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Operator Guide

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This guide describes how to install and operate an XOS-based cloud. It draws heavily from an existing operational cloud (OpenCloud), but with the intent of documenting how others might replicate OpenCloud on their own infrastructure.

Installing XOS

See Section Configuration Management of the Developer Guide for instructions on configuring and installing XOS. The discussion in that section presumes each configuration is installed on some target hardware platform that is suitable for development (e.g., CloudLab or a CORD POD).

For operational deployments of XOS, the target hardware is likely to be one or more backend OpenStack clusters. Information on bringing up an OpenStack cluster is given below (Section Installing OpenStack).

Information on connecting XOS to an existing OpenStack cluster is given in Sections Administering a Deployment and Administering a Site of the User's Guide. These two sections explain how to configure a Deployment to know about a set of OpenStack clusters and how to configure a Site to know about a set of Nodes, respectively.

Installing OpenStack

This section describes how to bring up XOS's version of an OpenStack cloud on a cluster. See Sections Administering a Site and Administering a Deployment of the User's Guide for instructions on importing an OpenStack cluster into XOS.

Cluster Architecture

Figure 1 shows the goal of the installation process. At the top is a controller node running 10 VMs attached to a private management network; each VM hosts a service needed by OpenStack. Below are compute nodes running the nova-compute and neutron-plugin-openvswitch agents. The compute nodes connect to a publicly routable network as well as the management network.

{% include figure.html url="/figures/opsguide-fig01_xos_cluster_architecture.jpg" caption="Figure 1. XOS Cluster Architecture." %}

The private management network is an IP subnet with a private IP address space (e.g., VMs on the controller node connect to this network via a Linux bridge. Compute nodes on the local network can route packets to VMs by adding a rule to their forwarding tables. Select ports are forwarded from the controller node's public IP address to VMs so that OpenStack services can be contacted by a remote client.

Configuring Physical Servers and Network

The controller and compute nodes should meet the following minimum hardware requirements:

  • 12 CPU cores, x86_64 architecture
  • 48GB RAM
  • 3TB disk
  • 2x 1Gbps NICs

The nodes should be installed with Ubuntu 14.04 LTS. Both NICs should be wired to a public network; NIC1 should have a public IP address and NIC2 should be left unconfigured. The compute nodes should not be behind a firewall. If the controller node is behind a firewall, the following TCP ports should be opened for XOS: 22, 3128, 5000, 8080, 8777, 9292, 9696, 35357.

Installing OpenStack on a Local Cluster

The controller node architecture shown in Figure 1 runs each OpenStack service in its own VM, with all VMs connected by a private management (virtual) network. An Ansible playbook that automates bringing up this virtual infrastructure is available on GitHub:

Consult the file for instructions on how to run this playbook and customize it for your own needs.

Service VMs

Once you have set up the head node of your local OpenCloud cluster using the above scripts, you can use virsh list to see a list of the running VMs, each named after the service it hosts:

{% highlight sh %} $ virsh list Id Name State

3 juju running 4 mysql running 5 rabbitmq-server running 6 keystone running 7 glance running 8 nova-cloud-controller running 9 quantum-gateway running 10 openstack-dashboard running 11 ceilometer running 12 nagios running 16 xos running {% endhighlight %}

All of the VMs are attached to bridge virbr0 with private addresses on the subnet, and so are not reachable externally. The IP addresses of the VMs are in /etc/hosts, or can be obtained using uvt-kvm ip <VM name>:

{% highlight sh %} $ uvt-kvm ip xos {% endhighlight %}

Log in to a VM using ssh ubuntu@\<VM name\>. The default SSH key for the admin user (/home/admin/.ssh/ has been added for the ubuntu user inside all the VMs, so this should just work:

{% highlight sh %} $ ssh ubuntu@xos Welcome to Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS (GNU/Linux 3.13.0-49-generic x86_64) ... ubuntu@xos:~$ {% endhighlight %}

Configuring Remote OpenStack Clients

Port forwarding on the controller node enables remote clients to connect to the OpenStack services on the cluster. An OpenStack client connecting to the VM's public IP address has its request forwarded to the private IP address of the appropriate VM. A firewall on the controller node ensures that only authorized clients are able to connect.

