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A Deep Dive into Quantitative Type Theory

This section was guest-written by Kiana Sheibani.

In the tutorial proper, when discussing functions, Idris 2's quantity system was introduced. The description was intentionally a bit simplified - the inner workings of quantities are complicated, and that complication would have only confused any newcomers to Idris 2.

Here, I'll provide a more proper and thorough treatment of Quantitative Type Theory (QTT), including how quantity checking is performed and the theory behind it. Most of the information here will be unnecessary for understanding and writing Idris programs, and you are free to keep thinking about quantities like they were explained before. When working with quantities in their full complexity, however, a better understanding of how they work can be helpful to avoid misconceptions.

The Quantity Semiring

Quantitative Type Theory, as you probably already know, uses a set of quantities. The core theory allows for any quantities to be used, but Idris 2 in particular has three: erased, linear, and unrestricted. These are usually written as 0, 1, and ω (the Greek lowercase omega) respectively.

As QTT requires, these three quantities are equipped with the structure of an ordered semiring. The exact mathematical details of what that means aren't important; what it means for us is that quantities can be added and multiplied together, and that there is an ordering relation on them. Here are the tables for each of these operations, where the first argument is on the left and the second is on the top:


+ 0 1 ω
0 0 1 ω
1 1 ω ω
ω ω ω ω


* 0 1 ω
0 0 0 0
1 0 1 ω
ω 0 ω ω


0 1 ω
0 true false true
1 false true true
ω false false true

These operations behave mostly how you might expect, with 0 and 1 being the usual numbers and ω being a sort of "infinity" value. (We have 1 + 1 = ω instead of 2 because there isn't a 2 quantity in our system.)

There is one big difference in our ordering, though: 0 ≤ 1 is false! We have that 0 ≤ ω and 1 ≤ ω, but not 0 ≤ 1, or 1 ≤ 0 for that matter. In the language of mathematics, we say that 0 and 1 are incomparable. We'll get into why this is the case later, when we talk about what these operations mean and how they're used.

Variables and Contexts

In QTT, each variable in each context has an associated quantity. These quantities can be plainly seen when inspecting holes in the REPL. Here's an example from the tutorial:

 0 b : Type
 0 a : Type
   xs : List a
   f : a -> b
   x : a
   prf : length xs = length (map f xs)
mll1 : S (length xs) = S (length (map f xs))

In this hole's context, The type variables a and b have 0 quantity, while the others have ω quantity.

Since the context is what stores quantities, only names that appear in the context can have a quantity, including:

  • Function/lambda parameters
  • Pattern matching bindings
  • let bindings

These do not appear in the context, and thus do NOT have quantities:

  • Top-level definitions
  • where definitions
  • All non-variable expressions

A Change in Perspective

When writing Idris programs using holes, we tend to use a top-to-bottom approach: we start with looking at the context for the whole function, and then we look at smaller and smaller sub-expressions as we fill in the code. This means that quantities in the context tend to decrease over time - if the variable x has quantity 1 and you use it once, the quantity will decrease to 0.

When looking at how typechecking works, however, it's more natural to look at contexts in the other direction, from smaller sub-expressions to larger ones. This means that the quantities we're looking at will tend to increase instead. As an example, let's look at this simple function:

square : Num a => a -> a
square x = x * x

Let's first look at the context for the smallest sub-expression of this function, just the variable x:

 0 a : Type
 1 x : a
x : a

Now let's look at the context for the larger expression x * x:

 0 a : Type
   x : a
(x * x) : a

The quantity of the parameter x increased from 1 to ω, since we went from using it once to using it multiple times. When looking at expressions like this, we can think of the quantity q as saying that the variable is "used q times" in the expression.

Quantity Checking

With all of that background information established, we can finally see how quantity checking actually works. Let's follow what happens to a single variable x in our context as we perform different operations.

To illustrate how quantities evolve, I will provide Idris-style context diagrams showing the various cases. In these, capital-letter names T, E, etc. stand for any expression, and q, r, etc. stand for any quantity.

Variables and Literals

 1 x : T
x : T

In the simplest case, an expression is just a single variable. That variable will have quantity 1 in the context, while all others have quantity 0. (Other variables may also be missing entirely, which for quantity checking is equivalent to them having 0 quantity.)

