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Scenarios for Metrics API/SDK Prototyping

With the stable release of the tracing specification, the OpenTelemetry community is willing to spend more energy on metrics API/SDK. The goal is to get the metrics API/SDK specification to Experimental state by end of 5/2021, and make it Stable before end of 2021:

  • By end of 5/31/2021, we should have a good confidence that we can recommend language client owners to work on metrics preview release. This means starting from 6/1/2021 the specification should not have major surprises or big changes. We will then start recommending client maintainers to implement it. We might introduce additional features but there should be a high bar.

  • By end of 9/30/2021, we should mark the metrics API/SDK specification as Feature-freeze, and focus on bug fixing or editorial changes.

  • By end of 11/30/2021, we want to have a stable release of metrics API/SDK specification, with multiple language SIGs providing RC (release candidate) or stable clients.

In this document, we will focus on two scenarios that we use for prototyping metrics API/SDK. The goal is to have two scenarios which clearly capture the major requirements, so we can work with language client SIGs to prototype, gather the learnings, determine the scopes and stages. Later the scenarios can be used as examples and test cases for all the language clients.

Here are the languages we've agreed to use during the prototyping:

  • C#
  • Java
  • Python

In order to not undertake such an enormous task at once, we will need to have an incremental approach and divide the work into multiple stages:

  1. Do the end-to-end prototype to get the overall understanding of the problem domain. We should also clarify the scope and be able to articulate it precisely during this stage, here are some examples:

    • Why do we want to introduce brand new metrics APIs versus taking a well established API (e.g. Prometheus and Micrometer), what makes OpenTelemetry metrics API different (e.g. Baggage)?
    • Do we need to consider OpenCensus Stats API shim, or this is out of scope?
  2. Focus on a core subset of API, cover the end-to-end library instrumentation scenario. At this stage we don't expect to cover all the APIs as some of them might be very similar (e.g. if we know how to record an integer, we don't have to work on float/double as we can add them later by replicating what we've done for integer).

  3. Focus on a core subset of SDK. This would help us to get the end-to-end application.

  4. Replicate stage 2 to cover the complete set of APIs.

  5. Replicate stage 3 to cover the complete set of SDKs.

Scenario 1: Grocery

The Grocery scenario covers how a developer could use metrics API and SDK in a final application. It is a self-contained application which covers:

  • How to instrument the code in a vendor agnostic way
  • How to configure the SDK and exporter

Considering there might be multiple grocery stores, the metrics we collect will have the store name as a dimension - which is fairly static (not changing while the store is running).

The store has plenty supply of potato and tomato, with the following price:

  • Potato: $1.00 / ea
  • Tomato: $3.00 / ea

Each customer has a unique name (e.g. customerA, customerB), a customer could come to the store multiple times. Here goes the Python snippet:

store = GroceryStore("Portland")
store.process_order("customerA", {"potato": 2, "tomato": 3})
store.process_order("customerB", {"tomato": 10})
store.process_order("customerC", {"potato": 2})
store.process_order("customerA", {"tomato": 1})

We will need the following metrics every minute:

Order info:

Store Customer Number of Orders Amount (USD)
Portland customerA 2 14.00
Portland customerB 1 30.00
Portland customerC 1 2.00

Items sold:

Store Customer Item Count
Portland customerA potato 2
Portland customerA tomato 4
Portland customerB tomato 10
Portland customerC potato 2

Each customer may enter and exit a grocery store.

Here goes the Python snippet:

store = GroceryStore("Portland")
store.enter_customer("customerA", {"account_type": "restaurant"})
store.enter_customer("customerB", {"account_type": "home cook"})
store.exit_customer("customerB", {"account_type": "home cook"})
store.exit_customer("customerA", {"account_type": "restaurant"})

We will need the following metrics every minute:

Customers in store:

Store Account type Count
Portland restaurant 1
Portland home cook 1

Scenario 2: HTTP Server

The HTTP Server scenario covers how a library developer X could use metrics API to instrument a library, and how the application developer Y can configure the library to use OpenTelemetry SDK in a final application. X and Y are working for different companies and they don't communicate. The demo has two parts - the library (HTTP lib and ClimateControl lib owned by X) and the server app (owned by Y):

