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Guy Fraser edited this page Jul 27, 2017 · 2 revisions

Accelerometer (3-axis)

  • Likely a BNO055
  • Determines albedo by comparing values between the Pyranometer and Pyrgeometer
    • Could potentially make life easier by just having two dedicated thermopile sensors?
  • Must ensure that solar radiation does not affect the Pyrgeometer during sunset and sunrise


  • Deduce from barometer or GPS?
  • Measures wind speed and direction
  • Probably use 3 or 4 barometers to detect air pressure on different sides of sensor array
    • Would be better to use ultrasonic or microwave for better harsh weather survival
  • Will probably need housing behind hydrophobic membranes, or use IP67 MEMS chips
  • If possible, also detect vertical wind speed - to determine Eddy covariance flux, which can be used for Atmometer calculations
  • Measures rate of evaporation to atmosphere
  • Can be estimated mathematically
  • Useful to determine how much watering is needed for crops
  • Measures atmospheric pressure
  • Also investigate QNH = atmospheric pressure adjusted to sea level
  • Detects nuclear denotations (optical, x-ray, infrasound, etc)
  • We extend concept to detect anything that makes a bang (car backfire, lightning, gunshot...)
  • Measures incident EM radiation
  • Variants can be used to measure microwave radiation
  • See also: Radiometer
  • Measures angle above/below horizon
  • Useful for initial setup, and also hand-held use
  • Uses the IMU
  • Operates during twilight (sunrise, sunset)
  • Measures particulate at different layers of atmosphere just above earth shadow
  • Can more info be gained via the spectrometer?
  • Measures ionising radiation
    • alpha; sensor must be exposed to external environment
    • beta; sensor must not be obstructed by metals
    • gamma; sensor must not be obstructed by dense materials
    • muons; doesn't matter where sensor is
  • Note: Upper UV wavelengths are also ionising, see UV radiometer below
  • Tdb, can be measured using a normal thermometer freely exposed to the air but shielded from radiation and moisture.


  • A photometer specifically tuned to light frequencies and heuristics of flames
  • Can optically detect fire up to (unknown) range, quicker than particulate sensors
  • Some false-positive issues
  • Useful for detecting risk of forest fires


  • Detects approximate direction and range of CG/GC lightning strikes
  • Unreliable for detecting IC/CC lightning
  • Must not be EM shielded
  • Maybe also do optical lightning flash check?


  • Likely a MTK3339 v3 or above

Gyroscope (3-axis)

  • Likely a BNO055


  • Determines duration and intensity of sunlight
  • bright sunshine hours - test every 36 seconds for specific criteria:
    • Sunshine duration is defined by WMO as the time during which the direct solar radiation exceeds the level of 120 W/m².
  • Global solar intensity
  • Could be derived from Pyranometer and/or Heliospectrometer


  • Spectrometer that points at sun
  • Determines amount of optically active aerosol particles and gaseous constituents in atmosphere
  • Ideally also monitor PAR - Photosynthetic Active Radiation
  • Will likely incorporate Pyranometer


  • Movable platter of sensors that tracks the sun
  • Needs to be x and y axis movement, eg. to track Analemma
  • Azimuth (Sun) Tracker
  • Determines location of the sun and points instruments at it, like sunflowers face the sun
  • Will require moving parts unless better solution can be found :/
  • May require Monochromators
  • Required for: Heliophotometer, Heliospectrometer, Pyrheliometer and Pyranometer
  • Also known as psychrometer, humidity
  • Measures water vapour (humidity) in atmosphere
  • Sensor requires access to atmosphere (ie. no hydrophobic membrane)
  • Replaces red channel of normal photo with NIR
    • Why not replace green channel? That way, the greener a plant, the more growth. ;)
  • Shows plant growth easily (video)

Magnetometer (3-axis)

