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461 lines (345 loc) · 14.3 KB

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461 lines (345 loc) · 14.3 KB

2024-08-17: Dataiter 0.99

  • Adapt to changes in NumPy 2.0
  • Bump NumPy dependency to >= 2.0

This is a minimal change to be NumPy 2.0 compatible. In the 0.99+ releases, we plan to adopt the new NumPy string dtype and fix any regressions that come up, leading to a 1.0 release when everything looks to be working reliably (#26). Anyone looking for extreme stability should consider avoiding the 0.99+ releases and waiting for 1.0.

2024-06-24: Dataiter 0.51

  • Mark NumPy dependency as < 2.0

2024-04-06: Dataiter 0.50

  • ListOfDicts.drop_na: New method
  • ListOfDicts.keys: New method
  • ListOfDicts.print_memory_use: New method
  • Fix tabular display of Unicode characters with width != 1
  • Add dependency on wcwidth:

2023-11-08: Dataiter 0.49

  • dt: Handle all NaT input
  • Migrate from to hatch and pyproject.toml

2023-10-08: Dataiter 0.48

  • Vector.as_datetime: Add precision argument
  • Vector.concat: New method
  • Vector.sort: Fix sorting object vectors

2023-09-09: Dataiter 0.47

  • DataFrame: Fix column and method name clash errors in certain operations
  • dt.replace: Allow vector arguments the same length as x

2023-09-05: Dataiter 0.46

  • DataFrame.count: New method, shorthand for data.group_by(...).aggregate(n=di.count())
  • Vector.rank: Handle empty and all-NA vectors

2023-06-14: Dataiter 0.45

  • USE_NUMBA_CACHE: New option, read from environment variable DATAITER_USE_NUMBA_CACHE if exists, defauls to True
  • Fix a possible issue with Numba caching

2023-06-13: Dataiter 0.44

  • Use numba.extending.overload instead of the deprecated numba.generated_jit

2023-06-08: Dataiter 0.43

  • DataFrame: Don't try to do joins on NA values in by columns
  • DataFrame.drop_na: New method

2023-05-30: Dataiter 0.42

  • DataFrame: Truncate multiline strings when printing
  • DataFrame.from_arrow: New method
  • DataFrame.read_parquet: New method
  • DataFrame.to_arrow: New method
  • DataFrame.write_parquet: New method
  • read_parquet: New function
  • Vector.__init__: Fix type guessing when mixing Python and NumPy floats or integers and missing values
  • Allow using a thousand separator when printing numbers, off by default, can be set with dataiter.PRINT_THOUSAND_SEPARATOR

2023-03-11: Dataiter 0.41

  • Fix printing really small numbers

2023-02-21: Dataiter 0.40.1

  • DataFrame.modify: Fix grouped modify on unsorted data frame

2023-02-20: Dataiter 0.40

  • Add dtype argument

2023-02-06: Dataiter 0.39.1

  • ListOfDicts.to_data_frame: Add strings_as_object argument

2023-01-21: Dataiter 0.39

  • read_csv, read_geojson, DataFrame.from_pandas, DataFrame.read_csv, Add strings_as_object argument

2022-12-15: Dataiter 0.38

  • DataFrame.slice_off: New method
  • GeoJSON.to_data_frame: New method
  • Fix error with new column placeholder attributes in conjunction with pop, popitem and clear

2022-11-17: Dataiter 0.37

  • DataFrame: Add placeholder attributes for columns so that tab completion of columns as attributes at a shell works
  • dt.from_string: New function
  • dt.to_string: New function
  • nrow: Remove deprecated aggregation function
  • Don't use Numba for aggregation involving strings due to bad performance

2022-10-16: Dataiter 0.36

  • dt: New module for dealing with dates and datetimes

2022-10-03: Dataiter 0.35

  • DataFrame.from_pandas: Speed up by avoiding unnecessary conversions
  • DataFrame.full_join: Fix join and output when by is a tuple
  • GeoJSON: Fix printing object

2022-09-17: Dataiter 0.34

  • Vector: Handle timedeltas correctly for NA checks and printing
  • Vector.is_timedelta: New method

2022-09-03: Dataiter 0.33

  • DataFrame.sort: Convert object to string for sorting
  • Vector.sort: Convert object to string for sorting
  • Fix conditional Numba use when importing the numba package works, but caching doesn't
  • Add di-open cli command (currently not part of the default install, but can be installed from source using make install-cli)

