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149 lines (112 loc) · 6.56 KB

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149 lines (112 loc) · 6.56 KB

Project Name: Phaser

Evaluating Person or Team: David, Flydx1234

Project Data

  1. Project description:
    Phaser is a game engine for making 2D, HTML5 games. Essentially, the user group is composed of game developers who are specifically looking to make something that is lightweight, for the browser or for a mobile device.

  2. Project website/homepage:

  3. Project repository:


  1. What is the project's license?
    The project is licensed under the MIT license.

Code Base

  1. What is the primary programming language in the project? The primary programming language is TypeScript which is a subset of JavaScript.

  2. What is the development environment?
    The project uses Webpack.

  3. Are there instructions for how to download, build, and install? How easy is it to find them? Do they seem easy (relatively speaking) to follow?
    The instructions are pretty clear, there are multiple ways to install the project, and they seem relatively simple.

  4. Does the project depend on external additional software modules such as database, graphics, web development, or other libraries? If so, are there clear instructions on how to install those?
    The project depends on node.js. There is no installation instructions for node.js but it is pretty simple to install node.js.

  5. Is the code easy to understand? Browse some source code files and make a judgment based on your random sample.
    The code is easy to understand, and there is a lot of documentation. The file name itself can tell you a lot about what the code is for.

  6. Is this a big project? If you can, find out about how many lines of code are in it, perhaps on OpenHub.
    This is a huge project with over 700,000 lines of code.

  7. Does the repository have tests? If so, are the code contributors expected to write tests for newly added code?
    The repository does have tests, although code contributors are not expected to write tests for newly added code. They are however expected to add tests for issues that are reported.

Code and Design Documentation

  1. Is there clear documentation in the code itself?
    The documentation in the code is clear.
  2. Is there documentation about the design?
    Yes, they have a whole site dedicated to documentation on their project.

Activity Level

  1. How many commits have been made in the past week?
    There has been 0 commits in the past week.

  2. When was the most recent commit?
    The most recent commit was February 13th.

  3. How many issues are currently open?
    There are 175 issues open.

  4. How long do issues stay open?
    About a week on average I would say.

  5. Read the conversations from some open and some closed issues. Is there active discussion on the issues?
    There is active discussion on almost all the closed issues and most of the open ones.

  6. Are issues tagged as easy, hard, for beginners, etc.?
    There are different difficulty levels for issues from easy to hard.

  7. How many issues were closed in the past six months?
    230 issues were closed in the past six months.

  8. Is there information about how many people are maintaining the project?
    There are 437 contributors.

  9. How many contributors has the project had in the past six months?
    10 contributors in the past 6 months.

  10. How many open pull requests are there?

  11. Do pull requests remain un-answered for a long time?
    Pull requests remain open for about 7 days.

  12. Read the conversations from some open and some closed pull requests. Is there active discussion on the pull requests?
    There is active discussion on a good amount of pull requests, but not as much discussion as on the issues.

  13. How many pull requests were opened within the past six months?
    96 pull requests in the past six months.

  14. When was the last pull request merged?
    Feb 4th.

Welcomeness and Community

  1. Is there a CONTRIBUTING document? If so, how easy to read and understand is it? Look through it and see if it is clear and thorough.
    There is a contributing document, and it is very clear, easy to read and understand.

  2. Is there a CODE OF CONDUCT document? Does it have consequences for acts that violate it?
    There is a code of conduct, that can lead to a temporary ban or permanent expulsion from the community if violated.

  3. Do the maintainers respond helpfully to questions in issues? Are responses generally constructive? Read the issue conversations.
    The maintainer, specifically the creator of the project responds pretty helpfully to questions in issues.

  4. Are people friendly in the issues, discussion forum, and chat?
    People are friendly in the issues, and there is a chat with a lot of active members.

  5. Do maintainers thank people for their contributions?
    The main maintainers mostly just use a thumbs up sign, but if it counts.

Development Environment Installation

Install the development environment for the project on your system. Describe the process that you needed to follow:

  1. how involved was the process?
    The process was not really invovled, it was a simple matter of running npm install.
  2. how long it take you?
    About 12 minutes.
  3. did you need to install additional packages or libraries?
  4. were you able to build the code following the instructions?
    Almost, one issue was the not being able to run webpack without index.js in src folder.
  5. did you need to look for additional help in installing the environment?
    Yes, webpack didn't run initially. Solution was to add index.js to src folder.
  6. any other comments?


  1. Do you think this is a project to which it would be possible to contribute in the course of a few weeks before the end of this semester?
    I think it is possible to contribute to the project, as I have used other game engines before such as Unity and Unreal engine. So I may be able to take my experiences from there and apply it to my contributions for this project.

  2. Would you be interested in contributing to this particular project?
    I would probably be interested in contributing to this particular project as I myself am slightly interested in game design, and Phaser is a different shift from what I normally work with which is Unity.