  • How developer X could instrument the library code in a vendor agnostic way
    • Performance is critical for X
    • X doesn't know which metrics and which dimensions will Y pick
    • X doesn't know the aggregation time window, nor the final destination of the metrics
    • X would like to provide some default recommendation (e.g. default dimensions, aggregation time window, histogram buckets) so consumers of his library can have a better onboarding experience.
  • How developer Y could configure the SDK and exporter
    • How should Y hook up the metrics SDK with the library
    • How should Y configure the time window(s) and destination(s)
    • How should Y pick the metrics and the dimensions

Library Requirements

The library developer (developer X) will provide two libraries:

  • Server climate control library - a library which monitors and controls the temperature and humidity of the server.
  • HTTP server library - a library which provides HTTP service.

Both libraries will provide out-of-box metrics, the metrics have two categories:

  • Push metrics - the value is reported (via the API) when it is available, and collected (via the SDK) based on the ask from consumer(s). If there is no ask from the consumer, the API will be no-op and the data will be dropped on the floor.
  • Pull metrics - the value is always available, and is only reported and collected based on the ask from consumer(s). If there is no ask from the consumer, the value will not be reported at all (e.g. there is no API call to fetch the temperature unless someone is asking for the temperature).

Server Climate Control Library

Note: the Host Name should leverage OpenTelemetry Resource, so it should be covered by the metrics SDK rather than API, and strictly speaking it is not considered as a "dimension" from the SDK perspective.

Server temperature:

Host Name Temperature (F)
MachineA 65.3

Note: Temperature may take on negative values. For this reason, you must choose the instrument carefully to ensure it is one that can accept negative recordings and that they can be aggregated appropriately.

Server humidity:

Host Name Humidity (%)
MachineA 21

Server CPU usage:

Host Name CPU usage (seconds)
MachineA 100.1

Server Memory usage:

Host Name Memory usage (bytes)
MachineA 1000000000
MachineA 2000000000

HTTP Server Library

Received HTTP requests:

Note: the Client Type is passed in via the OpenTelemetry Baggage, strictly speaking it is not part of the metrics API, but it is considered as a "dimension" from the metrics SDK perspective.

Host Name Process ID Client Type HTTP Method HTTP Host HTTP Flavor Peer IP Peer Port Host IP Host Port
MachineA 1234 Android GET 1.1 51327 80
MachineA 1234 Android POST 1.1 51328 80
MachineA 1234 iOS PUT 1.1 51329 80

HTTP server request duration:

Note: the server duration is only available for finished HTTP requests.

Host Name Process ID Client Type HTTP Method HTTP Host HTTP Status Code HTTP Flavor Peer IP Peer Port Host IP Host Port Duration (ms)
MachineA 1234 Android GET 200 1.1 51327 80 8.5
MachineA 1234 Android POST 304 1.1 51328 80 100.0

HTTP active sessions:

HTTP Host HTTP flavor Active sessions 1.1 17 2.0 20

Application Requirements

The application owner (developer Y) would only want the following metrics:

  • Server temperature - reported every 5 seconds

  • Server humidity - reported every minute

  • HTTP server request duration, reported every 5 seconds, with a subset of the dimensions:

    • Host Name
    • HTTP Method
    • HTTP Host
    • HTTP Status Code
    • Client Type
    • 90%, 95%, 99% and 99.9% server duration
  • HTTP request counters, reported every 5 seconds:

    • Total number of received HTTP requests
    • Total number of finished HTTP requests
    • Number of currently-in-flight HTTP requests (concurrent HTTP requests)
    Host Name Process ID HTTP Host Received Requests Finished Requests Concurrent Requests
    MachineA 1234 630 601 29
    MachineA 5678 1005 1001 4
  • Exception samples (exemplar) - in case HTTP 5xx happened, developer Y would want to see a sample request with trace id, span id and all the dimensions (IP, Port, etc.)

    Trace ID Span ID Host Name Process ID Client Type HTTP Method HTTP Host HTTP Status Code HTTP Flavor Peer IP Peer Port Host IP Host Port Exception
    8389584945550f40820b96ce1ceb9299 745239d26e408342 MachineA 1234 iOS PUT 500 1.1 51329 80 SocketException(...)