2022-04-02: Dataiter 0.32

  • DataFrame.modify: Add support for grouped modification (#19)
  • DataFrame.split: New method
  • ListOfDicts.split: New method

2022-02-26: Dataiter 0.31

  • New experimental method
  • Vector.as_string: Add length argument
  • Change the documentation to default to the latest release ("stable") instead of the development version ("latest")

2022-02-19: Dataiter 0.30

  • Use keyword-only arguments where appropriate – the general principle is that mandatory arguments are allowed as positional, but optional modifiers are keyword only
  • Rename all instances of "missing" to "na", such as Vector.is_missing to Vector.is_na, the only exception being ListOfDicts.fill_missing, which becomes ListOfDicts.fill_missing_keys
  • Truncate data frame object and string columns at PRINT_TRUNCATE_WIDTH (default 32) for printing

2022-02-09: Dataiter 0.29.2

  • Fix aggregation functions to work with all main data types: boolean, integer, float, date, datetime and string
  • Fix aggregation functions to handle all missing values (NaN, NaT, blank string) correctly, the same as implemented in Vector
  • Rename aggregation functions' dropna arguments to drop_missing
  • first, last, nth: Add drop_missing argument
  • Vector.drop_missing: New method

2022-01-30: Dataiter 0.29.1

  • mode: Fix to return first in case of ties (requires Python >= 3.8)
  • std, var: Add ddof argument (defaults to 0 on account of Numba limitations)
  • Don't try to dropna for non-float vectors in aggregation functions

2022-01-29: Dataiter 0.29

2022-01-09: Dataiter 0.28

  • DataFrame: Make object columns work in various operations
  • DataFrame.from_json: Add arguments columns and dtypes
  • DataFrame.from_pandas: Add argument dtypes
  • DataFrame.full_join: Speed up
  • DataFrame.read_csv: Add argument dtypes
  • DataFrame.read_json: Add arguments columns and dtypes
  • Add arguments columns and dtypes
  • ListOfDicts.fill_missing: New method
  • ListOfDicts.from_json: Add arguments keys and types
  • ListOfDicts.full_join: Speed up
  • ListOfDicts.read_csv: Add argument types, rename columns to keys
  • ListOfDicts.read_json: Add arguments keys and types

2022-01-01: Dataiter 0.27

  • DataFrame: Fix error message when column not found
  • DataFrame.aggregate: Speed up
  • DataFrame.full_join: Fix to join all possible columns
  • DataFrame.read_csv: Try to avoid mixed types
  • ListOfDicts.full_join: Fix to join all possible keys
  • ListOfDicts.write_csv: Use minimal quoting
  • Vector.get_memory_use: New method
  • Vector.rank: Rewrite, add method argument
  • *.read_*: Rename fname argument path
  • *.write_*: Rename fname argument path
  • Add comparison table dplyr vs. Dataiter vs. Pandas to documentation:

2021-12-02: Dataiter 0.26

  • DataFrame.read_npz: New method to read NumPy npz format
  • DataFrame.write_npz: New method to write NumPy npz format
  • *.read_*: Decompress .bz2|.gz|.xz automatically
  • *.write_*: Compress .bz2|.gz|.xz automatically

2021-11-13: Dataiter 0.25

  • DataFrame.print_missing_counts: Fix when nothing missing
  • Vector.replace_missing: New method

2021-10-27: Dataiter 0.24

  • DataFrame.print_memory_use: New method
  • ListOfDicts.write_csv: Use less memory

2021-07-08: Dataiter 0.23

  • Vector.is_*: Change to be methods instead of properties
  • Drop deprecated use of
  • Drop deprecated comparisons against NaN

2021-05-13: Dataiter 0.22

  • New method

2021-03-08: Dataiter 0.21

  • DataFrame.read_csv: Add columns argument
  • ListOfDicts.read_csv: Add columns argument

2021-03-06: Dataiter 0.20

  • DataFrame.*_join: Handle differing by names via tuple argument
  • ListOfDicts.*_join: Handle differing by names via tuple argument

2021-03-04: Dataiter 0.19

  • Use terminal window width as maximum print width
  • Vector.__init__: Handle NaN values in non-float vectors

2021-03-03: Dataiter 0.18

  • Vector.__init__: Accept generators/iterators
  • New method

2021-02-27: Dataiter 0.17

  • DataFrame.print_missing_counts: New method
  • Handle properties differing between features
  • ListOfDicts.print_missing_counts: New method
  • Vector.as_object: New method

