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Configuration Management

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The XOS distribution includes a collection of configurations, each of which implies three main parameters:

  1. XOS Release
  2. Target Hardware
  3. Service Portfolio

For example, the Devel Config described below uses the latest stable release (Burwell), runs on CloudLab, and includes only the HelloWorld service.

Configurations are organized in the directory xos/configurations/ within the XOS git repository. Each configuration is stored in a single subdirectory. For example, the Devel configuration can be found in xos/configurations/devel/. At a minimum, each configuration consists of a Makefile and a Dockerfile. Optionally, there may also be TOSCA definitions that are used to internally configure XOS (e.g., to bring up services and slices). A second Makefile, Makefile.inside, is commonly used to execute actions that need to occur after the container has been started.

Directory xos/configurations/common/ contains files that are useful to multiple configurations. Dockerfile.common contains a baseline Dockerfile that should be suitable for most XOS installations. By convention, common Dockerfile actions are abstracted to xos/configurations/common/Dockerfile.common, and only Dockerfile actions unique to a particular configuration need be specified in the individual configuration's Dockerfile.

To create a new configuration, first make a new subdirectory off of xos/configurations/. Then create Dockerfile.configname and include any Docker actions unique to that configuration. Use one of the other Makefiles as a template (xos/configurations/devel/Makefile is generally a good starting point) and modify it as appropriate to create the configuration's Makefile.

The final step is to optionally modify the XOS data model, for example, to include additional services, slices, deployments, and so on. This is done by executing one or more TOSCA files that specify the model to be imported into XOS. More information on TOSCA can be found elsewhere.

By convention, XOS configurations are initialized with a single administrative user and login credentials of with password letmein.

We suggest placing a file with each configuration that documents the purpose of the configurations and any assumptions or requirements, such as the whether the configuration must be run from within CloudLab.

The rest of this section describes four stock configurations that are provided with the release. It also includes a description of the configuration we use for OpenCloud, a production system.

Devel Config

A simple way to create an end-to-end development environment is to use CloudLab to host a basic OpenStack cluster, and then link this cluster to XOS. To set up XOS with an OpenStack cluster hosted on CloudLab:

  • If you don't already have a CloudLab account, go to and join project cord-testdrive.
  • Create your CloudLab experiment using the OpenStack profile. The Juno and Kilo releases should both work. We recommend that, under "Advanced Parameters" in the profile, you choose to "Disable Security Group Enforcement". Instantiate it on the CloudLab Clemson or CloudLab Wisconsin clusters.
  • Login to the ctl node of the experiment and run the following:

{% highlight sh %} $ git clone $ cd xos/xos/configurations/devel $ make {% endhighlight %}

The Makefile will build the XOS Docker image, run it in a container, and configure XOS to talk to the OpenStack cluster on CloudLab. You can reach the XOS GUI on port 9999 on the ctl node. XOS login credentials are

Assuming everything has worked, you should be able to create a slice and launch a VM. You can log into the VM from the ctl node as the ubuntu user, at the first IP address shown in the Instances view for the slice (typically on the subnet).


The CORD POD configuration is currently being used to set up CORD. For the latest instructions on how to build this configuration, see the file in the xos/configurations/cord-pod/ directory of the XOS GitHub repository. The README will take you through the process of bringing up a CORD POD from scratch.

Test Config

The Test configuration brings XOS up on CloudLab and runs it through a set of regression tests. All code that is to be checked into the master branch on github should first successfully pass all the test cases in this configuration. After the test suite is completed, the container will automatically exit.

Generally the test suite executes in two phases. The first phase are simple data model regression tests driven by XOS's TOSCA engine. These test case create models with various sets of arguments, and ensure that the XOS data model is behaving properly.

The second phase are Synchronizer-exercising tests. These test cases create an object in the data model, and then run multiple passes of the XOS synchronizer to instantiate the object using OpenStack.

Bash Config

The Bash configuration may be found in xos/configurations/bash/. Its purpose is to serve as an interactive environment for development, with a shell-based interface. After the Makefile has finished executing, the user will be dropped into a bash shell inside of the container. Postgres will be running and the XOS data model will be populated with minimal data.