When connecting to an OpenStack service, many OpenStack client libraries fetch its endpoint information from Keystone. The OpenStack controller services register their private IP addresses on the management network with Keystone. If a client is not connected to the management network, then it may be necessary to translate this private IP address to the public IP address used for port forwarding. One way to do this is with iptables. For example, if the cluster's management network is on the subnet, and the public IP address for port forwarding is, then one could add the following iptables rule on the client machine:

{% highlight sh %} $ iptables -t nat -A OUTPUT -p tcp -d -j DNAT --to-destination {% endhighlight %}

The XOS install scripts enable SSL for the OpenStack endpoints, using a certificate generated by Juju. Fetch the certificate from /etc/ssl/certs/keystone_juju_ca_cert.pem in the nova-cloud-controller VM and add it to the local certificate repository on the client (e.g., /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/).

Operator Tools

There is currently no comprehensive operator view. Instead, operators use the following combintation of views and tools to a monitor and operate an XOS deployment:

  • The Developer view gives administrators read/write access to the entire data model. The Admin-Only tab on the Sites, Slices and Users pages gives operators access to the underlying Controller.

  • A hidden xoslib-based alternative to the Developer view is available at

  • A Nagios view provides access to a Nagios service running on the head node of each underlying OpenStack cluster.

There are also a set of scripts that can be used to monitor the health of the OpenStack services running on each cluster. On, admin credentials for all the clusters can be found in /home/ubuntu/acb/. The script can be used to run an OpenStack command across all of the clusters and print the output. For example, to view the status of the Nova services and Neutron agents on all clusters:

{% highlight sh %} $ ./ "nova service-list" $ ./ "neutron agent-list" {% endhighlight %}

To show all VMs created across all clusters:

{% highlight sh %} $ ./ "nova list --all-tenants" {% endhighlight %}

Note that glance commands require the --os-cacert argument:

{% highlight sh %} $ ./ "glance --os-cacert /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt image-list" {% endhighlight %}

Andy is the maintainer of these credential files and scripts; let him know if something is not working as expected.


Symptom: Can't create VMs on the nodes. The nova service-list command shows all nova-compute instances as down. Additionally, XOS may display "timed out while waiting for node" in the backend_status field of the affected instances.

Fix: It seems that RabbitMQ is usually the culprit. Follow these steps:

  • Restart the rabbitmq-server VM. Wait for it to come back up.

{% highlight sh %} $ ssh ubuntu@rabbitmq-server "sudo shutdown -r now" {% endhighlight %}

  • Restart the nova-api-metadata service in the quantum-gateway VM.

{% highlight sh %} $ ssh ubuntu@quantum-gateway "sudo service nova-api-metadata restart" {% endhighlight %}

  • Restart the nova-compute service on all the compute nodes.

{% highlight sh %} $ ssh ubuntu@ "sudo service nova-compute restart" {% endhighlight %}

Symptom: Metadata service is slow and returns 500 Internal Server Error

Fix: See Can't create VMs on the nodes.. It's the same rabbitmq problem, and the errors are coming from the nova-api-metadata service.

Symptom: When SSHing to an Instance, "This is nc from the netcat-openbsd package" is printed along with the netcat syntax.

Fix: You may be trying to SSH to the NAT interface of an Instance that's configured with a public IP instead of NAT.

  • SSH to the Public IP Address instead.

Symptom: Instance are unreachable via network, but are running on the host.

Diagnostic Steps: Use VNC to view console of broken instance.

  • on host physical machine, run virsh vncdisplay <instance_name>. Note the vnc console number, add 5900 to it to get the VNC port.

  • on host phyical machine, make sure port is open: iptables -A INPUT -m state --state NEW -m tcp -p tcp --dport 5900 -j ACCEPT

  • from admin machine, setup an SSH tunnel: ssh -o "GatewayPorts yes" -L 5900:localhost:5900 ubuntu@<hostname>

  • establish vnc session to localhost:5900.

Symptom: Interfaces become unreachable inside of instances. When inspected using VNC, instance shows UDP checksum errors relating to DHCP packets.

Fix: Older versions of dhclient are incompatible with checksum offloading on host.

  • Upgrade guest image to a newer version of dhclient