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Traffic Sign Recognition using CNN based on the data from German Traffic Sign dataset


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Project: Build a Traffic Sign Recognition Program

Udacity - Self-Driving Car NanoDegree

Project Graphic


The main objective of this project is to classify traffic signs using a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN). The classification model is trained based on the data from German Traffic Sign Dataset. Given an input image of size 32x32x3, the project would classify the image as belonging to one of the 43 possible classes. The solution is implemented using the Tensorflow deep learning library framework.

Dataset Exploration

The German Traffic Sign Dataset dataset consists of almost 52000 images of 43 different classes of traffic signs. The images are already cropped to 32x32 pixels containing the region of interest and labelled to their actual classification. Furthermore, Udacity has serialized these images and their respective labels into 3 pickle files one each for the training, validation and the final test. The pickle files can be downloaded as a zip file here. [Caution:The filesize is approx. 120MB.]. In addition, Udacity has provided a CSV file which has the mapping of class identifiers to their respective readable texts.

Summary of Dataset

In the first part of the project, the pickle files and the csv file are loaded. The summary of the loaded data is as follows:

  • Number of training data = 34799
  • Number of validation data = 4410
  • Number of testing data = 12630
  • Image data shape = (32, 32, 3)
  • Number of classes = 43

Exploratory Visualization

To ensure that the images are loaded properly, 42 randomly selected images from the training dataset are plotted. The title of each image is formatted with their class identifier followed by the mean and variance value of the respective image. plot_of_training_data

The above graphic shows that the images are not sharp due to the relatively small pixel resolution. Also the lighting conditions are varied leading to poor contrast in the images. Another issue is the high mean and variance of the images.

Design and Test a Model Architecture


Before designing the model, the data needs to preprocessed to make it suitable for deep learning. In the process of training the network, huge matrices of weights will be multiplied and added to biases (another matrix) to cause activations that are then backpropogated with the gradients. A high value for the mean and variance of images will lead to huge computational costs and a possibility of vanishing and exploding gradients. To avoid this problem, the images needs to be normalized wherein the pixels are centered around the mean value of the image data. This process of normalization will be further discussed later. Before that, there is another issue which needs to be handled.

An analysis on the distribution of classes with in the datasets shows a huge under-representation of some classes. class_distribution_of_training_data The above graphic illustrates the imbalance in the class distribution. For example, the class "Speed Limit 50kmph" is represented by more than 2000 images, while the "Speed Limit 20kmph" is represented by less than 200 images. Similar under-representation of classes is also seen in the validation and test datasets. class_distribution_of_validation_data Although the validation and test dataset shows this discrepancy, for their intended purpose , under-representation of classes is not an issue. So no further action is required for validation and test dataset. class_distribution_of_test_data

Before the training, the under-representation of the classes in training dataset needs to be compensated using image augmentation techniques.

Image Augmentation

Image Augmentation is the process of taking images that are already in a training dataset and adjusting them to create many adapted versions of the same image. This project uses keras deep learning library for augmenting images:

  1. First the ImageDataGenerator(...) function from keras.preprocessing.image is called with the list of parameters describing the adaptations that had to be performed on the images.
datagen = ImageDataGenerator( rotation_range=5,
width_shift_range=0.1, height_shift_range=0.1,
zoom_range=0.1, fill_mode='nearest')
  1. For every class of traffic signs (i), extract the "Real" images from the Training set
  X_real = X_train[y_train == i]
  y_real = np.repeat(i, X_real.shape[0])
  1. Pass on this filtered train set to the Flow() function to generate batch_size of new images(x) and label (y)
# Configure batch size and retrieve one batch of images
for x,y in datagen.flow(X_real, y_real, batch_size=len(y_real), seed=i):
    #append the generated images and labels to "Pseudo" array
    _X_pseudo = np.concatenate((_X_pseudo, x), axis = 0)
    _y_pseudo = np.concatenate((_y_pseudo, y), axis = 0)
  1. Repeat the flow() function until the count of images per class reaches the threshold of 2500
  2. The steps 2 to 4 are repeated for every class to ensure that the overall distribution of the images is balanced.