The XOS UI will not be running, but it can be started by typing

{% highlight sh %} $ cd /opt/xos; scripts/opencloud runserver {% endhighlight %}

Frontend-Only Config

The Frontend-Only configuration is aimed at developers who are working on the XOS user interface, but do not need a functioning Synchronizer. As such, it does not require Cloudlab or any active OpenStack deployment. While the UI is functional, this configuration necessarily imposes the limitation that Instances will not be instantiated.

Additionally, as the Synchronizer is not running, model_policies will not be executed.

OpenCloud Config

The preceeding configurations are primarily used for development. This section describes the configuration used on OpenCloud, which is an operational system that runs 24/7 and supports end-users.

Just like the other examples, the OpenCloud configuation is defined by a Dockerfile that sets up the underlying environment. One major difference from the development versions is that for production environments, we recommend running XOS behind a front-end such as nginx.

A sample configuration file for nginx is located in the nginx subdirectory of the XOS git repository. This config fie is setup to look for static files in /var/www/xos/static, and that subdirectory must be created. All static files located in the following subdirectories must be copied to /var/www/xos/static/:

{% highlight sh %} /opt/xos/core/static /opt/xos/core/xoslib/static

note that the following two paths may vary depending on Linux distribution

/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/Django-1.7-py2.7.egg/django/contrib/admin/static /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/suit/static {% endhighlight %}

The following commands can be used to start, stop, and restart the uwsgi server:

{% highlight sh %} start: cd /opt/xos; uwsgi --start-unsubscribed /opt/xos/uwsgi/xos.ini stop: uwsgi --stop /var/run/uwsgi/ restart: uwsgi --reload /var/run/uwsgi/ {% endhighlight %}

Debugging Configurations

There are two different kinds of configurations: terminal interactive configurations and background configurations. Terminal interactive configurations print output to stdout and accept input from stdin. Examples of these configurations are Test and Bash. Debugging these are relatively easy, as one may directly observe the output of the container.

Background configurations do not produce output once launched. Examples of these include the Devel and Frontend configurations. The Makefiles for these configurations typically include a step that waits for the XOS UI to become reachable, as it may take up to 30 seconds for it to do so. After XOS is reachable, a background configuration's Makefile returns to the command line, and the container continues to execute.

Because of the nature of background configurations, failures are not necessarily readily apparent. Docker includes a 'log' feature that may be used to display the stdout and stderr of a background container. This feature is exercised by first looking up the container's ID (with docker ps if the container is still executing, or docker ps -a if the container has exited). Then use that ID to execute docker logs ID. Several of the configurations include a Makefile target make showlogs that automatically executes these steps.

Additionally, it may be necessary for a developer to sometimes attach a shell to a running background container to interact with it. This may be done first looking up the container ID, and then executing docker exec -t -i ID bash.

Building XOS Without the Configuration System

A Dockerfile available at can be used to build a Docker image for running XOS. The XOS files in the Docker image are copied from the local file tree, so it is easy to create a customized version of XOS by making local changes to the XOS source before building the Docker image.

A minimal initial_data.json fixture is provided. The login credentials are with password letmein. This initial_data.json doesn't contain any nodes and is suitable for fresh installations.

To build and start the container type:

{% highlight sh %} $ docker build -t xos . $ docker run -t -i -p 8000:8000 xos {% endhighlight %}

XOS will start automatically and you will see its log output in the shell window. You can access the XOS login at http://server:8000, where server is the name of the server hosting the Docker container. Login credentials are

Note that the above steps result in a running XOS, but without any backend resources. This is sufficient for working on the data model and views, but not for actually managing cloud infrastructure.

Information on bringing up a local OpenStack cluster is given in Section Installing OpenStack of the Operator Guide. Information on connecting XOS to an operational OpenStack cluster is given in Sections Administering a Deployment and Administering a Site of the User's Guide. These two sections explain how to configure a Deployment to know about a set of OpenStack clusters and how to configure a Site to know about a set of Nodes, respectively.