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Biswa Panda biswapanda

San Mateo, CA, USA

Adam Erickson admercs
Founder of @nervosys; Early co-founder of Wingcopter; Pioneer of AI for Earth science, hybrid AI land models. Where Software <> Hardware.

@nervosys Earth

Kiriaki Fanaridou kikifana
M.Eng. Electrical and Computer Engineering at Democritus university of Thrace


1ln9 l16by
<--•--> A free mind will bring you clarity. Clarity will bring you creativity. Creativity will bring you a plan. A plan will bring you action -> ReSults
Dickson Neoh dnth
PhD. | Computer Vision Specialist | Edge Computing | MLOps Developer Advocate | Core-developer of IceVision | Robot Builder | Electronics | Time Series Modeling

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Ikram Ul Haq ulhaqi12
ML Engineer

Espoo, Finland

Andy Khan (Ananda) brishtiteveja
Research Software Engineer, Coder, Blogger and above all an ordinary Humanist.

Cisco Systems Inc. Houston, Texas

Zachariah Mustafa Zumus
I'm a fourth year applied mathematics major at UCLA with a specialization in computing. I love programming and mathematical concepts and problems. Happy coding!

Los Angeles

Chirag Jain chiragjn
Machine Learning Engineer

@truefoundry Mumbai, India