A randomly selected images from the Pseudo Training set is shown below: plot_of_augmented_data

After the augmentation the statistics on the datasets are as follows:

  • Training samples before augmentation : 34799
  • Validation samples before augmentation : 4410
  • Training samples after augmentation : 107500
  • Validation samples after augmentation : 4410

As seen above, the training set has an average of 2500 images per class, the total images in the training set is (2500 * 43) = 107500.

A final verification of the class distribution on training dataset shows that the augmentation has been effective: class_distribution_of_augmented_data

Serializing the augmented images

As an option, if the flag use_augmented_datafile is set to True, the augmented training data can be saved to a compressed pickle file. In this mode, instead of the standard training set, the compressed file with augmented data will be used for loading the training set. This was done only to save time during development time. This part is not part of the project goal.

Image Normalization

As discussed earlier, for a faster convergence of the network, we need to normalize the images. In this project, the images are normalized using the min-max method. The pixel values are scaled to have values between 0 to 1. The pixel with maximum value will be 1, the pixel with min value will be 0.

result[index] = np.array((gray - np.min(gray)) / (np.max(gray) - np.min(gray)))

The above normalization would lead to a smaller standard deviation as shown in the below picture. random_plot_of_norm_images Now, the data is ready for deep learning.

Model Architecture

The model is implemented based on the LeNet-5 neural network architecture.


The LeNet architecture accepts a 32x32xC image as input, where C is the number of color channels. After the pre-processing step, the images still retains the color depth of 3. Hence C is 3 in this case.


Model architecture Layer 1: Convolutional. The starting point is a convolutional layer with 16 filters (filter-depth), each filter sliding (more precisely 'convolving') a patch of 5x5 kernal across the 32x32x3 input image. This layer uses valid padding with a stride of 1. The dimensions of the output of this layer will therefore be 28x28x16, which is the so-called feature map that predicts the class to which each feature belongs. Since the parameters are shared across this spatial arrangement, the number of parameters will be (5x5x3) x 16 filter = 1210 Weights + 16 Biases = 1216 parameters

Activation: Next, the output of the convolutional layer is activated with a RELU activation function, which adds non-linearity to the neural network

Pooling: Next, the output from the activation layer is pooled using the max-pooling method with the most commonly used kernel size of 2x2 and stride size of 2x2 which gives a pooling output of 14x14x16. This pooling layer helps to reduce the number of parameters, memory footprint and amount of computation in the network. In addition, it helps to control overfitting. The pooling layer does not introduces any new parameters since it computes a fixed function of the input.

Layer 2: Convolutional The network then runs through another set of convolutional layer with 64 filters and patch size of 5x5, RELU activation and a max-pooling layer giving an output of 5x5x64. The number of parameters in this layer will be filter size (5x5x16) x 64 filter = 25600 weights + 64 biases = 25664 parameters

Flatten. The output is flattened into a vector. The length of the vector is 5x5x64 = 1600.

Layer 3: Fully Connected. The vector is then passed on to a fully connected (FC) layer with a width of 240, each representing a probability that a certain feature belongs to a label. The fully connected layer goes through its own backpropagation process to determine the most accurate weights. Each neuron receives weights that prioritize the most appropriate label. In simple words, while the Convolution layer extracts the feature maps, the fully connected layers classifies those extracted features. (Wx + b)

Activation. The above FC layer is followed by a RELU activation function g(Wx + b). In the previous FC layer, the function (Wx + b) results in a linear projection from the input to the output. RELU function introduces non-linearity to the network again.

Dropout. A dropout layer with 40% keep probability is added after the RELU activation layer. This means that there is a 60% chance that the output of a given neuron will be forced to 0. This avoid over-fitting of the network. This layer was added after noticing that the validation accuracy was not improving after 3 or 4 epochs. There was progressive improvement in validation accuracy after including the drop-outs.

