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Spring Integration 4.0 to 4.1 Migration Guide

david liu edited this page Aug 6, 2014 · 19 revisions

##Inbound Endpoints Lifecycle Phase

The default phase of SourcePollingChannelAdapterFactoryBean, AbstractPollingEndpoint, MessageProducerSupport, JmsMessageDrivenEndpoint has been changed to the Integer.MAX_VALUE / 2 instead of 0 before. The bigger phase value means that component will be started later and stopped earlier, than those who has less value. Previously, the same 0 default value caused an issue when Consumer Endpoint might be stopped on application stop before Inbound Endpoint and the "Dispatcher has no subscribers" exception has been thrown. The similar issue we might have in a case, when Inbound Endpoint has been started before a Consumer Endpoint. Hence we ended up with losing messages issue.


  • The <int-jmx:mbean-exporter/> no longer supports a shutdown-executor attribute.
  • The SftpPersistentAcceptOnceFileListFilter use getFilename instead of getLongname.