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45 lines (35 loc) · 3.54 KB



Title: Inaccurate Balance Check in buyToken Function


The D3Trading contract contains a vulnerability that results in an inaccurate balance check within the buyToken function. This issue can lead to incorrect checks for the available balance of the fromToken in the contract, potentially allowing transfers that exceed the actual token balance.

Vulnerability Detail

The buyToken function performs a balance check using the expression IERC20(fromToken).balanceOf(address(this)) - state.balances[fromToken] >= payFromAmount. However, this approach fails to account for tokens that have already been transferred out of the contract but have not been properly updated in the state.balances mapping.


  1. Loss of funds: Due to the inaccurate balance check, the contract may allow token transfers even when the available balance is insufficient. This can result in the loss of funds as users mistakenly believe they have sufficient tokens in the contract.
  2. Incorrect token purchases: Users relying on the balance check to determine the availability of tokens may end up purchasing tokens that the contract does not have enough balance to fulfill. This can lead to failed transactions and a loss of trust in the contract's functionality.

Code Snippet


PoC (Proof of Concept):

  1. Prepare the environment:
  • Deploy the vulnerable D3radingcontract on a testnet or local blockchain network.
  • Set up accounts for the contract owner, user A, and user B.
  • User A holds a significant amount of the fromToken in their account.
  1. Exploiting the balance check vulnerability:
  • User A initiates a transaction to buy a large amount of toToken from the contract using the buyToken function.
  • User A sets a maxPayAmount that is equal to or slightly higher than the actual available balance of fromToken in the contract.
  • Due to the balance check vulnerability, the contract incorrectly considers the stored balance of fromToken as the available balance and approves the transaction.
  • The contract transfers the requested toToken to User A, depleting the stored balance of toToken in the contract.
  1. Subsequent transaction failure:
  • User B attempts to sell their fromToken to the contract using the sellToken function.
  • User B sets a fromAmount based on their available fromToken balance.
  • However, the contract fails to execute the transaction since the actual available balance of fromToken is lower than the specified fromAmount.
  • User B's transaction fails, causing frustration and potential financial loss. This PoC demonstrates how the inaccurate balance check can lead to successful purchases without considering the actual available balance of fromToken in the contract. It also highlights the subsequent failure of transactions when users rely on the balance check to determine the available token balance.

Tool used

Manual Review


  1. Implement an accurate balance tracking mechanism:
  • Modify the contract to keep track of the total tokens transferred out of the contract and deduct them from the stored balance of fromToken. This ensures that the stored balance accurately reflects the actual available balance of fromToken in the contract.
  1. Enhance the balance check in the buyToken function:
  • Instead of comparing the stored balance of fromToken with the payFromAmount, compare the actual available balance (considering tokens transferred out) with the payFromAmount.