Layer 4: Fully Connected. The output of the dropout layer is connected to the second fully connected layer with a width of 84 outputs, each representing a probability that a certain feature belongs to a label

Activation. As before, to remove the non-linearity, a RELU activation layer is added.

Dropout. Similar to layer 4, a dropout layer with 40% keep probability is added after the RELU activation layer.

Layer 5: Fully Connected (Logits). This final layer returns the un-normalized predictions (logits) of the model, with a output of 43, each representing the logit values for a particular class.


The model returns the logits from the layer 5. A softmax function should be run on this value to map the result between 0 to 1. This will be discussed later.

Parameter Summary

The table below summarizes the parameters of the model:

Layer Output Shape Param #
Layer1-Convolution(Conv2D) (None, 28, 28, 16) 1,216
RELU Activation (None, 28, 28, 16) 0
Max pooling (None, 14, 14, 16) 0
Layer2-Convolution(Conv2D) (None, 10, 10, 64) 25,664
RELU Activation (None, 10, 10, 64) 0
Max pooling (None, 5, 5, 64) 0
Flatten (None, 1600) 0
Fully Connnected Layer1 (None, 240) 384,240
RELU Activation (None, 240) 0
Dropout (None, 240) 0
Fully Connnected Layer2 (None, 84) 20,244
RELU Activation (None, 84) 0
Dropout (None, 84) 0
Final fully Connnected Layer3 (None, 43) 3,655
Total parameters: 435,019

Model Training

Initialization of Weights

The standard (recommended) method of truncated normal distribution is used for initializing the weights. In this method, the weights will be distributed around 0 . Any values farther than twice the standard deviation (-0.2 and 0.2) will be truncated.

mu = 0
sigma = 0.1
conv1_W = tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal(shape=(5, 5, 3, 16), mean = mu, stddev = sigma))
conv2_W = tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal(shape=(5, 5, 16, 64), mean = mu, stddev = sigma))

Key aspects

Parameter Value Description
Dropout layers keep_prob=0.4 2 Dropout layers after RELU in the FC layers led to a faster convergence and high validation accuracy of 99.4%
Batch Normalization False Project targets were met by adding dropout layers.
Optimizer Adam Default suggested in the project
Batch size 128 Default suggested in the project
Epochs 20 Accuracy was stable within 10 EPOCHS
Learning Rate 0.001 No adaptive learning rate

Solution Approach

  1. First, proper tensors are prepared to feed in the input values to the adapted LeNet model.
x = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, (None, 32, 32, 3))
y = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, (None))
  1. The prepared tensors are then passed onto a Training Pipeline which starts with a call to the adapted LeNet model. The model returns the logits which is an unscaled output of earlier layers. The function tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits() computes the cross entropy of the result after applying the softmax function. In simple terms, tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits normalizes the logits so that the output can be interpreted as probabilities.
logits  = LeNet_adapted(x)
cross_entropy = tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(labels=one_hot_y, logits=logits)                
  1. The next step is to measure the inaccuracy of the prediction and use that value to calculate the model's loss and gradients. The tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate = rate) is used to update the model's variables
loss_operation = tf.reduce_mean(cross_entropy)
optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate = rate)
training_operation = optimizer.minimize(loss_operation)
  1. Once the training pipleine is prepared, a tensorflow session is created. All the required tensors are initialized and training pipeline is run with the call to . Within this session:
  • The training dataset is iterated EPOCH number of times
  • For each EPOCH, iterate through the X_Train in batches of BATCH_SIZE
    • Shuffle the training dataset and prepare of Training data X_train and its corresponding label y_train
    • Send this data to the training pipeline as discussed in Steps 2 and 3
with tf.Session() as sess:
        for i in range(EPOCHS):
            X_train, y_train = shuffle(X_train, y_train)
            for offset in range(0, num_examples, BATCH_SIZE):
                end = offset + BATCH_SIZE
                batch_x, batch_y = X_train[offset:end], y_train[offset:end]
      [training_operation], feed_dict={x: batch_x, y: batch_y, keep_prob:0.6 })
  1. After the batch processing of the training is complete, the accuracy of the training and validation is calculated with the call to evaluate(X_data, y_data). This function is also used for the evaluation of the final results on the test data as well as the images from the internet.

