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Web services description

roleo edited this page Nov 21, 2020 · 10 revisions

There are web services useful for many functions. The default format is JSON (or JPG for images).

Table of Contents



RES: high or low (default high)

WATERMARK: yes or no (default no)

Motion events management

List directories


List of directories containing registered mp4 files.

List files


List of mp4 files contained in a specific directory.

Delete directories


Remove all directories (containing registered mp4 files).


Remove directory /tmp/sd/record/2020Y01M01D01H (directory containing registered mp4 files).

Delete file


Remove file /tmp/sd/record/2020Y01M01D01H/00M00S60.mp4

Get recorded videos


Use. Available variables:

"oldness" variable. Defines which video to retrieve..

  • "0" (default) or "1" means latest already available.

  • greater than "0" specifies the oldness, so "3" means the third oldest video. Only looks into the current hour folder. So if value is greater than the videos in the latest hour folder, the last one will be sent.

  • negative value (e.g. "-1") means to wait for the next available video. Only works if a video is already being recorded, max. time to wait 80 seconds.

"type" variable. Defines what to retrieve.

  • "1" (default). Gets relative name in the format of DIR/VIDEO.mp4

  • "2". Gets full URL video.

  • "3". Gets the video itself as video/mp4 inline.

  • "4". Gets the video itself as video/mp4 attachment.

Examples of use:

http://IP:PORT/cgi-bin/ -- Wait for a new video and sends it as an attachment.

http://IP:PORT/cgi-bin/ -- Wait for a new video and shows it inline in the browser.

http://IP:PORT/cgi-bin/ -- Send the relative route of the last available video.

http://IP:PORT/cgi-bin/ -- Send the URL of the second to last available video.


Get configuration


CONF action
system Get system configuration
mqtt Get mqtt configuration
camera Get camera settings

Set configuration


CONF action
system Update system configuration
mqtt Update mqtt configuration
camera Update camera settings

Need POST mehod with a json file.

Get status info


Get hostname


Camera settings


conf value action
switch_on yes/no Switch on/off the video on the camera
save_video_on_motion yes/no If enabled, video will be saved only when a motion is detected. If disabled, video will be always saved. (It takes effect only if recording is enabled)
sensitivity low/medium/high Detection sensitivity (low, medium or high)
led yes/no Set status led on or off
ir yes/no Enable IR led for night vision
rotate yes/no Enable image rotation for ceiling mount

Save settings on camera.conf and send IPC commands to the cam (no reboot is needed).


Load settings from file


Load configuration file (it requires post methid).

Save settings to file


Save configuration to a file.

Upgrade firmware


Get upgrade info.


Start upgrade procedure.

Reboot the cam


Service start and stop


name action param1 param2 description
rtsp start/stop low/high/both N/A Start rtsp: use param1 to set resolution
onvif start/stop low/high/both yes/no Start onvif: use param1 to set resolution and param2 to set snapshot watermark (param2 is available only if action = start
ftpd start/stop busybox/pure-ftpd N/A Start ftpd: use param1 to set which daemon use
mqtt start/stop N/A N/A Start mqtt to send motion events to a broker
mp4record start/stop N/A N/A Start mp4record (yi program that saves mp4 videos)


Move manually


DIRECTION=left, right, up or down (required option).

TIME=period of movement (default 0.3 s).

Go to preset


NUMBER=preset number (required option).