diff --git a/home/modules/shell/tmux.nix b/home/modules/shell/tmux.nix index 9b3a231..98710e4 100644 --- a/home/modules/shell/tmux.nix +++ b/home/modules/shell/tmux.nix @@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ in bind-key -T copy-mode-vi r send-keys -X rectangle-toggle # Actually copy to clipboard (on Linux) - copy-mode-vi y send-keys -X copy-pipe-and-cancel 'xclip -in -selection clipboard' + bind-key -T copy-mode-vi y send-keys -X copy-pipe-and-cancel 'xclip -in -selection clipboard' # Attach current directory to session bind a attach -c "#{pane_current_path}" @@ -77,6 +77,8 @@ in set -g window-status-current-style 'bg=default,fg=colour15' set -g window-status-current-format ' #W ' + + set -g pane-border-format "" set -g pane-border-status top set -g pane-border-lines single set -g pane-border-style 'fg=colour0'