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Andrey Petrov edited this page Aug 16, 2016 · 22 revisions

Frequently Answered Questions

Is this a replacement for IRC?

ssh-chat and IRC have overlapping scenarios. ssh-chat right now doesn't have channels like IRC does, but for smaller projects and teams, ssh-chat might be better in the long run. ssh-chat identifies users by their public keys so authentication is automatically handled by sshd. ssh-chat is also easier to set up since all a user has to do is connect via ssh to a specified IP as opposed to installing an IRC client, connecting to a server, and connecting to a specific channel.

How can I build ssh-chat?

You'll need a recent version of the Go compiler (1.7 is best, but 1.5+ should work).

Next you'll need to setup your Go development environment. Check this article for details: How to Write Go Code.

Long story short, something like this:

$ mkdir $HOME/work
$ export GOPATH=$HOME/work  # Add this to your ~/.bashrc or similar
$ go get
$ cd $GOPATH/src/
$ make

That should make the workspace directory, export the GOPATH to your environment, clone the repository into the workspace, change directory into the code, and run the Makefile instructions for you.

If you have any trouble building, please open an issue on the tracker and let us know what problems you run into during the build process.

How can I contribute to ssh-chat?

So once you've set up the build phase, you can start contributing right away! ssh-chat uses Go, so if you are familiar with C/C++ or Java, Go should be a snap. Check out the following sites for quick insight into the Go language.

Next, before you start committing changes, you will want to create a different branch to work on, and fork ssh-chat so you can create Pull Requests. First create a fork, then we will go over how to create a branch.

Once you've forked ssh-chat, go into your shell and create a new Git branch. Name it something based on what you're adding to the project. Try for simple names like readme-fix or new-themes, something short and easy that describes a feature or addition. Then, you check out into that new branch you made.

$ git checkout -b my-branch-name  # Make a new branch and switch to it

Now you can make your changes. Once you've finished that, you will then have to add these files to be staged for committing. Once added, we can create a commit message, and push it to your fork repository.

$ git add newfile.txt  # Add any new files
$ git commit -m "Fixed not having a file.txt in the project"

Try to keep commit messages similar to the style the project already uses.

Now the changes are ready to be pushed. Currently, Git doesn't know where to push these changes, since we're on a different branch. We need to set a remote that we can push these changes to.

$ git remote add myrepo
$ git push -u myrepo

That should push your changes to your repository instead of the ssh-chat repository. Now you can create a Pull Request which will compare your changes to the upstream's (original repository) Git, and if the changes are approved by the owner, then they will get merged!

What features are planned for ssh-chat?

Check the milestones page which should have a list of features planned.

How can I click on URLs posted in chat?

Do you have clickable/yankable URL support in your terminal emulator? Depending on your terminal, you might be able to check the settings to see if it has URL support.

Usually it's ctrl+click or cmd+click.

Can I block users from connecting?

Yes. ssh-chat has a whitelisting feature which allows you to take users' public keys and add them to a whitelist, so that only they may connect when their public key matches the authorized keys given to ssh-chat.

You'll need to get your friends' ssh public keys ahead of time and make a file similar to what you'd do on ~/.ssh/authorized_keys for your ssh server.

For example, here is how you'd whitelist so that only @shazow can connect to your server:

$ curl >> whitelist_keys
$ ssh-chat --whitelist=$PWD/whitelist_keys ...
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