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Function Reference

Below, [] in an argument list means an optional argument.

Image construction

@{Image} @{ImageCmap}

convert(Image, A)
convert(Array, img)
convert(Image{HSV}, img)

The first creates a 2d image from an array, setting up default properties. The data array is assumed to be in "vertical-major" order, and an m-by-n-by-3 array will be assumed to encode color along its third dimension.

convert(Array, img) works in the opposite direction, permuting dimensions (if needed) to put it in Matlab-standard storage order.

The third syntax allows you to convert from one colorspace to another.

@{ grayim colorim copyproperties shareproperties similar Overlay OverlayImage }

Accessing image data

@{ data raw separate }

img[] (indexing)

img[i, j, k,...]
img["x", 100:200, "y", 400:600]

return image data as an array. The latter syntax allows you to address dimensions by name, irrespective of the storage order. The returned values have the same storage order as the parent.

@{ getindexim }

sub and slice

sub(img, i, j, k, ...)
sub(img, "x", 100:200, "y", 400:600)
slice(img, i, j, k, ...)
slice(img, "x", 15, "y", 400:600)

returns a SubArray of image data, with the ordinary meanings of sub and slice.

subim and sliceim

subim(img, i, j, k, ...)
subim(img, "x", 100:200, "y", 400:600)
sliceim(img, i, j, k, ...)
subim(img, "x", 15, "y", 400:600)

returns an Image with SubArray data.

Properties dictionary-like interface

Unless specified, these functions work on both plain arrays (when properties can be inferred), and on Image types.

val = img["propertyname"]
img["propertyname"] = val

get and set, respectively, the value of a property. These work only for Image types.


haskey(img, "propertyname")

Tests whether the named property exists. Returns false for Arrays.


get(img, "propertyname", defaultvalue)

Gets the named property, or returns the default if not present. For Array, the default is always returned.

Properties accessor-function interface

Unless specified, these functions work on both plain arrays (when properties can be inferred), and on Image types.

@{ assert2d assert_scalar_color assert_timedim_last assert_xfirst colordim colorspace coords_spatial height isdirect isxfirst isyfirst pixelspacing spacedirections nimages sdims }


size(img, 2)
size(img, "t")

Obtains the size of the specified dimension, even for dimensions specified by name. See also nimages, size_spatial, width, height, and widthheight.

@{ size_spatial spatialorder spatialpermutation spatialproperties storageorder timedim width widthheight }

Element transformation and intensity scaling

Many images require some type of transformation before you can use or view them. For example, visualization libraries work in terms of 8-bit data, so if you're using a 16-bit scientific camera, your image values will need to be scaled before display.

One can directly rescale the pixel intensities in the image array. In general, element-wise transformations are handled by map or map!, where the latter is used when you want to provide a pre-allocated output. You can use an anonymous function of your own design, or, if speed is paramount, the "anonymous functions" of the FastAnonymous package.

Images also supports "lazy transformations." When loading a very large image, (e.g., loaded by memory-mapping) you may use or view just a small portion of it. In such cases, it would be quite wasteful to force transformation of the entire image, and indeed on might exhaust available memory or need to write a new file on disk. Images supports lazy-evaluation scaling through the MapInfo abstract type. The basic syntax is

valout = map(mapi::MapInfo, valin)

Here val can refer to a single pixel's data, or to the entire image array. The mapi input is a type that determines how the input value is scale and converted to a new type.


Here is how to directly construct the major concrete MapInfo types:

  • MapNone(T), indicating that the only form of scaling is conversion to type T. This can throw an error if a value x cannot be represented as an object of type T, e.g., map(MapNone{U8}, 1.2).

  • ClampMin(T, minvalue), ClampMax(T, maxvalue), and ClampMinMax(T, minvalue, maxvalue) create MapInfo objects that clamp pixel values at the specified min, max, and min/max values, respectively, before converting to type T. Clamping is equivalent to clampedval = min(max(val, minvalue), maxvalue).

  • BitShift(T, N) or BitShift{T,N}(), for scaling by bit-shift operators. N specifies the number of bits to right-shift by. For example you could convert a 14-bit image to 8-bits using BitShift(Uint8, 6). In general this will be faster than using multiplication.

  • ScaleMinMax(T, min, max, [scalefactor]) clamps the image at the specified min/max values, subtracts the min value, scales the result by multiplying by scalefactor, and finally converts the type. If scalefactor is not specified, it defaults to scaling the range [min,max] to [0,1].

  • ScaleAutoMinMax(T) will cause images to be dynamically scaled to their specific min/max values, using the same algorithm for ScaleMinMax. When displaying a movie, the min/max will be recalculated for each frame, so this can result in inconsistent contrast scaling.

  • ScaleSigned(T, scalefactor) multiplies the image by the scalefactor, then clamps to the range [-1,1]. If T is a floating-point type, it stays in this representation. If T is RGB24 or RGB{UFixed8}, then it is encoded as a magenta (positive)/green (negative) image.

There are also convenience functions:

@{ imstretch sc MapInfo mapinfo }

Color conversion


convert(Image{Color}, img)

as described above. Use convert(Image{Gray}, img) to calculate a grayscale representation of a color image using the Rec 601 luma.


map(mapi, img)
map!(mapi, dest, img)

can be used to specify both the form of the result and the algorithm used.

Image I/O

Image loading and saving is handled by the FileIO package.

Image algorithms

You can perform arithmetic with Images and Colors. Algorithms also include the following functions:

Linear filtering and padding

@{ imfilter imfilter! imfilter_fft imfilter_gaussian imfilter_LoG imgradients magnitude phase orientation magnitude_phase imedge thin_edges forwarddiffx forwarddiffy backdiffx backdiffy padarray }

Feature Extraction

@{ blob_LoG findlocalmaxima findlocalminima }

Filtering kernels

@{ gaussian2d imaverage imdog imlaplacian imlog sobel prewitt ando3 ando4 ando5 }

Nonlinear filtering and transformation

@{ imROF imcorner }


@{ restrict }

Image statistics

@{ minfinite maxfinite maxabsfinite meanfinite ssd ssdn sad sadn }

Morphological operations

@{ dilate erode opening closing tophat bothat morphogradient morpholaplace label_components component_boxes component_lengths component_indices component_subscripts component_centroids }


@{ shepp_logan }