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Projects learned during both university studies and part-time job are particularly useful.

Grades during my studies at the University of Macau.

Using HTML, CSS, flex box, grid, media query,Bootstrap, to create a doctor's website and company website.

Design a simple structure for a hospital MySQL database in Mysql workbench. Learning some basic sql query such as group by, having,left join, nest query.

My final year project focuses on detecting dangerous driving behaviors among motorcyclists. I have acquired proficiency in Python and TensorFlow Keras, utilizing them to execute image classification tasks. Additionally, I employed custom training with YOLO to crop images effectively. Moreover, I utilized Gradio to develop an intuitive user interface for the project

Enhanced my proficiency in Excel. I familiarized myself with the utilization of conditional formatting, filtering, pivot tables, flash fill, VLOOKUP.

Teaching Primary or Secondary Students Pygame: Using Object-Oriented Programming to Create a shoot monster game and python language.