Final Results

The validation accuracy during the training phase is plotted in the below figure: validation_accuracy

In addition, the confusion matrix is also plotted, which summarizes the performance of the model: validation_accuracy In the above matrix, the each diagonal represents that the count of correct predictions for that respective class. The other entries represents an error in prediction. When the total count of error exceeds 10, the number is marked red. These cases needs to be further analysed.

A summary of the accuracy metrics is shown in the below table:

Parameter Accuracy
Training 99.9%
Validation 98.5%
Test 97.2%

Test model on new images

A set of 5 images containing traffic signs from Germany were downloaded from web and uploaded in the test_images folder.

The above web images were chosen since they are captured in challenging situations:

  1. The 'No vehicles' sign and 'Move Ahead or Left' sign have strong reflections on some part of the sign.
  2. The '80 kmph' and 'Move Right' signs are captured at an angle.
  3. The 'No Entry' sign is filled with a non-standard color.
  4. The images are not sharp. There are moderate jitters in all the images.

Acquiring new images

  1. The files are named in the class-id.jpg format. The filename without the extension is considered as the label for the traffic sign.
  2. After loading the images, they are resized (not cropped) to 32x32.
web_files = glob.glob(web_test_images)
X_test_web = [ mpimg.imread('./' + image_file ) for image_file in web_files ]
#scale to it 32x32
X_test_web = [ cv2.resize(image, (32,32)) for image in X_test_web ]
#the labels are derived from the filenames
y_test_web = np.array([ os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(image_file))[0]
                       for image_file in web_files ]).astype('uint8')
  1. The web images are plotted for reference: validation_accuracy

  2. The input image is normalized before evaluation validation_accuracy

Performance on new images

The image is then fed to the model. The model returns the logit for each class. validation_accuracy

  1. The tf.nn.softmax function converts these logits to a probability for each class validation_accuracy

  2. The bar chart are filled with red colour if the prediction does not match with the labels. In my first submission, i had incorrectly discarded the validation set. After augmenting the training dataset, i had split 20% of the train set and considered it as my new validation. Thanks to the feedback from Udacity reviewer, I corrected this part and kept the original validation data provided by the project. Just by keeping the original dataset , i could notice two noticable changes:

  3. My validation accuracy slightly reduced from 99.4% to 98.5%

  4. More importantly, the performance on the web images improved from 80% to 100% In this batch of web images, the model correctly predicted all the images. The performance of this batch is therefore 100%.

Model Certainty - Softmax Probabilities

The probability histogram as shown above is a good measure on the certainty of the model. The above batch of web images were taken in different lighting conditions. The histogram shows "80kmph" sign shows low certainty rate compared to the other images.

When i ran the model on images which are more clear and better lighting conditions, the softmax values were almost 100% for the predicted class. validation_accuracy validation_accuracy validation_accuracy Another bacth of very high confidence prediction: validation_accuracy validation_accuracy validation_accuracy


  • Overall it was a great learning experience. The fine-tuning of the hyperparameters and the analysis of the wrong predictions took a lot of time, but in the end it improved my intuition towards the convergence process and the how tensorflow handles the network calculations.
  • I feel that the high accuracy in the training phase might have led to a over-fitting scenario. Though I have considered some measures (Dropout with 50% keep) in the model, I feel that there should more options to avoid the over-fitting.
  • The fact that the dropout layers gave the best accuracy within 10 Epochs gave me the confidence that the convergence is working well. Once the model reached the validation accuracy of above 98%, I did not have the motivation to experiment on alternate options like Xavier method for weights initialization, batch normalization or adaptive learning rate for training. For more complex learning problems, I would be consider using them.


Traffic Sign Recognition using CNN based on the data from German Traffic Sign dataset







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