starts a new review cycle, we also start a new review cycle for artifact review. There are a few things that need to be done to set things up.

Inviting artifact committee members

We need to make sure the artifact committee PC is ready to go by the first round deadline (cf. We usually send an invitation email with stats from the previous year and changes for the upcoming year. This email is sent in three variants:

There is an option to sign up or nominate people to be on the artifact committee in the "Reviewer Nomination Form". If you have not gotten the list of artifact reviewers from the current chairs, you can try reaching out to them. We've gotten a large list of reviewers this way.

Once an artifact reviewer has replied to the invitation email, add them to the HotCRP instance. (See below.) You should also email the publicity chairs to update the list of committee members.

Starting a new round of artifact reviews

Creating a new HotCRP instance

We now use separate instances for different rounds. You'll need to email the PoPETs HotCRP admin to create a new instance. The URL for the artifact submission site has been where YYYY is the 4 digits of the upcoming year and R is the round number. As an example, in November of 2023 we are now setting up the instance for the 2022 round 1 submission year and so the submission site is

The current HotCRP admin is Ian Goldberg. For up to date information, check for the "Infrastructure Chairs" on this year's CFP.

If this is the first round, you will have to add the email addresses of the reviewers that accepted the invitations directly. If this is not the first round, then HotCRP admin can run a script to copy over the email list from the previous round.

Configuring the HotCRP instance

There is not much configuration necessary to accept submissions. Make sure you open submissions for the first round and set the submission deadline if desired. In the settings menu, select the "Submission Form" setting. Make sure both an abstract and PDF are required. Add a new submission field titled "Artifact link and brief description" of type "multiline text". Set the topics so reviewers can indicate preferences. So far we've used "source code", "data sets", and "other" but feel free to experiment :)

We recently added an indicator for specialized hardware, this helps for identifying artifacts that we may need to reach out to external reviewers for.

Make sure you select "Save changes" before leaving the screen.

You will also want to ensure the review form has been configured to the preferred information. (e.g. artifact readiness, artifact award worthiness)

Text Input, label: Artifact Summary Text Input, label: Comments to authors Artifact Readiness

  1. Not suitable for review
  2. Needs work
  3. Ready

Award Worthiness (Configure as not visible to authors)

  1. Not suitable
  2. Perhaps suitable
  3. Definitely consider

Process Change Recommendations/For Consideration

  • Clarification in call as to expectations (functionality and availability required)
  • Add section to artifact review form for response to authors/updates. Several reviewers have been updating their review and labeling it but others have not. This will make things clearer for all involved
  • Instructions to reviewers doc: include information about courtesy, types of good comments/evaluations, etc.
  • Add deadline for artifacts to reach acceptance stage to prevent too much overlap with other rounds and to prevent limbo states for becoming too prolonged

Pre-2023 TODO List:

  • turn readme into a table of contents/guide to access other information in the repository as it expands. e.g. there could be a for authors, for reviewers, for chair breakdown
  • Make new reviewer doc. Include: typical timelines, reviewing advice, FAQ
  • create list of questions as they come up to eventually generate FAQ for reviewers and authors of artifacts

General Notes in Progress

After a paper has been accepted to an issue of PoPETs the list of accepted papers is sent to the artifact chairs by the current program chairs. This list will be used to generate the HotCRP accounts and send out an invitation to submit an artifact to all authors.

All accepted artifacts should be emailed to the maintainer of the PoPETs website. We typically send the paper title and the artifact link.

Reoccuring todo list

  • update committee on website

Notice to Authors Timeline

The invitation should include:

  • timeline estimates for authors
  • explanation of the process
  • link to call for artifact page with information on what is an artifact
  • contact info for chairs

Authors are invited to submit an artefact approximately x time intervals after their paper has been accepted. They will have an interval of y time to prepare their artefact and submit it. After submission reviews will be received (ideally) after z weeks. This normally corresponds to the camera ready paper deadline. The authors will then receive an email informing them there are reviews available and they can begin responding to the reviews to improve their artefact and move it towards submission. This iterative process will continue for the specified time duration and then a decision will be reached. After a decision has been reached there is no further action required on the part of the authors.

Notice to Reviewers Timeline

Sending out Mail via HotCRP

Currently use one instance for all issues. Be very careful to select the correct ones. For example: sent to all authors without decision versus send to all authors. It's difficult to filter authors so either do it by hand or you can also select for authors with unresolved submissions or something like that.