 0 x : T
True : Bool

For literals such as 1, or constructors such as True, all variables in the context have quantity 0, since all variables are used 0 times in a constructor.

Function Application

 qf x : T
F : (r _ : A) -> B

 qe x : T
E : A

 (qf + r*qe) x : T
(F E) : B

This is the most complicated of QTT's rules. We have a function F whose parameter has r quantity, and we're applying it to E. If our variable x is used qf times in F and qe times in E, then it is used qf + r*qe times in the full expression.

To better understand this rule, let's look at some simpler cases. First, let's assume that x is not used in the function F, so that qf = 0. Then, x's full quantity is r * qe. For example, let's look at these two functions:

f x = id x

g x = id 1

Here, id has type a -> a, where its input is unrestricted (ω). In the first function, we can see that x is used once in the input of id, so the quantity of x in the whole expression is ω * 1 = ω. In the second function, x is used zero times in the input of id, so its quantity in the whole expression is ω * 0 = 0. The function g will typecheck if you mark its input as erased, but not f.

As another simplified case, let's assume that F is a linear function, meaning that r = 1. Then x's full quantity is qf + qe, the simple sum of the quantities of each part. Here's a function that demonstrates this:

ldup x = (#) x x

The linear pair constructor (#) is linear in both arguments, so to find the quantity of x in the full expression we can just add up the quantities in each part. x is used zero times in (#) and one time in x, so the total quantity is 0 + 1 + 1 = ω. If the second x were replaced by something else, like a literal, the quantity would only be 0 + 1 + 0 = 1. Intuitively, you can think of these as "parallel expressions", and the addition operation tells you how quantities combine in parallel.


 q x : T
E : T'

(q ≤ r)

 r x : T
E : T'

This rule is where the order relation on quantities comes in. It allows us to convert a quantity in our context to another one, given that the new context is greater than or equal to the old one. Type theorists call this subusaging, as it lets us use variables less often than we claim in our types.

Subusaging is why this function definition is allowed:

ignore : a -> Int
ignore x = 42

The input x is used zero times, which would normally mean its quantity would have to be 0; however, since 0 ≤ ω, we can use subusaging to increase the quantity to ω.

This also explains the mysterious fact we pointed out earlier, that 0 ≰ 1 in our quantity ordering. If it were true that 0 ≤ 1, then we could also increase the quantity of x from 0 to 1:

ignoreLinear : (1 x : a) -> Int
ignoreLinear x = 42

This would mean that the quantity 1 would be for variables used at most once, rather than exactly once. Idris's designers decided that they wanted linearity to have the second meaning, not the first.

Lambdas and Other Bindings

 q x : A
E : B

(\q x => E) : (q x : A) -> B

This rule is the most important, as it is the only one in which quantities actually impact typechecking. It is also one of the most straightforward: a lambda expression \q x => E is only valid if x is used q times inside E. This rule doesn't only apply to lambdas, actually - it applies to any syntax where a variable that has a quantity is bound, such as function parameters, let, case, with, and so on.

let x = 1 in x + x

To see how quantity checking would work with this let-expression, we can simply desugar it into its equivalent lambda form:

(\x => x + x) 1

An explicit quantity q isn't given for the lambda in this expression, so Idris will try to infer the quantity, then check to see if it's valid. In this case, Idris will infer that x is unrestricted.

Pattern Matching

All of the binding constructs that this rule applies to support pattern matching, so we need to determine how quantities interact with patterns. To be more specific, if we have a function that pattern-matches like this:

func : (1 _ : LPair a b) -> c
func (x # y) = ?impl

How does the linear quantity of this function's input "descend" into the bindings x and y?

A simple rule is to apply the same function-application rule we looked at earlier, but to the left side of the equation. For example, here's how we compute the quantity required for x in this function definition:

func      (((#)      x)       y)
  0 + 1 * (( 0 + 1 * 1) + 1 * 0)  = 1

We start from the outside and work our way inwards, applying the qf + r*qe rule as we go. x is used zero times in the constant func, and its argument is linear. We know that x is used once inside of the linear pair (x # y) (aside from being obvious, we can compute this fact ourselves), so the number of times x must be used in func's definition is 0 + 1 * 1 = 1.

