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Zeus Deep Learning Library

The Zeus library is a set of files that constitute a minimal yet versatile deep learning training/testing system. It is based on pytorch-lightning and pycg.

Up until now, Zeus has the following files:,,,, models/, and configs/default/zeus.yaml.


Train from scratch

python <CONFIG> --logger_type <wandb/tb> --wname <NAME>
  • By default, logger_type is wandb. If you don't provide wname, a random wandb name will be generated.

Other useful flags:

  • --fast_dev_run: Dry run. Just run one batch. This will not create checkpoints.
  • --profiler: Value can be simple or advanced. Will print a log at trainer fit finished.
  • --limit_<train/val/test>_batches: limit the number of respective batches.
  • --max_epochs
  • --debug: If there is NaN issue. Please use this flag and manually checkout the stack trace. You cannot get a pdb interactive environment because the previous frames&data are not saved.

Resume training

For wandb (Note that checkpoints need to be on this machine!):

python wdb:<WDB-URL> --resume

For tensorboard:

python <TB-HPARAM>.yaml --resume

Test a model

For wandb:

python none --ckpt <WDB-URL>:<CKPT-ID> -v
  • -v is automatically expanded to --visualize.

Overfit a model

python <CONFIG> \
  --interval 10 \
  --log_dir ../overfit/<LOG-FOLDER> \
  --log_plot -v

Retriving checkpoints from remote

On remote server, run:

python <WDB-URL>:<CKPT-ID>


  • <WDB-URL> can be in 2 types:
    • <USER>/<WANDB-PROJECT>/<WANDB-NAME>: This is not unique, will prompt if more than 1 candidates exist.
  • <CKPT-ID>:
    • last: last epoch
    • best/epoch: best epoch
    • 3: the 3rd epoch
    • all: all epochs


To run hyperparameter sweep, first write a config file like sweeps/*.yaml. Then run on the local machine (master):

wandb sweep sweeps/<CONFIG>.yaml

Then, on the remote cluster, run:

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=... wandb agent <SWEEP-ID> --count 1

where count specifies how many jobs should this agent run. Agents will ask for job from the wandb server to run. It will call our training script with --exec set.


Here are some configurations that you can tweak. Please create a file named zeus_config.yaml in the same folder as to override the ones in configs/default/zeus.yaml.


Depending on your needs, many different profiling strategies can be used.

Pytorch Profiler

The built-in profiler of pytorch is actually very useful! You can use it in the following two ways:

  1. Using pycg.exp. Annotate your function with pycg.exp.pt_profile or code block with pycg.exp.pt_profile_named(xxx). Then run the code with PT_PROFILE=1/2 set, where 1 will only profile CPU function calls while 2 will also record cuda calls (usually unnecessary).
  2. Using pytorch_lightning in tensorboard. First annotate your code block with record_function(), then run the script with a logging dir and flag --profiler pytorch. Open tensorboard in the logging dir and the profile tool will appear.


First, use the decorator @exp.mem_profile from pycg.exp to annotate your function (the class decorator does not work very well yet). Then we follow the 2-step approach:

  1. Set environment variable MEM_PROFILE=1,<TH>. This will print a brief description.
  2. Set environment variable MEM_PROFILE=2. This will print a long description.


If your train/val code is slow and you doubt there is a bottleneck function, then find it out using the following steps:

  1. Use the following flags: --max_epochs 1 --limit_train/val/test_batches 20 --profiler simple to run the model for a few iterations. At exit the program will print the time used for each pytorch-lightning step. Check which part is the bottleneck, especially mind the data loading part.

  2. py-spy is able to gives you real-time display of your function, its computation utility (Active%). You can start it by running sudo env "PATH=$PATH" py-spy top --pid <Your program>.

  3. kernprof gives you per-line execution time, and is very useful if you do not have many iterations in your code. In order to use it, add @pycg.exp.profile to your function and run kernprof -l .... When program exits, it will tell you something.

  4. Pytorch profiler is the ultimate tool of choice, which output a chrome trace for all CPU/GPU functions and has solved many of your problems effectively. Just uncomment the line in The trace json file can be loaded using Chrome's chrome://tracing. (Note: Pytorch-lightning also provides pytorch profiler, but the documentation is very vague.)

  5. exp.Timer class is also useful if you want to be flexible.

Using Nvidia's Profiler

Nvidia is developing many tools for better performance diagnosis. The old one is nvvp visual profiler, and new ones are Nsight Compute and Nsight System. The tools are also bundled with CUDA. To debug a program, simply run:

sudo -E env PATH=$PATH LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH /usr/local/cuda-11.6/bin/nsight-sys

Note that this has to run as root. Older versions earlier than 2020.5 does not profile memory. In my experience, it's hard to debug using this tool. For memory issue the best way is still memlab. Memlab is accurate -- it just ignores some cuda context overhead (~1.6GiB on your machine and ~800MiB on 1080).

How to use parallel training

Just add

--gpus 2

to enable DDP, or add --accelerator dp to use DP.

Remember, when using DDP, your dataloader's batch size should be self.hparams.batch_size // self.trainer.world_size, to match the original training.

Usually, pytorch tutorial will use something like mp.spawn(), which resembles --accelerator ddp_spawn and this according to PL, has many limitations. Internally, ddp in PL use subprocess.Popen instead of multiprocess, so you will observe the entire script being run again because __name__ is not set to __mp_main__ as in multiprocess.

Another hint: for multiprocess, it has two modes fork and spawn, both of which will not run __main__ again, but the latter one will re-import all packages (because it creates a fresh python interpreter instance). Pytorch cuda tensor requires spawn to work.