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Tracker & GitHub Workflow

Steve Ellis edited this page Oct 28, 2019 · 6 revisions

Development Workflow:

  1. Check the top of the Backlog in Tracker.
  2. If the story has any Blockers listed, or someone else is listed as the Owner of the story, skip that story.
  3. Take the top story that you are capable of completing, and mark it as started.
  4. When creating your Git branch, name start your branch name with the Tracker story's ID.
  5. When you are done developing the story and ready to push it up, open a PR on GitHub.
  6. Mark your Tracker story as finished. Optionally, Tracker will automate this for you if you include a tag in your commit message.
  7. When your PR has no outstanding problems raised, and has at least one approval, it can be merged. If the PR author has merge capabilities, they merge the PR themselves, if they don't the approver should merge for them.
  8. Once the PR is merged, mark the Tracker story as delivered. This is the responsibility of whoever merged the PR.
  9. The story will then go through acceptance testing.
  10. If the Tracker story is marked as rejected, restart the process from step 4, creating a new branch.
  11. If the story is accepted. Congratulations, and thank you for your contribution.