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REST Cluster

Randgalt edited this page Apr 6, 2012 · 14 revisions

APIs concerning the ZooKeeper ensemble instances. See REST Entities for descriptions of any arguments/results.


Returns the system state of the given instance in the ensemble.

Method GET
URL exhibitor/v1/cluster/state/{hostname}
Argument n/a
Response ClusterState


Turn on/off a control panel switch of the given instance in the ensemble.

Method GET
URL exhibitor/v1/cluster/set/{type}/{value}/{hostname}
Argument n/a
Response Result
“restarts” Instance restarts
“unlistedRestarts” Unlisted instance restarts
“cleanup” The log file cleanup task
“backups” The log file backup task

value is a JSON boolean


Restart the given instance in the ensemble.

Method GET
URL exhibitor/v1/cluster/restart/{hostname}
Argument n/a
Response Result


Return the result of the ZooKeeper four letter word on the given instance in the ensemble.

Method GET
URL exhibitor/v1/cluster/4ltr/{word}/{hostname}
Argument n/a
Response JSON string


Return the Exhibitor log from the given instance in the ensemble.

Method GET
URL exhibitor/v1/cluster/log/{hostname}
Argument n/a
Response JSON string


Returns the system state of the local instance.

Method GET
URL exhibitor/v1/cluster/state
Argument n/a
Response ClusterState


Turn on/off a control panel switch of the local instance.

Method GET
URL exhibitor/v1/cluster/set/{type}/{value}
Argument n/a
Response Result

See remoteSetControlPanelSetting for type/value description.


Restart the local instance.

Method GET
URL exhibitor/v1/cluster/restart
Argument n/a
Response Result


Return the result of the ZooKeeper four letter word on the local instance.

Method GET
URL exhibitor/v1/cluster/4ltr/{word}
Argument n/a
Response JSON string


Return the Exhibitor log from the local instance.

Method GET
URL exhibitor/v1/cluster/log
Argument n/a
Response JSON string


Return the server list from the Shared Configuration/

Method GET
URL exhibitor/v1/cluster/list
Argument n/a
Response Servers