The same argument applies to y, meaning that y should also be used once inside of func for this definition to pass quantity checking. And in fact, if we look at the context of the hole ?impl, that's exactly what we see!

 0 a : Type
 0 b : Type
 0 c : Type
 1 x : a
 1 y : b
impl : c

As a final note, pattern matching in Idris 2 is only allowed when the value in question exists at runtime, meaning that it isn't erased. This is because in QTT, a value must be constructed before it can be pattern-matched: if you match on a variable x, the resources required to make that variable's value are added to the total count.

 1 x : T
x : T

 q x : T
E : T'

 (1 + q) x : T
(case x of ... => E) : T'

For this reason, the total uses of the variable x when pattern-matching on it must be 1 + q, where q is the uses of x after the pattern-match (x is still possible to use with an as-pattern x@...). This prevents the quantity from being 0.

The Erased Fragment

Earlier I stated that only variables in the context can have quantities, which in particular means top-level definitions cannot have them. This is mostly true, but there is one slight exception: a function can be marked as erased by placing a 0 before its name.

0 erasedId : (0 x : a) -> a
erasedId x = x

This tells the type system to define this function within the erased fragment, which is a fragment of the type system wherein all quantity checks are ignored. In the erasedId function above, we use the function's input x once despite labeling it as erased. This would normally result in a quantity error, but this function is allowed due to being defined in the erased fragment.

This quantity freedom the erased fragment gives us comes with a big drawback, though - erased functions are banned from being used at runtime. In terms of the type theory, what this means is that an erased function can only ever be used in these two places:

  1. Inside of another erased-fragment function or expression;
  2. Inside of a function argument that's erased:
constInt : (0 _ : a) -> Int
constInt _ = 2

erased2 : Int
erased2 = constInt (erasedId 1)

This makes sure that quantities are always handled correctly at runtime, which is where it matters!

There is another important place where the erased fragment comes into play, and that's in type signatures. The type signatures of definitions are always erased, so erased functions can be used inside of them.

erasedPrf : erasedId 0 = 0
erasedPrf = Refl

For this reason, erased functions are sometimes thought of as "exclusively type-level functions", though as we've seen, that's not entirely accurate.


This concludes our thorough discussion of Quantitative Type Theory. In this section, we learned about the various operations on quantities: their addition, multiplication, and ordering. We saw how quantities were linked to the context, and how to properly think about the context when analyzing type systems (bottom-to-top instead of top-to-bottom). We then moved on to studying QTT proper, and we saw how the quantities in our context change as the expressions we write grow more complex. Finally, we looked at the erased fragment, and how we can define erased functions.

In Idris 2's current state, most of this information is still entirely unnecessary for learning the language. That may not always be the case, though: there have been some discussions to change the quantity semiring that Idris 2 uses, or even to allow the programmer to choose which set of quantities to use. Whether those discussions lead to anything or not, it can still useful to better understand how Quantitative Type Theory functions in order to write better Idris 2 code.

A Note on Mathematical Accuracy

The information in this appendix is partially based on Robert Atkey's 2018 paper Syntax and Semantics of Quantitative Type Theory, which outlines QTT in the standard language of type theory. The QTT presented in Atkey's paper is roughly similar to Idris 2's type system except for these differences:

  1. Atkey's theory does not have subusaging, and so the quantity semiring in Atkey's paper is not ordered.
  2. In Atkey's theory, types can only be constructed in the erased fragment, which means it is impossible to construct a type at runtime. Idris 2 allows constructing types at runtime, but still uses the erased fragment when inside of type signatures.

To resolve these differences, I directly observed how Idris 2's type system behaved in practice in order to determine where to deviate from Atkey's paper.

While I tried to be as mathematically accurate as possible in this section, some accuracy had to be sacrificed for the sake of simplicity. In particular, the description of pattern matching given here is substantially oversimplified. A proper formal treatment of pattern matching would require introducing an eliminator function for each datatype; this eliminator would serve to determine how that datatype's constructors interacted with quantity checking. The details of how this would work for a few simple types (such as the boolean type Bool) are in Atkey's paper above. I did not include these details because I decided that what I was describing was complicated enough already.