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Semgr8s logo

Semgrep-based Policy controller for Kubernetes.

Admission controller to use your well-known publicly available or custom Semgrep rules to validate k8s resources before deployment to the cluster.

🛠️ developed by Semgr8s logo

⚡ powered by Semgr8s logo

⚠️ Semgr8s is in a proof-of-concept state. Do not use in production. Breaking changes, service interruptions, and development flow adjustments are expected.

👉 More? Read the docs.

Getting started

Getting started to validate Kubernetes resources against Semgrep rules is only a matter of minutes:


Get Code

Installation files are contained within this repository:

git clone
cd semgr8s

Configuration & Installation

Semgr8s comes preconfigured with some basic rules. However, configuration can be adjusted to your needs:

  • Central configuration is maintained in charts/semgr8s/values.yaml.
  • Configuration aims to provide the most native integration of Semgrep's functionality into Kubernetes. Working knowledge of Kubernetes and the Semgrep documentation should be sufficient to understand the concepts and options being used here.
  • Remote Semgrep rules, rulesets, repository rules are configured via .application.remoteRules in charts/semgr8s/values.yaml, e.g. set to "r/" or "p/kubernetes", or "r/yaml.kubernetes" respectively.
  • Custom Semgrep rules can placed in charts/semgr8s/rules/ and will be auto-mounted into the admission controller.
  • Semgrep provides online tools to learn and create custom rules.

To deploy the preconfigured admission controller simply run:

helm install semgr8s charts/semgr8s --create-namespace --namespace semgr8ns
NAME: semgr8s
LAST DEPLOYED: Tue Apr 25 00:16:04 2023
NAMESPACE: semgr8ns
STATUS: deployed
Successfully installed semgr8s!

You can check successful deployment of Semgr8s via:

kubectl get all -n semgr8ns
NAME                           READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
pod/semgr8s-665dbb8756-qhqv6   1/1     Running   0          7s

NAME                      TYPE        CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)   AGE
service/semgr8s-service   ClusterIP   <none>        443/TCP   7s

NAME                      READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
deployment.apps/semgr8s   1/1     1            1           7s

NAME                                 DESIRED   CURRENT   READY   AGE
replicaset.apps/semgr8s-665dbb8756   1         1         1       7s

Once all resources are in READY state, you have successfully installed Semgr8s 🚀


Several test resources are provided under tests/demo/. Semgr8s only validates resources in namespaces with label semgr8s/validation=enabled:

kubectl apply -f tests/demo/00_test-namespace.yaml
namespace/test-semgr8s created

It denies creating pods with non-compliant configuration according to the local rules in charts/semgr8s/rules and .application.remoteRules charts/semgr8s/values.yaml:

kubectl apply -f tests/demo/40_failing-deployment.yaml
Error from server: error when creating "tests/demo/40_failing-deployment.yaml": admission webhook "semgr8s-svc.semgr8ns.svc" denied the request: Found 1 violation(s) of the following policies: 
* rules.test-semgr8s-forbidden-label
Error from server: error when creating "tests/demo/40_failing-deployment.yaml": admission webhook "semgr8s-svc.semgr8ns.svc" denied the request: Found 1 violation(s) of the following policies: 
Error from server: error when creating "tests/demo/40_failing-deployment.yaml": admission webhook "semgr8s-svc.semgr8ns.svc" denied the request: Found 1 violation(s) of the following policies: 
Error from server: error when creating "tests/demo/40_failing-deployment.yaml": admission webhook "semgr8s-svc.semgr8ns.svc" denied the request: Found 1 violation(s) of the following policies: 

Compliantly configured resources on the other hand are permitted to the cluster:

kubectl apply -f tests/demo/20_passing-deployment.yaml
pod/passing-testpod-1 created


To remove all resources of the admission controller run:

helm uninstall semgr8s -n semgr8ns
kubectl delete ns semgr8ns
release "semgr8s" uninstalled

Test resources are deleted via:

kubectl delete -f tests/demo/
namespace "test-semgr8s" deleted
pod "passing-testpod-1" deleted
Error from server (NotFound): error when deleting "tests/demo/40_failing-deployment.yaml": pods "forbiddenlabel-pod" not found
Error from server (NotFound): error when deleting "tests/demo/40_failing-deployment.yaml": pods "failing-testpod-1" not found
Error from server (NotFound): error when deleting "tests/demo/40_failing-deployment.yaml": pods "failing-testpod-2" not found
Error from server (NotFound): error when deleting "tests/demo/40_failing-deployment.yaml": pods "failing-testpod-3" not found

Next steps

Excited about Semgr8s? Here is some next steps: