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Contribution Guidelines

Please note that this project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms.


  • Edit the README file
  • Add a new stack using markdown
  • Open a pull request
  • StackShare team approves or gives feedback on the PR
  • When merged, your stack will appear in the README and on

What should I contribute?

The goal of Awesome Stacks is to gather a variety of tech stacks that are widely recognized to be good at solving a particular problem or implementing a certain feature, like "user authentication" or "handling file uploads" or "adding site search" or "building mobile apps". Because there is usually more than one way to build a feature, there may be multiple awesome stacks with the same goal in mind, each one having a different approach and tools.

In general, if you have a stack that you think works great for solving a particular problem, and there is some evidence that the community agrees, then we encourage you to submit it to Awesome Stacks so other developers will know about it. 🤘

Adding an awesome stack

To add an awesome stack to both the README and the website, you will write markdown that conforms to a specific format and then open a pull request to propose your changes. You can do this entirely from (see below) or clone the repository and edit locally.

Stack markdown

Here's what the markdown for a stack looks like, using "PWA with Gatsby" as an example.

## PWA with Gatsby [](

Build a simple polling progressive web application with some great modern tech.

- [Gatsby]( - [🛠]( - [🐙]( - Gatsby is a blazing fast modern site generator for React.
- [Cloud Firestore]( - [🛠️]( - A noSQL cloud database that exposes event listeners for real-time updates.
- [Netlify]( - [🛠️]( - Netlify is a global CDN that makes continuous deployments as simple as a few clicks.
- [styled components]( - [🛠]( - [🐙]( - A react-specific css-in-js solution.

#### Resources

- [JAMstack PWA — Let’s Build a Polling App. with Gatsby.js, Firebase, and Styled-components](

Here's a breakdown of all of the different elements in the markdown.

Stack name

This goes first. It must be an H2 that contains a link. The link text is the name of the stack. This should be short and including something about the use case and/or solution, e.g. "User authentication with OAuth".

The link should go to{slug} where slug is the URL-ized version stack name you've chosen (spaces converted to dashes, punctuation removed, all lowercase). E.g. React and Firebase becomes react-and-firebase. This is necessary so that the link goes to the correct page on the site, which will be built automatically from the markdown you're creating!

If you're having trouble coming up with the name, here's a quick guide:

  • If the stack is based on a boilerplate or starter kit, just call it that, e.g. "React Starter Kit"
  • If the stack is for a specific use case or task, write it like "task with key tool(s)", e.g. "Caching with Redis and Node.js"
  • Otherwise, just highlight the key tools: "Electron with Meteor and Electrify"

Stack description

In a paragraph under the description, please describe what the stack is used for. Mention if the stack is associated to a particular starter kit, boilerplate or other project.


Next, specify the key tools in the stack in an unordered list. 5 tools is the recommended maximum. Choose tools that complement each other and form the basis of the stack.

For each tool, these elements can be provided:

Tool name and homepage (required): The first link must be the name of the tool and a link to its homepage. If it doesn't have a homepage, you can point the link to its GitHub or StackShare page.

StackShare profile link (optional): If the tool has a StackShare page, link to it next. Use the 🛠️ (:hammer_and_wrench) emoji as the link contents and the StackShare page ({tool}) as the URL.

GitHub repository link (optional): If the tool has a GitHub repository, link to it next using the 🐙 (:octopus) emoji as the link content. The link URL should be to the repository ({owner}/{name}).

Tool description (required): After all of the links, please provide a short description of the tool. Stick to about 20 words or less.

The markdown must follow these conventions precisely for the companion web site to build correctly, including the URLs provided for GitHub and StackShare pages. Don't worry if you won't get it right the first time, any errors will be detected in the pull request process and can be addressed there.


Underneath the tools, you can provide a list of resources to help developers learn more about the stack or get up and running quickly. Use an h4 heading called Resources followed by a list.

#### Resources

- [JAMstack PWA — Let’s Build a Polling App. with Gatsby.js, Firebase, and Styled-components](

Improving an awesome stack

The process is roughly the same as creating the stack, but instead of creating a whole markdown block you will just add to or change one that already exists. We welcome contributions for adding additional tools or improving the descriptions of both stacks and tools.

You can also add relevant content to the resources section - a guideline is that it should describe at least a few of the tools in the stack and how to integrate them (as opposed to just a tutorial for one tool). If you aren't yet ready to add an entire stack, this is a great way to make a first contribution!

Contributing do's and don'ts

  • ✅ Do include at least 3 tools in your stack
  • ✅ Do include up to 10 of the most important and/or commonly used tools in the stack
  • ✅ Do submit stacks that represent a reusable pattern or architecture like LAMP or MEVN
  • ✅ Do submit stacks based on well-known starter kits and boilerplates (and link to the kit in the resources section)
  • ✅ Do link to the GitHub and StackShare profiles that exist for each tool
  • ❌ Don't submit a very generic stack like "Rails" or "React"; make it more specific ("React for doing X" or "React with tools X and Y")
  • ❌ Don't submit a stack you used to build a specific thing but isn't necessarily resuable - put that on StackShare instead
  • ❌ Don't edit a stack without opening an issue first explaining why a tool needs to be added/removed/replaced. PR's will be closed otherwise.

Tip: finding tool links

To quickly locate the right pages for the tools you're adding, here are two handy links:

Editing and opening a pull request on GitHub

If you have something awesome to contribute to an awesome stack, this is a way to do it all from

You'll need a GitHub account!

  1. Go to:
  2. Click on the file: Step 2 Click on
  3. Now click on the edit icon. Step 3 - Click on Edit
  4. You can start editing the text of the file in the in-browser editor. Make sure you follow guidelines above. You can use GitHub Flavored Markdown. Step 4 - Edit the file
  5. Say why you're proposing the changes, and then click on "Propose file change". Step 5 - Propose Changes
  6. Submit the pull request!

Updating your Pull Request

Sometimes, a maintainer of an awesome list will ask you to edit your Pull Request before it is included. This is normally due to spelling errors or because your PR didn't match the awesome-* list guidelines.

Here is a write up on how to change a Pull Request, and the different ways you can do that.