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API: The WebPConvert::convertAndServe() method

NOTE: In 2.0, the method is renamed to serveConverted ("convertAndServe" was implying that a conversion was always made, but the method simply serves destination if it exists and is smaller and newer than source)

The method tries to serve a converted image. If destination already exists, the already converted image will be served. Unless the original is newer or smaller. If the method fails, it will serve original image, a 404, or whatever the 'fail' option is set to.

WebPConvert::convertAndServe($source, $destination, $options)

Parameter Type Description
$source String Absolute path to source image (only forward slashes allowed)
$destination String Absolute path to converted image (only forward slashes allowed)
$options Array Array of options (see below)

The $options argument

The options argument is a named array. Besides the options described below, you can also use any options that the convert method takes (if a fresh convertion needs to be created, this method will call the convert method and hand over the options argument)


Conversion options, handed over to the convert method, in case a conversion needs to be made. The convert options are documented here.


Indicate what to do, in case of normal conversion failure. Default value: "original"

Possible values Meaning
"serve-original" Serve the original image.
"404" Serve 404 status (not found)
"report-as-image" Serve an image with text explaining the problem
"report" Serve a textual report explaining the problem


Possible values: Same as above, except that "original" is not an option. Default value: "404"


Produce a report rather than serve an image.
Default value: false


Force a conversion, discarding existing converted image (if any). Default value: false


Forces serving original image. This will skip conversion. Default value: false


When set to true, a X-WebP-Convert-Status header will be added describing how things went.
Default value: true

Depending on how things goes, the header will be set to one of the following:

  • "Failed (missing source argument)"
  • "Failed (source not found)""
  • "Failed (missing destination argument)"
  • "Reporting..."
  • "Serving original image (was explicitly told to)"
  • "Serving original image - because it is smaller than the converted!"
  • "Serving freshly converted image (the original had changed)"
  • "Serving existing converted image"
  • "Converting image (handed over to WebPConvertAndServe)"
  • "Serving freshly converted image"
  • "Failed (could not convert image)"


Add a "Vary: Accept" header when an image is served. Experimental.
Default value: true


Add a "Content-Type" header Default value: true If set, a Content-Type header will be added. It will be set to "image/webp" if a converted image is served, "image/jpeg" or "image/png", if the original is served or "image/gif", if an error message is served (as image). You can set it to false when debugging (to check if any errors are being outputted)


Add a "Last-Modified" header Default value: true If set, a Last-Modified header will be added. When a cached image is served, it will be set to the modified time of the converted file. When a fresh image is served, it is set to current time.


Specify a cache control header, which will be served when caching is appropriate. Default value: "public, max-age=86400" (1 day) Caching is "deemed appropriate", when destination is served, source is served, because it is lighter or a fresh conversion is made, due to there not being any converted image at the destination yet. Caching is not deemed appropriate when something fails, a report is requested, or the reconvert option have been set. Note: in version 1.3.2 and below, the serve-original option also prevented caching, but it no longer does. previous In those cases, standard headers will be used for preventing caching. For your convenience, here is a little table:

duration max-age
1 second max-age=1
1 minute max-age=60
1 hour max-age=3600
1 day max-age=86400
1 week max-age=604800
1 month max-age=2592000
1 year max-age=31536000

To learn about the options for the Cache-Control header, go here


Set error reporting Allowed values: "auto", "dont-mess", true, false Default value: "auto"

If set to true, error reporting will be turned on, like this:

    ini_set('display_errors', 'On');

If set to false, error reporting will be turned off, like this:

    ini_set('display_errors', 'Off');

If set to "auto", errors will be turned off, unless the show-report option is set, in which case errors will be turned off. If set to "dont-mess", error reporting will not be touched.


This callback is called right before response headers and image is served. This is a great chance to adding headers. You can stop the image and the headers from being served by returning false.

Arguments: The first argument to the callback contains a string that tells what is about to be served. It can be 'fresh-conversion', 'destination' or 'source'.

The second argument tells you why that is served. It can be one of the following: for 'source':

  • "explicitly-told-to" (when the "serve-original" option is set)
  • "source-lighter" (when original image is actually smaller than the converted)

for 'fresh-conversion':

  • "explicitly-told-to" (when the "reconvert" option is set)
  • "source-modified" (when source is newer than existing)
  • "no-existing" (when there is no existing at the destination)

for 'destination':

  • "no-reason-not-to" (it is lighter than source, its not older, and we were not told to do otherwise)

Example of callback:

function aboutToServeImageCallBack($servingWhat, $whyServingThis, $obj)
    echo 'about to serve: ' . $servingWhat . '<br>';
    echo 'Why? - because: ' . $whyServingThis;
    return false;   // Do not serve! (this also prevents any response headers from being added)


This callback is called right before doing the action specified in the fail option, or the fail-when-original-unavailable option. You can stop the fail action from being executod by returning false.

Documentation by example:

function aboutToPerformFailActionCallback($errorTitle, $errorDescription, $actionAboutToBeTaken, $serveConvertedObj)
    echo '<h1>' . $errorTitle . '</h1>';
    echo $errorDescription;
    if (actionAboutToBeTaken == '404') {
        // handle 404 differently than webp-convert would
        $protocol = isset($_SERVER["SERVER_PROTOCOL"]) ? $_SERVER["SERVER_PROTOCOL"] : 'HTTP/1.0';
        $serveConvertedObj->header($protocol . " 404 Not Found. We take this very seriously. Heads will roll.");

        return false;   // stop webp-convert from doing what it would do



If set, makes the library 'require in' a file just before doing an actual conversion with ConvertAndServe::convertAndServe(). This is not needed for composer projects, as composer takes care of autoloading classes when needed. Default value: null