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Azure disk CSI driver development guide

How to build this project

  • Clone repo
$ mkdir -p $GOPATH/src/
$ git clone $GOPATH/src/
  • Build CSI driver
$ cd $GOPATH/src/
$ make azuredisk
  • Build CSI driver v2

Development of the V2 driver is currently ongoing in the main_v2 branch.

$ cd $GOPATH/src/
$ git checkout main_v2
$ BUILD_V2=true make azuredisk
  • Run verification before sending PR
$ make verify
  • If there is config file changed under charts directory, run following command to update chart file
helm package charts/latest/azuredisk-csi-driver -d charts/latest/

How to test CSI driver in local environment

$ mkdir -p $GOPATH/src/
$ cd $GOPATH/src/
$ git clone
$ cd gocsi/csc
$ make build

Start CSI driver locally

$ cd $GOPATH/src/
$ ./_output/amd64/azurediskplugin --endpoint tcp:// --nodeid CSINode -v=5 &

Before running CSI driver, create "/etc/kubernetes/azure.json" file under testing server(it's better copy azure.json file from a k8s cluster with service principle configured correctly) and set AZURE_CREDENTIAL_FILE as following:

export set AZURE_CREDENTIAL_FILE=/etc/kubernetes/azure.json

1. Get plugin info

$ csc identity plugin-info --endpoint tcp://
""    "v0.5.0"

2. Create an azure disk volume

$ csc controller new --endpoint tcp:// --cap 1,block CSIVolumeName  --req-bytes 2147483648 --params skuname=Standard_LRS,kind=managed
"/subscriptions/b9d2281e-dcd5-4dfd-9a97-xxx/resourceGroups/xxx/providers/Microsoft.Compute/disks/pvc-disk-dynamic-398b838f-0432-11e9-9978-000d3a00df41"        2147483648      "kind"="managed"        "skuname"="Standard_LRS"

3. Attach an Azure disk volume to a node

$ csc controller publish --endpoint tcp:// --node-id k8s-agentpool-17181929-0 --cap 1,block "/subscriptions/b9d2281e-dcd5-4dfd-9a97-xxx/resourceGroups/xxx/providers/Microsoft.Compute/disks/pvc-disk-dynamic-398b838f-0432-11e9-9978-000d3a00df41"

4. Stage an Azure disk volume on a node (format and mount disk to a staging path)

$ csc node stage --endpoint tcp:// --cap 1,block --staging-target-path=/tmp/staging-path --pub-info devicePath="0" "/subscriptions/b9d2281e-dcd5-4dfd-9a97-xxx/resourceGroups/xxx/providers/Microsoft.Compute/disks/pvc-disk-dynamic-398b838f-0432-11e9-9978-000d3a00df41"

5. Publish an Azure disk volume on a node (bind mount the volume from staging to target path)

$ csc node publish --endpoint tcp:// --cap 1,block --staging-target-path=/tmp/staging-path --target-path=/tmp/publish-path "/subscriptions/b9d2281e-dcd5-4dfd-9a97-xxx/resourceGroups/xxx/providers/Microsoft.Compute/disks/pvc-disk-dynamic-398b838f-0432-11e9-9978-000d3a00df41"

6. Unpublish an Azure disk volume on a node

$ csc node unpublish --endpoint tcp:// --target-path=/tmp/publish-path "/subscriptions/b9d2281e-dcd5-4dfd-9a97-xxx/resourceGroups/xxx/providers/Microsoft.Compute/disks/pvc-disk-dynamic-398b838f-0432-11e9-9978-000d3a00df41"

7. Unstage an Azure disk volume on a node

$ csc node unstage --endpoint tcp:// --staging-target-path=/tmp/staging-path "/subscriptions/b9d2281e-dcd5-4dfd-9a97-xxx/resourceGroups/xxx/providers/Microsoft.Compute/disks/pvc-disk-dynamic-398b838f-0432-11e9-9978-000d3a00df41"

8. Detach an Azure disk volume from a node

$ csc controller unpublish --endpoint tcp:// --node-id k8s-agentpool-17181929-0 "/subscriptions/b9d2281e-dcd5-4dfd-9a97-xxx/resourceGroups/xxx/providers/Microsoft.Compute/disks/pvc-disk-dynamic-398b838f-0432-11e9-9978-000d3a00df41"

9. Delete an Azure disk volume

$ csc controller del --endpoint tcp:// "/subscriptions/b9d2281e-dcd5-4dfd-9a97-xxx/resourceGroups/xxx/providers/Microsoft.Compute/disks/pvc-disk-dynamic-398b838f-0432-11e9-9978-000d3a00df41"

10. Validate volume capabilities

$ csc controller validate-volume-capabilities --endpoint tcp:// --cap 1,block CSIVolumeID
CSIVolumeID  true

11. Get NodeID

$ csc node get-info --endpoint tcp://

12. Create snapshot

$ csc controller create-snapshot snapshot-name --endpoint tcp:// --source-volume "/subscriptions/b9d2281e-dcd5-4dfd-9a97-xxx/resourceGroups/xxx/providers/Microsoft.Compute/disks/pvc-disk-dynamic-398b838f-0432-11e9-9978-000d3a00df41"

13. Delete snapshot

$ csc controller delete-snapshot snapshot-name --endpoint tcp://

14. List snapshot

$ csc controller list-snapshots --endpoint tcp://

How to test CSI driver in a Kubernetes cluster

  • Build driver image and push image to dockerhub
# run `docker login` first
export REGISTRY=<dockerhub-alias>
export IMAGE_VERSION=latest
# build linux, windows images
make container-all
# create a manifest list for the images above
make push-manifest
  • For the V2 driver, set the BUILD_V2 environment variable before building the images. You will also need to build the scheduler extender image as well.
export REGISTRY=<dockerhub-alias>
export IMAGE_VERSION=latest-v2
export BUILD_V2=true
# checkout the V2 development branch
git checkout main_v2
# build linux, windows images
make container-all
# create a manifest list for the images above
make push-manifest
# build scheduler extender image
make azdiskschedulerextender-all
# create a manifest list for the scheduler extender images
make push-manifest-azdiskschedulerextender
  • Install your private build using Helm.
curl | bash
helm install azuredisk-csi-driver charts/latest/azuredisk-csi-driver \
  --namespace kube-system \
  --set image.azuredisk.repository=$REGISTRY/azuredisk-csi-driver \
  --set image.azuredisk.tag=$IMAGE_VERSION \
  --set image.azuredisk.pullPolicy=Always
  • Install your private build of the V2 driver using Helm.
curl | bash
helm install azuredisk-csi-driver charts/latest-v2/azuredisk-csi-driver \
  --namespace kube-system \
  --set image.azuredisk.repository=$REGISTRY/azuredisk-csi-driver \
  --set image.azuredisk.tag=$IMAGE_VERSION \
  --set image.azuredisk.pullPolicy=Always \
  --set image.schedulerExtender.repository=$REGISTRY/azuredisk-csi-driver \
  --set image.schedulerExtender.tag=$IMAGE_VERSION \
  --set image.schedulerExtender.pullPolicy=Always

How to update Azure cloud provider library

in following example, 20200619215319-3e8d72e51d7d is the git version

# git clone
# cd ~/go/src/
# git --no-pager show \
  --quiet \
  --abbrev=12 \
  --date='format-local:%Y%m%d%H%M%S' \
  • update go.mod
export GO111MODULE=on
#edit go.mod. add the necessary vendors in `replace`
go mod tidy
go mod vendor

How to update chart index

helm repo index charts --url=