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229 lines (203 loc) · 5.17 KB

File metadata and controls

229 lines (203 loc) · 5.17 KB

How to: HTML, CSS, and JS


  • HTML is to create a structure to a page - we say what things are
  • CSS is for the style
  • Bootrap is a CSS library implemented at Twitter to create flexible templates that adapt for phones
  • JavaScript is for interaction and adding changes to the page. Changes are due to the data or user interaction



  • Core code:

    <!DOCTYPE html>
       <title>Page title</title>
        <h1>First heading</h1>
        <p>First paragraph</p1>


  • Include link to .css file in .html <head>:

        <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css">
  • Different kinds of HTML selectors are called in different ways in CSS:

    • Tag selector:
      p {
         color: red;
    • Class selector (dot):
      <p class="withborder">Text</p>
      .withborder { # note the dot
         color: red;
    • ID selector (ashtag):
      <h1 id="page-title">Text</h1>
      #page-title { # note the #
         color: red;
  • Margin vs padding:

    • margin is the distance between an HTML element and the page border
    • padding is the distance between the page border and the text inside the HTML element


  • There are two layouts:
    • Flexbox: divides the page in columns
    • Grid: divides the page in squares (rows and columns)


  • Variables:
    let lastName = "Doe" # in newer js versions (var name = "John" in older js versions)  
    let result = 3+2 
  • Operators:
    let result = 3+2  
    let name = firstName + lastName
    let result = 3 >=2 # gives true
    === equal
    !== not equal
  • Functions:
    function add(v1,v2){
      return v1+v2
    let result = add(5,3);
  • Conditional (if):
    let color;
    if (v1===10){ 
        color = "blue"
    } else {
        color = "red"
    can also be:
    let color = v1 ===10? "blue" : "red" 
  • Loops:
    • For:
      for (let i=1; i<21; i+=1){
    • While:
      let i=1  
      while (i<21){
    • Break:
      let i=1  
      while (true){
          if (i>21)  
  • Add the .js file at the end of the .html file:
    <script src="script.js">
  • Example 1: Writing in HTML:
        let Name = "John";
        let Weight = 196;  
        let Height = 90;
        # write to page
        document.write (Name) # document refers to the actual HTML page. This function writes John in the rendered html page   
        # calculate bmi
        const KG_PER_KILO = 0.45
        const INCH_TO_METER = 0.0254  
        let WeightInKg = Weight * KG_PER_KILO
        let HeightInM  = Height * INCH_TO_METER  
        let BMI = WeightInKg/ HeightInM / HeightInM
        document.write (Name + ": " + BMI)
  • Example 2: Using a function:
         # use data struct
         let client = { 
             Name:  "John", # let is deleted, = becomes :, and ; becomes ,
             Weight: 196,  
             Height: 90,
         # calculate bmi with function
         const KG_PER_KILO = 0.45
         const INCH_TO_METER = 0.0254  
         function getBMI(client){
             let WeightInKg = Weight * KG_PER_KILO    # client.Weight -> client.Weight
             let HeightInM  = Height * INCH_TO_METER  # client.Height -> client.Height
             let BMI = WeightInKg/ HeightInM / HeightInM  
             return BMI
         document.write (client.Name + ": " + getBMI(client))
  • Example 3: Using arrays and loops:
         # use array of structures 
         let clients = [
                 Name:  "John", 
                 Weight: 196,  
                 Height: 90,
             },   # elements separated by comma
                 Name:  "Jane", 
                 Weight: 186,  
                 Height: 80,
         # calculate bmi with function
         const KG_PER_KILO = 0.45
         const INCH_TO_METER = 0.0254  
         function getBMI(client){
             let WeightInKg = Weight * KG_PER_KILO    # client.Weight -> client.Weight
             let HeightInM  = Height * INCH_TO_METER  # client.Height -> client.Height
             let BMI = WeightInKg/ HeightInM / HeightInM  
             return BMI
          for (let i = 0; i<client.length, i++){ # arrays start from 0
                let client = clients[i];
                let bmi = getBMI(client)
                document.write (client.Name + ": " + bmi + </br>)


  • Information Visualization: Programming with D3.js on Coursera