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162 lines (101 loc) · 5.63 KB

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162 lines (101 loc) · 5.63 KB

Project Name: Gatsby

Evaluating Person or Team: Anthony hkajs

Project Data

  1. Project description:
    Gatsby is an open source framework for making websites and apps. It is based on React and is designed with fast websites and apps in mind.

  2. Project website/homepage:

  3. Project repository:


  1. What is the project's license?
    MIT License

Code Base

  1. What is the primary programming language in the project?

  2. What is the development environment?
    Node.js, Git, and Gatsby CLI.

  3. Are there instructions for how to download, build, and install? How easy is it to find them? Do they seem easy (relatively speaking) to follow?
    Yes there is an entire tutorial on their website for setting up Gatsby. Definitely easy to follow relatively speaking.

  4. Does the project depend on external additional software modules such as database, graphics, web development, or other libraries? If so, are there clear instructions on how to install those?
    No, but Gatsby is composed of multiple software working together, so it's installed in parts.

  5. Is the code easy to understand? Browse some source code files and make a judgment based on your random sample.
    The project generally has good documentation, though some files lack any. I don't know Javascript but the code is relatively easy to understand.

  6. Is this a big project? If you can, find out about how many lines of code are in it, perhaps on OpenHub.
    Yes, it is definitely a large project that is widely used, updated and has a very active community around it.

  7. Does the repository have tests? If so, are the code contributors expected to write tests for newly added code?
    Yes the repository has tests. Quite certain that everything is tested including new commits.

Code and Design Documentation

  1. Is there clear documentation in the code itself?
    Yes for the most part.

  2. Is there documentation about the design?
    Yes the design is explained in some files.

Activity Level

  1. How many commits have been made in the past week?
    Last week there were 101 commits, this week there have been ~50.

  2. When was the most recent commit?
    37 minutes ago, so 3:13 AM on 3/4/2020.

  3. How many issues are currently open?
    595 issues are open.

  4. How long do issues stay open?
    On average 7 hours for the 5 issues I picked, though 3 of them were closed within the hour they were created

  5. Read the conversations from some open and some closed issues. Is there active discussion on the issues?
    Yes, each recieves atleast a single response with thanks, and some have many responses.

  6. Are issues tagged as easy, hard, for beginners, etc.?
    No, but they are tagged with effort as in low, med, and high effort.

  7. How many issues were closed in the past six months?
    I'm not sure exactly, but around ~1500 issues.

  8. Is there information about how many people are maintaining the project?
    Yes, with github insights.

  9. How many contributors has the project had in the past six months?
    Can't find past 6 months but in the past month there were 183 contributers.

  10. How many open pull requests are there?
    131 open pull requests.

  11. Do pull requests remain un-answered for a long time?
    No, generally it takes 1 day max.

  12. Read the conversations from some open and some closed pull requests. Is there active discussion on the pull requests?
    Yes there is a lot of discussion though it varies similar to issues.

  13. How many pull requests were opened within the past six months?
    Around 2000 were opened.

  14. When was the last pull request merged?
    3 AM 3/4/2020.

Welcomeness and Community

  1. Is there a CONTRIBUTING document? If so, how easy to read and understand is it? Look through it and see if it is clear and thorough.
    Not on github, but on their own website, it is very thorough.

  2. Is there a CODE OF CONDUCT document? Does it have consequences for acts that violate it?
    There is on their own website. And yes there are consequences.

  3. Do the maintainers respond helpfully to questions in issues? Are responses generally constructive? Read the issue conversations.

  4. Are people friendly in the issues, discussion forum, and chat?
    Yes they are.

  5. Do maintainers thank people for their contributions?
    Yes they do.

Development Environment Installation

Install the development environment for the project on your system. Describe the process that you needed to follow:

  1. how involved was the process?
    It was mostly typing in the command line to download packages.

  2. how long it take you?
    30 minutes, but on my windows which is not designed for this type of installation.

  3. did you need to install additional packages or libraries? <br Not anything not described on the tutorial.

  4. were you able to build the code following the instructions?

  5. did you need to look for additional help in installing the environment?

  6. any other comments?


  1. Do you think this is a project to which it would be possible to contribute in the course of a few weeks before the end of this semester?
    Absolutely, it is very active, and it seems like a resonably welcoming community, though there is little attention specifically for beginners I am sure there are low level issues which need to be solved.

  2. Would you be interested in contributing to this particular project?
    Yes, however I am not great at javascript, and also am not a big fan of web dev stuff, but it seems interesting.