  • Likely a BNO055
  • Measure light pollution at night
  • Qualifies cloud cover
  • During daytime, thermopiles can be used (apparently these work at night too?!)
  • At night, a Seebeck TEG sandwiched between two metal plates could be used
  • Measures solar radiation
  • Likely components would result in wider range of wavelengths examined (Solar Spectral Flux Radiometer)
  • See also: Heliophotometer, Heliospectrometer
  • Like a Pyranometer, but ground facing
  • Must ensure sunlight at sunrise and sunset doesn't interfere with it
  • See also: Abledometer
  • Measures direct beam solar irradiance
  • Points directly at sun
  • Likely part of the Heliospectrometer


  • Determines composition of target substance - there will be two of them:
    • Liquids/Solids - a sensor at top of array that can be pointed (when handheld) at target substance
      • Just re-use the heliospectrophotometer with an IR light source next to it?
    • Gas (air) - a sensor inside array that inspects air flowing through the sensor
  • Need to work out how to calibrate
  • Measures azimuth, horizon and elevation.
  • Useful when mounting sensor in fixed location, or hand-held mode
  • Uses IMU sensors
  • Infrared images


  • Measures heat
  • There will be a whole bunch of these, often built in to other sensors

UV Radiometer

  • Measures UVA and UVB
  • Likely need sky and ground facing sensors
  • Useful for predicting frostbite risk

Still pondering

Not sure if initial version will have these as they are difficult to implement and/or power...

24 GHz Radar

  • Like an omnidirectional PIR, but with radar, rage = ~4m
  • Can't "see" through glass
  • Useful for animal detection (but current options can't directionally locate)

Binocular Fisheye Cloud Photogrammetry

  • Can determine height and velocity of clouds using two fisheye cameras
    • Cameras need to be >300m apart based on existing research = problem
  • Compares two fisheye sky images to determine altitude
  • Compares images after short delay to determine velocity
  • Measures drop size, distribution/spacing and velocity of hydrometeors (rain, hail, etc).
  • See also: Pluviometer
  • Sensors found so far are quite big (most the size and shape of a leaf, or bigger)
  • The whole concept of leaf wetness is borken. Instead of trying to make leaf-shaped sensors, there should be a standard (simple!) generic sensor (maybe with a few angles and textures) to measure evaporation, and then work out how that relates to different plants on a species by species basis.
  • Detects microwave-reflective objects up to 16 metres away
  • Works in harsh conditions, including zero visibility
  • Determine amount of particulate suspended in the air
  • Would need special (often large in size and power consumption) sensor for PM10 and PM2.5
  • Could potentially use TOF camera for larger particles?
  • PM Sensor
  • Dust sensor
  • Also known as: Ombrometer, Udometer, Rain guage
  • Measures precipitation intensity by weight
  • Could use something akin to Pythagoras cup (which is is actually a Tantalus cup), or determine based on readings from disdrometer?
  • Measures changes in refractive index of the atmosphere (Cn2)
  • With additional sensors can calculate sensible heat flux and latent heat flux (evapotranspiration)
  • Could potentially use TOF camera to remove need for remote receiver?

SDR (Software Defined Radio)

  • Probably do this as later upgrade or addon?
    • will need FPGA
    • will chew power and generate lots of heat
    • will need lots of active telemetry
  • General radio spectrum scanning
  • Aircraft tracker: Mode-S / ADS-B / MLAT signal reader
  • Ship tracker: AIS
  • Are there simpler ways to do aircraft and ship tracking?

Note: Ground-based sensors listed below could potentially be merged in to one device to minimise power, processing and telemetry complexity

  • Measures earth movements (eg. earthquakes)
  • Ideally requires a Geophone
  • Probably want this as separate add-on module?
    • Use accelerometer as rudimentary seismometer if not present?

Soil Atmometer

  • Add-on remote sensor
  • A tube with humidity/pressure/temp sensors to determine actual evaporation from soil

Soil moisture sensor

  • Add-on remote sensor
  • Measures soil moisture

Soil pH meter

  • Add-on remote sensor
  • Measure soil pH

Note: Following liquid sensors could be combined in to single unit?

  • Measures particulate in liquids

Liquid pH sensor

  • Add-on remote sensor
  • Measure liquid pH
  • Measures rate of flow of liquid

Liquid level sensor

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