2020-10-03: Dataiter 0.16.1

  • Use warnings, not errors for ignored excess feature keys

2020-09-26: Dataiter 0.16

  • GeoJSON: New class

2020-09-12: Dataiter 0.15

  • ListOfDicts.sort: Handle descending sort for all types

2020-08-22: Dataiter 0.14

  • ListOfDicts: Make obsoletion a warning instead of an error

2020-08-15: Dataiter 0.13

  • DataFrame: Fix error printing blank strings (#8)

2020-07-25: Dataiter 0.12

  • DataFrame.filter: Add colname_value_pairs argument
  • DataFrame.filter_out: Add colname_value_pairs argument
  • ListOfDicts.__init__: Remove arguments not intended for external use
  • ListOfDicts.rename: Preserve order of keys
  • Add documentation:

2020-06-02: Dataiter 0.11

  • Vector.__init__: Speed up by fixing type deduction

2020-05-28: Dataiter 0.10.1

  • Fix return value (#7)

2020-05-21: Dataiter 0.10

  • DataFrame.aggregate: Fix UnicodeEncodeError with string columns
  • DataFrame.unique: Fix UnicodeEncodeError with string columns
  • Return keys in requested order
  • Vector.__repr__: Add custom conversion to string for display
  • Vector.__str__: Add custom conversion to string for display
  • Vector.to_string: Add custom conversion to string for display
  • Vector.to_strings: Add custom conversion to string for display

2020-05-11: Dataiter 0.9

  • Array: Rename to Vector
  • Vector.head: New method
  • Vector.range: New method
  • Vector.sample: New method
  • Vector.sort: New method
  • Vector.tail: New method
  • Vector.unique: New method

2020-05-10: Dataiter 0.8

  • DataFrame: New class
  • ListOfDicts.__add__: New method to support the + operator
  • ListOfDicts.__init__: Rename, reorder arguments
  • ListOfDicts.__mul__: New method to support the * operator
  • ListOfDicts.__repr__: New method, format as JSON
  • ListOfDicts.__rmul__: New method to support the * operator
  • ListOfDicts.__setitem__: New method, coerce to AttributeDict
  • ListOfDicts.__str__: New method, format as JSON
  • ListOfDicts.aggregate: Speed up
  • ListOfDicts.anti_join: New method
  • ListOfDicts.append: New method
  • ListOfDicts.clear: New method
  • ListOfDicts.extend: New method
  • ListOfDicts.full_join: New method
  • ListOfDicts.head: New method
  • ListOfDicts.inner_join: New method
  • ListOfDicts.insert: New method
  • ListOfDicts.join: Removed in favor of specific join types
  • ListOfDicts.left_join: New method
  • ListOfDicts.pluck: Add argument "default" to handle missing keys
  • ListOfDicts.print_: New method
  • ListOfDicts.read_csv: Add explicit arguments
  • ListOfDicts.read_json: Relay arguments to json.loads
  • ListOfDicts.read_pickle: New method
  • ListOfDicts.reverse: New method
  • ListOfDicts.sample: New method
  • ListOfDicts.semi_join: New method
  • ListOfDicts.sort: Change arguments to support sort direction better
  • ListOfDicts.tail: New method
  • ListOfDicts.to_data_frame: New method
  • ListOfDicts.to_pandas: New method
  • ListOfDicts.unique: Return unique by all keys if none given
  • ListOfDicts.write_csv: Add explicit arguments
  • ListOfDicts.write_pickle: New method

2019-12-03: Dataiter 0.7

  • Make sort handle None values, sorted last

2019-11-29: Dataiter 0.6

  • Fix ObsoleteError after multiple modifying actions

2019-11-10: Dataiter 0.5

  • Add read_csv
  • Add read_json
  • Add write_csv
  • Add write_json

2019-11-01: Dataiter 0.4

  • Fix ObsoleteError with deepcopy
  • Define __deepcopy__ so that copy.deepcopy works too
  • Add copy (and __copy__ for copy.copy)

2019-11-01: Dataiter 0.3

  • Mark ListOfDicts object obsolete thus preventing (accidental) use if a chained successor has modified the shared dicts
  • Add modify_if

2019-10-31: Dataiter 0.2

  • Speed up, mostly by avoiding copying (methods that modify dicts now do it in place rather than making a copy)

2019-09-29: Dataiter 0.1

  • Initial release