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Reading list

Nathaniel J. Smith edited this page May 7, 2017 · 27 revisions

Some documents that we've found interesting and inspiring. Feel free to add to this list, and please include a short blurb to give us a general idea of what you found interesting.

  • Some thoughts on asynchronous API design in a post async/await world – The blog post that started it all.

  • More theoretically-oriented threads on our issue tracker:

  • Asynchronous Everything (Joe Duffy) – Discusses the design of and experiences with async/await in "Midori", an experimental language and OS developed at Microsoft (and AFAICT where async/await started before jumping into C#! but it turns out that their design is actually more similar to Python than C#'s in some key ways...). Don't miss the "challenges" section at the end – I thought the discussion of scheduling was particularly interesting.

  • .NET 4 Cancellation – discusses an approach to cancellation based on reified "cancellation tokens", which allows interesting kinds of flexibility. There are definite echoes of this in Trio's current "cancellation scope" design. (Also of interest: how the CLR deals with multiple exceptions from parallel tasks – compare to trio.MultiError – and the the CLR concepts of attached and detached tasks, which have some parallels with our nursery concept.)

  • The Go context pattern is also an obvious influence on Trio's cancellation design.

  • The Zen of Erlang – Excellent overview of the "Erlang philosophy" for building concurrent systems, and how the different design ideas fit together.

  • Who supervises the supervisors? (Learn you some Erlang for great good) – A tutorial introduction to Erlang supervisors that goes into more detail about how the actual APIs look and are used. Extremely worthwhile, and Erlang supervisors are obviously a huge influence on Trio's task spawning APIs.

  • Riak and Erlang/OTP (The Architecture of Open-Source Applications) – Riak is a robust distributed database written in Erlang; this article talks about how its put together. Good example of how the ideas described in the papers above are applied in practice.

  • Locking in WebKit; – the inspiration for trio.hazmat.ParkingLot.

  • Callbacks, synchronous and asynchronous (Havoc Pennington): Argues that in callback-style APIs, every function that takes a callback should document whether it will be called synchronously (immediately on the current callstack) or asynchronously (from the event loop at some later tick), and that every function should pick exactly one of these, never "it depends". Good concrete examples of real systems where synchronous callbacks led to deadlocks. The terminology is a bit confusing, but this is closely analogous to trio's rule that "notification" functions should be synchronous (from the perspective of the caller, so they correspond to Havoc's "asynchronous callbacks"), and somewhat related to trio's rule that blocking functions should always yield.

  • Marketplace: Network-aware programming – A theoretical model + implementation of an approach to extending the classic actor model with a richer system for organizing complex collections of concurrent tasks. I haven't really had a chance to dig into this yet, but hopefully soon. (If you do then I'd love a summary :-).)

  • Inside Macintosh: Thread Manager – technical documentation for the cooperative scheduling in classic MacOS. It looks like their default scheduling policy was FIFO except that at schedule points the scheduler would peek into the message queue that fed system events into the main thread, and if it was non-empty then the main thread would always be scheduled next. In addition to this, threads could specifically pick which thread to run next, and it was possible for a program to register a custom scheduler callback (!) that would run at schedule points and could pick what thread to run next. You could also disable scheduling for a specific period. Interesting note: the amazing Figure 1-6 showing the hoops you had to jump through to call an async I/O routine from a cooperative thread.

  • How Erlang does scheduling – discussion of erlang's scheduling strategy for achieving low-latency operation.

  • Asynchronous Exceptions in Practice – short article about asynchronous cancellation in Haskell. Not very directly relevant, because Python doesn't have async cancellation (except for KeyboardInterrupt) and isn't functional/pure, but an interesting perspective from another part of the computing universe.

  • Rich Felker's blog posts on pthread cancellation: 1, 2, 3, 4. The details are all totally different because C, but the overall semantics and issues are remarkably similar.

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